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How to Be Alone: Essays: Jonathan Franzen, Brian d Arcy James

ap satire essay Week 7 03/23/2010-03/26/2010. Activity 1: AP Essay#7 Due April 7,2010. 1978. Choose an implausible or strikingly unrealistic incident or character in be alone a work of fiction or drama of recognized literary merit. Write an essay that explains how the incident or character is related to term on social networking, the more realistic of plausible elements in be alone the rest of the work.

Avoid plot summary. Write Paper? 1979. Choose a complex and important character in a novel or a play of essays how to be alone recognized literary merit who might on the basis of the character's actions alone be considered evil or immoral. Human Essay? In a well-organized essay, explain both how and why the full presentation of the character in the work makes us react more sympathetically than we otherwise might. Avoid plot summary. Discuss Money and Class Read and discuss: The Importance of Being Earnest Activity 4 : Review the history of literature. HW So far, in what aspect has the play reveal the theme of Class and Money? Homework for March 25, 2010. How To? Part I. How is the parts of a play a satire? Use examples of the character portrayal and essays be alone, the issues discussed by the characters?

Part II Review the following literary concepts. Satire as a Subject in AP Essay Writing. Caricature A representation, especially pictorial or literary, in which the subject's distinctive features or peculiarities are deliberately exaggerated to colning human, produce a comic or grotesque effect. Sometimes caricature can be so exaggerated that it becomes a grotesque imitation or misrepresentation. Synonymous words include burlesque, parody, travesty, lampoon . Hyperbole A figure of speech using deliberate exaggeration or overstatement. Hyperboles sometimes have a comic effect; however, a serious effect is also possible. Hyperbole often produces irony at the same time.

Understatement The ironic minimizing of fact, understatement presents something as less significant than it is. The effect can frequently be humorous and emphatic. Understatement is the opposite of hyperbole. Irony The contrast between what is stated explicitly and what is really meant; the difference between what appears to be and what actually is true. Irony is how to, used for many reasons, but frequently, it's used to create poignancy or humor. Wit In modern usage, wit is intellectually amusing language that surprises and pay to, delights. A witty statement is humorous, while suggesting the speaker's verbal power in creating ingenious and be alone, perceptive remarks. Wit usually uses terse language that makes a pointed statement. Sarcasm From the Greek meaning, to tear flesh, sarcasm involves bitter, caustic language that is pay to paper, meant to hurt of ridicule someone or something. It may use irony as a device, but not all ironic statements are sarcastic. When well done, sarcasm can be witty and insightful; when poorly done, it's simply cruel.

Allusion A direct or indirect reference to something that is presumably commonly know, such as an event, book, myth, place, or work of art. Be Alone? Allusions can be historical, literary, religious, or mythical. A work may simultaneously use multiple layers of colning allusion. Juxtaposition Placing dissimilar items, descriptions, or ideas close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. Frequently, satire is characterized as one of two types: Horatian satire is essays be alone, gentle, urbane, smiling; it aims to correct with broadly sympathetic laughter. Based on the Roman lyrical poet Horace, its purpose may be to hold up a mirror so readers can see themselves and paper, their world honestly.

The vices and how to, follies satirized are not destructive; however, they reflect the foolishness of people, the write superficiality and meaninglessness of be alone their lives, and the barrenness of their values. Past Papers? Juvenalian satire is biting, bitter, and angry; it points out the corruption of human beings and institutions with contempt, using saeva indignation , a savage outrage based on the style of the Roman poet Juvenal. Sometimes perceived as enraged, Juvenalian satire sees the vices and follies in essays how to be alone the world as intolerable. Juvenalian satirists use large doses of sarcasm and irony. If you do receive a piece of satire to discuss in your essay topics, be aware of the rhetorical devices of the satirist and colning human essay, use them to your advantage. Part III Themes: Which of the following theme has emerged in the section we have read? How does the section illustrate the theme? March 26, 2010 Friday. Homework: Answer the following study questions: 1 . How To? In The Importance of Being Earnest , characters often use words such as bad and wicked and make pronouncements about what is and isn’t acceptable behavior. Do true virtue or wickedness appear in the play? One of the most interesting aspects of this play is the essay total absence of essays how to be alone either virtue or evil.

In earlier Wilde plays, like Lady Windermere’s Fan and An Ideal Husband, he includes acts of kindnessusually on the part of the dandy, who steps in past papers and saves the hero and heroine from some looming crisis. However, no one in The Importance of Being Earnest shows any real sympathy or concern for anyone else, and vice and wickedness are remarkably tame. Algernon’s voracious eating, which at essays how to be alone its worst is a spectacle of low-grade rudeness, is as close as anyone comes to actually misbehaving, except for the scene in which Gwendolen and Cecily try their hardest to edgar a dream essay, insult one another, again over food. Even the substance of “wicked” brother Ernest’s fictional transgressions is left undefined, while the whole question of exactly what it is that Jack and Algernon go off and do when they escape from their respective social obligations is left to the imagination. The absence from the play of action with any real moral content means, on the one hand, that there is never really very much at stake one way or the other in the world of the play. At the same time, the play’s ambiguity about what actually constitutes vice forces the audience or reader to conceptualize the transgression.

2 . Gwendolen’s father, Lord Bracknell, never appears in the play, yet Lady Bracknell mentions him often. What picture of his life and marriage do we get from the things she and Gwendolen say about him? Lady Bracknell’s offstage marriage is one of the play’s running gags, and Lord Bracknell is the butt of a good many of its jokes about marriage. He seems to be the victim of a kind of abstract domestic abuseignored, unconsidered, hidden away, and relegated to the status of an essays how to, idiot or invalid child. When Lady Bracknell tells Algernon that his absence from the dinner party will require her husband to dine “upstairs,” she means “not with the servants.” The implication is that she usually makes him eat in paper on social the kitchen, away from the family or from how to be alone, company. Lord Bracknell seems to past papers, lead the life of a recluse and to have taken refuge from his domineering wife and daughter in a chronic invalidism. Lacy Bracknell makes vague, off-hand references to his failing health, and Gwendolen tells Cecily that “Outside the family circle, papa . . . is entirely unknown,” adding, “I think that is quite as it should be.” The image of the offstage Lord Bracknell, faint though it is, seems in keeping with the play’s depiction of essays how to be alone gender roles, which posit a reversal of the Victorian expectations of the two sexes: women are competent and aggressive and men are weak, ineffectual creatures, to be warehoused or treated like children. Thirty years after Algernon and Jack’s father’s death, no one can even remember his name. 3 . Term Paper? A play differs from essays how to, a novel or film in intermediate papers that it requires a performance by live actors pretending to essays be alone, be characters they are not before a live audience that allows itself to be fooled. What is gained by allan poe a essay, the fact that The Importance of Being Earnest was written as a play?

4. Essays How To Be Alone? What is the overall effect of the play’s references to edgar allan, death? How is death, as a theme, dealt with in be alone the play? 5. Edgar Allan Poe A A Dream Essay? Is Cecily a more realistic character than Gwendolen? Why or why not? 6. Essays How To? Which unionJack’s with Gwendolen or Algernon’s with Cecilyseems more likely to succeed? 7. Why or how is past papers, The Importance of Being Earnest funny? Analyze some aspects of Wildean wit. Is there a difference between being “witty” and being “funny”?

8. Discuss the character of Miss Prism. What kind of person is she and what seems to be her function in the play? 9. Wilde originally subtitled The Importance of essays how to be alone Being Earnest “A Serious Comedy for Trivial People” but changed that to essay, “A Trivial Comedy for Serious People.” What is the difference between the how to two subtitles?

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How to Be Alone: Essays - Jonathan Franzen - Google Books

Resume/Rangkuman Mata Kuliah Hukum Tata Negara. 1. How To! PENGERTIAN HUKUM TATA NEGARA. BEBERAPA orang sarjana mengemukakan pendapatnya yang satu dengan lainnya tidak sama tentang pengertian hukum, tata negara. Colning Essay! Para sarjana itu, antara lain: a. Be Alone! Van der Pot yang berpendapat, bahwa hukum tata negara adalah peraturan-peraturan yang menentukan badan-badan yang. Allan Dream Essay! diperlukan, wewenang masing masing badan, hubungan antara badan yang satu dengan Iainnya, serta hubungan antara badan-badan itu dengan individu-individu di dalam suatu negara. b.Van Vollenhoven berpendapat, bahwa hukum. Be Alone! tata negara adalah hukum yang mengatur semua masyarakat hukum atasan dan masyarakat hukum bawahan menu- rut tingkatannya, dan masing-masing masyarakat hukum itu menentukan. Write A Research Paper! wilayah lingkungan rakyatnya dan menentukan badan-badan serta fungsinya masing-masing yang berkuasa dalam masyarakat hukum itu, serta menentukan susunan dan wewenang dan badanbadan tersebut. c. Be Alone! L.J.

Van Apeldoorn berpendapat, bahwa hukum tata negara adalah hukum negara dalam arti sempit. d. Paper On Social Networking! Kusumadi Pudjosewojo yang berpendapat, bahwa htikum tata negara adalah hukum yang mengatur bentuk negara, bentuk pemerintahan, menunjukkan masyarakat hukum atasan dan masyarakat hukum bawahan menurut tingkatannya, selanjutnya menegaskan wilayah lingkungan rakyatnya masing-masing masyarakat hukum, menunjukkan alat-alat perlengkapan negara yang berkuasa dalam masing-masing masyarakat hukum itu dan susunan, wewenang serta imbangan dan alat perlengkapan tersebut. e. How To! Logemann berpendapat, bahwa hukum tata negara adaIah hukum yang mengatur organisasi negara. 2. Term On Social Networking! SEJARAH KETATANEGARAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA. 2.1 Lahirnya Negara Republik Indonesia. Negara Republik Indonesia lahir pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, melalui pernyataan prokiamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia oleh Dung Karno dan Bung Hatta atas nama bangsa Indonesia. Dengan demikian, sejak saat itu (17-8-1945) telah lahir negara baru, yaitu negara Republik Indonesia dan bersamaan dengan itu berdiri pula tata hukum dan tata negara Indonesia sendiri. 2.2. Essays How To Be Alone! Lahirnya Pemerintahan Indonesia. Pada tanggal 29 April 1945 pemerintah bala tentara Jepang di Jakarta membentuk suatu badan yang diberi nama Dokuritzu Zyunbi Tyoosakai atau Badan Penyelidik Usah usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI)

Ir. Essay! So karno, Drs. Essays How To Be Alone! Muhammad Hatta, Mr. Of A Proposal! A.A. How To! Maramis, A Kusno Tjokrosujoso, Abdulkahar Muzakir, Haji Agus Sali Mr. Edgar Dream Within A Dream! Achmad Subardjo, KHA. Essays How To! Wahid Hasjim, dan Mr. Paper! Muhammad Yamin.anggal 22 Juni 1945 BPUPKI berha meryusun naskah rancangan Pembukaan UUD 1945 da tanggai 16 Juli 1945 selesai menyusun naskah rancangan UUD 1945 Setelah itu BPUPKI dibubarkan.

Tanggal 9 Agustus 1945 dibentuk badan baru dengan nama Dokurit Zyunbi Iinkai atau Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indon sia (PPKI) PPKI menyaksikan pula pembacaan naskah proklamasi oleh Bung Karno pada tanggal. Essays How To Be Alone! 17 Agustus 1945. Paper! Kemudian pada tanggal 18 Agustus 1945 PPKI bersidang dan hasilnya menetapkan : a. Essays! Pembukaan UTD 1945. b. Intermediate Past! Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagai UUD negara Republik Indonesia. c. Be Alone! Ir. Dream Essay! Soekarno dan Drs. How To! Mohammad Hatta masing-masing sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia. d. Edgar Allan A Dream Essay! Pekerjaan presiden untuk sementara dibantu oleh sebuah Komite Nasional. Pada tanggal 19 Agustus 1945 PPKI bersidang lagi dan hasilnya menetapkan: a. Memtuk 12 Departemen Pemenintahan.

b. Membagi wilayah Republik Indonesia menjadi 8 propinsi dan tiap propinsi dibagi menjadi karesidenan-karesidenan. Dengan selesainya sidang PPKI tanggal 18 dan 19 Agustus 1945 dengan hasil seperti tersebut di atas, secara formal negara Republik Indonesia telah memenuhi semua unsur yang diperlukan untuk terbentuknya suatu organisasi negara yaitu adanya rakyat, wilayah, kedaulatan, dan pemerintahan, serta mempunyai tujuan negara. Pengertian tentang sistem pemerintahan adalah sama dengan pengertian tentang bentuk pemerintahan. How To Be Alone! Pengertian tentang bentuk pemerintahan adalah suatu sistem yang berlaku, yang menentukan bagaimana hubungan antar alat perlengkapan negara yang diatur oleh konstitusinya. Ada tiga macam sistem pemerintahan: 1. Intermediate! Sistem pemerintahan parlementer adalah suatu sistem pemerintahan di mana hubungan antara pemegang kekuasaan eksekutif dan parlemen sangat erat. 2. Essays! Sistem pemerintahan presidensil ialah sistem pemerintahan yang memisahkan secara tegas badan legislatif, ba dan eksekutif, dan badan yudikatif. 3. Term Paper On Social! Sistem pemerintahan dengan pengawasan langsung oleh rakyat terhadap badan legislatif.

Maksudnya, dalam sistem pemerintahan seperti ini parlemen tunduk kepada kontrol langsung dan rakyat. Kontrol tersebut dilaksanakan dengan cara : a. Essays Be Alone! Referendum, Ada tiga macam referendum, yaitu: b. Edgar Dream A Dream Essay! Usul inisiatif rakyat, yaitu hak rakyat untuk mengajukan suatu rancangan undang-undang kepada parlemen dan pemerintah. Sistem pemerintahan menurut UUD yang pernah berlaku di Republik Indonesia: a. Essays Be Alone! Menurut Konstitusi RIS. b. Poe A Dream Essay! Menurut UUDS 1950. c. Essays! Menurul UUD 1945. Yang dimaksud dengan lembaga-lembaga tertinggi dan tinggi Negara Republik Indonesia adalah lembaga-lembaga tertinggi dan tinggi Negara menurut UUD 1945. Paper On Social! Lembaga lebaga tertinggi dan tinggi negara yang disebut dalam UUD 1945 adalah : a. Essays How To! Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat (MPR). c. Intermediate Past! Dewan Pertimbangan Agung (DPA). d. Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR).

e. Essays! Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK). f. Of A Research! Mahkamah Agung (MA). Dari enam lembaga yang disebut dalam UUD 1945, MPR merupakan yang tertinggi, sedangkan lima yang lain adalah lembaga tinggi. Berkaitan dengan kewenangan BPK tersebut, maka BPK mempunyai fungsi sebagai berikut : 1. Essays! Fungsi operatif, yaitu fungsi untuk melakukan pemeriksaan, pengawasan dan penelitian atas penguasaan dan pengurusan keuangan Negara. 2. Term! Fungsi yudikatif, yaitu fungsi untuk melakukan penuntutan perbendaharaan dan tuntutan ganti rugi terhadap bendaharawan atau melalaikan kewajibannya, sehingga mengakibatkan kerugian Negara. 3. How To! Fungsi memberi rekomendasi, yaitu memberi pertimbangan kepada pemerintah tentang pengurusan keuangan Negara. HUKUM ADMINISTRASI NEGARA. 1. Colning Essay! PENGERTIAN HUKUM ADMINISTRASI NEGARA. Di kalangan para sarjana tidak ada kata sepakat tentang pengertian Hukum Administrasi Ncgara.

Beberapa pendapat para sarjana adalah sebagai berikut: a. How To! Hukum administrasi negara adaLah peraturan hukum yang mengatur administrasi, yaitu hubungan antara warga negara dan pemenntahnya yang menjadi sebab hingga negara itu berfungsi. Colning Essay! (R. How To! Abdoel Djamali.) b. Term Paper On Social! Hukum administrasi negara adalah keseluruhan aturan hukum yang mengatur bagaimana negara sebagai penguasa menjalankan usaha-usaha untuk memenuhi tugasnya. Essays How To Be Alone! (Kusumadi Poedjosewojo.) c. Essay! Hukum administrasi negara adalah hukum yang menguji hubungan hukum istimewa yang diadakan, akan kemungkinan para pejabat melakukan tugas mereka yang khusus (E. Essays! Utrechi) d. Media And Culture! Hukum administrasi negara adalah keseluruhan aturan yang harus diperhatikan. Essays How To! oleh para penguasa yang diserahi tugas pemenintahan dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Pay To A Research Paper! (Van Apeldoorn) e. Hukum administrasi negara adalah hukum yang mengatur tentang hubungan-hubungan hukum antara jabatan-jabatan dalam negara dengan para warga masyarakit. How To! (Djokosutono) 2. SUMBER-SUMBER HUKUM ADMINISTRASI NEGARA. Sumber hukum pada umumnya, dapat dibedakan menjadi dua: a. Colning Essay! Sumber hukum material, yaitu sumber hukum yang turut menentukan isi kaidah hukum. b. Essays! Sumber hukum formal, yaiLi sumber hkum yang sudah diberi bentuk tertentu. Sumber hukum formal hukum administrasi negara menurut Utrecht adalah : a. Past Papers! Undang-undang (hukum administrasi negara tertulis). b. How To Be Alone! Praktek administrasi negara (hukum administrasi negara yang merupakan kebiasaan). d. Pay To Write! Pendapat para ahli hukum administrasi negara.

3. Essays! OBJEK HUKUM ADMINISTRASI NEGARA. Pengertian objek adalah pokok permasalahan yang akan dibicarakan. Dengan pengertian tersebut, yang dimaksud objek hukum administrasi negara adalah pokok permasalahan yang akan dibicarakan dalam hukum administrasi negara. Berangkat dan pendapat Prof. Djokosutono, S.H., bahwa hukum administrasi negara adalah hukum yang mengatur hubungan hukum antara jabatan-jabatan dalam negara dan para warga masyarakat. Hubungan tersebut sebagai konsekuensi pelaksanaan tugas alat-alat perlengkapan negara dalam menjalankan fungsinya, yaitu melayani warga masyarakat baik secara individual maupun secara berkelompok.

Tanpa hukum administrasi negara alat-alat perlengkapan negara yang ada belum dapat melaksanakan tugasnya karena belum ada pedoman yang menjadi panutannya. On Social! Sebaliknya, tidak adanya hukum tata negara akan mengakibatkan kekacauan di dalam penyelenggaraan organisasi negara, bahkan akhirnya akan dapat menimbulkan anarki, sebab hukum tata negara diperlukan untuk memberikan batas-batas tanggung jawab dan wewenang dan perangkat administrasi negara. Pengertian pemerintahan dibedabn menjadi dua : 1. How To Be Alone! Pemerintahan dalam arti luas, yaitu pemerintahan yang terdiri dan tiga kekuasaan yang masing-masing terpisah satu sama lain. A Research! Ketiga kekuasaan itu ialah : a. Essays How To! Kekuasaan legislatif. b. Dream Within A Dream! Kekuasaan eksekutif. c. Kekuasaan yudikatif. 2. Essays How To Be Alone! Pemerintahan dalam arti sempit ialah badan pelaksaan kegiatan eksekutif saja tidak termasuk badan ke kepolisian, pengadilan dan badan perundang-undangan. Bentuk perbuatan pemerintahan atau bentuk tindakan administrasi negara secara garis besar dibedakan -menjadi dua macam, yaitu : 1. Term Paper On Social Networking! Perbuatan hukum/tindakan hukum.

2. How To! Bukan perbuatan hukum. Perbuatan pemerintahan yang termasuk hukum dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu : 1. Write A Research Paper! Perbuatan menurut hukum privat. 2. Essays! Perbuatan menurut hukum publik. Perbuatan pemerintahan yang menurut hukum privat, misalnya perbuatan administrasi negara dengan subjek hukum lain dalam hal sewa-menyewa gedung, jual beli tanah (Pasal 1548 dan 1457 KUH Perdata). Term On Social Networking! Perbuatan pemerintahan menurut hukum publik, misalnya perbuatan administrasi negara dalam hal penggusuran rumah/tanah, membangun waduk, membuat surat keputusan atau ketetapan. Perbuatan pemerintahan menurut hukum publik dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu: 1. Essays How To Be Alone! Perbuatan menurut hukum publik bersegi satu. 2. Parts Of A Research Proposal Paper! Perbuatan menurut hukum publik bersegi dua.

Dengan tiga pendapat tersebut di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa adanya suatu peradilan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat seperti berikut: 1. Be Alone! Adanya aturan hukum abstrak yang mengikat umum dan dapat diterapkan pada suatu masalah. 2. Allan Poe A A Dream Essay! Adanya perselisihan hukum kongkret. 3. Essays How To! Adanya minimal dua pihak yang berselisib. 4. Allan Poe A A Dream! Adanya aparatur peradilan yang berwenang memutuskan. Pengertian Peradilan Administrasi Negara. Peradilan administrasi negara adalah peradilan khusus. How To! Oleh karenanya, di samping syarat-syarat yang ada pada peradilan umum harus dipenuhi, masih diperlukan juga Syarat khusus tertentu.

Peradilan administrasi negara berfungsi untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan yang terjadi pada Proses pelaksanaan administrasi negara. Jadi pengertian peradilan administrasi negara adalah badan yang mengatur cara-cara penyelesaian persengkatan intern administrasi Negara dan persengketaan ekstern administrasi Negara. Syarat-syarat hukum yang diperlukan untuk adanya peradilan administrasi negara adalah: a. Essay! Aturan hukum yang diterapkan yaitu kaidah-kaidah hukum yang terletak pada hukum tata negara dan huku administrasi negara. How To Be Alone! Sifat kaidah hukum yang ditetapkan adalah ketatanearaan dan ketatapemerintahan. b. Intermediate! Salah satu pihak yang bersengketa atau berselisih adalah aparat administrasi negara. Essays How To Be Alone! Dapat pula kedua pihak yang bersengketa adalah sesama aparat administrasi negara. HUKUM pidana adalah hukum yang mengatur tentang pelanggaran dan kejahatan terhadap kepentingan umum.

Pelanggaran dan kejahatan tersebut diancam dengan hukuman yang merupakan penderitaan atau siksaan bagi yang bersangkutan. Pelanggaran adalah perbuatan pidana yang ringan, ancaman hukumannya berupa denda atau kurungan. Pay To Write A Research Paper! Semua perbuatan pidana yang tergolong pelanggaran diatur dalam Buku III KUHP. Kejahatan adalah perbuatan pidana yang berat. Essays! Ancaman hukumannya dapat berupa hukuman denda, hukuman penjara dan hukuman mati, dan kadangkala masih ditambah dengan hukuman penyitaan barang-barang tertentu, pencabutan hak tertentu serta pengumuman keputusan hakim. Semua jenis kejahatan diatur dalam Buku II KUHP. Namun demikian, masih ada jenis kejahatan yang diatur di luar KUHP, dikenal dengan “tindak pidana khusus”, misal nya tindak pidana korupsi, subversi, narkotika, tindak pidana ekonomi.

Tujuan hukum pidana ada dua macam: a. Poe A Dream Within A Dream Essay! Untuk menakut-nakuti setiap orang agar mereka tidak melakukan perbuatan pidana (fungsi preventif). b. Untuk mendidik orang yang telah melakukan perbuatan yang tergolong perbuatan pidana agar mereka menjadi orang yang baik dan dapat diterima kembali dalam masyarakat (fungsi represif). Hukum pidana dapat dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu: 1. Essays! Hukum pidana objektif (lus Poenale) ialah seluruh peraturan yang memuat tentang keharusan atau larangan dengan disertai ancaman hukuman bagi yang melanggarnya. Parts Research Proposal Paper! Hukum pidana objektif dibedakan lagi menjadi : a. Be Alone! Hukum pidana material ialah semua peraturan yang memuat rumusan tentang: § Perbuatan-perbuatan apa yang dapat dihukum. § Siapa yang dapat dihukum.

§ Hukuman apa yang dapat diterapkan. Hukum pidana material merumuskan tentang pelanggaran dan kejahatan serta syarat-syarat apa yang diperlukan agar seseorang dapat dihukum. Research Proposal! Hukum pidana material dibagi menjadi : § Hukum pidana umum adalah hukum pidana yang berlaku bagi semua orang (umum). § Hukum pidana Khusus adalah hukum pidana yang berlaku bagi orang-orang tertentu, seper anggota ABRI atau untuk perkara-perkara tertentu. b. Essays How To Be Alone! Hukum pidana formal adalah peraturan-peraturan hukum yang menentukan bagaimana cara memelihara dan mempertahankan hukum pidana material. 2. Edgar Allan Poe A Within A Dream Essay! Hukum pidana subjektif (lus Puniendi) adalah hak ne gara untuk menghukum seseorang berdasarkan hukuni objektif. Hak-hak negara yang tercantum dalam hukuni pidana subjektif, misalnya : a. Be Alone! Hak negara untuk memberikan ancaman hukuman. b. Paper! Hak jaksa untuk menuntut pelaku tindak pidana.

c. Be Alone! Hak hakim untuk memutuskan suatu perkara. Peristiwa pidana adalah suatu kejadian yang mengandung, unsur-unsur perbuatan yang dilarang oleh undang-undang sehingga siapa yang menimbulkan peristiwa itu dapat di kenai sanksi pidana (hukuman). Unsur-unsur peristiwa pidana dapat ditinjau dan dua segi, yaitu segi subjektif dan segi objektif. Write A Research! Dan segi objektif berkaitan dengan tindakan, peristiwa pidana adalah perbuatan yang melawan hukum yang sedang berlaku, akibat perbuatan itu dilarang dan diancam dengan hukuman. How To! Dan segi subjektif, peristiwa pidana adalah perbuatan yang dilakukan seseorang secara salah, unsur-unsur kesalahan si pelaku itulah yang mengakibatkan terjadinya penistiwa pidana. Suatu peristiwa agar dapat dikatakan sebagai suatu peristiwa pidana harus memenuhi syarat-syarat seperti berikut : a. Harus ada suatu perbuatan. b. Colning! Perbuatan harus sesuai sebagaimana yang dirumuskan dalam undang-undang. c. Essays! Harus ada kesalahan yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan.

d. Pay To Write! Harus ada ancaman hukumannya. 5. Essays How To Be Alone! MACAM-MACAM PERBUATAN PIDANA (DELIK) Perbuatan pidana adalah perbuatan seseorang atau sekelompok orang yang menimbulkan peristiwa pidana atau perbuatan yang melanggar hukum pidana dan diancam dengan hukuman. Media And Culture Essay! Perbuatan pidana dibedakan menjadi beberapa macam, yaitu: 1. Essays How To Be Alone! Perbuatan pidana (delik) formal ialah suatu perbuatan’ pidana yang sudah dilakukan dan perbuatan itu benar-benar melanggar ketentuan yang dirumuskan dalam pasal undang-undang yang bersangkutan. Pay To Paper! Contoh: pen curian adalah perbuatan yang sesuai dengan rumusan, Pasal 362 KUHP, yaitu mengambil barang milik orang lain dengan maksud hendak memiliki barang itu dengan melawan hukum. 2. Essays How To! Delik material adalah suatu perbuatan pidana yang dilarang, yaitu akibat yang timbul dan perbuatan itu. Human! Contoh: pembunuhan.

3. Essays How To Be Alone! Delik dolus adalah suatu perbuatan pidana yang dilakukan dengan sengaja. Intermediate! Contoh: pembunuhan berencana (Pasal 338 KLJHP). 4. Delik culpa adalah perbuatan pidana yang tidak sengaja, karena kealpaannya mengakibatkan matinya seseorang. How To Be Alone! Contoh: Pasal 359 KUHP. 5. Dream! Delik aduan adalah suatu perbuatan pidana yang memerlukan pengaduan orang lain. Essays How To Be Alone! Jadi sebelum ada pengaduan belum merupakan delik. Intermediate Papers! Contoh: perzinaan/ penghinaan. 6. How To! Delik politik adalah delik atau perbuatan pidana yan ditujukan kepada keamanan negara baik secara langsung maupun tidak Iangsung. Contoh: pemberontakan akan menggulingkan pemerintahan yang sah.

6. Essay! KITAB UNDANG-UNDANG HUKUM PIDANA (KUHP) KUHP yang berlaku di Indonesia saat ini terbentuk sejal tahun 1915 (dalam bentuk kodifikasi) melalui S.1915 No 732. How To Be Alone! KUHP mi mulai berlaku sejak 1 Januari 1918 ketika Indonesia masih dalam penjajahan Belanda. Essay! Setelah Indonesia merdeka KUHP dinyatakan berlaku melalui UU No. How To! 1 Tahun 1946. Parts Proposal! Kemudian KUHP dinyat kan berlaku umum (unifikasi hukum pidana) melalui UU No. Essays Be Alone! 1 Tahun 1958 (29 September 1958)

KUHP terdiri dan tiga buku : Buku I : Mengatur tentang ketentuan umum terdiri dari 9 bab, tiap bab terdiri dan berbagai pasal yang jumlahnya 103 pasal (Pasal 1—103). Buku II : Mengatur tentang kejahatan terdiri dari 31 bab dan 385 pasal (Pasal 104-448). Buku III : Mengatur tentang pelanggaran terdiri dari 10 bab yang memuat 81 pasal (Pasal 449—569). Kekuasaan berlakunya KUHP dapat ditinjau dan dua segi, yaitu segi negatif dan segi positif. Parts Paper! Segi negatif dikaitkan berlakunya KUHP dengan waktu terjadinya perbuatan pidana. Kekuasaan berlakunya KUHP ditinjau dan segi positif artinya bahwa kekuatan berlakunya KLJHP tersebut dikaitkan dengan tempat terjadinya perbuatan pidana.

Kekuasaan berlakunya KUHP yang dikaitkan dengan tempat diatur dalam Pasal 2 ayat (9) KUHP. 1. Essays How To! Asas legalitas berdasarkan adagium nullum delictum nulla poena sine praevia lege poen ale. 2. Pay To Write A Research! Asas teritorialitas ialah suatu asas yang memberlakukan KUHP bagi semua orang yang melakukan perbuatan pidana di dalam lingkungan wilayah Indonesia. 3. How To! Asas nasional aktif ialah asas yang memberlakukan KUHP terhadap orang-orang Indonesia yang melakukan perbuatan pidana di luar wilayah Republik Indonesia. 4. Past Papers! Asas nasional pasif ialah suatu asas yang memberlakukan KUHP terhadap siapa pun juga baik WNI maupun WNA yang melakukan perbuatan pidana di luar wilayah Indonesia. 5. How To Be Alone! Asas universalitas ialah suatu asas yang memberlakukan KUHP terhadap perbuatan pidana yang terjadi di luar wilayah Indonesia yang bertujuan untuk merugikan kepentingan internasional.

Jenis-jenis hukuman dapat dilihat dan ketentuan Pasal 10 KUHP. Colning! Pasal 10 KUHP menentukan adanya hukuman pokok dan hukuman tambahan. Hukuman pokok adalah: b. Be Alone! Hukuman penjara. c. Papers! Hukuman kurungan. d. Essays How To! Hukuman denda. Hukuman tambahan adalah : a. And Culture! Pencabutan hak-hak tertentu.

b. Essays How To Be Alone! Perampasan/penyitaan barang-barang tertentu. d. Pay To Paper! Pengumuman putusan hakim. 1. Be Alone! PENGERTIAN HUKUM PERDATA. HUKUM perdata ialah aturan-aturan hokum yang mengatur tingkah laku setiap orang terhadap orang lain yang berkaitan dengan hak dan kewajiban yang timbul dalam pergaulan masyarakat maupun pergaulan keluarga. Media And Culture! Hukum perdata dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitu hukum perdata material dan hukum perdata formal. Hukum perdata material mengatur kepentingan-kepentingan perdata setiap subjek hukum. Essays How To Be Alone! Hukum perdata formal mengatur bagaimana cara seseorang mempertahankan haknya apabila dilanggar oleh orang lain.

Hukum perdata formal mempertahankan hukum. Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (KUH Perdata) yang dikenal dengan istilah Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW) adalah kodifikasi hukum perdata yang disusun di negeri Belanda. Intermediate Past Papers! Penyusunan tersebut sangat dipengaruhi oleh Hukum Perdata Francis (Code Napoleon). How To Be Alone! Code Napoleon sendiri disusun berdasarkan hukum Romawi (Corpus Juris Civilis) yang pada waktu itu dianggap sebagai hukum yang paling sempurna. KUH Perdata (BW) berhasil disusun oleh sebuah panitia Yang dijetuai oleh Mr. Allan Within! J.M.

Kemper dan sebagian besar bersumber dan Code Napoleon dan bagian yang lain serta dan hukum Belanda kuno. Kodifikasi KUH Perdata selesai pada 5 Juli 1830, namun diberlakukan di negen Belanda pada 1 Oktober 1838. Be Alone! Berdasarkan asas konkordansi, maka KUH Perdata Belanda menjadi contoh KUH Perdata Eropa di Indonesia. Kodifikasi yang dihasilkan diharapkan memiliki persesuaian antara hukum dan keadaan di Indonesia dengan hukum dan keadaan di negeri Belanda. Kodifikasi KUH Perdata (8W) Indonesia diumumkan 1 pada 30 April 1847 melalui Staatsblad No. Of A Proposal Paper! 23, dan mulai berlaku pada 1 Januari 1848. 3. Essays Be Alone! SISTEMATIKA HUKUM PERDATA DALAM KUH PERDATA (BW) Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Perdata (BW) Indonesia terdiri dari empat buku sebagai berikut: 1. And Culture Essay! Buku I, yang berjudul “perihal orang” (van persoonen), memuat hukum perorangan dan hukum kekeluargaan. 2. Essays Be Alone! Buku II, yang berjudul “perihal benda” (van zaken), memuat hukum benda dan hukum waris. 3. Term On Social! Buku III, yang berjudul “perihal perikatan” (van verbintennisen), memuat hukum harta kekayaan yang berhubungan dengan hak dan kewajiban yang berlaku bagi orang-orang atau pihak-pihak tertentu.

4. How To Be Alone! Buku IV, yang berjudul “perihal pembuktian dan kedaluwarsa” (van bewijs en verjaring), memuat perihal alat-alat pembuktian dan akibat-akibat lewat waktu terhadap hubungan-hubungan hukum. 4. Edgar Within A Dream! SISTEMATIKA HUKUM PERDATA MENURUT ILMU PENGETAHUAN. Menurut ilmu pengetahuan, hukum perdata sekarang ini lazim dibagi dalam empat bagian, yaltu : 1. Be Alone! Hukum tentang orang atau hukum perorangan (persoonenrecht) yang antara lain mengatur tentang : a. Media! Orang sebagai subjek hukum. b. Orang dalam kecakapannya untuk memiliki hak-hak dan bertindak sendiri untuk melaksanakan hak-haknya itu. 2. Hukum kekeluargaan atau hukum keluarga (familiereclit) yang memuat antara lain: a. Essays! Perkawinan, perceraian beserta hubungan hukum yang. Media Essay! timbul di dalamnya seperti hukum harta kekayaan antara suami dan istri.

b. How To Be Alone! Hubungan hukum antara orangtua dan anak-anaknya atau kekuasaan orangtua (ouderlijke macht). c. Parts Paper! Perwalian (voogdij). d. How To Be Alone! Pengampuan (curatde) 3. Colning! Hukum kekayaan atau hukum harta kekayaan (vermogcnsreclit) yang mengatur tentang hubungan-hubungan hukum yang dapat dinilai dengan uang. Essays Be Alone! Hukum harta kekayaan ini meliputi : a. Edgar Allan Dream Within A Dream! Hak mutlak ialah hak-hak yang berlaku terhadap setiap orang. b. Hak perorangan adalah hak-hak yang berlaku terhadap seorang atau suatu pihak tertentu saja. 4. Essays Be Alone! Hukum waris (erfredit) mengatur tentang benda atau kekayaan seseorang jika ia meninggal dunia (mengatur akibat-akibat hukum dan hubungan keluarga terhadap harta warisan yang ditinggalkan seseorang). Hukum Perorangan (Persoonenrecht) Di dalam hukum perdata istilah “orang” atau “person” menunjuk pada pengertian subjek hukum yang artinya pembawa hak dan kewajiban. Human! Subjek hukum terdiri dari : 1. How To! Manusia (naturlijk persoon).

2. Pay To Write! Badan hukum (rechts persoon). Description : HUKUM TATA NEGARA 1. PENGERTIAN HUKUM TATA NEGARA BEBERAPA orang sarjana mengemukakan pendapatnya yang satu dengan lainnya tidak sa.

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40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays. The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your points. To be truly brilliant, an how to be alone essay needs to utilise the colning human right language. You could make a great point, but if it’s not intelligently articulated, you almost needn’t have bothered. Developing the language skills to build an argument and to write persuasively is crucial if you’re to write outstanding essays every time.

In this article, we’re going to equip you with the words and phrases you need to write a top-notch essay, along with examples of how to essays how to, utilise them. On Social Networking? It’s by no means an be alone exhaustive list, and there will often be other ways of colning human using the how to be alone words and phrases we describe that we won’t have room to include, but there should be more than enough below to help you make an instant improvement to your essay-writing skills whether you’re a native English speaker or taking your first steps into writing essays in English. Let’s start by looking at language for general explanations of parts of a complex points. Be Alone? Usage : “In order to” can be used to introduce an explanation for colning the purpose of an argument. Example : “In order to understand X, we need first to understand Y.” Usage : Use “in other words” when you want to express something in essays a different way (more simply), to make it easier to understand, or to emphasise or expand on allan poe a within a dream a point. Example : “Frogs are amphibians.

In other words, they live on the land and in the water.” Usage : This phrase is another way of saying “in other words”, and can be used in particularly complex points, when you feel that an alternative way of wording a problem may help the how to be alone reader achieve a better understanding of its significance. Example : “Plants rely on photosynthesis. To put it another way, they will die without the media essay sun.” Usage : “That is” and “that is to say” can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. Be Alone? Example : “Whales are mammals. That is to say, they must breathe air.” Usage : Use “to that end” or “to this end” in a similar way to “in order to” or “so”. Example : “Zoologists have long sought to understand how animals communicate with each other. To that end, a new study has been launched that looks at elephant sounds and their possible meanings.” Adding additional information to support a point. Edgar Poe A Dream A Dream? Students often make the mistake of using synonyms of “and” each time they want to add further information in essays how to be alone support of a point they’re making, or to build an argument. Here are some cleverer ways of doing this.

Usage : Employ “moreover” at parts proposal the start of a sentence to add extra information in support of a point you’re making. Example : “Moreover, the results of a recent piece of research provide compelling evidence in support of…” Usage :This is also generally used at the start of essays how to a sentence, to add extra information. Term Paper On Social? Example : “Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest that…” Usage : This is used in essays how to the same way as “moreover” and “furthermore”. Example : “What’s more, this isn’t the of a paper only evidence that supports this hypothesis.” Usage : Use “likewise” when you want to talk about something that agrees with what you’ve just mentioned. Example : “Scholar A believes X. Likewise, Scholar B argues compellingly in be alone favour of this point of view.” Usage : Use “similarly” in media the same way as “likewise”. Example : “Audiences at the time reacted with shock to Beethoven’s new work, because it was very different to what they were used to. Similarly, we have a tendency to essays how to, react with surprise to the unfamiliar.” Usage : Use the phrase “another key point to parts research proposal, remember” or “another key fact to remember” to introduce additional facts without using the essays how to be alone word “also”. Example : “As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. On Social? Another key point to remember is that Blake was writing during the essays Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on the world around him.” Usage : Use “as well as” instead of “also” or “and”. Example : “Scholar A argued that this was due to media, X, as well as Y.” Usage : This wording is essays how to used to add an extra piece of information, often something that’s in term paper networking some way more surprising or unexpected than the first piece of information.

Example : “Not only did Edmund Hillary have the be alone honour of parts of a being the first to reach the summit of essays how to Everest, but he was also appointed Knight Commander of the edgar poe a within a dream Order of the how to British Empire.” Usage : Used when considering two or more arguments at a time. Example : “Coupled with the literary evidence, the statistics paint a compelling view of…” Usage : This can be used to structure an argument, presenting facts clearly one after the other. Example : “There are many points in support of this view. Write Paper? Firstly, X. Secondly, Y. Essays How To? And thirdly, Z. 16. Not to media essay, mention/to say nothing of. Usage : “Not to mention” and “to say nothing of” can be used to how to, add extra information with a bit of emphasis. Example : “The war caused unprecedented suffering to millions of people, not to mention its impact on the country’s economy.” Words and phrases for demonstrating contrast.

When you’re developing an argument, you will often need to present contrasting or opposing opinions or evidence “it could show this, but it could also show this”, or “X says this, but Y disagrees”. This section covers words you can use instead of the “but” in colning these examples, to how to, make your writing sound more intelligent and interesting. Usage : Use “however” to human, introduce a point that disagrees with what you’ve just said. Example : “Scholar A thinks this. However, Scholar B reached a different conclusion.” Usage : Usage of this phrase includes introducing a contrasting interpretation of the same piece of evidence, a different piece of evidence that suggests something else, or an opposing opinion. Example: “The historical evidence appears to suggest a clear-cut situation. On the other hand, the archaeological evidence presents a somewhat less straightforward picture of what happened that day.” Usage : Used in a similar manner to “on the other hand” or “but”. Example : “The historians are unanimous in essays how to telling us X, an agreement that suggests that this version of events must be an accurate account. Having said that, the archaeology tells a different story.” Usage : Use “by contrast” or “in comparison” when you’re comparing and pay to write a research paper contrasting pieces of essays how to be alone evidence. Example : “Scholar A’s opinion, then, is based on a research insufficient evidence.

By contrast, Scholar B’s opinion seems more plausible.” Usage : Use this to cast doubt on an assertion. Example : “Writer A asserts that this was the essays reason for what happened. Then again, it’s possible that he was being paid to say this.” Usage : This is used in the same way as “then again”. Example : “The evidence ostensibly appears to point to this conclusion. That said, much of the evidence is term paper networking unreliable at best.” Usage : Use this when you want to introduce a contrasting idea. How To? Example : “Much of edgar allan dream within a dream scholarship has focused on this evidence. Essays How To? Yet not everyone agrees that this is the most important aspect of the situation.” Adding a proviso or acknowledging reservations. Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge a shortfalling in a piece of evidence, or add a proviso. Media Essay? Here are some ways of essays be alone doing so. Usage : Use “despite this” or “in spite of this” when you want to outline a point that stands regardless of a shortfalling in intermediate the evidence. Example : “The sample size was small, but the results were important despite this.” Usage : Use this when you want your reader to consider a point in essays how to be alone the knowledge of something else.

Example : “We’ve seen that the methods used in the 19th century study did not always live up to pay to a research, the rigorous standards expected in scientific research today, which makes it difficult to be alone, draw definite conclusions. Edgar Poe A Dream? With this in mind, let’s look at a more recent study to see how the results compare.” Usage : This means “on condition that”. You can also say “providing that” or just “providing” to mean the same thing. Example : “We may use this as evidence to support our argument, provided that we bear in mind the limitations of the essays how to methods used to obtain it.” Usage : These phrases are used when something has shed light on something else. Example : “In light of the evidence from the 2013 study, we have a better understanding of…” Usage : This is pay to a research paper similar to “despite this”. Example : “The study had its limitations, but it was nonetheless groundbreaking for its day.”

Usage : This is the same as “nonetheless”. Example : “The study was flawed, but it was important nevertheless.” Usage : This is another way of saying “nonetheless”. Example : “Notwithstanding the limitations of the methodology used, it was an important study in the development of essays be alone how we view the colning workings of the human mind.” Good essays always back up points with examples, but it’s going to get boring if you use the how to expression “for example” every time. Here are a couple of other ways of saying the same thing. Example : “Some birds migrate to edgar dream, avoid harsher winter climates.

Swallows, for instance, leave the UK in early winter and fly south…” Example : “To give an illustration of essays how to be alone what I mean, let’s look at the case of…” When you want to networking, demonstrate that a point is particularly important, there are several ways of highlighting it as such. Usage : Used to introduce a point that is loaded with meaning that might not be immediately apparent. Example : “Significantly, Tacitus omits to tell us the be alone kind of paper networking gossip prevalent in essays how to be alone Suetonius’ accounts of the same period.” Usage : This can be used to mean “significantly” (as above), and it can also be used interchangeably with “in particular” (the example below demonstrates the first of these ways of intermediate past using it). Example : “Actual figures are notably absent from Scholar A’s analysis.” Usage : Use “importantly” interchangeably with “significantly”. Example : “Importantly, Scholar A was being employed by essays, X when he wrote this work, and papers was presumably therefore under pressure to portray the situation more favourably than he perhaps might otherwise have done.” You’ve almost made it to the end of the how to be alone essay, but your work isn’t over term paper networking yet. You need to end by wrapping up everything you’ve talked about, showing that you’ve considered the arguments on both sides and reached the most likely conclusion.

Here are some words and phrases to how to be alone, help you. Usage : Typically used to media and culture essay, introduce the concluding paragraph or sentence of an essays how to essay, summarising what you’ve discussed in edgar poe a dream a dream a broad overview. Example : “In conclusion, the evidence points almost exclusively to Argument A.” Usage : Used to signify what you believe to be the essays how to be alone most significant point, and the main takeaway from the essay. Example : “Above all, it seems pertinent to intermediate past papers, remember that…” Usage : This is a useful word to use when summarising which argument you find most convincing. Example : “Scholar A’s point that Constanze Mozart was motivated by financial gain seems to me to be the most persuasive argument for her actions following Mozart’s death.” Usage : Use in how to the same way as “persuasive” above. Parts Proposal Paper? Example : “The most compelling argument is presented by Scholar A.” Usage : This means “taking everything into account”. How To? Example : “All things considered, it seems reasonable to assume that…” How many of these words and edgar allan poe a phrases will you get into your next essay? And are any of your favourite essay terms missing from our list?

Let us know in the comments below! 221 Responses to essays how to, #8220;40 Useful Words and Phrases for Top-Notch Essays#8221; January 09, 2015 at 8:47 am, Jimmy Tan said: January 23, 2016 at 1:13 am, AN INDIAN said: It is very useful for colning essay junior as well as to how to be alone, senior.It is paper awesome#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230;#8230; thanks for this. November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: March 10, 2017 at 3:30 pm, Vaibhavi said: May 04, 2017 at 3:54 pm, felix said: September 17, 2017 at 8:02 am, arjun said: April 29, 2016 at how to 1:13 pm, ron said: September 01, 2016 at 1:18 am, RedKeyMon said: Ty bruv! It#8217;s really useful! November 26, 2016 at 12:00 pm, Ranch Dressing said: This the real RedKeyMon?

May 26, 2017 at 2:28 pm, inosh said: September 07, 2016 at 12:04 am, winter the savage said: yeh these words are lit. October 15, 2016 at parts 6:19 pm, Freya said: Thanks!! I have to how to be alone, right an essay on edgar dream within a dream essay the battle of hastings and I really need to widen my vocab! It really helped December 12, 2016 at 1:13 pm, rose said: great thanks,now i know how to use big words in an argumentative essay. April 18, 2017 at 4:55 pm, nikie said: very very useful! May 26, 2017 at 9:13 am, Anthony said: Thanks for the article! October 02, 2017 at 3:08 pm, yoyo said: January 13, 2015 at essays how to 2:55 am, Amila said: Wonderful.

Thank you so much. Intermediate Papers? Keep in touch. February 05, 2015 at 12:36 pm, Tanya said: February 08, 2015 at 8:12 am, Ram said: Thank you very much. Useful for my revision. February 13, 2015 at 10:53 am, Lucienne said: Thank you so much, really useful! October 05, 2015 at 12:40 pm, Dhanushreddy said: very useful for students. February 26, 2015 at 9:08 am, Ayanika Arora said: March 28, 2015 at how to 6:06 am, Abhijeet said: Perhaps #8220;In the edgar poe a dream within a dream essay wake of#8221; would have been feasible to be alone, be included.

March 31, 2015 at 11:04 pm, Loli said: it is wonderful, you#8217;ve helped so much. Pay To A Research? May 03, 2015 at 10:44 pm, Rihards said: Wouldn#8217;t do as great without this! May 04, 2015 at 1:47 pm, Dan said: Thanks so much, this is really going to help my essay. I#8217;m already a good writer, all I needed was a good source of essays words, and this was it. Dream Essay? I will recommend this website to my friends and I definitely will be checking what other information you guys have.

Thanks! May 06, 2015 at essays be alone 3:08 pm, Danny said: Thank you for your help. My essay will be great! May 08, 2015 at 8:51 pm, Oxford Student said: Thank you, for your excellent choice of words oxford is very hard on you as it is media and culture one of the top schools so I appreciate these words. May 16, 2015 at 5:31 am, Aleena said: These words are quite knowledgeable to me because when I was writing an essays how to be alone essay my phrases are so absurd to put it another way these words make my essay beautiful. Thank you for providing such words. May 19, 2015 at 4:50 pm, juules said: ostensibly appears? tautologies seem to colning, be a thing in the english language. May 25, 2015 at 8:56 am, gimhan savinda said: This was great, thanks a lot for these meaningful words.

Hopefully I can face my exam in good perfect manner. Thanks a lot for the assistant support. December 27, 2015 at 10:55 am, Ikoo said: I need more information about essays black#8217;s writing .also,his romantic way in nature . Please could you help me ? May 26, 2015 at 2:39 pm, Mike said: These are reach-me-downs and the ideas you express are poorly connected. For example, #8216;As a Romantic, Blake was a proponent of a closer relationship between humans and nature. Another key point to intermediate, remember is essays how to be alone that Blake was writing during the Industrial Revolution, which had a major impact on pay to write the world around him.” You link these facts incorrectly they are not a series of points that are additive. They are causally related, i.e. one is a consequence of the other. How To? I believe this is better, both logically and stylistically: #8216;Romantic writers, including Blake, decried the intermediate past papers negative impact of the be alone Industrial Revolution on, amongst other things, society’s connectedness with the natural world.

Consequently he foregrounded the importance of improving the relationship between humankind and parts research proposal paper nature.#8217; You also lace your examples with contractions and these have no place in essays be alone academic writing. September 19, 2016 at 11:18 am, Helena said: March 23, 2017 at of a 5:33 pm, Dr. How To Be Alone? Jim Loving said: You are correct. I have taught writing for 40-plus years, and I find many of these suggestions wordy and unnecessary. For instance, #8220;In order to#8221; can simply to be #8220;To.#8221; June 02, 2015 at parts paper 1:48 am, phertauwete said: Thanks so much, I got it. June 05, 2015 at 5:17 am, william said: Thank you very much, I#8217;m having my O-level English in essays how to about 2 hours now and you really helped me. I#8217;m sure i can score an A now #128512;

June 07, 2015 at 7:21 am, Lysha said: Great!! Thank you so much for including the write a research tips above. June 09, 2015 at 8:40 pm, Suus said: These words will really help me doing my English writing exam well tomorrow! #128578; June 21, 2015 at essays how to 11:52 am, Ali Zorab said: Such great tips, indeed. July 02, 2015 at 6:38 pm, Tim said: You did a wonderful job. Keep it up. Tim Saudi Arabia. Edgar Dream? July 03, 2015 at how to 10:34 pm, maimunahm said: I am writing my thesis and it really helps me with it, thanks a lot. August 30, 2015 at 4:26 pm, aron said: April 23, 2017 at 9:49 am, Matorankle said: September 02, 2015 at 3:37 pm, Anonymous said: Thank you for human providing me with these phrases! They will certainly help me with my English paper.

September 10, 2015 at 3:31 am, Sarah said: what a great help in teaching children in writing essay#8230;#8230; September 16, 2015 at 8:04 am, josphat lowoi said: Good work..I greatly appreciate. September 21, 2015 at 2:45 pm, David said: September 23, 2015 at 1:04 am, haripriya said: Thanks a lot! It was very helpful for my term end English examination! October 04, 2015 at 4:47 pm, Joanna said: This is helpful! Thanks for sharing!

October 06, 2015 at 10:59 pm, Joe said: Thanks for the list. I think it would also be helpful to include a list of words to essays how to be alone, help express the thoughts of the writers being referenced in the essay, for example, #8220;Jacob states that teachers need to consider the learning abilities of all students#8221; or #8220;Williams asserts that reading English texts more often can increase the writing skills of paper on social ESL learners#8221;. How To? It sometimes becomes boring to keep saying, #8220;so-and-so states that#8230;#8221; October 12, 2015 at 9:07 am, faiz said: This was useful for me. October 14, 2015 at edgar dream a dream essay 3:09 am, Lilow W. said: This article was wonderful. Furthermore, I don#8217;t think my world history grade, as well as my grades in essays how to language arts and pay to write science, would have been half of what they are now without it. All things considered, this was an amazing article and I recommend it to anyone looking to give their essay an essays elegant twist. October 15, 2015 at 3:41 pm, Ayushi said: Thanks!!

Really a very useful list! October 18, 2015 at 3:29 pm, Missy said: Really helpful ……………. Thank you guys. October 19, 2015 at colning human essay 10:49 am, steven O'Donnell said: I would have also included #8220;in fact#8221; October 19, 2015 at 9:42 pm, Tom Howell said: *Gasp* As someone who has studied and takes a modicum of interest in essays how to the English language, and having spent a lifetime writing scientific essays, all I can say is this list of cliches will not aid you in your academic pursuits. This is a categorical list of English don#8217;ts that will undoubtedly be highlight with a sigh, and media and culture essay a comment something along the how to be alone lines of #8220;Please, no more#8221; paraphrased of course. Proposal? Some of these are inescapable and are useful tools, but please use in moderation. If you truly wish to improve your writing, consider the use of language in literature you may study as part of your academic endeavours be it english or technical based. What makes a writing style worthy of note, and how to what makes it tedious and monotonous?

The use of structure, engaging writing styles, and pay to write a research paper even metaphors can be true keys to essay success. December 07, 2015 at 8:24 am, Jeff B. said: Tom, I must agree. In my English class such cliches as listed here would be highlighted and returned to the student with an essays how to be alone admonition to #8220;please use your own words,#8221; or something to that effect. As I like to joke, #8220;Cliches should be avoided like the plague.#8221; October 20, 2015 at 8:22 pm, yoursif said: October 22, 2015 at intermediate 5:00 pm, nur amira said: thanks it was indeed helpful. November 02, 2015 at how to 1:11 pm, sania said: really..its very helpful. im unanimous in asserting that how this has engendered an advantageous my result. November 12, 2015 at 10:59 am, Alex said: This is so great#8230; thanks for the A grade. November 16, 2015 at 1:22 pm, Chala said: Thanks a lot for this helpful article. One question though: The example given for phrase 12 #8220;Scholar A argued that this was due to X, as well as Y.” has a comma included after #8220;X#8221;, but isn#8217;t a serial comma incorrect in a series of media two items? November 21, 2015 at 9:05 pm, Yo said: November 26, 2015 at 5:29 pm, courage said: thanks very much.very useful we look forward for how to be alone other posts.

November 29, 2015 at 1:13 am, Joey said: I don#8217;t really feel comfortable using firstly, secondly, thirdly to introduce new points#8230; does anyone else feel the same? December 07, 2015 at 7:58 am, Jeff B. said: While some of the suggestions in this article are valuable, I am going to human essay, have to agree with Tom Howell about the use of cliches. Many of the be alone phrases suggested (e.g. #8220;To put it another way#8221; and #8220;Another key thing to remember#8221;) are cliches, and should be avoided in original writing. Colning? Another note: this article recommends the use of #8220;In conclusion#8221; to essays how to, introduce the conclusion. My suggestion is to avoid it, and I am not the only one who feels this way. To quote the pay to write a research Writing Center at Harvard University: summary,#8217; and #8216;to sum up.#8217; These phrases can be. Essays Be Alone? usefuleven welcomein oral presentations.

But. readers can see, by the tell-tale compression of the. pages, when an essay is about to edgar dream within a dream essay, end. You#8217;ll irritate. your audience if you belabor the how to obvious.#8221; If your readers cannot figure out that from reading your text that you are presenting your conclusion, then your conclusion has more problems than simply the introduction to term on social, it. Essays? December 07, 2015 at 8:03 am, Jeff B. Human Essay? said: Note: In my comment above, I should have specified #8220;for college-level writing#8230; and above.#8221; Further, I will say that sometimes, indeed, #8220;In conclusion#8221; can be a useful phrase, but in how to be alone many if not most cases it should be avoided. And Culture Essay? December 07, 2015 at 10:43 am, Jeff B. said: * Assuming, of essays course, that my #8220;comment above#8221; is actually posted after it undergoes #8220;moderation.#8221; Otherwise my note makes no sense#8230; December 07, 2015 at 8:25 pm, pavla said: put (or set) the media record straight. December 09, 2015 at 12:42 pm, Ahsan said: Really great info. Essays How To? I will use these words in content of my site in order to paper on social networking, get best rankings. December 09, 2015 at 8:48 pm, khalid Benameur said: really these are benificial words to use and Iam going to use them.

December 10, 2015 at 1:51 pm, cp8 said: This is easily the go-to site when I write essays. Thank you! August 05, 2017 at 10:48 pm, abdo raheem said: January 04, 2016 at how to be alone 2:41 pm, panthe veroski said: Thank you, it#8217;s so useful! January 19, 2016 at 8:33 pm, BOB said: really good, I loved it! Would really help in my test. January 19, 2016 at 8:34 pm, daddyshrekked said: Fantastic, wouldn#8217;t do that well without it. January 28, 2016 at write a research 12:52 pm, yahya said: it is very helpful idea because i have exam thxn. January 31, 2016 at 3:24 am, Alex Joseph said: THANK YOU so much!!

January 31, 2016 at 4:08 am, Jass said: Yes, it really works in how to my essay writing. Media And Culture Essay? Thanks, and the best thing is I am finding some more useful vocab words from other#8217;s replies.:) November 29, 2016 at 9:46 am, Mofasa said: Oke i kno now veri muchh. February 04, 2016 at 3:54 pm, James said: Wow, this is really something valuable to me! I will have to how to be alone, jolt down all this and use them in my academic writing tmr.

February 05, 2016 at term paper on social 6:26 am, hanna said: AMAZING. VERY USEFUL. How To? THANK YOU SO MUCH. February 10, 2016 at 9:37 am, Shruthi said: Not useful#8230;I want idioms and phrases please. February 12, 2016 at 9:45 am, ORA Admin said: Thank you for your comment. It is research paper worth bearing in mind that examiners often consider idioms risky, as when over-used (or mis-used) they can place a candidate at a disadvantage. You are absolutely correct, however, that learning idioms is vital to acquiring fluency in any language you might enjoy our article on essays be alone some of the parts research proposal more bizarre idioms in the English language!

Best of luck in essays your studies, February 17, 2016 at 2:58 pm, reyan said: Thanks it came in handy. February 20, 2016 at 5:20 pm, Unknown said: I think this might help me to improve my essays. Thanks to whoever gave such great words#128522; February 28, 2016 at of a proposal paper 6:04 pm, Divya said: In all probability I find this this things very helpful which would surely enhance my essay. February 29, 2016 at 1:28 am, Tanya Roy said: this phases helped me in 10th board icsc examination#8230;.. thanks a lot #128512; February 29, 2016 at 2:39 am, shubham said: I think this might help me to improve my essays.

Thanks to whoever gave such great words#128522; March 03, 2016 at 7:30 pm, Abhishek Mandge said: Its really useful for me. March 07, 2016 at 11:33 am, ashrin said: March 14, 2016 at 2:03 pm, Lekesh said: Thanks a lot#8230;.Helped me very much !! Really thanks for making this!! April 13, 2016 at 3:20 pm, Jiya Goyal said: thanks a lot#8230;,helped me very much!! April 21, 2016 at 3:30 am, Juanaye goodall said: This words are really going to help me in my graded essay tomorrow. Essays How To Be Alone? April 23, 2016 at 1:29 pm, lyricist chaani said: it was really very usefull for me . so i am alluding to write a research, other students to use above lines.

April 29, 2016 at 1:12 pm, Vape Naysh V/ said: tanks m8 ( ?° ?? ?°) May 01, 2016 at essays how to 12:07 pm, Asuna Yuuki said: Very useful for essay writing. Thanks a lot. Parts Research? May 04, 2016 at 3:58 am, SJAll said: Quentin Crisp, upon being asked to give advice to aspiring writers replied: #8220;Never read. This is very important. if you read books in order to improve your writing style, you will find yourself trying to write literature, instead of saying what you really mean. It#8217;s very important not to get caught up trying to how to, write better American prose. Don#8217;t do any such thing.

Just try to think, Am I saying what I mean? Have I pared away, have I taken away all the words except the ones that say what I mean. And then your writing will be fine. You have the most wonderful writers in edgar dream essay America, really great stylists, people like Damon Runyon, and there#8217;s no floweriness, no literary effect, in the work of Damon Runyon, he is as neat as he can possibly be. One of how to his stories begins #8216;Some parties who do not wish him well have put Maury in on social some quicklime.#8217; March 23, 2017 at essays how to be alone 5:39 pm, Dr. Jim Loving said: Excellent advice.

Many writing students would do well to read Zinsser#8217;s book #8220;On Writing Well.#8221; He emphasizes clarity in term on social networking writing, and no one does it better. May 04, 2016 at 1:43 pm, angielski said: Very useful to essays be alone, have it in one place. Thanks ! May 10, 2016 at past papers 7:57 pm, Cheese said: Hello Oxford Royale community, Thank you for be alone this extremely helpful guide on improving flow using phrases. This has helped me improve, overall, as I have now taken these tips to my heart. Paper? Thanks an awful lot, May 11, 2016 at 9:17 pm, Khirod Maharana said: I greatly appreciate thankful#8230; May 12, 2016 at 12:11 am, Inderpreet said: thnk u for the amazing words#8230; May 26, 2016 at 11:11 pm, Georgia Kathleen said: This is really helpful, I#8217;ve been looking to essays, expand and vary the words I use during English exams. Thanks! May 29, 2016 at past 5:17 am, Noosh said: i was going to use conventionally but i have already used it so i had to use significantly #128512; June 02, 2016 at 2:24 am, jo sladky said: this is so helpful, thanks. Be Alone? June 02, 2016 at 11:50 am, irisha said: truly very helpful#8230;thanksss loadsss. June 02, 2016 at 2:37 pm, Kannan.P said: Could you please add more pharse.

Thanks. June 04, 2016 at 2:04 pm, Wish said: This was very much useful to me. Past Papers? I pay my regards hundreds and thousands of times. Essays? This has actually a vast collection of effective words and phrases to be used in an essay. Once again thank you. Papers? #128214; June 13, 2016 at how to be alone 6:54 pm, Alan said: June 18, 2016 at write 4:48 pm, Sohaib said: It#8217;s really awesome.

As well as helpful thanks a lot. June 22, 2016 at be alone 1:49 pm, Tuan said: Thank you so so muchh. June 25, 2016 at 2:00 pm, Ranthimo said: It is my first encounter with these eye opening phrases. Honestly speaking, they are indeed helpful aids that will unfailingly help me speak English fluently. Essay? It is a well packaged informative tool that will help nonnative English speakers to have good command of English language.Thank you very much for your good effort. How To? June 27, 2016 at term paper networking 7:18 am, Vivian said: Thank you so much for be alone the useful words to edgar poe a within a dream, use in be alone essay.

This help me a lot. June 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm, Chris Speck said: Great stuff, thanks. July 01, 2016 at 2:16 pm, Pius Ndeti said: In light of the parts new learning, I am not only inspired, but also enthralled. Essays? July 12, 2016 at 10:06 am, Fernando said: July 19, 2016 at 8:01 pm, ashok kumar said: very useful guidelines. thank you so much. August 10, 2016 at dream 8:41 am, Widya said: very useful, thanks a lot. August 16, 2016 at 1:12 pm, Prabanya said: They were very simple.. But, good.. Essays? They helped me.. August 19, 2016 at paper 5:44 pm, ananay chhetri 7 said: It was very use full tu me #8230; Keep in touch #8230;. How To? I scored 18/20 in parts essay n letter.

August 22, 2016 at 2:09 am, Tanya Roy said: It#8217;s really useful for me#8230; thnkiew so much..#128522;#128522;#128522; September 05, 2016 at essays how to 12:16 pm, Mounika said: Very useful. Thanks a ton #128578; September 15, 2016 at 4:28 am, Student said: This was SOOOO helpful, I got an intermediate past papers A. September 15, 2016 at 4:29 am, Student said: I think that these are amazingly helpful. You should add a few words though. September 15, 2016 at 4:31 am, Yhandamene said: i am not ameracan and i am a xchang student, this was good for mee. September 15, 2016 at essays 4:33 am, Tinye Rae said: My writing literately changed immensely bro. peace#8230; September 15, 2016 at 4:36 am, Emerjihlia said: Wish you had more words on this, otherwise it made my essay from an F to an A+. I guess I had to do some work to though, that#8217;s some effort!

September 16, 2016 at 1:39 am, joe anchany said: the word more plausible and colning human essay supplementary. September 16, 2016 at 1:46 am, kira Mayfield said: I believe think that you should add exclusively. How To Be Alone? September 16, 2016 at 1:47 am, kira Mayfield said: I think that you should add exclusively. September 17, 2016 at dream a dream 2:59 pm, Rowan said: I use these words all the time in essays my undergrad papers, yet my lecturers always complain that theses words are high school level writing. :/ September 20, 2016 at 2:30 pm, Tanmay said: Would like to add a few more#8230;. ‘ a sharp irony #8216;. Pay To Paper? Meaning- a sharp contrast. How To? ‘ inspite of the edgar dream within fact that#8230;.#8217; September 21, 2016 at 5:10 pm, moomina said: the how to be alone best thing on internet i found so far is this article , I must say its a brilliant peace of work . hands up for the writer. October 04, 2016 at 5:19 am, Tanyu Gracious said: Amazingly great one..(^_^) Not only proposal paper, my essay but my language has also impproved. Essays How To? October 19, 2016 at 9:45 am, Achyuth said: October 26, 2016 at 4:50 am, Stormy said: Are you kidding. As an English professor, these are all overused phrases that I WOULD NOT want my students to use. I teach my students how to be original rather than use cliche phrases.

Ugh! Not helpful. You#8217;re perpetuating the write a research paper worst in essays how to be alone writing. Papers? November 01, 2016 at 1:17 am, sylvia said: majority, it helped a lot of how to be alone people!! December 21, 2016 at 8:14 pm, Hope said: you#8217;re the one who#8217;s kidding not the one who provided us with them. English does not need complex words ;it needs a simple style of writing especially for non native . And please if you see them a joke provide us with what#8217;s beneficial.

Above all #128521; Thanks . December 21, 2016 at 8:16 pm, Hope said: you’re the term on social one who’s kidding not the one who provided us with them. English does not need complex words ;it needs a simple style of writing especially for essays how to non native . Edgar Allan Dream Within Essay? And please if you see them a joke provide us with what’s beneficial. Above all #128521; Thanks . October 26, 2016 at 4:52 am, Carol said: These cliche phrase will NOT help you write a top-notch essay. Essays How To? Do NOT use these. October 26, 2016 at pay to write 11:52 pm, KittyKat300 said: Awesome tips I got a great grade! October 30, 2016 at 1:28 am, lolo said: November 01, 2016 at 1:15 am, sylvia said: this are very helpful, thanks bro : ) November 01, 2016 at 2:41 pm, Julia Jeka said: Great!! They are all really helpful.

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I believe it will help me even in my presentation. How To Be Alone? November 08, 2016 at 7:07 pm, Brenda McDermott said: LOVE YOU ALL, THANKS FOR ALL THIS HELP, IT#8217;S INVALUABLE FOR ACADEMIC ESSAY WRITING SKILLS. December 01, 2016 at 4:31 pm, Lia said: December 01, 2016 at media and culture 4:33 pm, Lia said: I am so glad, that some people write down these really helpful words. My essay will sound great #128521; Thank you so much #128578; December 02, 2016 at 1:06 pm, Vrunda said: Thank you so much for how to such a significant piece of knowledge. Please keep writing such useful posts. December 03, 2016 at write 3:56 pm, Nick said: All of essays how to these phrases helped a lot to write an assay. Colning Human Essay? I am not from essays how to be alone America so my vocabulary was very limited, nonetheless I took a A. Media And Culture? Thank you very much for your help and pls let me know if you have any books that are going to help to how to, write an and culture assay. Have a wonderful day. December 09, 2016 at how to 1:53 am, Eden said: I wish you would make it a book. This is a life saver to non native speakers.

December 12, 2016 at 12:11 pm, Succ said: Just kidding, it was really helpful need linking words and good phrases like this makes essay better and advanced. December 12, 2016 at 4:40 pm, Erkin said: #8220;To sum up#8221; is also a good one for the finishing paragraph. And it is not commonly used. Pay To? December 14, 2016 at 5:32 pm, Ameer said: Much obliged and honoured to come across such a rhetorical and journalistic piece of writing. Essays How To? December 21, 2016 at 8:08 pm, fatma said: yes you#8217;re right man.

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not very helpful I am sorry. June 14, 2017 at 5:20 am, Daniel John Seni said: This article is essays be alone very important and useful! sometimes as we right, we tend to forget some words which are very important in writing essay. we normally use informal words-at the end of the day we score poor marks and we complain why. Thanks for parts proposal the one who prepared. June 15, 2017 at 5:59 am, nicole said: thanks it was very helpful. June 16, 2017 at 3:15 pm, mamta v gandhi said: it just helped me a lot #8230;not only be alone, me but many of the allan within people ..i was shocked seeing so many comments that it helped many people, these phrases and essays how to words were so helpful to me Oh My God #8230;thanks a lot #8230; June 25, 2017 at 12:57 pm, Ali said: July 12, 2017 at 10:43 pm, Mary Brooks said: What beautiful way for write, they person that write about Blake.

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Observer review: How to be Alone by Jonathan Franzen | Books | The

Still talking: a review of Lubaina Himid’s “Invisible strategies” Modern Art Oxford, 21 January- 30 April 2017. Lubaina Himid’s solo exhibition at Modern Art Oxford brings her most contemporary projects to the public amongst a survey of work from the last thirty years. The new pieces, thematically placed, engage in the same issues of race, gender and cultural identity that have underscored the artist’s work since the 1980’s and appear no less pressing or relevant in essays be alone their presentation today. Most specifically Himid’s career has been engaged in the task of attaining visibility and acknowledgement for black women in allan essay the art world.

A champion of the British Black Arts movement and a formative player in its second-wave generation of artists and curators, Himid was responsible for essays how to, organizing such ground-breaking exhibitions as Thin Black Line (1986) and Black Woman Time Now (1983). 2017 perhaps marks a break-through moment in Himid’s more personal battle for edgar poe a, recognition: Invisible strategies coincides with another Himid solo show at Spike Island, Bristol and essays the artist’s inclusion in the large group exhibition The place is here at Nottingham Contemporary which is a reassessment, and celebration, of how Black artists and thinkers have contributed to intermediate, the British art scene over the past decades. The first room of Invisible strategies is be alone, dominated by the monumental impact of paper on social networking, Freedom and Change (1984) a re-invention of Picasso’s famous neoclassical image of Two women running on how to be alone the beach (1922). Here two black women, clothed in colourful, mixed-media dresses, hands clasped together triumphantly, surge forward with an unstoppable force. Bold and edgar allan poe a dream within dynamic and bearing not only historical but mythic significance in their size and solidarity, these towering female figures set the political and exciting tone of the exhibition. On the how to be alone, neighbouring wall two large oil paintings The Exchange (2016) and The Lock (2016) denote the human, most recent developments in the artist’s representation of the how to, black figure. These genre-scenes, or history paintings, depict simplified, geometric interiors populated by groups of bodies casually interacting and yet theatrically staged: frozen in pay to posture and time. Wreathed in a peculiar and ambiguous symbolism, the meaning of these works is heightened by the knowledge that the essays how to be alone, series is named Le Rodeure after a nineteenth-century slave ship. Beyond the room in either painting is a vision of the allan a dream essay, ocean lapping against the external wall.

This high-level choppy water, engulfing the outside world, seems to pose a danger and a threat. How To. Whilst the presence of the sea and the associated iconography of vessels and journey-making recurrent in Himid’s work no doubt makes reference to term, her own early-life experience of relocation from Zanzibar to England, it also resonates with a more collective and sinister memory: the Transatlantic slave trade. How To. The artist confirms that the “narratives about/by people being taken forcibly from colning human, west-coast Africa to the coasts of America on trade ships to be later used as slaves” had a decided impact on her painting career and her formulation of an art-type closely related to black diaspora identity. Whilst the artist describes herself not as “a painter in the strictest sense” but rather “a political strategist who uses a visual language to encourage conversation, argument, change” the medium of paint remains central to her process, her weapon of how to be alone, choice. What is striking is the pay to, way that Himid has reclaimed the heroic expressiveness of paint and the grand-scale narrative figure for her own – snatched from the jaws of twentieth-century modernism which had positioned both as the product of essays be alone, male subjectivity.

For Himid, in fact, paint had always belonged to women: “paint is ours, we have always used pigment and colour on parts of a research proposal surfaces. On the essays, outside and term paper inside of our homes and on our bodies, on fabric.” The closeness of paint with feminine expression comes to the fore in the second, more intimate room of the exhibition. Here a recent range of works reveal the inspiration of the Kangas (the everyday cotton garments made and worn by women in East Africa) and which invoke its richness, texture, colour and pattern on paper. Some include the graphic texts of Swahili sayings or aphorisms devised by the Abolition and essays how to be alone Civil Rights Movements. The Source of the tears has long run dry (2016) is powerful in its simplicity and energy, notably tinged by the emotions of anger and frustration. This is of a research proposal, a frustration often voiced by Himid who states revenge as a natural response to cultural mourning. This revenge, however, is not borne of violence but through the act of insistence when it comes to black women making art: a refusal to fade away, the mantra: we are still here, we are still talking and we are still committed to how to be alone, change. Sharing the final room of the exhibition are two multi-piece projects undertaken by Himid in the last decade: Negative Positives (2007-ongoing) and edgar allan dream a dream Swallow Hard: The Lancaster Dinner Service (2007). Negative Positives displays a collection of archived material from The Guardian, specifically pages that reveal images of black actors, politicians, athletes and celebrities which are accompanied by some form of negative editorial or news story text. The project traces their perceptibly routine connection as symptomatic of implicit racial prejudice in the British press and the (mis)use of be alone, black bodies as signifiers.

Himid responds by painting over sections of the newspaper- normally beginning on the periphery and essay encroaching inward- with vibrant, geometric patterns and symbolic African imagery, attempting to highlight and reframe the contents shown. Viewed by the artist as a kind of visual research and at the same time an intervention, the project is an “attempt to reclaim the portrait of the person and restore the balance” in a visual media culture which both visualizes and renders silent black individuals. Swallow Hard: The Lancaster Dinner Service follows with an equally poignant attempt at be alone, reclamation. This large selection of English willow-pattern bone china has been overpainted with portraits of slaves, market scenes, caricatures of wealthy white traders and other images which attempt to map Lancaster’s historical entanglement with the slave trade (it was the fourth largest slaving port in the country). This piece was originally intended to furnish the city’s historic Judges Lodgings museum as part of a series of projects marking the 200 th anniversary of the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act (1807). As a product of extended research, this piece is seen by Himid as “an intervention, a mapping and media and culture essay an excavation. It is a fragile monument to an invisible engine…” This is how to, about the conscious exposure of colonial histories and the literal superimposition of term networking, those voices and be alone those narratives that were lost or hidden as its consequence. Parts Research Proposal. It is, like Negative Positives , an invitation for the viewer to re-see and transform objects already circulating in the world, to how to, give them new and colning self-critical meaning. Most importantly, I think, these pieces serve to fuel the fire that keeps dialogue and discussion about uncomfortable truths alive, truths that would be easier but unforgivable to let “go out”. Indeed, if anything is clear from the contemporary works that bring Invisible Strategies up to date with the world of today, it is the message that our most vital conversations about identity, history and heritage are far from exhausted: there is still much to said and still much at stake in how these things continue to essays how to be alone, affect us in our day to media and culture, day lives.

© 2017, Kat Isaac. All rights to written content reserved. In the shadows of WWII: Civilian stories in essays how to be alone Britain and media essay Spain. The arrival of large-scale modern warfare at the turn of the 20th century, and the new levels of brutality that ensued, left artists wondering how to respond to essays how to, the subject which had since the pay to paper, genesis of the “story-telling” historia genre been at the thematic heart of painting. The terrifying and unprecedented nature of this new warfare required a complete break from traditional war images and the notion of the commemorative “battle-scene”, instead leaving artists to essays how to be alone, conceive of a new language of representation, one that reflected an increasingly visible anti-war agenda.

WWII artists focus on the severity and scale of the consequences of modern war which, for the first time, included the mass killing of past papers, civilians in their home cities via aerial bombings. Painting the reality of these civilian lives, so far from the frontline and yet still in how to be alone the fire of the “collateral damage”, have helped artists to emphasis the vast scope and indiscriminate nature of the destruction that was caused. British artist Clive Branson takes as his subject scenes of a desperate London during the Blitz, which, living in Battersea at the time, he witnessed first-hand. In his painting “Bombed Women Searchlights” (1940) we see a haunting and surreal image which is confusing and unsettling visually. There are dramatically foreshortened and oversized objects in the foreground (a broken wooden chair, the red and white road barrier which almost pierces the picture plane, a cigarette box lying on its side) which disrupts any continuity or rational ordering of the composition. The backdrop to the scene is pay to a research, a sickly grey-green sky, split violently by the “X” of the two searchlight beams and filled by essays be alone the monstrous forms of the networking, barrage balloons – known at the time as “blimps” – which were used to protect the city from the Luftwaffe. The blimps would tangle low flying aircrafts in essays be alone the metal cables and nets which were suspended beneath as well as obscuring the pilots’ lines of vision, especially dive bombers, forcing them into higher airspace where anti-aircraft fire could dispose of them. The broken cables hanging down here show that the German air force has already struck, and media and culture a temporal aspect is added: we are looking at the end of a sequence of events, the aftermath. How To Be Alone. However the danger does not seem to have passed completely, fire can be seen in the distance between the buildings and the red-white stripes of the road barrier also signals “danger ahead.” The two central women are presumably rescuing their possessions from essay, a bombed out essays how to be alone residence, but have they got somewhere safe to go?

In the parts, painting, many different types of surface bear their own images like a collage. There is an over-sized poster on essays be alone the wall, a named shop and factory front, graffiti scrawled across brickwork, a cigarette packet advertising itself. Media And Culture. The mixture of slogans: “Dig for how to, Victory”, “Smile and say victory”, “Vote Joyce for Peace” relate to a number of opposing narratives which “draw attention to the tensions in British Society”[1] at the time and also highlight the difficulties involved with deciphering truths within an overload of information, most of edgar allan essay, which is essays how to, propaganda. The confusion of surfaces, scales and contrasts leaves the viewer disoriented, looking in on a chaotic and claustrophobic dream-like vision. However there is also a faint message of hope and reassurance here. Colning Human. A woman in the middle-ground wields a broom, undeterred by events, ready to get stuck into the cleaning up effort.

The closest figure, that looks directly at us, is gripped with resolve and empowered in her action: determinedly marching forward with her stone grey face, gritted teeth and broad shoulders straining forward. (This is perhaps a portrait of the how to be alone, artist’s wife, Noreen Branson). The painting suggests the task of the women “back home” in intermediate London, maintaining order as best they could and keeping the flame of the British spirit alive, is just as vital a duty as that of the soldiers, albeit a very different one. In this way Branson has cleverly depicted not only the horror of the bombing aftermath, but in the same composition, the “bouncing back” of the British civilians, their tenacity, their jumping to action, even after catastrophe has hit. Another British artist who featured scenes in London during the Blitz is how to be alone, Henry Moore, who in colning human 1940 was appointed as an official War Artist. Moore had taken cover from an air raid in Belsize Park underground station and, deeply moved by the sights he had seen there of people sheltering together, made a series of monochrome drawings from memory, done with graphite, ink, wax and watercolour on paper.

In “Tube Shelter Perspective” (1941) we see a long dark tunnel, disappearing into the distance. Just as in “Bombed Women Searchlights” there is a resounding atmosphere of foreboding within the painting, the sense that danger is close by. Essays Be Alone. This drawing takes a high perspective viewpoint, looking down upon edgar poe a a dream two long rows of bodies which are lying horizontally on the floor. The tall walls loom over them, in one sense enclosing the people but also leaving a vast, cavernous space all around. As the drawing moves into the distance the contours of the bodies become increasingly blurred, melting into indeterminate lines and shadows, no longer individual figures, but one solid mass. Like a group of essays how to be alone, resting animals, livestock perhaps, there seems to be a sense of strength in write numbers, in solidarity: human beings sharing in each others plight. The materials Moore has chosen create a great depth and darkness, the shadows are impenetrable, reminding us that there is no natural light deep under the how to be alone, earth. White chalk is used on the wall and the floor but does not suggest light, rather glistening moisture and research proposal damp surfaces. Splashes of bright yellow suggest beams of artificial light, falling in, but it does not reach far down the tunnel.

The National Gallery Catalogue of essays be alone, 1941 summarises this drawing as “a terrifying vista of recumbent shapes, pale as all underground life tends to be pale; regimented as only media and culture essay fear can regiment; helpless yet tense, safe yet listening, uncouth, uprooted, waiting in the tunnel for the dawn to release them.” Whilst it is how to be alone, certainly a frightening image of edgar allan dream within, a dark and damp place which seems barely fit for human inheritance, what is most significant is that the people are “safe”, they are surviving. Moore presents not only a dingy tunnel but a sanctuary, a hiding place, a moment of respite, which thus gives the painting a hopefulness. In a similar way to Branson then, this image is also about the stoic resistance of the British people, quietly doing what they must, adapting to their environment and making-do. If British artists were effective in communicating the fear that civilians during WWII faced, and the drawn-out resilience they had to show in the face of essays be alone, uncertainty, Spanish artists perfectly captured the sudden, horrific violence that civilians were now also exposed to. Spain in fact, in the grips of a turbulent internal conflict between the past papers, Republicans and essays how to the Nationalists, can be seen as perhaps the most severe example in Europe for the brutality that non-combatants faced during the years of WWII. “Black Aeroplanes” (1937) by Horacio Ferrer and the world-renown “Guernica” from the same year by Pablo Picasso both depict scenes from the Spanish Civil War which raged between 17 July 1936 and colning 1 April 1939; specifically the aerial bombings of civilian cities that were carried out by Fascist forces under the direction of General Francisco Franco.

In Ferrer’s painting, as in the two already discussed, none of the perpetrators of the essays how to be alone, conflict are present, the black aeroplanes that the title refers to are excluded, but the still-smoking landscape and the rubble all around leaves no doubt of the that has just occurred. Ferrer focuses on four women: three with their children of media and culture essay, different ages, and an elderly lady who is how to be alone, bent over and clasps her hands together in despair. This cross-section of figures shows how the tragedies of war encompass all generations and term none are left unaffected. Each of the women’s faces are contorted into extreme grief, fear or indignation. The woman in the middle with a raised arm reveals her exposed breast, and essays this reinforces not only the powerful movement of her gesture but also her role as an “innocent” mother: a child-bearer and life-giver who should not be perpetrated by violence in this way. Her bare breast and clenching fist might also perhaps refer us back to intermediate past, the very famous female symbol of liberty in “Liberty Leading the People” (1830), a French painting by Eugene Delacroix from a century earlier.

This commemorated the July Revolution in essays how to be alone which the monarch Charles X was overthrown. Here the figure of term paper on social networking, Liberty, holding the tricolour, leads the people heroically onwards over the bodies of the fallen, in how to a painting of nationalistic pride and spirit. In “Black Aeroplanes” this figure seems to replicate Liberty’s gesture linking this ordinary Spanish mother to the icon of pay to write, struggle and sacrifice, but here we see Liberty in reverse – a parody of the be alone, empowerment seen in Delacroix’s painting. This woman is far from the bringer or wielder of political change, she is the opposite, crying out in anguish because of her powerlessness and the injustice of suffering through events far beyond her control. This larger than life-size figure, with her strong profile and muscular neck, is enhanced by the strong relief and realism of Ferrer’s painting technique, which renders the bodies with sculptural solidarity. Light is term paper, cleverly used, for example illuminating with photographic quality the face of the grieving elderly woman, every line and be alone crease of her tragic expression is visible and thus heightening the emotional intensity of the image. The small portion of a destroyed house in the background is symbolic of many. Pay To Write A Research. These aerial bombings that fascist forces under Franco’s orders had carried out on several Spanish cities in Republican areas, affecting thousands of civilians, were seen by many to represent ‘ a benchmark atrocity for humankind, ’[2] the how to be alone, exemplar of a new kind of warfare which was more senseless and criminal than any that had gone before. Anyone and everyone could become a target, unsuspecting woman, children and elderly people in their own homes. Guernica (1937) by Pablo Picasso takes the intermediate past papers, same subject of an aerial bombing, specifically the be alone, complete ruination of the Basque country village of edgar allan within essay, Guernica which took place on the 26 th April 1937.

It could be said that Picasso’s image marks the apex of all anti-war sentiments in 20 th century painting. The event of the essays be alone, bombing of Guernica quickly gained a wider political significance amongst the essay, Spanish people; the utter destruction of how to, a peaceful community became symbolic of term on social, Fascist brutality in a universal sense.[3] The event particularly resonated within the Spanish consciousness because the town of Guernica embodied the heart of essays be alone, Basque culture, a historic place which represented ‘ the very spirit of their ancient pride and freedom. “ [4] Picasso’s painting from the outset, therefore, was confronted by the huge task of doing justice to and culture essay, the magnitude and horror of this event. Essays How To. He chooses to edgar within, communicate it, in the same way as Black Aeroplanes , by focusing solely on the innocent lives that were destroyed. The paintings sheer scale (3.5 x7.8 m) and the very raw nature of the emotion it conveys becomes almost overwhelming.

Its monochrome scheme of black, white and shades of grey obtains the immediacy and impact of newspaper images and be alone seems to share the objective of photo-journalism and war reportage in documenting the truth and the facts of the event. The painting features a number of characters: a bull, a horse, a cockerel, a mother and allan dream a dream essay child, a dead soldier, and several other women, all of which are frozen in horror, mid-action, with tortuous often screaming expressions of grief. The figures are set within an interior, although this space is not easily recognizable and it has been flattened, distorted and be alone terminated in many places, appearing more like an amalgamation of overlapping shapes and planes in a surreal, cubist vision. Term Networking. This is a type of painting which sees forms and spaces literally shattered apart, just like the place and essays the people it is trying to capture. We can make out the setting by its few recognisable features; an arc lamp on the ceiling ‘which presides like an intermediate all-seeing eye, complete with bulb pupil’[5] and essays how to emits rays of light in sharp teeth, a small window in the top right hand corner and what seems to be an open door, through which a figure emerges holding another lamp. This roughly implies the dimensions of the room and the shadow in which it is cast; a blackness which encloses the paper on social networking, figures and engulfs them on all sides. it is hard to tell where one body figure ends and another begins, which are dead and which are still alive. The bodies and limbs and splayed out, sometimes entirely disconnected. Essays Be Alone. The animals have suffered the term paper on social, same terrible fate as the humans; the body of the horse in the centre of the canvas, its legs flailing wildly in different directions, seems to be pierced by a spear and shows a large diamond shape wound on its side. It opens its mouth to reveal a pointed conical tongue, as if emitting a piercing, primordial howl. Similarly audible is the screaming woman beneath the window, her hands thrown in the air, surrounded by triangular shapes which suggest encroaching flames.

To the left, a ghostly face appears to float through the be alone, top of the door frame; her expression struck with horror at what she sees. Directly beneath another woman seems to stagger forward dragging her arms and legs, in the process of keeling over. The most tragic character of research proposal paper, all is the how to, mother on the far left side who, with head flung back and mouth open wide, screams over parts of a her dead infant child. Both “Black Aeroplanes” and Picasso’s “Guernica” use the essays, image of women and children in pain to render an emotionally charged, outraged image of ‘the fatherland ravished by the fascists’ .[6] They operate as specific political statements against Franco and his army but also can be viewed as universal comments about the evils and senselessness of war; the suffering that mankind is capable of inflicting upon itself. Whilst in Britain Branson and Moore also explored anti-war feelings in terms of representing the trials and hardships that civilians in London endured, they chose subjects, or moments, which were more detached. (Perhaps Britain had no cultural equivalent to the loss of allan dream a dream, Guernica for essays, Spain). The British painters rather stress a gritty acceptance of paper on social, events, and the feelings of anxiety and dread in both paintings are soothed only by the smallest flicker of hope which is found in the resilience of the human spirit. All four artists coincide in essays how to the realization of the inconceivably destructive potential of paper, modern warfare, the terrible things already accomplished, and what might be still to come.

[2] K Brunner, Picasso: Rewriting Picass o, London: Black dog publishing, 2004, p. 76. [3] R Arnheim, The Genesis of a painting: Picasso’s Guernica , Los Angeles London: Berkeley, 1962, p. 19. © 2016, Kat Isaac. All rights to how to be alone, written content reserved. Frida Kahlo and the Gendered Body. Frida Kahlo has in recent decades become somewhat of a feminist icon, her life and work providing a focal point for conversations in feminist art criticism.

Central to this interest in papers Kahlo is the how to, open, frank and papers empowering way in which she has treated female sexuality and the female body in her paintings, at a time in the early 20th century when such treatment can be considered revolutionary. Her representation of gender necessarily differentiates her from the contemporary Surrealist movement with which she has often been grouped. The surrealists closely linked eroticism with the transgressive and essays how to irrational type of behaviour which was at the heart of their creative process, and viewed the sexualized body as a route of access to this “heightened” mental state. Thus they treated female sexuality as a means to colning human, an end, in how to be alone stark contrast to Kahlo for whom it comprised an essential part of her self-identity and essay self-expression. Perhaps Kahlo’s most striking and positive representation of the be alone, gendered body is in the painting “Roots” (1943). This is a self-portrait like the vast majority of the artist’s work, in which Kahlo depicts herself as a monumentally large figure in a fiery orange dress, the sole occupant of an extensive, earthy landscape. On Social Networking. Her face follows the motionless, expressionless model characteristic of her portraits, which conceals the be alone, externalization of emotion as if it were a mask and bestows Kahlo with a refined and parts of a research proposal solemn air of authority. How To Be Alone. There is no suggestion that she is trying to idealize her portrait, conform to conventional beauty standards, or appear more enticing to intermediate past, the viewer. Although she is reclining she is propped up on her elbow, remaining alert and assertive, confronting our gaze with her own.

Kahlo is, unlike traditional reclining females that are nude, fully covered by her traditional dress in a way that deflects any sense of eroticism. Her sexuality is still apparent but in a different way; it is not related to the outward appearance of her body but originates internally and is coupled to the vitality of her spirit. As Whitney Chadwick has written this sexuality is “a life force, identified with creativity, more emotional and essays be alone psychological than genital”. The symbolism or motif of the roots that we see here in intermediate past fact occurs recurrently in Kahlo’s paintings, and is a part of how to be alone, a wider vocabulary of symbolism the human essay, artist employs which refers us back to Mexican folk-art traditions and be alone retablos type images. Past. This symbol of roots does not always take its literal form as a green and leafy plant structure, as Hayden Herrera (the artist’s principal biographer) suggests, the idea of roots is also used metaphorically and is interchangeable with other kinds of connecting pathways or “ life-lines” which represent psychological and spiritual bonds. In “ Family tree” (1936) for example, this bond is a red ribbon held by the infant Frida which splits into branches and connects her to the portraits of her parents and how to be alone grandparents; a scarlet ribbon which shows the “bloodline” of her ancestry and ties her into her family roots. In “Henry Ford Hospital” (1932) red strings issue forth from write a research paper, Frida’s abdomen area as if they were multiple umbilical cords, binding her to essays how to, symbolic objects (such as a snail, a foetus) which float about her body to signify the various painful experiences that have made up her life. Pay To A Research Paper. In “ Two Frida’s” (1939) there is a snaking artery that connects the hearts of the how to be alone, two self-portraits, one which is broken, exposed and bleeding and the other, still beating, provides its literal life-line. This suggests how – in the darkest of times – Frida drew strength from herself. In “Roots” this symbol of the life-line is past papers, bought to fruition. Kahlo is connected to the ground upon which she lies through the intersecting stems of plants, clumped in her chest cavity and wrapped around her legs, with large flat green leaves sprouting from essays how to be alone, them and culminating in a network of small red capillaries splaying outwards.

It is as if blood were passing in and out of her body to the soil, making it an extension of the earth. In this way Kahlo has not only become a part of the natural cycles but is paper networking, connected to the mythical powers of her native Mexican landscape. She becomes “rooted” within her ancestral homeland which provides not only a sense of belonging but the nourishment of essays how to be alone, her body, spirit and soul. As Lucy Lippard described, “Roots” illustrates Kahlo’s “ longing for a connection with an anthropomorphised earth mother” . Whilst the symbolism of roots in media Kahlo’s iconography can largely be seen to denote positive, life-affirming connections either by joining living organisms to nourishing soil, or symbolically joining people together and uniting them with the memories and how to experiences which make up their past, at the same time roots can be read as having a negative connotation, suggesting entrapment and immobility. To Kahlo this must have had particular resonance, for after being involved in a streetcar accident in 1925 she was left bed-ridden for months and incurred severe life-long injuries to her spine, legs and abdomen, a consequence of which was that she could not bear the children she desperately wanted. This might bring new meaning then to the painting “Roots”, in which Kahlo is lying, tied down, stoic and still, there is no sense of and culture, or potential for how to be alone, movement. Kahlo is rather bound to pay to write a research, her specific experience of the world and unable to how to be alone, escape both in of a research proposal paper a physical and emotional sense from her lived reality. Despite this sense of essays be alone, suffering being apparent in all Kahlo’s work due to allan dream within a dream essay, the trials of be alone, her personal life, and although much of this pain was gender specific (caesarean operations, miscarriages and haemorrhages), Kahlo’s femininity – linked as it is with the greater cycles of nature and the primordial, ancestral forces she feels inside her – seems to remain an ongoing source of strength rather than weakness; of past papers, will to endure rather than to surrender. The empowered way Frida Kahlo has presented her body in “Roots” can be contrasted to essays how to, a painting completed a year later by a male European surrealist artist, Paul Delvaux’s “Sleeping Venus” which also features a reclining female figure in a surreal landscape. Term On Social. Here Venus, the essays how to be alone, Roman goddess of love – who has throughout the ages appeared in art as the poe a within a dream, embodiment of eroticism and beauty – is employed as a recognizable focal point for essays how to be alone, the eye, a gravitational centre for the gaze. Calm, serene and undoubtedly beautiful she provides a moment of visual respite amongst the dark dream vision of obscure and agitated figures. (A landscape which responds to the feelings of anxiety implicit to the Belgian context in when it was painted – during the parts of a proposal paper, bombing of Brussels in 1944.)

Venus has been appropriated for be alone, the function she serves here. Poe A Dream Essay. In contrast to Kahlo’s portrait, the face is not looking at us but is turned away, seen in how to be alone profile. She is asleep, passively and unknowingly inviting us to look at her. The way her arm is raised above her head with her right hip angled towards us and by her positioning upon a formal, luxurious looking couch, the figure is rendered explicitly “on show”. Allan Dream Essay. The classical deity has therefore become vulnerable and exposed, submissive within the gendered power exchange of seeing and being seen.The tall figures looming over her, especially the skeleton figure of personified “death”, increase this feeling of Venus’ vulnerability and objectification.

So although Delvaux might intend to glorify beauty and womanhood by be alone giving his surreal figure a classical treatment in the name of Venus, he also perpetuates a long tradition of sexualized and submissive feminine nudes in the history of art. Moreover, Venus conforms to the surrealist notion that the erotic female body was primarily a tool to facilitate irrational, instinctual mental states in media essay the creative male mind. This directly juxtaposes Kahlo’s vision of how to be alone, a female sexuality which originates from parts of a, within, from the essays how to be alone, natural order, and operates independently from essay, both the male gaze and the surrealist agenda. It is also interesting to compare the compositional structure of how to, these two paintings. Delvaux invokes a sense of seclusion; although the couch is placed in an open-air courtyard, it is fenced in by the surrounding temple like buildings, the looming columns of their facades, and the black mountain peaks which tower ominously in the distance. This setting is reminiscent of the write paper, eerie atmosphere of De Chirico’s paintings and their sense of oppression and essays how to foreboding. Here again, Delvaux’s vision directly contrasts to Kahlo’s, whose figure, despite being bound by roots and perhaps immobile, occupies a landscape that extends to infinity under a clear blue sky. Delvaux’s strange consciousness of the relationship between exposure and enclosure seems to have a gendered significance, Venus is “on show” to us and the figures encircling her, but also in a secretive, hidden courtyard which is fenced in on parts of a research proposal paper all sides and cast in a dark night which bears only a thin slither of a crescent moon.

Kahlo meanwhile – even if not physically – can be seen as sexually and spiritually liberated in the open, panoramic and bright landscape of her motherland, the promise and hopefulness of which becomes incorporated into the artists vision of herself. In summary, Frida Kahlo’s painting “Roots” conveys through the use of symbolism the potency of female sexuality and womanhood by connecting them to the cosmological forces of nature and be alone its regenerative powers. As in all her paintings Kahlo expresses her identity in relation to her personal lived experiences, and despite the suffering that entailed, the Frida that is colning human, presented to us remains adamant and strong, filled with an unshakable spirit. Whilst in Delvaux’s “Sleeping Venus” the idea of female form is also given a universal and mythological significance, this is woven into be alone, the function of the sleeping nude as a sexualized and erotic vehicle for the male gaze which follows a long tradition of “Venus” models in painting. Pay To Write A Research. Placed within this role of Venus, Delvaux’s female is essays be alone, not a real woman in the real world, but an abstract, intangible and sexualized ideal. Consequently the painting makes no attempt to offer, as Kahlo does, any genuine account of the feminine identity or experience.

Kahlo’s representation of the colning, gendered body is only one way that she is fundamentally set apart from the male-orientated Surrealist movement, and after all – as she said many times – how could she be a surrealist when it was the waking truths of her reality, not dreams, that she revealed in her painting. © 2016, Kat Isaac. All rights to written content reserved. Chadwick, W. (1991) Women artists and the surrealist movement , London: Thames Hudson. Herrera, H. (1991) Frida Kahlo: The Paintings , New York: Harper Collins. Garber, E. Be Alone. ‘Frida Kahlo: A comparison of feminist and non-feminist voices’ Art Education , Vol. Term On Social Networking. 45, no. How To Be Alone. 2, (1992), retrieved 27 October 2012, JSTOR database. Friis, R. ‘The fury and the mire of paper networking, human veins: Frida Kahlo Rosario Castellanos’, Hispania, vol. Essays. 87, no. 1 (2004), retrieved 27 October 2012, JSTOR database.

Damien Hirst: commodity and the readymade. “The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living”, which is the extravagant title that Hirst gave to his shark in a tank of formaldehyde, has become one of the artist’s most notorious statements. Alongside other high-profile pieces such as Tracey Emin’s bed, the shark has become emblematic of the 90’s BritArt movement and its ethos. The initial shock factor of the artwork, especially when seen in its original context at past, the 1992 Saatchi exhibition of Young British Artists, might have made it seem like a radical and exciting, if controversial, novelty. Conceptually however, as is be alone, usually the term on social networking, case, it was not without precedent.

In employing a prefabricated object (in this case a shark) Hirst emerges at the tail-end of the readymade tradition in 20th century avant-garde art. Since Duchamp’s urinal first provoked outrage when he attempted to how to be alone, exhibit it in 1917, artists have been exploring the potential of the readymade object as a critical tool, pushing the pay to a research, boundaries of essays how to be alone, what we call “art”. We can think back to Minimalists such as Carl Andre with his piles of bricks stacked on gallery floors, to Pop Art in the 60’s with Andy Warhol’s Brillo boxes and rows of soup tins, even to essay, Jeff Koon’s balloon animals and displays of household objects in the 80’s. For many decades artists have been asking the same question: what separates art objects from other objects in essays the world? Hirst upholds the tradition of the readymade, but with one noticeable change. Where previously artists had used ordinary, commonplace, often industrially produced objects, Hirst uses the opposite – extraordinary objects, such as the shark. By substituting the likes of a cardboard box for the frightening, visceral melodrama of a 13ft long tiger shark in a glass tank, suspended as if it were still swimming, still alive and dangerous, Hirst has brought a new dimension to the avant-garde device of the readymade.

That is to say, he has transformed it into a spectacle. This is hardly surprising. For the YBA’s, who can be thought of as the first superstars of the colning human, art world, spectacle was everything. It was intrinsic to be alone, their image and concept. “Sensation” was the title of their 1997 group exhibition because this is what they caused; in the press and in the media, in the dusty citadels of arts institutions, in the casual-gallery-goer public who loved to hate them. The spectacle is parts of a research paper, especially important to Hirst, it is the common denominator in all of his work. This spectacle is not something derived solely from the objects he chooses – although as we have seen with the essays be alone, shark, this is always part of pay to a research paper, it – but is essays how to be alone, generated from the aura of media celebrity which belongs to paper, the artist himself, his artistic status which he has made into a brand. Backed by advertising guru Saatchi, the YBA’s became experts at selling their art as a projection of how to be alone, themselves; a luxury commodity with a price-tag to match. It is this clever commodification process which makes Emin’s bed, not much more exciting than the past, one you woke up in this morning, worth ?2.2 million. It is what makes Hirst’s diamond encrusted skull (which the artist himself played no part in making) dare to ask a price of ?50 million. The much inflated value of these readymades, of what are essentially still just objects (albeit in the case of the how to, jewelled skull, valuable ones) is symptomatic of what Marx described as the fetishization of commodity. Marx warned of losing the real value of essay, human labour as a by-product of the estranged economic relations we experience within a capitalist consumer society.

It is tempting to use Hirst’s skull to illustrate his point. In regards to how to be alone, the shark, however, the spectacle is not quite as shallow or straight-forward. Parts Research Paper. One of the elements that makes it an how to alluring and desirable object (or product) is the strange title Hirst has given it. A title which perhaps becomes the shark’s most evocative aspect. It is beautiful and poetic in its clumsiness: “The physical impossibility of death in the mind of someone living”. The phrase is edgar allan within a dream essay, simple and be alone chimes with the infallible truth, revealing in a second the folly that underscores the colning human essay, human condition: that we are born to die and can never come to terms with that fact. Essays. For me the title transforms the creature, no longer a fear-inspiring monster it becomes sad and forlorn. Isolated and remote and trapped there in death till the end of intermediate past, time (or at least until it rots away and has to be alone, be replaced, as in 2006, but the sentiment stands). The theatrical cruelty of the object is essay, no longer the shark as an agent of death, but that of death itself, of the essays, promise of death.

And as we look at the shark in this new light it becomes almost heart wrenching to behold, engendering that feeling of pathos which Hirst will later perfect with another of his formaldehyde projects: a cow and paper on social its calf in separate tanks and severed in half entitled “Mother and Child (Divided).” In these “Momento Mori” works we realize we are not just looking at animals in tanks but at ourselves, at our own mortality. Essays Be Alone. The artist has shamelessly and brilliantly brought the nihilistic glamour and tragedy of death – as a timeless, universal and sublime truth – into his spectacle. In Hirst, it seems, anything and everything can become part of the commodity. To Hirst’s staunchest critics he is merely a savvy player of the contemporary art game with no real or authentic talents to speak of. It is certainly true that he is a far cry from write a research paper, that romantic artist prototype – the inspired, misunderstood genius labouring his whole life for little reward – he is rather a businessman and an entrepreneur. But maybe we should stop to wonder if this is not just a natural consequence of our times, a reflection of the increasingly materialistic world artists must negotiate, a world which beckons its own kind of artistic genius. In this context that question which has hung around since the dawn of modernity, that question of “what is how to be alone, art”, has become even more problematic. Whilst no one has held back on their criticism of Hirst over the last decades (he has been variously named a con-artist, a fraud, and just simply bad) this has done nothing but help bolster his exposure and consequentially add to spectacle of his personality and his art, cementing works like “The physical impossibility of death in papers the mind of someone living” into how to, the history books of the future. © 2014, Kat Isaac.

All rights to written content reserved. Memory in postmodern architecture: A study of the Jewish Museum, Berlin. Since the Cold War period there has been a surge of interest in memory discourse and increasingly anxious debate regarding the suitability of long-established and colning human essay outdated commemorative methods. Traditional types of war memorial have not only proven ineffective (for example in essays how to preventing the recurrence of war in parts of a proposal paper Europe after WWI) but can also be seen to have played a role in manipulating collective memory and endorsing militaristic rhetoric of colonialism, dominance and power – the same ideologies which drove fascism and other totalitarian regimes to commit atrocities during the 20th century. Artists and architects are now therefore faced with the challenge of conveying memory through new channels, no longer creating memorials which propagate glory, heroism and prestige but ones which are principally non-triumphalist, apologetic and conscious of their own meta-language and its political connotations. Good examples of such memorials are Maya Lin’s “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” (1982) in Washington or Peter Eisenman’s “Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe” (2003-4) in Berlin. These are not so much monuments as they are counter-monuments; subverting the normal enactment of memory and its rituals. The same question of how to articulate memory has arisen in architecture; although here memory must be assimilated into a language which is primarily functional and serves a structural purpose.

This is the case with the Jewish Museum, which resides adjacent to the Old Kollegienhaus in southern Berlin. Essays How To Be Alone. Its function is to display both permanent and temporary exhibitions educating its visitors on colning essay the rich cultural heritage of the Jewish people and essays how to their historic presence in paper networking Europe, however equally the design of the how to, building serves as a visual metaphor for the trauma inflicted by WWII and the Holocaust on the Jewish community. Thus the museum not only houses memory through its exhibits and artifacts, but becomes itself a symbol of allan within essay, national remembrance and how to self-understanding. When the media, building was proposed in how to 1988 by the Berlin government it presented a number of challenges in past papers terms of how to, its conceptual specifications. Even the edgar dream within a dream, basics had to essays, be carefully considered: was the new building to be attached or separated from the already standing Berlin museum within the Kollegienhaus, if they were joined together might it denote an unwarranted sense of reconciliation, and would keeping them apart perpetuate damaging notions of racial segregation? Furthermore how can a museum go about paper networking, providing a material presence, a “home” for the Jews within a city and a nation from which they have been so violently displaced, which is essays, essentially marred by their absence.

Daniel Libeskind won the commission for the building and his design (finally completed in 1999 and opened two years later) was the embodiment of and culture, this theoretical dilemma. Essays How To. It is representative of a Deconstructivist style architecture characterized by fragmentation and allan poe a dream within unpredictability which breaks from conventional forms and planning methods, in an attempt, perhaps, to express the inexpressible. The building is 15000 square metres arranged in a dramatic zig-zag shape which has been said to be reminiscent of an abstracted Star of essays how to be alone, David. The plan is composed of two parts, the architect states, “one is a straight line, but broken into many fragments, the other is a tortuous line, but continuing indefinitely.” The first line, also referred to as the Axis of Continuity, cuts through the second, which is the serpentine body of the term on social networking, building itself. At the intersection where these lines cross “voids” rising vertically from the be alone, ground to of a research proposal paper, the roof about 20 metres tall, cut through the building. The presence of the voids (one of which is filled at its base with Menashe Kadishman’s “Fallen leaves” sculptural installation – 10,000 coarse iron faces representing Jewish lives lost) disrupts any sense of continuity within the structure. This cavity running through the Jewish Museum has become symbolic for the Holocaust itself, a visible, shadowy rift in the nation’s history. In formal terms it becomes the how to be alone, silent eye of reflection at the heart of the maelstrom building. The museums exterior takes on a fortress like appearance, sharp and angular; its windows penetrate the walls randomly at different orientations.

A thin layer of zinc coats the facade, which will oxidize and turn colour as it weathers and gives the building the look of an industrial factory-like edifice which radically departs from its surroundings and the customary stone-clad buildings of Berlin. When viewed from above it leaves an research proposal paper open grey wound on the landscape. To get into the museum you must enter through the be alone, main Berlin Museum’s Baroque wing and travel through an underground tunnel, descending into a cold dark space which invokes a sense of anxiety. Then the visitor is met with a crossroads of human essay, tunnels, the Three Axis which underwrite the museum’s purpose. The first as already mentioned is the Axis of Continuity, which represents the path to the present day and to uncertain times ahead, this line runs from the Kollegienhaus entrance and leads up a long stairway (with looming concrete supports overhead) into the exhibition spaces. The exhibition rooms and galleries are sometimes closed off or exhibit-less, pierced by intersecting walls or voids, again emphasising the irrational fragmentation and splintering of spaces. The second Axis Of Emigration connects the Museum to the outside Garden of how to be alone, Exile, via a corridor which is uneven and grows progressively narrower. The Garden itself is a land sculpture which is elevated at a 12 degree gradient and filled with rows of forty-nine close together concrete columns which the visitor must try to negotiate through, olive branches sprout from the top representing peace and hope, but from the ground these seem remote. It acts as a memorial for all the Jews forced out of Germany and into exile; a stagnant and past papers sorrowful place which speaks of the essays be alone, sort of uneasy purgatory a refugee faces. The final underground Axis is that of The Holocaust which leads to a dead end; through a heavy door is the Holocaust Tower, which is a 24 m tall empty concrete silo lit only by a narrow split in its roof and forms a foreboding, dark, claustrophobic chamber which remains cool and damp all year round. These three underground tunnels leading in different directions act to put the emphasis on each individual visitor’s experience, asking them to make their own choices and intermediate tread their own path.

Like other postmodern monuments, such as the “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” or the “Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe” the memory here is not prescribed or otherwise mediated, but rather enacted through the essays be alone, spectator and through their personal interactions with the space and its meanings. The Jewish Museum seems to me to signify the anxiety which is deeply embedded in the modern human condition regarding how we should preserve, retain and convey sensitive memories. Anxieties which are in this case crystallized by the fact that Germany’s void is one that is self-inflicted, and that the memory of the human, Holocaust carries not only pain but guilt and responsibility. Libeskind’s building can provide no resolution to this crisis – only how to offer a reminder of how difficult it is to and culture essay, manifest the past not only conceptually, but, in the wake of revisionist and post-structural theory, also practically; after appraising traditional commemorative forms what are we left with to effectively communicate memory today? The Museum attempts to address that question, in offering a refreshing glimpse at the potential of architecture which, once all the conventional paradigms of monumentality, symmetry and order have been overcome, reveals itself as a forcefully expressive and self-critical memorial site capable of holding a mirror up to the complexity of history rather than simply telling it. © 2014, Kat Isaac. All rights to written content reserved. Exhibition review: Saatchi’s “Pangaea: New Art from Africa and Latin America” “Pangaea” refers us back some two hundred million years, when the essays how to, young planet was home to a vast super-continent in which Africa and South America fit snugly together like two jigsaw pieces. It is this vision of a united prehistoric utopia – of transcendent global connections – which has inspired the latest exhibition at the Saatchi gallery, London. Of course these continents are now separated by nearly 3000 km of Atlantic ocean and human essay any link between the two contemporary cultures is how to be alone, no more established because this was once not the case.

Yet in seeking to draw some underlying parallels curator Gabriela Salgada makes an important point about the increasingly globalized and ubiquitous nature of the art world and its audiences; an art world which no longer concedes to national or even continental boundaries. The exhibition consists of 15 artists, some already well known and parts proposal others not so, who are diverse and exciting in their approaches but linked throughout by recurring themes and often returning as in the following examples, to how to, questions of civil war, migration, colonial pasts, political unrest and socioeconomic inequality. The exhibition’s initial showstopper is Rafael Gomezbarros’ “ Casa Tomada “, a giant ant installation comprising of 440 insects each half a meter long, which swarm and cluster upon the gallery walls in the first room. The spectator, suddenly dwarfed by the experience, might be initially alarmed, delighted, even amused by the sight. Yet on term paper closer inspection the ants are not what they seem; their bodies are made from casts of essays, human skulls bound together with bandages, their splayed legs wiry and skeletal, the combination of materials used (fiberglass with coal and term resin) give them a rusty, decaying yet tough and resilient appearance. Gomezbarros in fact employs the how to, ant as a metaphor for the migrant worker. Ordinarily the ant is viewed as a pest but can also be understood in terms of its strength and tenacity as a species (they are able to carry many times their own body weight and labour in order to support large and of a paper complex colonies). Here as they swarm together, perhaps fleeing from danger in their erratic clusters, they represent the essays how to be alone, plight of millions of people who have been displaced from their homes, and specifically the edgar poe a, refugees from essays how to, Gomezbarros’ native Colombia, which has suffered from more than half a century of term paper, civil war.

The artist’s work draws our attention back to the suffering of asylum-seekers which goes largely ignored by the international community and by bringing these homeless, nameless individuals back into the public eye Gomezbarros attempts to make the invisible visible and give those that are silent a voice. Leonce Raphael Agbodjelou’s “ Demoiselles de Porto-Novo” series of how to, photographs are similarly loaded with meaning. His images of bare chested women, wearing traditional ceremonial masks and residing in the doorways and corridors of colonial-style 19th century African mansions, attempt to reverse our expectations of the colning human essay, gaze and the Eurocentric understanding of seeing and being seen. As unashamedly naked and confrontational as the prostitute in Manet’s “ Olympia “, and how to be alone as potentially treacherous as those in Picasso’s “ Demoiselles d’Avignon”, the women in these photographs are beautiful, elusive, alluring yet dangerous and disconcerting. They subvert notions of not only sexual, but racial ownership, and deconstruct the power relations embedded within a history of term on social networking, colonialism and how to slavery in the West African Republic of Benin. Ibrahim Mahama’s “ Untitled ” installation consumes a vast space with dirty, torn, sewn together coal sacks (commonly known in Ghana as Juke sacks). Like the ants, the size of this work has an almost debilitating effect, looming upwards one imagines being trapped in an oppressive, gloomy cave. The material looks like it could be leather, or skin; a gigantic flayed carcass. Parts Of A Proposal. The sheer quantity and weight of the sacks and the compilation of so many, meticulously sewn, reminds us of hard and grueling labor – the blood, sweat and tears – which remains in many parts of the world the beating heart of the economy. These Juke sacks, the staple of African market places, are imported by Ghana Cocoa Board but then reused for charcoal and to essays be alone, transport other commodities. Each bears various scrawled markings which tells the story of if its movements within the trade system and thus each becomes a material document for and culture essay, the chain of supply and demand amongst the people of Ghana.

Aboudia’s vast acrylic and mixed-media paintings, 7 of which are on essays be alone show at “ Pangaea “, give contemporary political violence a historic and monumental scale. Term Paper On Social. This piece “ Djoly du Mogoba ” responds to the 2011 electoral disaster in the city of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, when the presidential incumbent Laurent Gbagbo refused to step down after loosing the elections, and wide-spread violence ensued. The artist was forced to take refuge in an underground studio at the time. In this giant, frieze-like image, white faced soldiers stand in a row like ghoulish automatons equipped with large weapons. It is hard to tell but they might be children- the child soldiers who also fought and died in the Second Ivorian Civil War. Essays How To. They are interspersed by red faces with grimacing orange teeth, perhaps some kind of allan within a dream essay, devil creature, or death masks, waiting ominously in the shadows for how to, fate to take its turn. Aboudia’s painterly technique is cartoonish and child-like but with none of the corresponding naivety.

His brush marks are angry, red drips down the top part of the canvas like blood. As with Gomezbarros we get the sense in this art work of the anguish and intermediate papers the indignation of those who watch their home nations get torn apart by civil war. However like the giant ants, Aboudia’s figures are also resilient, defiant, insistent on life even in the face of death. It is this which gives depth to Aboudia’s painting and in fact to all the artworks in this exhibition; through whatever hardship and adversity people are facing across the globe, the hopeful and tenacious human spirit remains. Overall the exhibition succeeds in how to presenting artists that, despite the variety of their work, are surprisingly in-sync and create a fascinating and proposal paper dynamic dialogue with each other. Needless to say that has nothing to do with the mythical unison of a prehistoric super-continent, but rather down to how to be alone, a thoughtful and vibrant selection of contemporary, international artists for whom geography now poses no limits.

“ Pangaea: New Art from intermediate past papers, Africa and Latin America ” is showing at the Saatchi gallery until the essays how to, 2nd November 2014. © 2014, Kat Isaac. All rights to paper on social networking, written content reserved.

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How to Be Alone: Essays: Jonathan Franzen, Brian d Arcy James

Essay: Canadian involvement in the War in Afghanistan. Canadian involvement in the War in Afghanistan has been the conflict that the current generation has grown up watching on television and reading in the papers. Canadian engagement began in early 2002 and just recently the last Canadian forces have withdrawn. This paper will look at a brief history of Afghanistan, development of mission goals, CAF operations, and challenges facing the mission. Be Alone. The primary purpose of this paper is to determine the goals of edgar dream a dream essay, Canada in the Afghanistan War, and to determine if these goals where successfully completed. In late 1979 the Soviet Union launched an invasion of Afghanistan, for the next ten years the country would be occupied by essays be alone, Soviet forces. Media. The wheels began to roll in Russia after Hafizuallh Amin came to power after murdering the president.

Moscow was worried that Amin was attempting to reach a more balanced foreign policy approach, which would lead to less reliance on Moscow. Moscow wanted to install Barbrak Karmal as the new leader of Afghanistan, believing that he would ensure that Afghanistan maintained under Moscow’s control. The main invasion began in late December 1979 and was met with little resistance. Many believed that the Soviets had entered to keep Amin in power, but Soviet forces assaulted his palace and executed him. Karmal was quickly installed as the be alone new leader, but need the Russian forces to colning essay stay around to essays be alone be able to maintain control. The Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan would last for another ten years. The Soviets as soon as the invasion began would be challenged by the Mujahidin, a rebel group. The Mujahidin would launch a holy war against the Russians, eventually forcing them out of the country. The U.S government secretly supported the Mujahidin, with the dream within essay goal of forcing the be alone Russians out of Afghanistan.

By early 1989 the Russians had fully withdrew from Afghanistan, but this was just the end of one problem and the beginning of another. Soon after the withdrawal of write a research paper, Soviet forces Afghanistan would be launched into civil war. This civil war would last from 1989 until 1996; it would see the essays how to destruction of term on social, communism in Afghanistan, and the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan. On September, 11th 2001 two planes flew into the World Trade Center in essays be alone, New York. The 9/11 attacks would forever change the shape of the world around us, but is the catalyst that would force the essay War in be alone, Afghanistan. Taliban control Afghanistan had become a safe-haven for Al Qaeda, which claimed responsibility for the 9/11 attacks. The UN and parts of a research paper NATO quickly went to essays work after these attacks, and within weeks NATO Coalition forces where on the ground fighting in Afghanistan. In November 2001 the Taliban regime in Afghanistan had collapsed, which resulted in the launch of ‘Operation Enduring Freedom.’ This U.S-led coalition was created to support the reconstruction of the Afghanistan Government. Term On Social Networking. Operation Enduring Freedom would be the beginning of Canadian involvement in Afghanistan, which would eventually become the International Security Assistant Force (ISAF) The question arises to why Canada would engage itself into be alone, a conflict half way across the world. Write A Research Paper. The goals of the Canadian Mission in how to be alone, Afghanistan have changed multiple times since 2001.

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11 NATO launched a U.S-led international coalition composed of forty countries into Afghanistan. Parts Of A Proposal Paper. Canada being an essays active member of on social networking, NATO, and a long-time ally of the United States supported this coalition. Also the Canadian Government understood the unprecedented threat to global security and peace, if a Taliban controlled Afghanistan was ignored. A Taliban controlled Afghanistan would continue to act as a staging ground for essays how to, terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda, if left alone. Canada also had the obligation to enter Afghanistan on humanitarian and development means. Being one of the richest countries in the world we could not just idly stand by, while one of the poorest countries in the world suffered.

These are the reasons that pushed Canada into the War in Afghanistan. From 2002-2006 the goals of the Canadian Mission was to assist Afghans in governance, security, and development. These are broad ranging topics, with many factors which could affect success. In 2006 to ensure that the 40 countries participating in allan essay, the Afghanistan Mission where on the same page the ‘Afghanistan Compact’ was signed in London. This document declared the three areas of essays be alone, focus for all countries involved in media and culture, Afghanistan. Essays. These three areas of focus were security; governance, rule of law, and Human Rights; economic and social development. Edgar Dream Within A Dream. Roughly 40 objectives where stated with timelines, to determine the success of this agreement. This document was meant to guide the mission until the end of the 2011.

The CAF would follow this document until it expiration in 2011. With the War in Afghanistan nearing an end the essays Canadian government released its own four priorities to guide the CAF until withdrawal in 2014. The four priorities stated for the CAF mission in Afghanistan where education and health; security; regional diplomacy; development. The CAF where deployed in Afghanistan for over ten years. This paragraph will briefly provide insight into the operations conducted by the CAF over that period, and essay their objectives. CAF engaged in seven major operations over be alone, the course of its engagement in Afghanistan. Operation Apollo was the deployment of the of a research Canadian battle group to Afghanistan, under the US-led Operation Enduring Freedom. This was the first operation conducted by the CAF and was the beginning of the Canadian Mission. After the deployment of the CAF, Operation Athena was launched. This had Canada leading the way in making the international mission reflect more NATO values in Afghanistan and essays how to be alone Kabul. Within A Dream. Following Operation Athena Canada launched Operation Angus.

Operation Angus involved Canadian expertise providing guidance to the Afghanistan Government on the creation of a national development plan. Essays. These three operations were largely focused on edgar a dream, humanitarian and development issues. Operation Archer involved the CAF taking command of the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) in Kandahar province. The PRT worked to correct and essays how to be alone identity major issues plaguing Kandahar Province Operation Athena II was the counterinsurgency mission that was mounted by CAF. It goal was to insure limited disruption to humanitarian and development projects in Kandahar. One of the final operations executed by the CAF was Operation Attention, which shifted the priorities of the mission. The CAF began to act in a more advising and mentorship role for the Afghan National Army, which would take over all combat operations in Afghanistan. These operations and objectives where not without challenges though. In 2007 the Canadian Government released a document outlining thirteen problems facing the CAF and the mission in Afghanistan.

Problem one is the warrior culture in Afghanistan. For the roughly the last two centuries the country has been in a state of war, which has developed a tolerance to killing, and being killed in Afghan culture. Problem two and three are the write advantages that the locals have over NATO forces and the disadvantages that the visiting NATO forces have as being foreigners. Problems four and essays five are related to how limited time, difficult geography, and easily accessible safe heavens happens the effectiveness of the CAF. Problems eight, ten, eleven, and thirteen all deal with the cultural aspects and societal effects on attempted reform. If a negative view is perceived of the CAF, and corruption still dominates Afghan politics no progress can be made. Problem seven is that we are fighting a rich enemy, who has the ability to easily bribe and recruit the write a research paper large majority of the population. Problems nine and eleven deal with the civilian cost of the be alone war, and how it is pay to write paper, too high.

Also if Afghanistan is the test for the newly reform NATO, it is truly testing the how to alliance to its limits. The report also outlines what criteria needs to be used to identify the success of the CAF when dealing with these problems. Stability needs to colning be created in essays, Kandahar Province to allow for economic and pay to political development. Improved governance and crackdown on corruption needs to occur to counter many of these problems. The Canadian military mission in essays how to be alone, Afghanistan officially ended in March of edgar allan a dream essay, 2014.

158 Canadian solders lost their lives over the twelve year conflict and war has estimated to have cost taxpayers nineteen billion dollars. Critics and scholars began to debate if the cost of the War in Afghanistan was worth it, and if Canada was successful with its goals. Understanding the historical context of Afghanistan, reasons for how to, Canada’s entrance into the Afghanistan War, development of mission goals, and challenges faced by the mission allows the dream within determination of essays be alone, what Canada wanted to accomplish in Afghanistan. The 3D approach, or also referred to as the ‘whole of edgar poe a essay, government’ approach best outlines the grand overall mission goals of Canada. The 3D approach places focus up defense, diplomacy, and development. These goals are evident in how goals of the Canadian mission have developed over the course of the war.

They would focus on different specific areas, but would always return to fall under the 3D approach. The three ‘signature’ projects launched by the Canadian government show the focus on development in the Kandahar region. Each one focuses on a different area of development. The first signature projects places a focus on infrastructure and essays be alone economic developed. The revitalization of the Dahala Dam irrigation and canal system will allow for the development of jobs for locals. Also it will aid in the development of sustainability and agriculture in Kandahar Province. The second signature project places focus upon education for the population of Kandahar Province.

Revitalization, expansion, and construction of fifty schools in of a proposal paper, crucial Kandahar districts will allow for better education of the population especially youth. Be Alone. The final signature project focused upon the health of the intermediate papers residents in Kandahar Province. Expanded support for immunization across the Province, with the goal of eliminating polio within Kandahar Province. Essays How To. The success of and culture, Canadian diplomacy needs to essays how to be alone be examined with Afghanistan, and with the larger international framework that Canada operated under in Afghanistan. Colning Essay. Canada participated within two inner NATO conferences and played an active role in pursuing more support for the War in essays how to, Afghanistan.

The Brussels Conference ran from February 17th-19th 2008 and involved roughly one-hundred NATO delegates. Canada strongly pushed for more international troops in write, Afghanistan, especially after it was a key recommendation in the recently released Manley report. The delegates at the Brussels conference dodged bring up increased support, with troop deployment and placed more focus on development and reconstruction of Afghanistan. Canada continued to push for increased NATO allied state support even after the end of the conference. The Bucharest Summit, which was held from April 2-4 and involved the same delegates present in Brussels. Be Alone. Unlike Brussels though the focus on colning, this summit was the essays how to increased troop support being offered by NATO states, specifically France and the United States in support of the allan dream a dream essay mission within Afghanistan. On are more national level, Canadian relations with Afghanistan have been reinvigorated. Canada first began diplomatic relations with Afghanistan in the early 1960s until roughly 1979. With the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Canada cut all diplomatic ties with the country. Even after the withdrawal of the Soviet forces, Canada still had not formal diplomatic relations with Afghanistan, due in how to be alone, part to disagreement with the Taliban regime placed in charge.

After the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Canada became engaged in the War in Afghanistan, which Canada understood would require diplomatic relations with Afghanistan. In January of 2002 Canada officially reestablished diplomatic relations with the Afghanistan government. The Canadian diplomatic presence plays a crucial role in the 3D approach, as it fully supports and edgar allan poe a a dream essay enables the development and defense goals. Also working closely with the Afghanistan government to aid the objects of the PRT requires the diplomatic presence of essays, Canadians diplomats to help coordinate on a governmental level. Media Essay. These accomplishments show the essays success of the Canadian diplomatic mission within Afghanistan and can lead to future prosperity. They often most popular item in the media is defense, or security. CAF troops were deployed to Afghanistan and have played a crucial role insuring the of a research mission success. The CAF played a crucial role in Kandahar Province, by counter the Taliban forces operating within that area.

Without these troops the PRT would have not been able to focus on development within the province. Also the CAF acted as the public face of Canada, building stronger relationships with the how to be alone local populace. The achievements of the Canadian mission in Afghanistan in and culture essay, the three areas of defense, development, and diplomacy have shown the success of the 3D approach. Since 2001 Canada and the world have been working hard within Afghanistan to improve the country. Without them though Afghanistan would be in how to, shambles, and not a better country as it is today. Currently looking at the situation the Canadian mission within Afghanistan can be considered a success, but five or ten years down the line we can’t predict. It is too early to say if the Canadian mission was truly successful, or only a short term fix. Afghanistan over the last thirty years has gone through extremely drastic changes, from soviet invasions to an international security force entering the country for over a decade.

Canada made sacrifices to support Afghanistan, and had stated goals to achieve. Canada’s mission in Afghanistan produced results that demonstrate that the mission was successful. Development projects, diplomatic relations, and improved security where all accomplished in various degrees. Currently we can call the Canadian mission a success, but we must wait and see to be able to call it a long-term success. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Miscellaneous essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Write A Research Paper. Each of us is qualified to essays how to a high level in our area of expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Of A. Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised Miscellaneous work in your email box, in as little as 3 hours. This Miscellaneous essay was submitted to us by a student in order to help you with your studies.

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