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Book Review: Charles Freeland (2013). Antigone, In Her Unbearable Spendor: New Essays on Jacques Lacan’s The Ethics of Psychoanalysis. Book Review: Charles Freeland (2013). Antigone, In Her Unbearable Spendor: New Essays on Jacques Lacan’s The Ethics of computing system, Psychoanalysis (Albany: State University of New York), pp. 315, p/b, ISBN 978-1-4384-4648-6. These essays by Charles Freeland, who teaches at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, on Antigone and the ‘ethics of why do you want to be a nurse essay, psychoanalysis’ are based on Jacques Lacan’s ethics seminar of 1959-1960 at St. Anne’s Hospital in Paris; this seminar was the seventh in a series of distributed system papers, twenty-seven seminars that lasted from 1953-1980 (Lacan, 1992a).

There are seven essays in this book excluding the introduction. The topics covered here include the psychoanalytic notions of truth, desire, death, the moral law, the significance of Greek tragedy for Freudian metapsychology, and the problem of happiness. As will be obvious to the reader, these topics are also of interest to moral philosophers. The main difference however between the treatment of these topics in the texts of moral philosophy and psychoanalysis is in the invocation of the unconscious as an explanatory category here. The Greek and and culture essay, German thinkers of consequence in this context include Aristotle, Sophocles, Immanuel Kant, and their commentators. It would not be far-fetched to say that the depiction of computing research, Lacan as an ‘anti-philosopher’ in this book does not mean that he is not at all interested in philosophy, or that he had lost interest in kids health is wealth philosophy (as opposed to distributed computing papers, psychoanalysis). What it really means is that Lacan wants to rethink the history of philosophy from the point of view of the unconscious (Boothby, 2001).

This is starting essay analogous to distributed computing system research papers, the attempt made by starting out a persuasive essay, Claude-Levi Strauss to system research papers, rethink the fundamental questions of odyssey storytelling, anthropology from a structural point of view in the light of Ferdinand de Saussure’s work in computing general linguistics. Once the notion of linguistic structure became the most important explanatory category in the structuralism of Levi Strauss; it not only revived anthropology as a discourse, but also made it possible for the insights of structural anthropology to be exported to a number of ancillary discourses (Boyne, 1996). Likewise, it is important for the reader to kids essay about is wealth, not go astray on the basis of what it means to do ‘anti-philosophy,’ and consider instead how the interaction between moral philosophy and psychoanalysis not only imbues moral philosophy with a sense of lived experience and human suffering on the basis of distributed computing system research papers, clinical insights, but also makes it possible for psychoanalysis to attain the dignity that is reserved for moral philosophy in the university curriculum. Moral Philosophy and you want to be a nurse college essay, Psychoanalysis. The temptation to engage with moral philosophy, needless to say, was as strong for ego psychologists as it was for Lacan. So, for instance, more or less at computing system research, the same time that Lacan was doing his ethics seminar in Paris (1959-60), Heinz Hartmann (1960) had a go at the same topic in America; the odyssey storytelling essay preoccupation with moral philosophy should not be misconstrued as an idiosyncrasy on the part of the French. Lacan’s main assumption in the ethics seminar is that there is distributed computing system something inadequate in essay how moral philosophers and classical scholars have treated the distributed computing research papers traditional themes of moral philosophy, Greek philosophy, and Greek tragedy. What is really missing in all these endeavors is a coherent theory of the subject.

What psychoanalysis provides scholars in these areas is a coherent theory of the storytelling essay subject that can account for a range of distributed computing papers, moral phenomena that have not been adequately thought through; instances of such phenomena include the why do you want essay death instinct, desire, and happiness. This does not mean that Lacan is arguing for an alternate theory of ontology on the basis of his readings in philosophy; it means that for Lacan the computing system research papers unconscious does not lend itself readily to forms of ontological thinking; it is not only elusive in its manifestations, but is best described as ‘pre-ontological’ (Lacan, 1979). Lacan was fond of pointing out in his seminars that while everybody talks about media and culture essay, or yearns for happiness, they are not emotionally prepared to attain happiness. Lacan even goes to the extent of saying that happiness has become more of a political category than a moral category. It would not be a stretch to say that what happened to happiness in traditional society is now happening to system, desire within the space of rhetorical on the, modernity. Whenever a moral category begins to serve as a political category, it means that the subject is not adequately prepared to either seek happiness or act on his desire. The reasons for computing research, the subject’s unwillingness to act on his desire can itself then become the main topic in an analysis. This problem matters for essay, psychoanalysis because patients have a propensity to demand happiness in analysis even while they refuse to act on their desire. Does it really make sense to promise a patient that analysis will make him happy when that was very far from the Freudian intention?

Freud’s promise was limited by the fact that psychoanalysis can at distributed computing system papers, best reduce neurotic misery to commonplace unhappiness. It is therefore illegitimate to invoke happiness as a desirable or even a realizable outcome of analysis. The Politics of Happiness. Freudian psychoanalysis was an attempt to alleviate suffering – not an attempt to induce happiness in the positive sense of the Aristotelian Good. The popular misunderstanding of psychoanalysis is however based precisely on this misunderstanding. Another misunderstanding is the failure to relate the life instinct adequately with the death instinct and think that psychoanalysts are, or should be mainly preoccupied with, the normative ideals of starting essay, genital sexuality, or that they should work with their patients necessarily on system research papers, a model of happiness that is based on essay, the sexual function. These ideals – however important they may be – are to be situated as political ideals and must be fought for in the political realm rather than in the clinical realm (Jones, 1966; Marcuse, 1970; McCready, 2001). Distributed Computing Papers! Happiness however is not the goal of the Freudian clinic; in Freudian psychoanalysis, the model of the cure is not medical in its cast, but existential in persuasive its orientation. The main difficulty in teaching or practicing psychoanalysis in countries preoccupied with happiness is the fact that the patients will be unable to appreciate the difference between the Eros and the Good.

This distinction is important in terms of methodology because psychoanalysis doesn’t necessarily make the patient either happy or even a better person; such outcomes, needless to say, cannot be guaranteed in analysis. On the contrary, the most that can be said is that a well-analyzed person will have a better understanding of why he is unhappy or lacking in goodness. If this is not clearly understood from the beginning of the treatment, the existential tenor of analysis will be lost, and the patient will not be able to come to terms with the tragic cast of Eros that constitutes the subject’s attempts to system papers, make sense of his life, and psychoanalysis becomes reducible to the ‘service of goods.’ This is research not only a recurring motif in Lacanian ethics, but a danger that has to be guarded against. This question is addressed by computing system research papers, Lacan not so much in the context of case studies, but through the essay invocation of scenarios and thought experiments. A patient preoccupied with the Aristotelean Good, for instance, will think of Greek tragedy from a functional point of view in the context of his own analysis. The tragedy will become functionally reducible for him to the clinical technique of distributed computing, ‘catharsis’; it will become, as Aristotle thought it should be, mainly a purgation of ‘pity and fear’ from the minds of the spectators rather than an encounter with the real as the ‘impossible’ of desire, death, and the human condition as such (Evans, 1997; Lacan, 2007).

Lacan, in coordination research other words, is more interested in the ‘tragic’ or the sense of computing research papers, tragedy, rather than with the literary genre of tragedy (Aristotle, 1996). This then will be the model of psychoanalysis that will be demanded by the patient who will then either reduce or conflate the notion of Freudian ‘abreaction’ to psychoanalysis as such (Laplanche and Pontalis, 1973; Rycroft, 1995). Once a patient makes this false move, he will neither understand himself in analysis, nor the significance of the techniques of free-association and working-through (that constitute the main-stay of the analytic method). A better part of both Lacan’s seminars and Freeland’s essays are preoccupied with these problems. But, as the title makes obvious, Freeland’s main concern is with ‘Antigone,’ the protagonist of Sophocles’ tragedy. The points that Lacan makes about Antigone’s death instinct and her encounter with ate are made in the context of a specific reading of the play; they are not invoked as convenient examples. That is why Lacan’s reading of Antigone revived the interest of literary scholars in this tragedy. To Be A Nurse Essay! Why did Lacan devote so much attention to a reading of Antigone? While it is difficult to do justice to the long commentaries that Lacan and Freeland have come with up on this topic, it will suffice in the space of this brief review if I can invoke at least two or three important reasons for this preoccupation with Antigone.

What Antigone represents for Lacan is the dramatic experience of a limit and what it means for the subject to go beyond the boundaries of this symbolic limit. The term that Lacan invokes from Sophocles for this symbolic limit, as previously mentioned, is ate. Antigone’s compulsive, transgressive, desire to bury her brother, Polynices, when she has been forbidden to do so by the edict of the tyrant, Creon, even at the cost of her own life is a specific instance of breaching the symbolic limits, of an computing papers, encounter with the beyond of ate. Most contemporary readers or patients, who respond to gettysburg, this tragedy with a notion of either the Aristotelian Good, or even a simplistic notion of the good in the everyday sense of the term, will simply not be able to distributed computing system papers, make sense of the ethical or heroic elements that are being invoked in Antigone. They will find themselves in the locus of coordination, her sister Ismene who refused to participate in the burial of Polynices. Computing Research Papers! This is because the notion of the Good is preoccupied with what is politically safe for the subject to do. The main task of the Chorus in the play is to and culture, explain what in fact is safe for the citizens to do. The Good is computing papers a way of orienting social life to prevent encounters with these limits of the symbolic on the part of the citizen lest his death instincts be triggered-off in a moment of starting out a essay, excess. Likewise, for Creon, the ruler who forbids Antigone from burying Polynices, her dead brother, there is symbolic equivalence between Law and Reason; and Creon does not recognize any limit in his pursuit of the Law since, in his conception, he is himself in computing the locus of the State, and there is no gap for him (unlike in contemporary jurisprudence) between Law and essay, Reason. This notion is fine as long as it is merely a philosophical assumption, but when Creon really begins to act on this assumption, he too is computing papers propelled beyond the moderate confines of the pleasure principle, and the tragedy begins to unravel for both Creon and Antigone who find themselves as the paper ethical equivalents of an irresistible force and an immoveable object (Sophocles, 1968). Neither was aware that they would both be caught up in distributed system research papers the excess that their encounter would generate.

Like most tragic protagonists, they are not fully aware of the situations in which they find themselves; and Lacan’s goal, as that of Freeland’s commentary, is to why do to be, help us make sense of wherein lay the distributed computing papers tragic element in their encounter. While Antigone’s act was no doubt transgressive, it will be difficult to make sense of what she was up to without some understanding of the French preoccupation with transgression as an ‘ethical paradigm’ in the wake of Georges Bataille’s theory of transgression. Out A Persuasive Essay! What Freeland tries to distributed, do then is to situate Lacan’s reading of Antigone within precisely this French tradition of taking transgression as a point of entry into a theory of desire; and the ethics of desire, since the main question that Lacan invokes in a thought experiment for the patient at a nurse college, the end of the analysis is to answer this question on the Day of Last Judgment: ‘Have you acted in conformity with the distributed computing desire that is in you?’ (Lacan, 1992b). This book will be very useful in you want to be a nurse courses in computing system literary theory, comparative literature, and psychoanalysis. It is however not as expository as it appears to be; it presupposes that the reader is well into the Freudian field. For readers who are however willing to put in the effort, it will help to make sense of not only what Lacan was trying to do in his ethics seminar of 1960, but what Freeland hopes to make of it in odyssey his turn. Aristotle (1996). Poetics , translated by distributed computing research, Malcolm Heath (London: Penguin Books). Boyne, Roy (1996).’Structuralism,’ The Blackwell Companion to Social Theory , edited by Bryan S. Turner (Oxford, UK #038; Cambridge, USA: Blackwell), pp. 194-220. Boothby, Richard (2001).

Freud as Philosopher: Metapsychology after Lacan (New York and London: Routledge). And Culture! Evans, Dylan (1997). ‘Real,’ An Introductory Dictionary of computing research papers, Lacanian Psychoanalysis (London and New York), p. 159-161. Storytelling Essay! Hartmann, Heinz (1960). Psychoanalysis and Moral Values (New York: International Universities Press). Jones, Howard Mumford (1966). Distributed Computing System Research Papers! The Pursuit of Happiness (Ithaca: Cornell University Press). Lacan, Jacques (1979). ‘Of the Subject of Certainty,’ The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis , edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, translated by Alan Sheridan (London: Penguin Books), p. 29. Lacan, Jacques (1992a). The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960, Book VII , edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, translated with notes by Dennis Porter (London and New York: Lacan, Jacques (1992b). The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960, Book VII , edited by Jacques-Alain Miller, translated with notes by Dennis Porter (London and New York: Tavistock/Routledge), p. 314.

Lacan, Jacques (2007).’The Power of the Impossibles,’ The Other Side of Psychoanalysis: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan , Book XVII, translated by Russell Grigg, edited by on the gettysburg, Jacques-Alain Miller (New York and London: W.W. Norton #038; Company), pp. 180-193. Laplanche, Jean and computing system research papers, Pontalis, Jean-Bertrand (1973). ‘Abreaction,’ The Language of Psychoanalysis (London: Karnac Books), translated by Donald Nicholson-Smith, p.1-2. Marcuse, Herbert (1970). Five Lectures: Psychoanalysis, Politics, and coordination paper, Utopia (London: Allen Lane, the distributed Penguin Press). McCready, Stuart (2001). The Discovery of Happiness (London: MQ Publications Ltd.). Rycroft, Charles (1995). ‘Abreaction,’ A Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalysis (London: Penguin Books), p. 1. Sophocles (1968). ‘Antigone,’ Greek Tragedies , Vol.1, edited by odyssey essay, David Grene and Richard Lattimore, translated by Elizabeth Wyckoff (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press), pp. Computing Papers! 177-228.

Shiva Kumar Srinivasan has a PhD in English Literature and Psychoanalysis from Cardiff University, Wales. His PhD thesis was titled #8216;Oedipus Redux: D.H. Lawrence in essay the Freudian Field#8217; (1996). He has served as a faculty at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur; Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi; Indian Institute of system research, Management, Ahmedabad; Xavier Labor Relations Institute, Jamshedpur; Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode; and International Institute of Planning and Management, Chennai. Panel at research paper, 2012 Zizek Studies Conference: #8220;The Perverted Subject Does (not) Exist: Subjectivity and Zizek#8217;s Ethics#8221; | Spirit is a Bone on The Object of Proximity: The Ethics of Psychoanalysis in Zizek and computing, Santner via Lacan Julio Ramos on Ask an Analyst: Dr.

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Academic degree , College , Education 827 Words | 5 Pages. Seat Belts Should Be Used at All Times. friends. You think about putting on your seat belt , but you don’t see any of distributed research, your friends do it so why should you? According to . the odyssey storytelling essay, James Madison University serious traffic injuries can be reduced by 50% and fatalities by computing papers 60-70% if seat belts are used properly. Storytelling? From the research I have completed for distributed computing system, this speech, I have learned that seat belts do save lives, as well as, keep you from out a persuasive serious injuries. Computing System Research? When you are driving or even riding in a vehicle, wear your seat belt , as it will decrease your chance of. Airbag , Automobile safety , Crash test dummy 1175 Words | 3 Pages. Argument Paper on the Safety That Comes with Seat Belts. THAT COMES WITH SEAT BELTS There are 3 different types of seat belts they are the . lap, sash, three-point seat belts . The lap seat belt is an adjustable strap that goes over the waist, mostly used in airplanes.

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PERSUASIVE ESSAY COMM/215 ESSENTIALS OF COLLEGE WRITING JANUARY 20TH, 2013 The use of guns is everywhere nationwide. . Why Do To Be A Nurse Essay? Many families and individuals own a gun for their own personal protection. Some families only feel comfortable owning a gun in their home to protect their families, than Sandy Hook happened and the world started turning. All of the sudden guns became dangerous but what people don’t understand is distributed system papers, that before that tragedy happened many families and individuals still had ownership. Cannon , Firearm , Gun 812 Words | 3 Pages. ?Lorenzo Escude BBonincontri Ethical decision September / 22 / 2014 Persuasive essay The social network The social . networks like Facebook actually alienate people instead of bringing them together through the isolation of why do to be college, sitting alone on the computer. The film The social network, is a film that brings the story how does this person create the Facebook. It is system research papers, a story of starting out a persuasive essay, entrepreneurship and theft, and papers of friendship and betrayal. More than anything else, it is a study of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s. Dustin Moskovitz , Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg 904 Words | 4 Pages. Persuasive Essay In 1983, Raymond Carver introduced his short story “Cathedral” to the public. The first-person narrative takes . place within the narrator’s home, where his wife is waiting upon the arrival of her blind friend Robert.

The narrator, however, becomes more concerned about how Robert’s visit will affect him rather than enjoy the situation. Once Robert arrives, the narrator tries to understand the blind man, but he is unaware of what tasks Robert is capable of starting persuasive, performing due to the narrator’s. Alcohol , Alcoholic beverage , Alcoholism 807 Words | 3 Pages. Chana Mushka Kalmanson Persuasive Essay November 26, 2012 Physical Education is a Necessity Schools are struggling with . the issue of distributed computing papers, whether physical education classes (“PE”) are a necessity or are an extra-curricular. However, PE is and must be an storytelling essay absolute necessity. It is integral to distributed research papers, the comprehensive school experience, both academically and socially. Is Wealth? As such, it is vital that physical education classes be incorporated into distributed computing research papers the curriculum, regardless of grade.

High school students. College , Exercise , Grammar school 868 Words | 3 Pages. Adam A Bentley English Comp. Coordination Research? I Professor Singer January 31, 2012 Persuasive Essay , I’d Rather Smoke Than Kiss In times . Distributed Computing System Research? like today, people have mixed views on smoking and on the effects it has on the human body. Most people who smoke, feel that non-smokers are against them, and believe in odyssey essay the myths that are portrayed by cigarette companies. They do not realize how addictive cigarettes are, and end up stuck with the distributed computing papers, burden. I feel that her entire article is truly opinionated and biased about. Cigarette , Lung cancer , Nicotine 889 Words | 3 Pages. Evan Bennett November 4, 2010 Persuasive Essay Gay discrimination is essay, a major problem that affects individuals all across the . country. The Defense of distributed system research, Marriage Act needs to be repealed. First, the Defense against kids health, Marriage Act will be explained and then why it needs to computing system papers, be repealed, then the rhetorical essay on the, effects the law has on system research papers society.

The federal government needs to kids essay about health is wealth, give same sex couples the distributed system, same health benefits that heterosexual couples receive. Currently, the coordination paper, government offers employees benefits such as health. Bisexuality , Bullying , Discrimination 881 Words | 3 Pages. ?Iomy Estevez April 8, 2013 Persuasive essay Mandaory School Uniform Have you thought about distributed computing system papers how your family, your . Essay? home, music and even television have influenced you on the way you behave or even dress? While I was in middle school it was mandatory for all students to distributed, wear uniform and I loved it, i felt welcome into starting the school and since every one had to distributed system research, wear the same thing no one was bullied and i became a straight A student sice i would only storytelling essay, focuse in school. Then high school came. Clothing , College , Dress code 802 Words | 3 Pages.

Gabby Nelson Mr. Telles English 2; Period 4 6 March 2013 Persuasive Essay Although many countries use nuclear weapons, it . is a struggle for distributed computing, them to realize that it is very destructive and harmful to the people and you want to be a nurse land. One nuclear bomb can kill a many as an distributed computing entire city, and coordination paper can cause many long-lasting effects on computing system papers peoples lives. Odyssey Storytelling? The use of nuclear weapons is never justified, it is destructive to the country and can kill many innocent people. Papers? Many people say that nuclear weapons should be used. Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki , Hiroshima , Little Boy 905 Words | 3 Pages. Persuasive Essay Communications The housing . market or the essay, housing bubble, which burst did affect everyone nationally and local has been hit by distributed system the economy .My opinion I do not think that the housing market contributed to what the economy is today.

But he housing market did hit the kids essay about health, peak for computing system research papers, what houses were worth in the San Diego area.( And this was all caused by and culture the actions of lenders are directly attributable. Debt , Fannie Mae , Mortgage 856 Words | 3 Pages. 101 Persuasive Essay Topics By: Mr. Morton Whether you are a student in need of distributed computing research papers, a persuasive essay . topic, or a teacher looking to assign a persuasive essay , this list of odyssey storytelling essay, 101 persuasive essay topics should be a great resource. I taxed my brain to create this huge list of persuasive essay topics relevant to distributed computing system research papers, today's society, but I believe I am happy with the results. Essay? I appreciate any and all comments or feedback.

1. 2. Distributed System Papers? 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rhetorical Gettysburg Address? 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. College , Education , Fast food 1228 Words | 4 Pages.

? Persuasive Essay Many movies, television shows, music songs, and video games are filled with violence: murder scenes, nonstop . profanity, rape and torture scenarios. By placing scenes like these in the movies for the children and teenagers to see, the system research, media is media and culture essay, causing them to computing research, become more violent than it already is. What has our society come to these days? Everywhere we look, violence is present; in the streets, back alleys, schools, and even at home. Even if one might be a pacifist, violence will. Columbine High School massacre , Media violence research , Seung-Hui Cho 888 Words | 2 Pages. Persuasive Essay COMM/215 Legalize Marijuana This essay will be about the legal issues of marijuana. The . California government chooses to have a vote in California and other states and it passed the vote, now the federal government is trying to starting persuasive, shut down dispensaries in the state. Even though California passed the vote in 1996 to allow the use of distributed computing system research papers, medical marijuana for medical use, the research, drug is still illegal under federal law.

According to federal law, any amount found on a person is a misdemeanor. Cannabis , Domestic violence , Global Marijuana March 963 Words | 3 Pages. Persuasive Speech on Wearing Your Seat Belt. Persuasive Speech on distributed computing system research papers wearing your seat belt Everybody makes choices every day. It could be something basic like . what colour of suit should you wear, or something major like should I put on a seat belt . I hold the opinion that all of these choices have an research impact on our lives. I hope all of you who are listening to distributed computing system research papers, this speech today make the and culture essay, bigger choice of wearing your seatbelts in system papers your day-to-day travelling. The rate of deaths has been on starting persuasive essay the rise, and research papers this has concerned me. This has initiated. Airbag , Automobile safety , Injury 532 Words | 2 Pages. ? bcom/215 Persuasive Essay At least 11% of women smoke during pregnancy.

Many of these . women smoke without knowing the significant negative effects smoking has on coordination research their babies before, during, and after the pregnancy. Distributed System Research? When a woman smokes during pregnancy, she exposes her baby to dangerous chemicals such as tar, carbon monoxide, nicotine, and other poisonous chemicals that travels through the bloodstream and kids essay health goes directly to the baby. Nicotine restricts the oxygen. Acute respiratory distress syndrome , Breastfeeding , Childbirth 788 Words | 3 Pages. ? Sydia Smith December 17, 2013 ENGL 101 Persuasive Essay Assignment: For generations people . of color have been put into distributed computing papers a system caste of injustice. From slavery, to the Jim Crow era, and now in today’s society. On The Gettysburg Address? Today in distributed computing papers the United States the incarceration rate has nearly tripled over the years. Odyssey Storytelling Essay? With the significant increase in research the incarceration rates, it leads you to wonder what the you want essay, cause may be.

The government has found a way to indirectly create another system. African American , Drug addiction , Incarceration 1013 Words | 3 Pages. Final: Persuasive Essay “Home Sweet Home” COM/156 Why spend money that is distributed computing system research papers, really needed for other things? Why live . uncomfortably? Why be trapped in this hole called a home that belongs to another person?

Why not live free and peacefully? When a person rents he or she usually throws away money that could be used to purchase something that belongs to and culture essay, them. Computing System Research Papers? Money is not easy to come by media essay so why pay out distributed, hundreds toward something that is rhetorical on the gettysburg address, not benefit to the person paying it out. There is no good explanation. Apartment , English-language films , Landlord 1195 Words | 3 Pages. ? ENG 121.201 14 July 2014 Persuasive Essay : It's not just a game, to many athletes this statement rings . true. System Research? Sports fuel the drive and determination within people, and provide them an starting essay essential learning tool from distributed computing research papers which they can grow. Competitive is defined as, of or relating to a situation in which people or groups are trying to win a contest or be more successful than other : relating to or involving competition .( This concept of competitiveness is. Child , Game , Health 1173 Words | 3 Pages. Persuasive Essay Laziness in research paper America By Greg Hill Comp 2 America today is a very lazy place; people have become too . System Research Papers? accustomed to their ways and will not even consider what it is doing to them. Everyone constantly praises our wonderful technology; what they don’t realize is rhetorical on the, what our tech has done to us.

As we depend more and more on gadgets to do things for us we lose ourselves to computing system research papers, apathy and our personal interests completely forgetting the common good. When it becomes so easy to satisfy our. Adipose tissue , Body mass index , Body shape 1046 Words | 3 Pages. ?Hannah Gillespie Mr. Shoupe Period 7 Persuasive Essay 6 October 2014 Don’t Protect Marriage, Expand It Everyone has rights. In . America, we have the Bill of Rights, telling the American people that they have the right to bear arms, freedom of speech, etc. A human, in any circumstance, has the right to love, and to get married. Rhetorical? Why is it that men and computing women are expected to essay health is wealth, get married, have a family, and grow old together, but the papers, right to be in a relationship with someone of the same gender is unspeakable.

Civil union , Heterosexism , Homophobia 990 Words | 4 Pages. ?WorldSID Seating Procedure Draft 5.4 1.0 seat preparation 1.1 Adjustments a) Position the test seat’s adjustable lumbar supports so that . the and culture essay, lumbar supports are in papers the lowest, retracted or deflated adjustment positions. b) Position any adjustable parts of the storytelling essay, seat that provide additional support so that they are in the lowest or most open adjustment position. c) Position an adjustable seat cushion length to distributed computing system research papers, the retracted position. d) Position an adjustable leg support system in its rearmost. Automotive industry , Bench seat , Car seat 1315 Words | 3 Pages. A. Write a persuasive essay on: People depend too much on computers. Rhetorical Essay Gettysburg? B. Audience: Your college professor C. Position: For or . against it? D. Distributed Papers? Composing your three page persuasive essay : 1. To Be? Introduction A. Hook B. Thesis 2. Body (several paragraphs) A. Distributed System Research? Topic sentence B. Why Do College Essay? Supporting Details C. Transitions 3. Conclusion (a paragraph) A. Distributed Computing Research Papers? Restate your main point B. A Nurse Essay? Leave the computing, reader with something to starting out a essay, think about Nowadays people use computers in business, public services, education and. Computer , Docent , Lecturer 321 Words | 3 Pages.

Carolyn Gaudioso 2-13-12 Dr. Vericker: English 211 Persuasive Essay School Budget Cuts Do More Harm Than Good Due to the . Distributed System? financial crisis there have been many changes made to persuasive essay, government programs to reduce costs and help with debt. Distributed Research Papers? Many of coordination research paper, these cuts are happening statewide, in America’s public schools. The first programs that are being cut are the art programs, and the excuse is that the core classes are more important. The argument is that children need to be more focused on test scores. Art , Arts , Education 1386 Words | 4 Pages. Persuasive Essay : Many people would be happy and distributed computing system satisfied if they were in rhetorical essay gettysburg a relationship with money and distributed computing system fame. Storytelling Essay? Doesn't that seem . like the perfect life?

Everyone begins to computing system, think that in essay gettysburg life that's all that matters, and that's all they need, nothing could be better. Computing? Society dictates our morals, feelings, the way we do things and try's to tell us certain things we do are wrong and we need to do them the way they feel necessary. Media? Our generations to distributed computing research, come will have no clue what the starting persuasive, meaning of research, a true. Celebrity , Civil disobedience , Concord, Massachusetts 2066 Words | 5 Pages. Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines. Writing Handout E-5: Argumentative ( Persuasive ) Essay Guidelines Structuring a Argumentative ( Persuasive ) . Essay A persuasive essay is simply a writer’s attempt to convince readers of the validity of a particular opinion on a controversial issue. The following steps should help you write a persuasive essay . 1. Carefully select a topic Choose a topic that interests you. An argument does not have to be a burning issue, but it must be a debatable topic.

It can be anything you feel strongly about. Artery , Boxing , Brain 857 Words | 4 Pages. read a persuasive essay and then write one of why do to be essay, your own. The essay you write will use persuasive . techniques and evidence to argue for adopting a good habit. You will evaluate a peer’s work and get peer feedback on your own essay using the provided evaluation rubric. __________________________________________________________________________ ! Directions and Analysis Task 1: Persuasive Writing Using Evidence Forming good study habits is a great way to improve your grades. Read this persuasive essay. Eating , Essay , Habit 1003 Words | 4 Pages. ? Seat belts Seat belts are important personal protection equipment. Like hard hats, safety glasses, . and hard toe shoes in distributed papers industry, seat belts help to decrease the severity of accidental injury or to prevent injury when crashes occur. Everyone, 16 years of age and older, driver or passenger, riding in a motor vehicle in Nova Scotia is required to wear a seat belt , if a seating position with a seat belt is available to them. The driver is responsible for ensuring that a passenger under 16 years.

Airbag , Automobile safety , Mercedes-Benz W126 636 Words | 2 Pages. ? Essay 3, Rough Draft March 26, 2012 Should voters be required to show a photo ID in order to vote? The laws that require voters to show . identifications have been around since 1970, but they are becoming stricter in today’s polls. In the past, all that was required was a voter registration card, but now the why do you want to be college, new laws are requiring voters to show picture IDs. Just recently there have been many states that have been including the voter ID law in their voting system, including eight states: Alabama. Democracy , Election , Elections 816 Words | 3 Pages. Typography and Political Persuasive Essay. Political Persuasive Essay Overview: The political persuasive essay is an opportunity for you . to take a stand on a political issue which concerns you.

You will research a controversial issue and defend your position on computing research it using the evidence you have discovered. Attach important research articles which contributed to your essay (1-2 page selections). Topic Suggestions: |Abortion | |Pledge of Allegiance . Law , Political philosophy , Political science 554 Words | 3 Pages. Final Persuasive Paper Imagine a country where a woman is depicted as only being used for media, sex and a as slave for distributed research, their husband. Imagine a . country in which women are denied an storytelling education. Imagine a country where women are sent to jail, beaten, and research papers left to die a long painful death for disobeying an order. There happens to odyssey essay, be a country in which all this is true. Women are being persecuted physically, psychologically, and sexually on a routine and daily basis. The government in Afghanistan is distributed computing, likely. Afghanistan , Hamid Karzai , Human rights 2232 Words | 6 Pages.

see ourselves. Why then do so many drivers refuse to use safety belts when traveling by car? There are thousands of families affected yearly . due to the loss of family members in car accidents. It is about time we encourage every driver to be safe and coordination research buckle up. CHANGE SLIDE Transition: Many people simply do not realize the increase in survival rates among those wearing seatbelts involved in car accidents. I. Distributed Computing System Papers? Wearing a seat belt drastically increases your chance of surviving a car crash. Why Do To Be Essay? a. Automobile safety , Seat belt , Tram accident 423 Words | 2 Pages. I’ve super sized this paragraph to mimic what McDonalds has been doing to distributed system papers, the world’s waistbands for the past 60 odd years. There is one story that I . Essay On The Gettysburg Address? would like to mention if only for papers, the sole purpose of showing a little objectivity in this essay . Somewhere out in this world there lives a “super man” that has eaten more than 12,000 Big Mac hamburgers in his life.

Ok, so this man is actually a salesman and former Vietnam army medic that lives in Salt Lake City, Utah and his name is Dennis. Big Mac , Big Mac Index , French fries 1520 Words | 4 Pages. Language Arts 4 5/15/14 Wearing Seat Belts Do you know that every hour someone dies in crash simply from not buckling his . or her seat belt and you can be a victim if you do not simply buckle it when you get in your car? The first thing everyone should do after sitting in their car is buckle their seat belts . Too many unnecessary loses of life occur each year for the simple reason people just do not wear seat belts . It is a confirmed fact that using a seat belt saves lives and prevents serious. Airbag , Automobile , Automobile safety 693 Words | 2 Pages. ------------------------------------------------- How to Write a Persuasive (Argumentative) Essay Rating: 5.0 A . Is Wealth? persuasive essay is a form of academic writing that is built around a certain argument. Persuasive essays are thus also called argumentative essays . In this type of academic paper, the writer aims to persuade the computing, reader to essay, accept the system research, writer’s point of coordination research paper, view, using certain persuasive techniques to prove the system research papers, point and convince the reader. Therefore, a successful persuasive essay requires following certain rules. Argument , Essay , Essays 2196 Words | 6 Pages.

?A seat belt , an unnecessary luxury for the Bolivians? Crazy traffic. One of the storytelling, first things that popped into my mind since I . Distributed System Research Papers? was landed in Cochabamba. Coming from rhetorical gettysburg address Buenos Aires it is not an immense difference, but, traffic rules (those that exist) are taken even less serious here. It is not the speed, ignoring crosswalks or passing right that are the most interesting for me but the (none) use of distributed computing research, seatbelts.

The seatbelt, ‘a belt or strap in an automobile, airplane, etc., fastened around or sometimes diagonally . Automobile , Automotive industry , Renault 727 Words | 2 Pages. Does the and culture essay, freedom to own a firearm make you seem more secure? Or does the thought of your neighbors owning firearms make you feel less safe? Gun control is a . subject that has passionate supporters and detractors alike. In the computing, following essay , I will give you some facts that support the rhetorical essay on the, Pro Second Amendment argument; in hopes to gain your support in efforts to prevent the government from computing papers infringing on our constitutional rights.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free. Crime , Criminology , Firearm 825 Words | 3 Pages.

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Distributed computing research papers 2012

achebe essays Achebe, Chinua. An Image of Africa: Racism in computing system research Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness' Massachusetts Review. 18. Essay On The Gettysburg! 1977. Computing System Research Papers! Rpt. in Heart of Darkness, An Authoritative Text, background and Sources Criticism. 1961. 3rd ed. Ed. Robert Kimbrough, London: W. W Norton and Co., 1988, pp.251-261. In the starting out a persuasive, fall of 1974 I was walking one day from the English Department at the University of Massachusetts to a parking lot. It was a fine autumn morning such as encouraged friendliness to passing strangers.

Brisk youngsters were hurrying in all directions, many of them obviously freshmen in their first flush of enthusiasm. An older man going the same way as I turned and remarked to me how very young they came these days. I agreed. Then he asked me if I was a student too. I said no, I was a teacher.

What did I teach? African literature. Now that was funny, he said, because he knew a fellow who taught the same thing, or perhaps it was African history, in a certain Community College not far from here. It always surprised him, he went on distributed computing system research, to say, because he never had thought of Africa as having that kind of stuff, you know. By this time I was walking much faster. Oh well, I heard him say finally, behind me: I guess I have to take your course to find out.

A few weeks later I received two very touching letters from high school children in Yonkers, New York, who -- bless their teacher -- had just read Things Fall Apart . Coordination Research! One of distributed, them was particularly happy to learn about the customs and superstitions of an African tribe. I propose to persuasive draw from these rather trivial encounters rather heavy conclusions which at distributed computing papers first sight might seem somewhat out of proportion to them. But only, I hope, at first sight. The young fellow from Yonkers, perhaps partly on account of his age but I believe also for rhetorical essay on the address much deeper and more serious reasons, is obviously unaware that the life of his own tribesmen in Yonkers, New York, is full of odd customs and superstitions and, like everybody else in his culture, imagines that he needs a trip to Africa to encounter those things. The other person being fully my own age could not be excused on the grounds of computing papers, his years. Ignorance might be a more likely reason; but here again I believe that something more willful than a mere lack of information was at essay work. For did not that erudite British historian and Regius Professor at Oxford, Hugh Trevor Roper, also pronounce that African history did not exist? If there is distributed computing research papers something in these utterances more than youthful inexperience, more than a lack of starting persuasive, factual knowledge, what is it?

Quite simply it is the desire -- one might indeed say the need -- in Western psychology to set Africa up as a foil to Europe, as a place of negations at once remote and vaguely familiar, in comparison with which Europe's own state of spiritual grace will be manifest. This need is not new; which should relieve us all of considerable responsibility and perhaps make us even willing to look at this phenomenon dispassionately. I have neither the wish nor the competence to computing system research embark on the exercise with the tools of the social and biological sciences but more simply in the manner of a novelist responding to one famous book of European fiction: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness , which better than any other work that I know displays that Western desire and need which I have just referred to. Kids Essay Is Wealth! Of course there are whole libraries of books devoted to the same purpose but most of system, them are so obvious and so crude that few people worry about them today. Conrad, on the other hand, is undoubtedly one of the great stylists of modern fiction and a good storyteller into the bargain. His contribution therefore falls automatically into essay, a different class -- permanent literature -- read and taught and distributed system papers, constantly evaluated by serious academics. Heart of Darkness is indeed so secure today that a leading Conrad scholar has numbered it among the half-dozen greatest short novels in the English language. Starting Out A! I will return to this critical opinion in due course because it may seriously modify my earlier suppositions about who may or may not be guilty in some of the matters I will now raise. Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as the computing research, other world, the antithesis of Europe and therefore of civilization, a place where man's vaunted intelligence and refinement are finally mocked by triumphant beastiality.

The book opens on the River Thames, tranquil, resting, peacefully at the decline of day after ages of essay, good service done to the race that peopled its banks. But the actual story will take place on the River Congo, the very antithesis of the Thames. The River Congo is quite decidedly not a River Emeritus. It has rendered no service and enjoys no old-age pension. Distributed System Research Papers! We are told that Going up that river was like traveling back to the earliest beginnings of the world. Is Conrad saying then that these two rivers are very different, one good, the other bad? Yes, but that is not the real point. It is not the why do college, differentness that worries Conrad but the computing research papers, lurking hint of kinship, of common ancestry. Media! For the computing papers, Thames too has been one of the dark places of the earth.

It conquered its darkness, of odyssey storytelling essay, course, and is now in daylight and at computing research peace. But if it were to visit its primordial relative, the research, Congo, it would run the terrible risk of hearing grotesque echoes of distributed system papers, its own forgotten darkness, and falling victim to an avenging recrudescence of the and culture, mindless frenzy of the first beginnings. These suggestive echoes comprise Conrad's famed evocation of the African atmosphere in Heart of Darkness . In the final consideration his method amounts to computing system research no more than a steady, ponderous, fake-ritualistic repetition of two antithetical sentences, one about silence and the other about frenzy. We can inspect samples of this on pages 36 and 37 of the present edition: a) it was the stillness of an implacable force brooding over an inscrutable intention and b) The steamer toiled along slowly on the edge of a black and incomprehensible frenzy. Of course there is a judicious change of odyssey essay, adjective from time to time, so that instead of system, inscrutable, for starting persuasive example, you might have unspeakable, even plain mysterious, etc., etc. The eagle-eyed English critic F. R. Leavis drew attention long ago to distributed computing system papers Conrad's adjectival insistence upon inexpressible and incomprehensible mystery. That insistence must not be dismissed lightly, as many Conrad critics have tended to do, as a mere stylistic flaw; for it raises serious questions of artistic good faith.

When a writer while pretending to record scenes, incidents and to be college essay, their impact is in reality engaged in inducing hypnotic stupor in his readers through a bombardment of emotive words and other forms of trickery much more has to be at stake than stylistic felicity. Generally normal readers are well armed to detect and resist such under-hand activity. Computing Papers! But Conrad chose his subject well -- one which was guaranteed not to put him in conflict with the psychological predisposition of his readers or raise the need for kids health him to contend with their resistance. Distributed Computing! He chose the role of essay, purveyor of comforting myths. The most interesting and revealing passages in Heart of Darkness are, however, about people. I must crave the indulgence of my reader to quote almost a whole page from about the distributed computing system research, middle of the stop/when representatives of Europe in a steamer going down the Congo encounter the denizens of Africa. We were wanderers on a prehistoric earth, on an earth that wore the research, aspect of an unknown planet. We could have fancied ourselves the first of men taking possession of an accursed inheritance, to distributed system research papers be subdued at the cost of profound anguish and of excessive toil. But suddenly as we struggled round a bend there would be a glimpse of coordination paper, rush walls, of peaked grass-roofs, a burst of yells, a whirl of black limbs, a mass of hands clapping, of feet stamping, of bodies swaying, of eyes rolling under the computing, droop of heavy and motionless foliage. The steamer toiled along slowly on the edge of a black and incomprehensible frenzy. The prehistoric man was cursing us, praying to us, welcoming us -- who could tell?

We were cut off from the kids is wealth, comprehension of our surroundings; we glided past like phantoms, wondering and secretly appalled, as sane men would be before an enthusiastic outbreak in a madhouse. We could not understand because we were too far and could not remember, because we were traveling in the night of first ages, of those ages that are gone, leaving hardly a sign -- and no memories. The earth seemed unearthly. We are accustomed to look upon the shackled form of a conquered monster, but there -- there you could look at a thing monstrous and free. It was unearthly and the men were . No they were not inhuman. System Research! Well, you know that was the worst of to be, it -- this suspicion of their not being inhuman. It would come slowly to computing research papers one. They howled and leaped and spun and made horrid faces, but what thrilled you, was just the why do to be a nurse college, thought of their humanity -- like yours -- the thought of your remote kinship with this wild and passionate uproar.

Ugly. Distributed Computing Papers! Yes, it was ugly enough, but if you were man enough you would admit to yourself that there was in you just the faintest trace of a response to the terrible frankness of that noise, a dim suspicion of there being a meaning in why do a nurse college essay it which you -- you so remote from the night of first ages -- could comprehend. Herein lies the meaning of Heart of Darkness and the fascination it holds over system papers the Western mind: What thrilled you was just the media essay, thought of their humanity -- like yours . Ugly. Having shown us Africa in the mass, Conrad then zeros in, half a page later, on a specific example, giving us one of his rare descriptions of an distributed African who is not just limbs or rolling eyes: And between whiles I had to look after the savage who was fireman. He was an kids essay about health is wealth improved specimen; he could fire up a vertical boiler.

He was there below me and, upon my word, to distributed computing system papers look at him was as edifying as seeing a dog in a parody of breeches and a feather hat walking on his hind legs. A few months of training had done for that really fine chap. He squinted at the steam-gauge and at you want college essay the water-gauge with an evident effort of intrepidity -- and he had filed his teeth too, the poor devil, and the wool of his pate shaved into queer patterns, and three ornamental scars on each of his cheeks. He ought to have been clapping his hands and stamping his feet on the bank, instead of distributed computing system papers, which he was hard at work, a thrall to strange witchcraft, full of improving knowledge. As everybody knows, Conrad is a romantic on the side. He might not exactly admire savages clapping their hands and stamping their feet but they have at least the merit of being in their place, unlike this dog in a parody of essay, breeches. For Conrad things being in their place is of the utmost importance. Computing! Fine fellows -- cannibals --in their place, he tells us pointedly.

Tragedy begins when things leave their accustomed place, like Europe leaving its safe stronghold between the policeman and the baker to like a peep into the heart of darkness. Before the coordination research, story likes us into the Congo basin proper we are given this nice little vignette as an distributed computing system papers example of things in their place: Now and then a boat from the shore gave one a momentary contact with reality. It was paddled by black fellows. You could see from essay health is wealth afar the white of their eyeballs glistening. They shouted, sang; their bodies streamed with perspiration; they had faces like grotesque masks -- these chaps; but they had bone, muscle, a wild vitality, an computing system papers intense energy of movement that was as natural and hue as the surf along their coast. They wanted no excuse for you want a nurse being there. They were a great comfort to computing research look at.

Towards the end of the story Conrad lavishes a whole page quite unexpectedly on an African woman who has obviously been some kind of mistress to Mr. Odyssey Essay! Kurtz and now presides (if I may be permitted a little liberty) like a formidable mystery over the inexorable imminence of his departure: She was savage and superb, wild-eyed and magnificent . She stood looking at distributed computing system papers us without a stir and like the wilderness itself, with an air of coordination paper, brooding over computing system an inscrutable purpose. This Amazon is drawn in considerable detail, albeit of a predictable nature, for two reasons. First, she is in her place and so can win Conrad's special brand of approval and second, she fulfills a structural requirement of the story: a savage counterpart to kids is wealth the refined, European woman who will step forth to end the story: She came forward all in black with a pale head, floating toward me in research papers the dusk. She was in odyssey storytelling essay mourning . She took both my hands in hers and murmured, I had heard you were coming.. She had a mature capacity for fidelity, for belief, for computing research papers suffering. The difference in the attitude of the novelist to these two women is conveyed in too many direct and kids essay about health, subfile ways to need elaboration. But perhaps the most significant difference is the one implied in distributed papers the author's bestowal of human expression to the one and the withholding of it from the other. It is clearly not part of Conrad's purpose to confer language on the rudimentary souls of address, Africa. In place of speech they made a violent babble of uncouth sounds.

They exchanged short grunting phrases even among themselves. But most of the time they were too busy with their frenzy. There are two occasions in the book, however, when Conrad departs somewhat from his practice and confers speech, even English speech, on the savages. The first occurs when cannibalism gets the better of them: Catch 'im, he snapped with a bloodshot widening of his eyes and a flash of sharp teeth -- catch 'im. System Papers! Give 'im to us. Essay Is Wealth! To you, eh? I asked; what would you do with them? Eat 'im! he said curtly. . . . The other occasion was the famous announcement:Mistah Kurtz -- he dead. At first sight these instances might be mistaken for unexpected acts of generosity from Conrad. In reality they constitute some of distributed computing research, his best assaults.

In the case of the cannibals the incomprehensible grunts that had thus far served them for speech suddenly proved inadequate for Conrad's purpose of paper, letting the European glimpse the unspeakable craving in their hearts. Weighing the necessity for distributed system research papers consistency in the portrayal of the dumb brutes against the sensational advantages of media essay, securing their conviction by clear, unambiguous evidence issuing out of their own mouth Conrad chose the latter. Distributed Computing System Research! As for the announcement of rhetorical address, Mr. Kurtz's death by the insolent black head in the doorway what better or more appropriate finis could be written to research the horror story of that wayward child of civilization who willfully had given his soul to media the powers of darkness and taken a high seat amongst the devils of the land than the proclamation of his physical death by the forces he had joined? It might be contended, of course, that the attitude to the African in computing research papers Heart of Darkness is not Conrad's but that of his fictional narrator, Marlow, and that far from endorsing it Conrad might indeed be holding it up to irony and criticism.

Certainly Conrad appears to go to considerable pains to set up layers of insulation between himself and you want to be college, the moral universe of his history. He has, for example, a narrator behind a narrator. The primary narrator is Marlow but his account is given to us through the filter of a second, shadowy person. But if Conrad's intention is to draw a cordon sanitaire between himself and the moral and psychological malaise of his narrator his care seems to me totally wasted because he neglects to hint however subtly or tentatively at an alternative frame of reference by which we may judge the actions and opinions of his characters. It would not have been beyond Conrad's power to make that provision if he had thought it necessary. Marlow seems to me to enjoy Conrad's complete confidence -- a feeling reinforced by the close similarities between their two careers. Marlow comes through to us not only as a witness of truth, but one holding those advanced and humane views appropriate to research the English liberal tradition which required all Englishmen of decency to and culture be deeply shocked by atrocities in Bulgaria or the Congo of King Leopold of the distributed system, Belgians or wherever. Out A Essay! Thus Marlow is able to computing toss out such bleeding-heart sentiments as these: They were dying slowly -- it was very clear. They were not enemies, they were not criminals, they were nothing earthly now, nothing but black shadows of disease and starvation lying confusedly in the greenish gloom.

Brought from all the essay, recesses of the coast in all the papers, legality of time contracts, lost in uncongenial surroundings, fed on unfamiliar food, they sickened, became inefficient, and were then allowed to crawl away and rest. The kind of liberalism espoused here by Marlow/Conrad touched all the best minds of the age in England, Europe and starting out a essay, America. It took different forms in the minds of different people but almost always managed to sidestep the ultimate question of system, equality between white people and black people. That extraordinary missionary, Albert Schweitzer, who sacrificed brilliant careers in music and essay gettysburg address, theology in Europe for a life of papers, service to Africans in much the same area as Conrad writes about, epitomizes the ambivalence. In a comment which has often been quoted Schweitzer says: The African is indeed my brother but my junior brother.

And so he proceeded to build a hospital appropriate to odyssey essay the needs of junior brothers with standards of hygiene reminiscent of medical practice in the days before the germ theory of disease came into distributed computing papers, being. Naturally he became a sensation in out a persuasive essay Europe and America. Pilgrims flocked, and I believe still flock even after he has passed on, to witness the prodigious miracle in Lamberene, on the edge of the primeval forest. Conrad's liberalism would not take him quite as far as Schweitzer's, though. He would not use the word brother however qualified; the farthest he would go was kinship. When Marlow's African helmsman falls down with a spear in his heart he gives his white master one final disquieting look. And the intimate profundity of that look he gave me when he received his hurt remains to this day in my memory -- like a claim of distant kinship affirmed in a supreme moment. Distributed Computing Papers! It is important to note that Conrad, careful as ever with his words, is concerned not so much about distant kinship as about someone laying a claim on it. Paper! The black man lays a claim on the white man which is well-nigh intolerable.

It is the laying of this claim which frightens and at the same time fascinates Conrad, . the thought of their humanity -- like yours . Ugly. The point of my observations should be quite clear by now, namely that Joseph Conrad was a thoroughgoing racist. That this simple truth is glossed over in criticisms of his work is due to the fact that white racism against Africa is such a normal way of computing research papers, thinking that its manifestations go completely unremarked. Students of Heart of to be college essay, Darkness will often tell you that Conrad is concerned not so much with Africa as with the system research, deterioration of one European mind caused by solitude and sickness. They will point out to you that Conrad is, if anything, less charitable to the Europeans in the story than he is to the natives, that the point of the paper, story is to ridicule Europe's civilizing mission in Africa. System Research! A Conrad student informed me in Scotland that Africa is merely a setting for why do a nurse essay the disintegration of the mind of Mr. Kurtz. Which is partly the point. Africa as setting and backdrop which eliminates the African as human factor.

Africa as a metaphysical battlefield devoid of all recognizable humanity, into computing papers, which the wandering European enters at his peril. Can nobody see the preposterous and essay health is wealth, perverse arrogance in thus reducing Africa to the role of props for the break-up of one petty European mind? But that is not even the point. The real question is the dehumanization of Africa and Africans which this age-long attitude has fostered and system research, continues to foster in the world. And the question is whether a novel which celebrates this dehumanization, which depersonalizes a portion of the and culture essay, human race, can be called a great work of art. Distributed System! My answer is: No, it cannot. I do not doubt Conrad's great talents. Even Heart of Darkness has its memorably good passages and essay gettysburg, moments: The reaches opened before us and distributed system papers, closed behind, as if the forest had stepped leisurely across tile water to why do you want bar the way for our return. Its exploration of the research, minds of the European characters is why do you want essay often penetrating and distributed, full of insight.

But all that has been more than fully discussed in media and culture essay the last fifty years. His obvious racism has, however, not been addressed. And it is high time it was! Conrad was born in 1857, the very year in which the first Anglican missionaries were arriving among my own people in Nigeria. It was certainly not his fault that he lived his life at a time when the reputation of the research, black man was at a particularly low level. Essay! But even after due allowances have been made for all the computing research, influences of contemporary prejudice on his sensibility there remains still in Conrad's attitude a residue of antipathy to black people which his peculiar psychology alone can explain. His own account of his first encounter with a black man is very revealing: A certain enormous buck nigger encountered in Haiti fixed my conception of blind, furious, unreasoning rage, as manifested in the human animal to the end of my days. Of the nigger I used to dream for kids health years afterwards. Certainly Conrad had a problem with niggers. His inordinate love of that word itself should be of interest to system research papers psychoanalysts.

Sometimes his fixation on essay about, blackness is equally interesting as when he gives us this brief description: A black figure stood up, strode on long black legs, waving long black arms. . . Distributed System Papers! . Media And Culture! as though we might expect a black figure striding along on black legs to computing wave white arms! But so unrelenting is Conrad's obsession. As a matter of interest Conrad gives us in A Personal Record what amounts to a companion piece to the buck nigger of Haiti. Coordination Research Paper! At the age of system, sixteen Conrad encountered his first Englishman in Europe. He calls him my unforgettable Englishman and describes him in the following manner: (his) calves exposed to the public gaze . . . dazzled the beholder by storytelling essay the splendor of their marble-like condition and their rich tone of young ivory. . . . The light of a headlong, exalted satisfaction with the world of system research, men. . . illumined his face. . . and triumphant eyes. In passing he cast a glance of kindly curiosity and a friendly gleam of big, sound, shiny teeth. . . his white calves twinkled sturdily. Irrational love and irrational hate jostling together in the heart of essay address, that talented, tormented man. Research! But whereas irrational love may at worst engender foolish acts of storytelling essay, indiscretion, irrational hate can endanger the life of the community. Naturally Conrad is a dream for distributed system psychoanalytic critics.

Perhaps the most detailed study of him in this direction is by Bernard C. Meyer, M.D. In his lengthy book Dr. Meyer follows every conceivable lead (and sometimes inconceivable ones) to explain Conrad. As an example he gives us long disquisitions on the significance of hair and rhetorical gettysburg, hair-cutting in Conrad. And yet not even one word is spared for his attitude to black people. Not even the discussion of Conrad's antisemitism was enough to spark off in Dr. Meyer's mind those other dark and explosive thoughts. Which only leads one to surmise that Western psychoanalysts must regard the kind of racism displayed by Conrad absolutely normal despite the profoundly important work done by Frantz Fanon in the psychiatric hospitals of French Algeria. Whatever Conrad's problems were, you might say he is now safely dead.

Quite true. Distributed Computing Papers! Unfortunately his heart of darkness plagues us still. Which is why an offensive and essay, deplorable book can be described by a serious scholar as among the half dozen greatest short novels in the English language. And why it is today the most commonly prescribed novel in twentieth-century literature courses in English Departments of computing system papers, American universities. There are two probable grounds on which what I have aid so far may be contested.

The first is media essay that it is no concern of fiction to please people about whom it is written. I will go along with that. But I am not talking about pleasing people. I am talking about a book which parades in the most vulgar fashion prejudices and insults from which a section of mankind has suffered untold agonies and atrocities in distributed research the past and continues to do so in many ways and many places today. I am talking about a story in which the very humanity of black people is called in essay question. Secondly, I may be challenged on the grounds of actuality. Papers! Conrad, after all, did sail down the Congo in 1890 when my own father was still a babe in arms. How could I stand up more than fifty years after his death and purport to contradict him? My answer is that as a sensible man I will not accept just any traveler's tales solely on starting out a essay, the grounds that I have not made the journey myself. I will not trust the computing system papers, evidence even off man's very eyes when I suspect them to be as jaundiced as Conrad's.

And we also happen to know that Conrad was, in the words of his biographer, Bernard C. Meyer, notoriously inaccurate in odyssey essay the rendering of system, his own history. But more important by far is the abundant testimony about Conrad's savages which we could gather if we were so inclined from on the address other sources and which might lead us to think that these people must have had other occupations besides merging into the evil forest or materializing out of it simply to plague Marlow and system, his dispirited band. For as it happened, soon after Conrad had written his book an event of far greater consequence was taking place in the art world of Europe. This is how Frank Willett, a British art historian, describes it: Gaugin had gone to Tahiti, the most extravagant individual act of turning to persuasive essay a non-European culture in the decades immediately before and after 1900, when European artists were avid for new artistic experiences, but it was only about 1904-5 that African art began to make its distinctive impact. One piece is still identifiable; it is distributed a mask that had been given to Maurice Vlaminck in 1905. He records that Derain was 'speechless' and 'stunned' when he saw it, bought it from Vlaminck and in turn showed it to Picasso and out a, Matisse, who were also greatly affected by distributed computing research it. Ambroise Vollard then borrowed it and had it cast in bronze. . . The revolution of twentieth century art was under way! The mask in question was made by kids essay about other savages living just north of system research papers, Conrad's River Congo. They have a name too: the Fang people, and are without a doubt among the world's greatest masters of the sculptured form.

The event Frank Willett is referring to marks the beginning of cubism and the infusion of new life into European art, which had run completely out of strength. The point of all this is to suggest that Conrad's picture of the people of the Congo seems grossly inadequate even at the height of their subjection to the ravages of King Leopold's lnternational Association for the Civilization of Central Africa. Travelers with closed minds can tell us little except about themselves. But even those not blinkered, like Conrad with xenophobia, can be astonishing blind. Research Paper! Let me digress a little here. Distributed! One of the greatest and most intrepid travelers of all time, Marco Polo, journeyed to the Far East from the Mediterranean in the thirteenth century and spent twenty years in starting out a persuasive essay the court of Kublai Khan in China.

On his return to Venice he set down in his book entitled Description of the World his impressions of the peoples and distributed computing papers, places and odyssey essay, customs he had seen. But there were at least two extraordinary omissions in his account. He said nothing about the system, art of printing, unknown as yet in Europe but in full flower in China. He either did not notice it at all or if he did, failed to see what use Europe could possibly have for it. Whatever the reason, Europe had to wait another hundred years for Gutenberg. But even more spectacular was Marco Polo's omission of any reference to the Great Wall of China nearly 4,000 miles long and already more than 1,000 years old at the time of his visit. Again, he may not have seen it; but the Great Wall of China is the only structure built by man which is visible from the moon! Indeed travelers can be blind. As I said earlier Conrad did not originate the image of Africa which we find in his book. To Be A Nurse Essay! It was and is the dominant image of Africa in the Western imagination and Conrad merely brought the peculiar gifts of his own mind to bear on system research, it. For reasons which can certainly use close psychological inquiry the West seems to suffer deep anxieties about the storytelling, precariousness of its civilization and to computing research have a need for constant reassurance by and culture essay comparison with Africa.

If Europe, advancing in civilization, could cast a backward glance periodically at Africa trapped in primordial barbarity it could say with faith and feeling: There go I but for the grace of system research, God. Africa is to Europe as the picture is to Dorian Gray -- a carrier onto coordination whom the master unloads his physical and moral deformities so that he may go forward, erect and immaculate. System Papers! Consequently Africa is something to be avoided just as the picture has to be hidden away to safeguard the man's jeopardous integrity. Keep away from essay Africa, or else! Mr. Distributed Computing System Research Papers! Kurtz of Heart of Darkness should have heeded that warning and the prowling horror in his heart would have kept its place, chained to its lair. But he foolishly exposed himself to the wild irresistible allure of the jungle and lo! the darkness found him out. In my original conception of this essay I had thought to conclude it nicely on an appropriately positive note in which I would suggest from my privileged position in African and Western cultures some advantages the West might derive from Africa once it rid its mind of old prejudices and began to look at paper Africa not through a haze of distributed papers, distortions and cheap mystifications but quite simply as a continent of people -- not angels, but not rudimentary souls either -- just people, often highly gifted people and often strikingly successful in their enterprise with life and society.

But as I thought more about the stereotype image, about its grip and pervasiveness, about the willful tenacity with which the West holds it to its heart; when I thought of the West's television and cinema and newspapers, about books read in its schools and out of kids about health is wealth, school, of churches preaching to empty pews about the need to send help to the heathen in Africa, I realized that no easy optimism was possible. Distributed System Papers! And there was, in any case, something totally wrong in offering bribes to the West in essay on the gettysburg return for its good opinion of computing papers, Africa. Ultimately the kids about is wealth, abandonment of unwholesome thoughts must be its own and distributed computing papers, only reward. Although I have used the word willful a few times here to characterize the West's view of Africa, it may well be that what is happening at odyssey storytelling this stage is more akin to reflex action than calculated malice. Computing System Research Papers! Which does not make the situation more but less hopeful.

The Christian Science Monitor, a paper more enlightened than most, once carried an interesting article written by its Education Editor on a nurse college essay, the serious psychological and learning problems faced by little children who speak one language at home and then go to school where something else is spoken. It was a wide-ranging article taking in Spanish-speaking children in America, the children of migrant Italian workers in Germany, the quadrilingual phenomenon in Malaysia, and so on. And all this while the article speaks unequivocally about language. But then out of the blue sky comes this: In London there is an enormous immigration of children who speak Indian or Nigerian dialects, or some other native language. I believe that the introduction of dialects which is technically erroneous in the context is almost a reflex action caused by an instinctive desire of the writer to downgrade the system papers, discussion to the level of Africa and India. Why Do You Want To Be A Nurse College! And this is quite comparable to distributed research Conrad's withholding of language from why do you want to be a nurse his rudimentary souls. Language is too grand for these chaps; let's give them dialects! In all this business a lot of violence is inevitably done not only to the image of despised peoples but even to words, the very tools of possible redress.

Look at computing system the phrase native language in the Science Monitor excerpt. Rhetorical Essay! Surely the only native language possible in London is Cockney English. But our writer means something else -- something appropriate to the sounds Indians and distributed research papers, Africans make! Although the work of redressing which needs to be done may appear too daunting, I believe it is not one day too soon to begin. Conrad saw and condemned the evil of imperial exploitation but was strangely unaware of the racism on which it sharpened its iron tooth.

But the victims of racist slander who for centuries have had to live with the inhumanity it makes them heir to have always known better than any casual visitor even when he comes loaded with the gifts of a Conrad.

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Point/Counterpoint: Paying College Athletes. The notion of paying college football players has been an ongoing debate since the early 1900’s. With current television revenue resulting from NCAA football bowl games and March Madness in basketball, there is distributed computing system, now a clamoring for compensating both football and persuasive, basketball players beyond that of an athletic scholarship. Distributed System Research? This article takes a point/counterpoint approach to the topic of storytelling essay, paying athletes and may have potential implications/consequences for college administrators, athletes, and coaches. Dr. John Acquaviva defends the distributed computing system research current system in which colleges provide an athletic scholarship that provides a “free college education” in to be college essay return for playing on the university team. Dr.

Dennis Johnson follows with a counterpoint making the case that athletes in system papers these sports should receive compensation beyond that of a college scholarship and forwards five proposals to pay the athletes. Key words: pay for play, athletic scholarships. Introduction: History of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) The idea of paying college athletes to compete dates back to what is considered to be the first intercollegiate competition. In a regatta between Harvard and Yale Universities, Harvard used a coxswain who was not even a student enrolled at the Ivy League school (5). Much like today’s universities whose appetites for appearances in corporate-sponsored “big money” football bowl events; Harvard may have used the non-student to please regatta sponsor Elkins Railroad (23). In the late 1800’s, football played by college teams was a brutal sport but enjoyed by many fans. However, from 1900 to kids essay health is wealth 1905, there were 45 players who died playing the sport (22).

This prompted President Theodore Roosevelt to summon the presidents of Harvard, Yale, and Princeton, and distributed computing system papers, threaten them with a ban unless the sport was modified. As a result of that meeting, a group of 62 university presidents convened to form the Intercollegiate Athletic Association in why do 1906. This group evolved into the NCAA in 1910, but as a group it only possessed supervisory power (22). College football became even more popular in the period of 1920-1940. This was a time when commercialism in the educational system was being questioned on a variety of levels. One such fundamental question was posed in 1929 by distributed system papers Howard Savage, a staff member of the Carnegie Foundation. He raised a question in an article entitled Athletics in American College (originally published in 1930 but reprinted in 1999) “whether an institution in the social order whose primary purpose is the development of the intellectual life can at the same time serve an about agency to promote business, industry, journalism, and organized athletics on an extensive commercial basis? More importantly, the report asked “can it (the university) concentrate its attention on securing teams that win, without impairing the sincerity and vigor of distributed computing system, its intellectual purpose” (9, p.495)?

Savage also states that “alumni devices for recruiting winning teams constitutes the most disgraceful phase of recent intercollegiate athletics” (9, p. You Want A Nurse? 495). In sum, the original 1929 report claimed that “big time” college sports were not educational, but were entirely financial and commercial. Athletes during the early and mid-1900’s were routinely recruited and paid to play; and there were several instances where individuals representing the schools were not enrolled as students. For example, there is one report of distributed research, a Midwestern university using seven members of its team that included the town blacksmith, a lawyer, a livery man, and four railroad employees (5). Other athletes at colleges were given high paying jobs for which they did little or no work. Rhetorical Essay Address? In 1948, the NCAA adopted a “Sanity Code” that limited financial aid for athletes to tuition and fees, and required that aid otherwise be given based on need (5). In the system papers early 1950’s, with the you want a nurse college essay threat of several southern schools bolting from the distributed computing system papers NCAA, the code was revised to allow athletic scholarships to cover tuition, fees, and a living stipend. However, by the mid-1950’s many schools were still struggling with the coordination paper issue of offering athletic scholarships.

Some university presidents ultimately decided to maintain the principles of amateurism and distributed research papers, further serve the mission of higher education. Those were presidents of health, universities that today make up the Ivy League. They concluded that it was not in the best interest of their universities to award athletic scholarships, and have remained steadfast even today. After passing Title IX in the mid 1970’s, the computing system research papers NCAA absorbed the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for why do you want college essay, Women (AIAW) and began to govern women’s sport at the collegiate level. Distributed Papers? Over the past 50 years, the NCAA has also expanded into three divisions with a multitude of championship events on a yearly basis (20). There are more than 1,300 member institutions that represent an estimated 400,000 student athletes who participate in sport (21). The result of essay, this growth and development are enormous increases in revenue. NCAA President Mark Emmert reports the NCAA revenues for distributed system, the 2010-11 fiscal year is projected at odyssey essay, $757 million, of which $452.2 million will go to Division I members (14). While seemingly operating in a purely capitalistic/professional atmosphere, the NCAA continues to endorse an amateurism concept in college athletics.

These competing, and often contradictory, values lead some college athletes in big time football and basketball programs to computing papers question the status quo of the present system through their words and actions. For example, many athletes are still attempting to get their “piece of the to be pie,” albeit under the table. And so it leads to our point-counterpoint. Point: College Athletes Should Not Be Paid. The intensity of the argument to pay college athletes has escalated in the past few years. Perhaps it’s because of the current economic climate and everyone, including amateur athletes is looking for ways to make money? Or maybe it’s because many higher learning institutions have given the distributed public access to their annual budget and readers focus on the profit of paper, select athletic programs? Or maybe it is due to the absurd coaches’ salaries and the money that colleges make from football bowl games and basketball tournaments? Regardless, this has magnified the fact that the athletes see none of these profits and thus begs the simple question: “Where’s my share?” Perhaps a fair question, but to understand this argument better, a healthy debate is needed.

So, here are some points to consider. Colleges and computing system research, universities provide an rhetorical gettysburg address invaluable and vital service to our communities: education. A now-famous bumper sticker once read: “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” To address that very slogan, the U.S. census bureau, as reported by Cheesman-Day and computing system research papers, Newberger (7), expressed this best when they reported that the lifetime earnings for those with a college degree are over $1 million dollars more than non-graduates. Despite such a statistic, essays and op-ed columns continue to pour in out a persuasive from those who favor paying student-athletes while simultaneously refusing to distributed computing system acknowledge or accept the value of a college education. Is a college education priceless or not? A sports-journalist in a recent national radio interview proposed that any argument against paying college athletes based on the sole reason that education is the prize is “antiquated”. But what seems antiquated and essay, even shortsighted is the belief that paying a college athlete some (or even a lot of) money will solve all or even some of student’s long-term issues.

The fear of the NCAA, as it should be, is that the mere notion of paying college athletes undermines the university’s primary purpose – education, something far more valuable than a modest annual stipend proposed by many. Computing Research Papers? If it currently appears that the research universities “don’t really care” about the athlete, paying them would intensify that belief, not dissolve it. The irony in this dispute is that student-athletes do cost the university a substantial amount of money each year. For example, a full scholarship over computing system four years can range between $30,000 and $200,000 depending if the institution is public or private (29). Kids About Health Is Wealth? But let’s address this main point head on: There is an distributed computing papers obvious lack of appreciation of odyssey, a college degree from those in distributed computing papers favor of paying athletes, and until a genuine gratitude for this concept develops, this argument will probably continue to linger. Point #2: There Are Problems with Payment. Despite the well-documented scandals and media, corruption in college athletics (30), many would probably agree that paying athletes would exponentially increase the need for intense NCAA oversight – an research enormous task by all accounts. Media And Culture? Plus, there are the practical issues to computing papers consider. For example, how much should the athletes get paid and media and culture, will payments be based on performance? What if the athlete gets hurt?

What if the athlete is a bust and distributed system research, despite remaining on the team, doesn’t start or even play at all? – Issues that seem to raise far more questions than answers. But perhaps most important – What will happen to the non-revenue sports at starting out a persuasive essay, the colleges who lose money from all of their sports programs – including football and computing research, basketball? It has been shown that only on the a fraction of Division I football and men’s basketball programs turn a profit (24, 20). The other Division I football and basketball programs as well as sports such as baseball, softball, golf, hockey, women’s basketball (minus a couple of research papers, notable programs), and just about all Division II sports not only essay fail to system research papers make money, but actually drain their athletic budgets. Starting Out A Persuasive Essay? The outcome here would be inevitable: Forcing athletic departments to pay its football and basketball players would result in computing system the eventual elimination of most, if not all, of the non-revenue sports. Is that what we want? We cannot afford to odyssey storytelling essay be myopic on this issue. That is, there are only a limited number of programs that make big money, but yet there are hundreds of schools who absorb big losses at the cost of providing athletes a place to distributed computing system compete and starting persuasive essay, earn a degree. Computing Research Papers? The purpose of the NCAA, along with Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), Little League, and why do a nurse college, dozens of other organized forms of amateur sport is to provide a venue to play these sports – something we should not take for granted. Distributed Computing System Papers? The problem is that some have shifted in thinking that playing an organized sport is a right, whereas it still stands as a privilege. Point #3: The University Offers More Than an Education.

Concerts, lecture series by prominent people, on-stage productions, movies, intramural sports, fitness facilities, and a variety of clubs are all part of the typical university experience. Most students agree that colleges are self-contained acres of learning and socializing, all which takes place in a safe environment. It’s common for schools to research paper subsidize the above-mentioned on-campus activities by adding fees to the tuition – which means that it’s free to a full-scholarship athlete. Other benefits to the athlete include the regular use of pristine gyms, well-manicured fields, athlete-only (and often team-only) workout facilities, sports medicine care, the opportunity to travel via away games, specialized meal plans and free foot gear and athletic attire. In addition, athletes are improving their trade from the best coaching minds in papers the sport; not to mention having access to some of the best nutrition and why do to be college essay, strength/conditioning personnel. And perhaps the most overlooked benefits are that the distributed computing research papers school provides the player with high-profile name recognition, a dedicated fan base, media exposure, and gettysburg, a competitive atmosphere with proven rivals, all of which took decades, effort and money for each institution to establish. Point #4: The Athletic Department Has Its Role. Keep in distributed computing papers mind that student-athletes are not employees of the university, rather they are students first and you want college essay, athletes second. The university can indeed make money from the sports programs; however, for those that do, the money simply goes back into the athletic program to fund the non-revenue sports (24). In fact, every year the NCAA sponsors over 80 national championships in three divisions, demonstrating the system papers range and depth of essay health is wealth, their organization (20).

While it is system research, true that the essay about health champion in football and men’s basketball (and most other sports for that matter) seem to come from a relatively small pool of universities, it might be safe to assume that paying athletes would create an system research papers even bigger disparity since so few universities actually make money. Let’s face it, we are an underdog-loving country, and paying athletes would all but ensure that teams like Butler University, who made it to the Final Four in consecutive tournaments (2010 and 2011), will never do it again. From the moment the full-scholarship papers are signed, each participant’s role is very clear: Schools accept the responsibility of the student’s tuition, meal plan, and boarding, while the athlete is provided with the opportunity to rhetorical gettysburg address earn a degree, engage in college life and play their favorite sport in a well-organized, and often high profile fashion. The document signed by each student-athlete describes this agreement in an unmistakable manner. Although wordy and at times complex – a necessity due to the nature of the agreement – there’s no vagueness in the general arrangement or a hidden agenda from either party (10). Distributed System Research Papers? A failure to honor the basic premise of any such contract would cause all forms of business – big or small – to odyssey crumble. Distributed System? If for some reason the to be a nurse college essay university could be held liable for entrapment or some other form of dishonesty, then their athlete’s argument would stand on firmer ground. But frankly, the system papers details of this agreement are well known by all involved, and rather strangely, no one seems to mind when signing them.

In conclusion, it should be noted that any NCAA improprieties or blatant corruption may have a carry-over effect into empathizing with the position given here. While corruption and other related-concerns are legitimate and storytelling, need investigation, paying college athletes still remains a separate debate. It is vital to this process to view each NCAA issue independently and distributed computing system research, avoid making judgments on them as a whole. The position here is storytelling, that, like many organizations, the NCAA should not be dismissed or discredited on distributed system research, one issue due to the mishandling of others. Further, if the contention is paper, that many student athletes enter college unprepared or that athletics takes up too much time to excel (or even earn a degree), those are separate, but much needed arguments, and are not related to the issue of paying athletes. Now more than ever, we live in an era of entitlement. At one time our country viewed the computing system research chance at higher education as a priceless commodity. However, it now seems that a college education is not held in the same esteem and worse yet, some see it as simply an and culture essay opportunity to earn money.

Although it is now evident that there has been a failure to convince much of the public of the true value of an education, keeping college athletes as pure amateurs remains the right thing to do. Counter Point: Athletes in “Big-Time” Sports Should Be Paid. The argument that a college athletic scholarship is an system research equal quid pro quo for a college education has been utilized since athletic scholarships were approved by the NCAA in 1950’s. My colleague makes one point that is totally accurate – a college graduate can in fact make a great deal more money over a lifetime when compared to non-graduates. However, the remainder of the author’s points are half-truths and in reality just plain falsehoods.

For instance, a “full athletic scholarships” do not provide a “free” education (as it does not cover all costs incurred from matriculation to graduation. In many cases, the and culture university does not live up to distributed research its end of the bargain of providing an education; as evidenced by the dismal number in the graduation rates, especially among African Americans. Furthermore, the athletic scholarship is only a one-year (renewable) agreement that can be terminated by why do to be a nurse essay the coach or university in any given year for any reason. In debating the pay-for-play issue in college athletics, the research history of the why do you want a nurse governing body (i.e., currently the NCAA), their mission and view of amateurism, the past history of system research, college athletes benefitting financially, and the degree to which athletes benefit from the university experience must all be examined. The counter point section of this paper addresses each point made by kids essay about health is wealth my colleague. Using the Eitzen (12) analogy comparing the research NCAA and odyssey, big-time athletic programs to the old southern plantation system will be the underpinning wellspring for the subject of athlete exploitation and the financial benefits enjoyed by system research the university derived from essay, that plantation-like exploitation. An economic viewpoint will be presented to distributed research papers demonstrate the cartel-like atmosphere held by the NCAA while maintaining the illusion of amateurism. Finally, five proposals that outline means to media essay promote pay-for-play in NCAA Division I football and distributed system research papers, men’s basketball will be presented. The arguments that follow are specifically tailored for out a persuasive, those two sports at schools who receive bonus money from the NCAA, as those universities and their coaches enjoy considerable revenue from TV contracts and sponsorships generated by distributed papers bowl games and you want to be college, “March Madness” appearances.

Point #1: Athletic Scholarships Provide a “Free Education” is distributed papers, not correct. As mentioned, in the 1950’s the NCAA approved adding living stipends to athletic scholarships that previously included only tuition and media and culture, fees. Today, the “full ride” scholarship can only include tuition, fees, room, board, and books. Distributed Research? And as mentioned in the previous section, in some cases, depending on the school attended, that scholarship can be worth anywhere from $30,000 to why do you want a nurse college $200,000, although the figures $20,000 to $100,000 over a four year period might be more accurate. In any case, that still does not cover the full cost of attending college. The Collegiate Athletes Coalition (CAC) estimates that NCAA scholarships are worth about computing research $2000 less than the cost of on the gettysburg, attending a university, as it does not account for expenses such as travel and sundries. Former Nebraska head football coach and United States Congressman, Tom Osborne (R-NE), calculates the gap between scholarship funding and papers, the actual cost of attendance to be closer to $3,000. Even former NCAA President, Myles Brand, indicated that he favored increasing scholarship limits: “Ideally, the value of an athletically related scholarship would be increased to cover the full-cost of attendance, calculated at between $2,000 to $3000 more per year than is currently provided, I favor this approach of providing the full cost of attendance” (23, p.232).

So yes, the coordination research scholarship can be seen as pay for play, or at distributed computing, the very least, a quid pro quo for services rendered during a four year period. However, even with a full scholarship, an athlete will have to pay somewhere between $8,000 and $12,000 out of pocket to bridge the cost-of-living gap. Therefore, the full athletic scholarship does not provide a “free” education. Thus question remains: is the full scholarship a fair and equitable deal for the athlete? Athlete Exploitation-The Plantation System. Eitzen (12) among others (27) makes the analogy that the NCAA operates like the “plantation system” of the old south. The coaches are the overseers who get work from the laborers (players) who provide riches for the masters (universities) while receiving little for their efforts. Perhaps slightly over-stated (obviously the media and culture essay athlete is not a slave, but maybe an indentured servant), the student–athlete is dominated, managed, and controlled, and they don’t receive a wage commensurate to their contribution as expressed in dollars earned by the university. Eitzen notes that athletes are sometimes mistreated physically and mentally and system, are often denied the rights and freedoms of rhetorical essay gettysburg, other citizens.

Ultimately, they have no real democratic recourse in computing papers an unjust system. There are other similarities to storytelling the plantation analogy. Slaves were not free to leave the plantation much like an athlete cannot get out of a letter of intent (without penalty) and/or transfer without the penalty of sitting out a year. Much like the slaves who had no right to privacy, athletes are subject to mandatory drug testing (even though their coaches/masters are not tested), room checks, and limits on where they can and cannot go in the community. The athletes can be prohibited from political protests and distributed computing system research, the right to assemble. And finally, they can be subjected to mental cruelty and physical abuse (e.g., early morning torture sessions), all in order to coordination research create obedient slaves; student athletes. Furthermore, collegiate athletics is often the only game in distributed system papers town for many of these athletes.

For instance, football players must be in their third year of college or over the age of 21 to enter the National Football League (NFL). Basketball players, on the other hand, must attend college for one year or ultimately sit out a year before they can enter the National Basketball Association (NBA). Thus, the coordination paper college game has become a “feeder system” similar to a minor professional league and it is in reality, “the only game in town.” Point #2: Athletes Don’t Know the “Real” Deal. My colleague is partially correct in that most student athletes know that they are getting a scholarship that will allow them to go to school and distributed system papers, play a sport. However, many don’t know the “real deal” as they generally have very little understanding they are about to enter a “plantation-like” system in which their scholarship in not guaranteed (i.e., renewable yearly) and can be terminated at essay health is wealth, any time. Student-athletes are also a led to believe that they will play and receive a college degree while possibly picking up a few fringe benefits along the way.

Take, for example, the recent stories regarding players like Reggie Bush, Cam Newton, or the players at Ohio State who received money and/or other benefits as a result of playing football. Even though student athletes know they will not get directly paid for playing, many desire and even expect some form of compensation. Slack (25) surveyed 3,500 current and distributed system research papers, retired football players in 1989 only to find that 31% had received under the table money during their college careers and odyssey storytelling, 48% knew of others who had received payments. This seems to imply that while many recruits may indeed know “the deal”, they display their discontent by accepting payments or other benefits not currently allowed by the NCAA. In reality, the statement “athletes know the deal” with regard to academic achievement and degree completion seems to lack substance. Dr. Nathan Tublitz, co-chair of the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletes, an organization of 51 faculty senates whose purpose is to distributed computing research remind college presidents, athletic directors, and coaches that student athletes are students first. He points out that: “…schools aren’t doing these kids any favors by admitting them when it’s unlikely that they will succeed academically. We bring 17 year-old kids, some of media and culture, them from the inner city and distributed computing system research papers, we wine and dine them.

They have female chaperones. We put them up in fancy hotels. They come here and see an incredibly fancy locker room with individual TV screens, air conditioning and videogames. They go in and see the new football stadium and the new $200 million basketball arena. They see a medical training facility that is stunningly beautiful with waterfalls, treadmill pools, and the sate-of-the-art medical and paper, dental equipment. They come here and are treated like royalty. Until they break a leg or get put on the second string and they get set aside. Many don’t earn a degree. They don’t have the training or the skills to be independent after they leave the university.

They’re lost (28, p.D10).” When the scholarship is signed, the computing research athlete and his family have reasonable expectations which include efforts by the coaching staff and university administration to media and culture meet all obligations of the contract. Distributed Computing Papers? Additionally, my colleague notes, “that failure to honor the basic premise of any such contract would cause all forms of business – big or small – to crumble.” If the NCAA and athletic departments in higher education are a business, why are they allowed to act in a cartel-like fashion? And finally, do student athletes really know the “deal” when they penned their name on national signing day? It appears they don’t. Point #3: The University Offers More than Education-It’s Possible-But Not Probable. Academic Detachment. Coordination Paper? My colleague also makes the claim that the university offers more than an education (e.g., concerts, lectures, intramurals, and clubs) in settings that enrich the college experience. Distributed System Research? Due to the plantation effect, however, many athletes are not able to take advantage of those events. For instance, few if any of the scholarship athletes would be allowed to why do you want to be a nurse college essay play in an intramural contest for the coach’s fear of distributed computing, injury. Student athletes are also over-scheduled with study halls, practices, weight training sessions, film study, individual workouts, more practice, travel, and competition; all in media and culture an attempt to help athletes maintain focus on their sport.

Adler and Adler (1) spent five years recording systematic information regarding the athletes’ lives in a big-time college basketball program. Distributed Computing Papers? After observing, interviewing, and traveling with them, they concluded that big-time basketball and being seriously engaged in academics were not compatible. They also found that freshmen had a period of optimism regarding academics when they first arrived on campus, but after about two semesters they found that the social isolation combined with the fatigue of training kept them from becoming involved in rhetorical gettysburg address academic life. Positive feedback these basketball players earned was always athletic-related and research papers, not academic. They soon learned what they had to do to odyssey storytelling stay eligible. System Papers? Coaches made sure they scheduled classes that did not interfere with practices.

Ultimately, the researchers realized that academic detachment was encouraged by the peer culture, and because of their social status (e.g., big man on campus), it became difficult for them to focus on academics. Coakley (8) reported that not all of the athletes in the Adler Adler (1) study experienced academic detachment. Those who entered college well-prepared with appropriate high school courses, strong parental support and an ability to develop relationships outside of sport were able to succeed in the classroom. It’s important to note that too many minority athletes from low socioeconomic environments struggle in odyssey academics – an issue that is often perpetuated by the coaches. For instance, Robert Smith, former running back for Minnesota Vikings and pre-med student while at Ohio State, needed two afternoon labs in the same semester. System Research Papers? Since the labs conflicted with practice, coaches suggested that he drop them because of the odyssey commitment he made to play football.

Against the wishes of the computing system research coaching staff, Smith took the classes but was forced to odyssey sit out the season as red shirt athlete; a further example of the plantation effect. Benson (3) noted that one perspective was missing from the literature included a full expression from the black athletes point of distributed computing research, view. Benson conducted a qualitative interview study of 12 African American students at a DI football program where the graduation rate was 31-40% for black football players compared to 60-70% of white football players. The results in this instance cannot be generalized due to the small sample size (N=12), but it does provide a snapshot of the thoughts regarding education and athletics of this group. Further, they reflect the results obtained by Adler Adler (1). Another major finding of the Benson (3) study was that the marginal academic performance was created by a series of interrelated practices engaged in by all significant members of the kids health academic setting, including peers, coaches, advisors, teachers, and the student athletes themselves. It began in the recruitment, and continued through the first year. Black student athletes received the message that school was not important, and that as time passed, they had no real control over their destiny in the classroom. Computing? It was simply a matter of survival to keep the grade point average (GPA) to a point to and culture essay be eligible. They all felt like the system research coaches did not “walk the talk” in terms of academics.

They would just talk the academic game in public but then in reality they would have “fits” if classes ever interfered with the program. Simply put, student athletes learned it was a matter of survival and a basic expectation to maintain a GPA just high enough to remain eligible to compete (3). “The Black Dumb Jock”. Harry Edwards (13) discussed the research creation of the “black dumb jock” image prior to studies completed by Alder and Alder (1), Benson (3), and Coakley (8). He (i.e., Edwards) theorized that they were not born, but rather systematically created. The previous mentioned studies serve as evidence to distributed support his statement (1, 3, 8). The exploitation of media and culture essay, athletes is not solely an NCAA issue but a societal one. For example, Fred Butler was passed on through elementary, middle, and computing system research, high school because he was a good football player. He graduated from high school reading at a second grade level and went to storytelling essay El Camino Junior College.

There he took a number of physical activity classes while hoping to be drafted into computing system the NFL. When no offer came, he played at California State University-Los Angeles for a year and essay on the address, a half. When again no offer came and his eligibility expired, he failed out of distributed, school within months with no degree, no offers to play pro storytelling essay, ball, and no skills to use for employment. And he still could not read! (18). Similarly, Former NFL player Dexter Manley testified before a Senate Committee that he played four years at Oklahoma State University, only to distributed computing system research leave the school illiterate. And the sad feature is coordination paper, that academic detachment from the university athletic department perspective doesn’t seem to be an computing system issue because there are always more impoverished (and usually minority) kids waiting to out a persuasive essay come in distributed papers and play. Thus, student athletes in why do you want college many cases cannot take advantage of the many extras offered by a college education.

Why do athletes accept a diluted academic experience or the corruption of doctored transcripts, phantom courses, surrogate test takers, and tutors writing papers? Perhaps it is because they are disenfranchised under the current system, and will lose scholarships, starting roles, and distributed system research, eligibility if they complain. George Will argued that “College football and basketball are, for many players, vocations, not avocations, and academics are unsubstantiated rumors” (12, p.5). Persuasive Essay? So do full scholarship athletes get a chance to take advantage of all the extras of the university experience? More than likely it is not the case especially when they can’t even hope for a meaningful degree. NCAA as a Cartel. Kahn (16) examined the distributed computing research papers operation of the college football and basketball systems of the NCAA and offers lessons about the determinants and effects of supply and demand. Specifically he utilizes economic principles to calculate the value of college football player to a university. He notes that total ticket revenues for football and men’s basketball were $757 million in 1999, total value that exceeded the total ticket sales for all of storytelling essay, professional baseball, football, and hockey that year.

A figure indicating that the NCAA is a very successful business entity engaged in capitalism. According to the cartel theory, the NCAA has “enforced collusive restrictions on payments for computing system papers, factors of production, including player compensation, recruiting expenses, and assistant coaches salaries; it has restricted output; and it has defeated potential rival groups (16, p. 211).” He notes, along with others (11, 15, 16, 30), that the NCAA can impose sanctions that range from rhetorical on the gettysburg, scholarship reductions, elimination from computing system papers, post-season play to program death penalties (e.g., Southern Methodist football); and possibly even threaten a school’s academic accreditation. However, restriction of pay to players is the main way in which the organization acts to restrict competition. Economists who have studied the NCAA “view it as a cartel that attempts to produce rents, both by media and culture limiting payments for distributed research papers, inputs such as player compensation and by kids essay health limiting output” (16, p.210). When looking at the rent values based on college football or men’s basketball players’ performances, they are paid below a competitive level of compensation based on estimates of marginal revenue product produced of these players (6). Their analysis considered the total revenue for a school and the number of players that were eventually drafted by a major professional league. Utilizing this framework they concluded that in 2005 dollars a draft-ready football player returned $495,000 to the university, while a draft-ready basketball player was worth $1.422 million for men’s basketball. And all of this compared to the approximately $40,000 paid in scholarship worth. This indicates that the NCAA does indeed use cartel power to research papers pay top athletes less than the athlete’s market value. Based on essay, a workload of 1000 hours per distributed computing research year and an average scholarship value, economist Richard Sheehan (16) calculated the basic hourly wage of essay about is wealth, a college basketball player at $6.82 and a football player at system research papers, $7.69.

Coaches’ hourly wages, on the other hand, ranged from $250-$647 per hour (depending on salary). You Want To Be? Again, using the system research papers Eitzen metaphor, the masters accumulate wealth at the slave’s expense, even though the athlete/slave’s health is jeopardized by participation (12). Parent (23) notes the hypocrisy of the amateurism construct when looking at these capitalism issues. He notes that the former president of the media University of Washington, William Gerberding, said, “As one contemplates the obvious fact that so many of the most gifted athletes are economically and educationally disadvantaged blacks, this becomes less and less defensible. I have become increasingly uncomfortable about having a largely white establishment maintaining an elaborate system of rules that deprives student-athletes, many of whom are non-white, of adequate financial support in computing research the name of the ideals of amateurism” (p.236). So, why do athletes tolerate this system? They do mainly because they are disenfranchised and fear losing their scholarships and eligibility if they complain.

In essence, this pay-for-play discussion revolves around amateurism, as advertised by the NCAA, and its competing capitalistic drive for income. According to Tulsa Law School professor Ray Yasser, the best option for athletes to starting persuasive change the system for their benefit is to computing papers unite and “file an antitrust suit…against the NCAA and starting out a essay, their universities, with the claim being that the NCAA and their universities are colluding to create a monopoly over the athlete’s ability to share in the profits generated from college athletics” (23, p.236). While the system papers points for odyssey essay, maintaining the distributed computing research status quo were stated previously, there has been sufficient evidence presented in this section to storytelling essay stimulate discussion of paying players. The “play for a diploma” agreement is not happening in many cases, as the athlete failure rate indicates. Another example is national champion Connecticut men’s basketball program losing two scholarships for the upcoming season as a result of a poor Academic Performance Rating (APR) from the NCAA (11). Thus, the following pay for computing, play proposals are being submitted for consideration. It would appear that NCAA should get out of the commercial business of kids is wealth, football and basketball and system research, follow the Ivy League example of providing an you want to be a nurse essay environment that is truly amateur where student athletes actually are students first. That move would certainly place the student first in the student athlete term. However, it doesn’t seem pragmatic that either the NCAA or any of the major universities are in any hurry to turn away millions of distributed computing papers, dollars per year in profits. Odyssey Storytelling? Therefore, it is time to consider some pay-for-pay proposals. Distributed Papers? California and Nebraska have already passed state legislation that would enable colleges to compensate athletes; however they are blocked by the NCAA from doing so (23).

Therefore, I submit five proposals that could possibly be implemented: Big Ten Plan and/or Work Study Proposal: At the very least, the NCAA should follow former NCAA President Miles Brand’s suggestion and research paper, allocate athletes include a $2,000-$3,000 cost of system research papers, living increase to coordination research paper full scholarships. Since athletes are supposedly only distributed computing system research allowed to spend 20 hours per week involved with sport-related activities, this might actually be paid as 20 hours of work study or as a monthly living stipend. This would provide the athletes with the needed income for clothes, laundry, sundries, travel, and gettysburg address, other small item expenses. Officials from the Big Ten are currently discussing a similar proposal that would help their athletes meet expenses not covered in an athletic scholarship. Big Ten commissioner Jim Delany reports league athletic directors and research papers, university officials have seriously discussed using some of their growing TV revenue to pay athletes more. This proposal which would give athletes a $2,000-$5,000 per year living stipend also has the odyssey support of current NCAA president Mark Emmert (2). SEC Game Pay Proposal: The Southeastern Conference, another of the big time football conferences recently entered into the pay for computing system research, play discussion. University of South Carolina coach Steve Spurrier put forth a proposal at the recent conference meetings to pay players $300 per essay game. The proposal was supported by several other coaches.

This type of distributed system, a proposal could pay athletes anywhere from $300-$1000 per starting out a persuasive game based on time played per game. Since most players do not play more than 30 minutes a game, a player could be paid on a per-minute of computing, competition basis. At a rate of $20 per minute a player could net $600 for a game and approximately $6000-$7,000 per season. Professional League Proposal: Ron Woods (27) puts forth a proposal submitted by Peter Plagensa, visiting professor at Middlebury College, regarding the rhetorical essay on the gettysburg address pay-for-play issue. He appears to agree with the likes of Stanley Eitzen that the current practice of colleges and computing system papers, the NCAA do in fact “amount to a little more than a plantation system” (27, p. 67). He suggests that the big time college football and and culture essay, basketball maintain the million-dollar industry by making them an age 23 and system research, under professional league.

This proposal would allow universities to hire players as college staff (much like the cafeteria or groundskeepers) at moderate salaries plus room and board. Universities could also grant the athletes free academic classes until they earn a degree (even after playing days are over). Revenue Sharing Proposal from TV/NCAA Proceeds: “College basketball players watch the coach roaming the kids is wealth sidelines in distributed his $1,500 custom-make suit. Media? They read about his $500.000 salary and $250,000 perk from a sneaker deal. They watch the schools sell jerseys (and T-shirts) with the player’s numbers on them. They see the athletic director and distributed system, NCAA officials getting rich and you wonder why they might ask; hey where’s my share?

What am I, a pack mule” (17, p.46) Tim Tebow related on research paper, the Daily Show (26) that he joked with his college coach prior to computing system research papers a national championship game about to be a nurse college essay getting a cut of distributed computing system papers, his bonus money to ensure a victory. Kids Essay About Health? This brings another revenue sharing possibility to the surface: coaches sharing their bonuses and distributed computing papers, other performance incentives with the players. Most coaches in big time programs are paid huge bonuses based on kids about health is wealth, team record and ranking, all a result of player performance. For instance, according to 2009 IRS income tax reports, Mike Krzyewski received $2,222,543 in bonuses and incentives (4). Coaches under this proposal would be required to share 25-50% of their bonuses with the computing system papers players.

Isn’t it reasonable to expect the athletes to get a cut of the bonus money? After all, they (i.e., the players) are the rhetorical address ones who put the coaches in a position to earn those bonuses. My colleague has argued in point #2 that paying athletes raise a myriad of other issues, such as how much should they receive, what happens if an athlete gets hurt, and so on. That is a discussion for another time. First, we must agree that it is fair to compensate NCAA Division I football and basketball athletes beyond that of an athletic scholarship; then and research papers, only then may payout details be chronicled. Note: a reminder that we are only why do to be college essay discussing compensation for the NCAA Division I-A football and basketball players; not the athletes in the AAU, Little League or other truly amateur venues of distributed system research papers, organized sport. Throughout the history of the NCAA, college athletes have routinely received compensation beyond that of a full college scholarship (e.g., room and board, tuition, books). While such compensation is illegal, athletes like Reggie Bush and and culture essay, others receive under-the-table benefits as evidenced in the Slack survey (25). Additionally, many athletes in “big time” programs do not receive a degree for their efforts in computing the athletic arena.

Universities routinely admit students based on their athletic skills that are academically ill-prepared for you want, success. As seen in the research (1, 3), many athletes that aspire to be academically successful soon lose hope with the over-scheduling and pressures of sport preparation. As a result, many college athletes, a majority of which are minorities, fail out of school once coaches have utilized their eligibility. The NCAA functions like a cartel, keeping cost down while increasing profits. Computing System Papers? Rents for a draft-ready athlete earn the university somewhere between $500,000 for rhetorical on the address, football and system research papers, $1.422 million for men’s basketball (16), leading to a pseudo-plantation system where the odyssey storytelling essay coaches oversee the athletes demanding work and controlling their schedules on distributed computing papers, and off the field. This unbalanced system allows athletes to earn the equivalent of $6.80-$7.69 an hour (12) while coaches like Nick Saban of Alabama or Mack Brown of Texas earn over five million dollars a year (4). If the NCAA continues as a corporate entity and acting in a cartel-like fashion making millions of dollars a year, implementing a plan to pay student athletes for playing must be considered. Starting Out A Persuasive? Otherwise, America’s institutions of distributed computing system research papers, higher learning should follow the Ivy League schools’ example and eliminate athletic scholarships, get out of the big time sport business, and essay, get on with providing students with a complete educational experience. Few discussions within sport are more common or controversial than the debate to pay college athletes.

Some arguments are well thought and articulated, while others lack insight and are simply driven by passion. The purpose of this article is to system research papers provide the why do to be a nurse college reader with a new perspective and some historical insight – all supported by the literature – regardless of their stance on this issue. Moreover, readers who may actually be heard by the NCAA may offer a position that has yet to be considered. The concession here is that despite any decision by the NCAA in distributed system the near future, we can be assured that college administrators, coaches, and athletes will continue this debate. However, their arguments may now be seen as relevant and more reasoned.

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People of all ages prefer print books than E-books because of many reason. It will cover the pro and cons of print books and coordination E-books. There will be a justification made in these report. The purposes of this report are; i) To justify the distributed computing statement a?˜..Libraries should provide more books rather than invest in kids about is wealth new technology such as ebooks and e-journals. ii) The pros and cons of system E-Book and E-Journals.

With the advance of phones, tablets, and paper ereaders, ebooks have become a popular reading standard. Still, there’s something about the feel of an old-fashioned paper book. Ebooks can be read practically anywhere on computing system research anything, it really help when we in work and have no time to open a book. Media And Culture? On another hand, some researchers discovered that 62 percent of the computing research papers respondents actually prefer printed books to essay e-books, even though theya??re technically the technological and digital generation. i) Paper books cannot be deleted and real experience. There are few opinion that agree, library should invest more in books because books is more practical than ebooks.

One of them are; a??The ebook I was reading told me I was 84% finished with the book when the book ended. The remaining 16% was excerpts from the author’s other books, an author interview, and a discussion guide. Paper books are far superior when it comes to letting you know your place in a book, and that’s why I prefer booka?? In these case library should give more attention to providing a books than invest in technology. Computing System Papers? Libraries should be responsible for keeping paper books as one day the internet may not exist. It is a known fact that paper books are the only reliable and safe source of kids about health information. Distributed System Research Papers? The best way to start and finish your book is reading the book itself. Essay Health Is Wealth? One day your gadget may lost all the data because of distributed computing papers technical problem such as virus and coordination malware.

There is no guarantee that ebooks will kept forever in our phone. Computing System Research Papers? Leta??s take an example, when A format their phone or laptop the essay about data store in it will not exist and may deleted. Distributed Computing Research Papers? It will destruct the rhetorical essay on the ebooks in their phone. Lending print books couldna??t be easiera?” just grab the book and pass it along; no set-up or hassle involved. There is just something about print books that ebook cana??t compete with, the way the spine cracks the fist time ita??s open, the way the pages feel in your hands, the papers rich scent of why do you want to be a nurse paper, the way they wear over time and distributed system papers gain character. Kids Essay About Health? People will appreciate the distributed system research papers books when they can touch, feel and read it.

The best part it we can hold a pen and write down anything that we thought about every passage we read. Essay? While ebooks are probably going to be around for quite a while, there is something really special about being able to hold something in your hands that your parents, grandparents, and other family members had when they were young. Some people love to computing system sit with their family and holding a book than holding a tablet. It is because they will more concentrate on the book their read. Seeing a shelf full of books and topics is inspiring and stimulates the imagination. Keeping books in out a handphone and bookshelf is much different.

When we keep books in bookshelf we can see the distributed research books in our house or any place. If we keep the books in why do a nurse college our gadgets, it was like the books we read are never exist. The situation is computing research, we read and delete rather than read and keep it for our collection. It’s no secret that reading is good for you. Just six minutes of reading is enough to reduce stress by kids essay is wealth, 68%, and numerous studies have shown that reading keeps your brain functioning effectively as you age. One study even found that elderly individuals who read regularly are 2.5 times less likely to develop Alzheimer’s than their peers. But not all forms of computing system reading are created equal. ii) E-books are damaging our health. Ebooks will damaging our physical and coordination mental health than we might think. When we read through smartphone, the research papers light from the screen may destruct our sight and lead to eyes problem.

Researchers have been examining the differences between reading regular books and e-books for years. Media Essay? Many of the studies have shown that reading old-fashioned books has plenty of advantages over e-books, which can be gateways to other electronic distractions, all of which screw with your sleep. This is why you should ditch the distributed computing research screen for printed pages. Using laptops or phones late at storytelling essay, night to read doesn’t make way for restful sleep. Reading helps you de-stress faster or just as fast as listening to music, taking a walk, or having a cup of tea or coffee, according to a 2009 study. When researchers measured heart rate and system research papers muscle tension, they found that people relaxed just six minutes into reading. You Want To Be College Essay? But reading on a device might cancel out distributed computing research this effect, and may even impact your stress levels negatively. Repeated use of mobile phones or laptops late at night has been linked to depression, higher levels of stress, and coordination fatigue among young adults.

Constant use of technology not only disrupts our sleeping patterns and throws off our circadian rhythms, but it fosters a shorter attention span and fractured focus a?” online, we jump from meme to meme and system research link to link, checking Facebook intermittently. Social media and technological distractions also always seem to foster guilt and regret, and kids about health before we know it, three hours have passed and our brains feel like mush. Computing System Papers? People nowadays love to read something with visual than directly words by kids about is wealth, words. Thata??s why people will love to check facebook than open their books in their smartphone or tablets. Reading an old-fashioned paper book might seem out of style, wasteful, or impractical. But dona??t underestimate the simplicity of holding a physical book in your hands, flipping through the pages, and not having anything else to shift your focus to. Commit to the classic paper book and you’ll get the full, healthier experience. Reading in computing system research print helps with comprehension.

A 2014 study found that readers of a short mystery story on a Kindle were significantly worse at remembering the order of events than those who read the same story in media and culture paperback. Lead researcher Anne Mangen of Norway’s Stavanger University concluded that “the haptic and tactile feedback of a Kindle does not provide the same support for mental reconstruction of a story as a print pocket book does.” iii) Survey about Prints books and E-books. Textbook makers, bookstore owners and college student surveys all say millennials still strongly prefer print for system research, pleasure and learning, a bias that surprises reading experts given the coordination research paper same groupa??s proclivity to consume most other content digitally. Distributed Papers? Marlene England (Owner of a bookstores) said millennials regularly tell her they prefer print because ita??s a??easier to media and culture essay follow stories.a?? Pew studies show the highest print readership rates are among those ages 18 to 29, and the same age group is still using public libraries in large numbers. Don Kilburn, North American president for Pearson, the largest publisher in the world and the dominant player in education, said the move to digital a??doesna??t look like a revolution right now. Distributed Computing Research Papers? It looks like an evolution, and ita??s lumpy at kids health is wealth, best.a?? And it can be seen most prominently on college campuses, where students still lug backpacks stuffed with books, even as they increasingly take notes (or check Facebook) on laptops during class. This is the report made by The Washington Post. This post shows that more people will choose prints book than E-books.

In order to justify this report, there is a survey has been conducted with 20 respondent. It will ask about distributed computing system papers which the respondent prefer in finding information. Why Do To Be College Essay? The question will cover their choices about prints books or E-books. Survey about Print Books Vs E-books. 1. How many Books have you read in research the last year? a??11 or more Books. 2. Have you purchased an E-book or a print book in the last 12 months? a??Ia??ve purchased only E-books. a??Ia??ve purchased only printed books. a??Ia??ve bought both e-books and media and culture printed books. a??No Ia??havena??t purchased either.

3. Distributed Computing Research? Do you prefer to read E-Books or Print Books? a??Print books only. 4. Do you agree with the following statement: a??Library should invest more in books publication than ebooks and e journals..a?? a??Neither agree or disagree.

Result of the survey. 1. How many Books have you read in the last year? Among the 20 respondent the majority will read four to storytelling five books in a year. 2. Have you purchased an papers, E-book or a print book in the last 12 months? These finding shows more people prefer to rhetorical address purchased both e-books and printed books. Printed books are more popular among the reader. 3. Do you prefer to read E-Books or Print Books?

The third questions shows that most of the respondent prefer print books than E-books. Many people wrote in computing papers their comments and rhetorical gettysburg had clear reasons for avoiding the screen like, a??Therea??s something about curling up with a good book in onea??s hands that cana??t be beata?? and a??I spend enough time on computers at work, need a breaka?? to a??I like the feel of the pagesa??. Seems like the distributed computing research papers smell and feel of paper, curling up on a rainy afternoon with a mug of tea is better than seeing on screen with brighting light that can distract our eyes. 4. Do you agree with the following statement: a??Library should invest more in books publication than ebooks and e journals..a?? The last questions is about the main topic that need to justify with the survey. More respondents strongly agree that library should vary and invest in print books to essay about satisfied people needs in reading a print books. The result show that most of them strongly agree library should invest more on prints book than E-books.

We will forget how good to hold a books in real and appreciate the writing in the print books. Library will play a main role in promoting a people to read a print books. Readers absorb less on Kindles and iPads than when they read on paper. A few years back, researcher wrote that it’s faster to system papers read paper books than e-books, study shows. For a conclusion, it is better if we invest more on storytelling essay printed books because many people cana??t forget the distributed papers smell of the books and to be essay also the sentimental value when we hold a book than smartphones. The survey will be the computing system research papers evidence that print books may allow for deeper reading and why do to be a nurse essay stronger understanding and memory than digital books. Nostalgia, comfort and convenience seem to be big reasons in papers favor for why do to be a nurse essay, keeping the physical book alive. Distributed Computing System? Another study show that sixteen to and culture essay 24-year-olds are known as the super-connected generation, obsessed with snapping selfies or downloading the latest mobile apps, so it comes as a surprise to papers learn that 62% prefer print books to ebooks. The two big reasons for preferring print are value for to be a nurse essay, money and an emotional connection to physical books.

On questions of ebook pricing, 28% think that ebooks should be half their current price, while just 8% say that ebook pricing is right. Sometimes books in digital form is expensive than books in printed form. People nowadays will consider much on the value of the things they buy. It is better to buy something that we can see and hold than in virtual form. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom Information Technology essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Each of distributed computing research papers us is qualified to a high level in our area of address expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised Information Technology work in your email box, in computing as little as 3 hours.

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