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bio i bio Das ganze Jahr durch konnen unsere Kunden und Konsumenten einheimisches Gemuse beziehen. Im Winter stehen Lagergemuse sowie Frischgemuse wie Zuckerhut, Chinakohl, Lauch und Nusslisalat [Deutsch: Feldsalat] im Vordergrund. An Analysis! Im Sommer konnen wir, dank dem Freilandanbau, ein noch viel reichhaltigeres Sortiment anbieten. Research! In den heissen Monaten steigt die Nachfrage nach Schweizer Tomaten, Gurken, Peperoni und Auberginen. Essay! Selbstverstandlich in coarsework gewohnt hoher Bioqualitat. Dies wird bei uns durch den geschutzten Anbau ermoglicht. Essay! Gibt es im Winter „nur“ Kartoffeln? Nein, auch im Winter ist die Nachfrage nach taglich frisch geerntetem Gemuse sehr hoch. Durch den Anbau in interview essay Gewachshausern ist es uns moglich, auch diesen Kundenwunsch zu erfullen. Start An Analysis Essay! Im Bioanbau durfen Gewachshauser im Winter zwar nicht beheizt, sondern gerade frostfrei gehalten werden.

Das reicht jedoch fur gewisse Schweizer Salate wie Nusslisalat vollkommen aus. Essay Process! Spater konnen auch Spinat, Kopfsalat, Krautstiel, Rettich und Kohlrabi frisch geerntet werden. Start! Frisch, knackig, gsund und gibt viel Arbeit. Process! Diese Kulturen haben sich bei Rathgeb Bio seit 1995 zu einem sehr wichtigen Sortimentszweig entwickelt. Start Essay! Frischgemuse im Freiland geben enorm viel Arbeit und sorgen teilweise auch fur hektische Zeiten.

Im Freiland mussen viele Kulturen - wie beispielsweise Blattsalate und Spinat - taglich frisch geerntet werden, um in interview a teacher essay der gewunschten Qualitat und Frische bis zum Kunden zu gelangen. Zu unserem wichtigsten Frischgemuse im Freiland zahlen Blumenkohl, Broccoli, Chinakohl, Fenchel, grune und bunte Blattsalate sowie Zucchetti. Start An Analysis Essay! Frisch, bio und 365 Tage im Jahr verfugbar. Paper Impact! Seit 1997 konnen wir Gemuse aus dem Gewachshaus anbieten. Essay! Starten konnten wir damals in research impact Stammheim mit den ersten eigenen Gewachshausern. Durch die grosse Nachfrage nach frischem Schweizer Gemuse wahrend dem ganzen Jahr haben wir uns vergrossert. Essay! Deshalb konnen wir ganzjahrig eine Vielzahl an with verschiedensten Beschaftigungsmoglichkeiten anbieten, auch fur Personen ohne Ausbildung. Start An Analysis Essay! Bio-Gewachshauser durfen in the qualities den kalten Wintermonaten nicht beheizt, sondern nur gerade frostfrei gehalten werden. Essay! Zusammen mit der Energie-Agentur der Wirtschaft und in statement warming unserem eigenen Interesse halten wir dabei den Energieverbrauch so gering wie moglich.

Und auch im Gewachshaus wachst Biogemuse immer im gewachsenen Boden (keine erdelosen Systeme wie Hors-Sol). Nur einwandfreie Produkte konnen gelagert werden. Selbstverstandlich sind auch unsere Lagergemuse knackig und frisch. Start Essay! Den grossen Unterschied macht die Haltbarkeit aus. Interview With A Teacher Essay! Damit Gemuse gut eingelagert werden kann, muss es von einwandfreier Qualitat und unversehrt sein. Start An Analysis! Das heisst, es darf weder beschadigt noch stark verschmutzt sein um die Lagerfahigkeit nicht zu beintrachtigen. Es ist nicht so, dass diese Produkte zwingend gelagert werden mussen, um das Aroma und den Geschmack zu entfalten. Essay Nursing Process! Wir sind ja Bioproduzenten und keine Winzer.

Zwiebeln, Randen [Deutsch: Rote Beete], Knollensellerie, Susskartoffeln und auch andere Lagerprodukte konnen auch direkt nach der Ernte konsumiert werden. Start An Analysis! Unser wichtigstes Gemuse ist die Karotte. Nursing! Nicht nur im Anbau, sondern auch bei den Abnahmemengen und durch die unterschiedlichsten Verarbeitungsmoglichkeiten. Start! Kein Gemuse, aber von unserem Speiseplan nicht wegzudenken. Coarsework! Kaum ein Naturprodukt ist so vielseitig einsetzbar wie die Kartoffel.

Von Kartoffelschnaps uber «Gschwelti» bis «pommes d'allumette» gibt es unzahlig verschiedene Konsumierungsmoglichkeiten. Sogar Kartoffeleis wurde schon erfolgreich hergestellt. Und soll sogar gut schmecken. Essay! Kartoffeln (solanum tuberosum) gehoren zu den Nachtschattengewachsen, genauso wie Tomaten, Aubergines oder Paprika. Machiavelli Essays! Tausende Landwirte produzieren jahrlich uber eine halbe Million Tonnen, damit jahrlich Herr und Frau Schweizer die durchschnittlich 45 kg Kartoffeln essen kann.

Nebst Karotten sind Kartoffeln unser wichtigstes Produkt. Dank uber vier Jahrzehnte Erfahrung kennen wir die Eigenheiten und „Launen“ dieser Knolle bestens und konnen so beste Qualitat jeder einzelnen Sorte sicherstellen. Essay! Unter Verarbeitungsgemuse fallen alle Produkte, die fur unterschiedliche Weiterverarbeitungs- und Einsatzzwecke vorbereitet werden. Machiavelli The Qualities Prince! Ebenfalls gehoren alle Mischsalate und Gemusesnacks zu dieser Kategorie. Allgemein bekannt als Convenience Food. An Analysis Essay! Einige Beispiele: Seit Jahrzehnten bauen wir spezielle Weisskohl-Sorten an, die anschliessend zu Sauerkraut verarbeitet werden.

Diese bis zu 10 kg schweren «Chabis-Chopf» werden sofort nach der Ernte bei unseren Abnehmern weiterverarbeitet und mit Salz und Gewurzen angereichert. Research! Daraus entsteht das wurzige und frische Sauerkraut. Der verwandte Rotkohl hat besonders im Herbst seine Glanzzeit, wenn er als Rotkraut zu Wildgerichten serviert wird. An Analysis! «En Guete!» Obwohl Erbsen auch frisch konsumiert werden, gelangt der Grossteil der Ernte als Tiefkuhlprodukte oder gut geschutzt und lange haltbar in thesis warming der bekannten Konservendose auf den Markt. Fur diesen Veredelungszweck, wie es im Fachjargon genannt wird, bauen wir im Fruhjahr sogenannte „Drescherbsen“ an. Diese werden anschliessend maschinell geerntet und sofort verarbeitet. Essay! Entscheidend dabei ist der richtige Erntezeitpunkt, solange die Erbsen noch zart und suss sind. Einige unserer Kartoffelfelder werden ausschliesslich fur die Verarbeitung angebaut und bewirtschaftet. Essays Be Alone! Ob sich die Kartoffeln fur die Herstellung von Rosti, Kartoffelstock oder ein anderes der vielen Kartoffelprodukte eignet, wird wahrend der Ernte gepruft und entschieden. Start An Analysis! Tiefkuhlgemuse liegen heute im Trend. Ohne grosse Vorbereitung kann damit schnell und einfach eine leckere Mahlzeit zubereitet werden.

Wichtig zu wissen ist, dass die wertvollen Vitamine und Nahrstoffe in how to be alone Tiefkuhlprodukten fast vollstandig erhalten bleiben. Nicht zuletzt dank einer schnellen Verarbeitung und Kuhlung nach der Ernte ist dies moglich. An Analysis! So kann gesundes Biogemuse aus der Schweiz wahrend dem ganzen Jahr serviert werden. Bio-Konsumenten lieben frische und regionale Produkte. Statement Global Warming! Im Trend liegen deshalb auch einheimische Frischbeeren. Start Essay! Seit einiger Zeit bieten wir aus diesem Grund auch Erdbeeren, Himbeeren und weitere Strauchbeeren an. Interview! Diese bunten Fruchtchen gelangen haufig am selben Tag vom Feld zum Kunden. An Analysis! Die Frische macht bekanntlich den Unterschied.

Rathgeb Bio ist ein Biobetrieb im Schweizer Unterstammheim und hat sich durch die naturliche Bewirtschaftung der Kulturen auf den biologischen Anbau von Gemuse spezialisiert.

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Negligence Duty Of Care Essays and an analysis essay, Research Papers. Negligence is essentially concerned with compensating people who have suffered damage as a result of the carelessness of others .One of the . main ways in which access to compensation is interview restricted is through the doctrine of the duty of care.Essentially,this is a legal concept which dictates the circumstances in which one party will be liable to another in negligence.Breach of a duty of care essentially means that the start, defendant has fallen below the standard of behavior expected in someone undertaking. Criminal negligence , Duty of care , Negligence 3058 Words | 7 Pages. “ Negligence of paper, Duty ” Failing to start an analysis essay Follow the Standards of Care By Erica Couture Central Florida Community . College Practical Nursing Program Negligence of Duty : Failing to Follow the Standards of essay nursing process, Care As nurses, we are expected to practice by a set of standards; standards that are comprised of laws and ethics that require us to practice and behave in a certain manner. When we are entrusted by the state as well as the community and given a license to an analysis essay practice as nurses. We are expected.

Florence Nightingale , Law , Negligence 970 Words | 3 Pages. Negligence: Duty of Care and Buick Motor Co. Negligence , duty and Breach of Duty . To constitute a legal action against some one’s negligence , . several requirements to be fulfilled. First one is coarsework that there must exist some duty of care towards the plaintiff by the defendant. The second one is that the defendant should breach such duty of care imposed on him. The third one is that the negligence done by the defendant should be the cause of the harm resulted to the plaintiff.

The fourth one is that the essay, harm should have some monetary value. . Common law , Duty of care , Law 1495 Words | 5 Pages. In tort law, a duty of care is essay a legal obligation which is imposed on an individual requiring adherence to a standard of . reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element that must be established to proceed with an action in negligence . The claimant must be able to show a duty of care imposed by law which the defendant has breached. In turn, breaching a duty may subject an individual to liability. The duty of care may be imposed by operation of. Caparo Industries plc v Dickman , Common law , Donoghue v Stevenson 1336 Words | 4 Pages.

The law of negligence has the potential to impose wide liability on start essay defendants. The approach of the courts has traditionally been to try . control the scope of allowable claims in negligence and to limit their bounds while balancing the thesis statement global, rights to compensation of plaintiffs and the rights of defendants not to be disproportionately burdened. Elias CJ’s quote raises an essay, interesting question about the coarsework, emphasis of the essay, courts in the formula they have developed to test actionable negligence . Similarities. Complaint , Defendant , Duty of care 1276 Words | 3 Pages. have a duty of care in paper your work rol? Duty of care can be defined as an obligation, recognised by . law, to avoid conduct fraught with unreasonable risk of danger to others.

Every teacher and school authority owes a duty of care to take reasonable care to start an analysis ensure that their acts or omissions do not cause reasonably foreseeable injury to their pupils. („The Law Handbook”.) A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable care while. Complaint , Law , Plaintiff 1608 Words | 5 Pages. Unit 054: Principles for implementing Duty of Care in research impact Health, Social Care or Children’s and an analysis, Young People’s settings . Outcome 1: Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice What it means to coarsework have a duty of care in my work role A duty of care is a key concept in start essay working with others. The term ‘ duty of care ’ includes the concepts: • To keep individuals safe • To keep individuals free from harm • To allow/give choice Anyone working in paper impact a childcare setting, whatever the service. Childhood , Children Act 1989 , Complaint 1889 Words | 7 Pages. Explain what it means to have a duty of care in your own work role (1.1) Duty of care means:- • . To keep individuals safe • To keep individuals free from harm • To give choice Duty of care is a key concept in working with other human beings. It is a legal term for safeguarding yourself and an analysis, others. Adults with learning difficulties are often vulnerable as they are yet to develop the research, physical and cognitive capacity to fully care for themselves; they need care and protection from people around.

Complaint , Defendant , Plaintiff 1156 Words | 4 Pages. ? Duty of Care – Unit 204 1.1 Define the term ‘ Duty of start essay, Care ’ Employers have a duty of . care to paper their employees, which means that they should take all steps which are reasonably possible to start ensure their health, safety and wellbeing. A duty of care is a good way to build trust with your service user as it ensures that there is warming no harm caused towards them. Employers have the responsibility not to cause, or fail to prevent any harm to an analysis their customer and thesis statement global, must do their responsibilities with consider to. Complaint , Defendant , Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 1003 Words | 3 Pages.

Unit SHC24 duty of care Denise Keable Outcome 1 1.1 duty of care n. Start An Analysis Essay? a requirement that a . person act toward others and the public with watchfulness, attention, caution and prudence that a reasonable person in the circumstances would. If a person's actions do not meet this standard of care , then the interview, acts are considered negligent, and any damages resulting may be claimed in a lawsuit for negligence . Start An Analysis? Taken from The Free Dictionary by Farlex 2. Essay Nursing? I need to ensure that I take into consideration. Complaint , Duty of care , Hygiene 815 Words | 3 Pages. Duty of Care of a Medical Practitioner. ?In Australian society, duty of care is to take reasonable care to start essay not cause foreseeable harm to other individuals . in any work place. Saying this the research, duty of care of a medical practitioner is superior considering the nature of their profession, where is they provide advice to people on health and an analysis essay, medical conditions, but is the extent of their duty of care too expansive? Doctors are being sued way too frequently for coarsework negligence of start essay, cases that are generally not because the doctor didn’t use the warming, required.

Duty of care , Medical malpractice , Negligence 899 Words | 3 Pages. Health Law and Ethics HCS/478 Negligence Paper Health care providers have a responsibility to start an analysis essay provide competent and . safe care to their patients. When patient care is compromised or the essay, patient does not have a successful medical outcome, sometimes the legal system becomes involved. It is essay important to be aware of the terms negligence , gross negligence , and malpractice because they are often misunderstood. This paper attempts to essays provide a definition of each legal term in an effort to distinguish. Duty of care , Health care , Health care provider 1021 Words | 4 Pages. ?Topic/Subtopic Cases/Law Facts /Quotation/Principle/Definition Negligence . Definition Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co (1856) 11 Ex. 781, . per Alderson B ‘ Negligence is the omission to do something which the reasonable man, guided upon those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of an analysis essay, human affairs, would do, or do something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do.’ The tort of negligence Negligence is coarsework about fault based liability.

The plaintiff must prove on the balance. Donoghue v Stevenson , Duty of care , English tort law 1200 Words | 5 Pages. “The Human Rights Act 1998 should not be seen as an opportunity to push the boundaries of the duty of start an analysis, care to such an extent that . public bodies find it even more difficult to fulfil their functions than is already the case” Critically Discuss The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force on impact the 2nd October 2000 to incorporate the Articles and Protocols from the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic law, before the act had been introduced, a large number of UK cases concerning infringes. Council of Europe , European Convention on Human Rights , European Court of Human Rights 1832 Words | 5 Pages. Duty of essay, Care 1.1 The term duty of care refers to the duties and responsibilities . that someone in charge and authority has to those they are caring for. In the area of childcare and early years, teachers, nursery workers and other care workers have a duty of care to the children they are looking after and are responsible for. Essays How To Be Alone? There is a general definition for duty of care as well as different definitions in essay greater detail. With A Teacher? For example moral and legal duties of care . Essay? Legal duty of care is with where. Complaint , Duty , Law 1497 Words | 4 Pages. ?1.1 - 1.2 A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on a carer requiring that they adhere to a good quality and standard of . care . It is my duty to safeguard and to take care of vulnerable adults and to ensure that their needs and well being are looked after, it is my responsibility to ensure I exercise a good standard of care with respect to an analysis essay individuals safety, best interest and personal choices, this includes protecting individuals within my care from any harm or abuse that may occur and avoiding. Core issues in ethics , Medical malpractice , Person 1389 Words | 3 Pages.

Duty of care Define the term ‘ duty of care ’ Duty of be alone, care means that . An Analysis Essay? you must aim to provide high quality care to the best of your ability and to a teacher essay ensure the well being of the service users. We all have a duty of care to consider the effects of our actions upon other people who may be affected. In the workplace you have policies and procedures that you have to follow. These policies and procedures will affect your role as a carer. Describe how the duty of care affects own work role I keep my. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms , Complaint , Freedom of speech 981 Words | 3 Pages.

Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. To have a duty of start an analysis essay, care means to be . accountable for the children and young people in our care by e.g. exercising authority, managing risks, working safely, safeguarding children and young people, monitoring own behaviour and conduct, maintaining confidentiality, storing personal information appropriately, reporting concerns and allegations, making professional judgements, maintaining professional boundaries, avoiding favouritism, maintaining. Abuse , Cause of action , Dilemma 912 Words | 4 Pages. SHC 34 Principles for implementing duty of care The fundamental obligation that anyone working in essays how to be alone child care has . is to keep children safe. The legal term duty of start essay, care refers to machiavelli this obligation and start, has major implications for a setting and the operation of its services. “ Duty of Care ” means providing care and support for individuals within the law and paper impact, also within the policies, procedures and agreed ways of start an analysis essay, working of your employer. Essays How To? It is about avoiding abuse and an analysis essay, injury to individuals, their. Abuse , Law , Negligence 1719 Words | 6 Pages. ?This paper will discuss the hypothetical scenario and case problem 4.4 and its implications on unintentional tort or negligence . Paper Impact? It can be . found on page 124 of our textbook Business Law Today: Essentials, written by Roger LeRoy Miller and Gaylord A. An Analysis Essay? Jentz. As read in the case, “Kim went to Ling's Market to pick up a few items for dinner. It was a rainy, windy day, and the wind had blown water through the statement, door of Ling's Market each time the door opened. As Kim entered through the door, she slipped.

Common law , Duty of start an analysis essay, care , Law 1149 Words | 4 Pages. ? Duty of care Duty of care means providing . care and support for thesis individuals within the law and also within the policies procedures and agree ways of working of your employer, it is about avoiding abuse and injury to individuals, their friends and family and their properties. People do not have their needs met by others, so you have care of duty to start an analysis them. This involves doing your job to coarsework best of your ability, safe guarding them, respecting their. Complaint , Federal Rules of Civil Procedure , Health care 1167 Words | 3 Pages. Unit 54 – Principles for start essay Implementing Duty of Care in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s . Settings. Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice 1.1 Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role. A duty of care is an research paper impact, obligation that any child or young person that is in your care is well looked after and is not harmed in start an analysis a particular task. Nursing Process? Within the setting in start essay which I work I would carry out daily checks to machiavelli the qualities ensure that my setting from the inside and.

Complaint , Individual , Individual rights 752 Words | 2 Pages. Duty of Care and Health Unit 205 To Megan, Am just replying to your letter about an analysis essay what’s involved in the qualities essays Care work so . An Analysis Essay? u have a better idea about it before you decide whether to apply or not. There’s a lot of duties involved in Care work, you must be able to act in the best interests of the residents for example, be able to assist them with dressing and undressing, help them to the toilet, make sure you’re feeding them well and thesis statement, that you give them plenty of an analysis, fluids. Process? If they’re not able to do it themselves. Complaint , Individual , Individual rights 1606 Words | 4 Pages. ?Week 7 Breach of the Duty of Care Negligence Duty of care Established or novel . duty ? Is it a non-delegable duty ? What is the scope of the duty ? Breach of duty What is the relevant standard of care ? Has the standard been breached? Damage Is it recognized by law? Was the breach a necessary condition of the harm?

Is the harm within the scope of the defendant’s liability? Breach of Duty The fault part of the negligence action An act or omission of the an analysis, defendant A failure to act as a reasonable person. Duty of care , Legal terms , Negligence 758 Words | 5 Pages. there is statement warming negligence there is scope in the sporting arena for those harmed to start take legal action. During this assignment a sporting injury is . analyzed under the warming, requirements of Tort law and the Civil Liability Act QLD 2003 Negligence is an analysis essay defined as breaching the duty of care owed to someone and can be due to a person’s actions or omissions. Duty of interview a teacher essay, care is the legal obligation to care for the rights of other people. Start? Various factors and tests are often used to prove that a breach of interview essay, duty of care occurred. Common law , Duty of essay, care , Law 1073 Words | 3 Pages. Negligence Paper Elizabeth Ruelas HCS 478 January 10, 2012 Shawishi T. Haynes Negligence Paper . How To Be Alone? Negligence , gross negligence , and malpractice are terms that healthcare professionals fear being involved in. Start An Analysis? We have healthcare laws and policies that guide each healthcare practice. Coarsework? In today’s litigious society, we see healthcare lawsuits that are wrongfully filled, some that are not valid, and some unjustly settled cases.

Yet there are some situations where a lawsuit should have definitely. Duty of care , Health care , Health care provider 1193 Words | 4 Pages. The Law of Negligence appears relevant in this situation. In (Gerbic and Miller 2010 P.430) the three principles to determine . Negligence are: i) Was the plaintiff owed a duty of care ? ii) Is the defendant in start breach of that duty ? iii) Was the loss caused by the breach and was it foreseeable? It will also need to be determined as to whether or not Jenny the owner is vicariously liable for the actions of her employee and if Mr Toxopersona is responsible for essays a proportion of his own negligence . Mr Toxopersonas. Duty of care , Employment , Law 818 Words | 3 Pages. ? Duty of start, care 1.1 1. Protect the rights and promote the interests of individuals, key people and others. 2. Essay Nursing? Strive to establish . and essay, maintain the trust and confidence of individuals, key people and others. Paper Impact? 3. Promote the independence of individuals while protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm. 4. Respect the start essay, rights of individuals while seeking to interview a teacher ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves, key people or others. 5. Uphold public trust and confidence in health and an analysis, social care.

Data Protection Act 1998 , Individual , Individual rights 1031 Words | 3 Pages. what you will have to prove in order to succeed. Interview With Essay? The three main things you will have to an analysis prove to the magistrate are that the defendants: - Owed you a . Research Paper Impact? duty of start an analysis, care - Breached that duty of care - Resulted in damages. In proving that Free Running Australia and Sydney City Council owed you a duty of care and they breached that duty of care , the main defense you will face is that there is inherent risk in your activity. They will state that you assessed the risk and willingly partook in this. Australia , Australian Greens , Evidence 930 Words | 3 Pages. INTRODUCTION Duty of care for essays how to be alone students – ‘ Duty of care is a legal concept that relates to the common . law.

The common law is a collection of legal principles that have been established over time by the courts’ (WADE, 2007) The duty of care policy plays an integral role in schools in combination with other school policies and practices. The ‘ duty of care for students’ policy explains clearly what duty of care means, and what the teaching staff responsibilities are and how teaching staff may discharge. Education , Negligence , Standard of care 1815 Words | 5 Pages. The Duty of Care in Irish Tort Law. THE DUTY OF CARE IN IRISH TORT LAW Author: Anna Louise Hinds, B.Corp.Law, LL.B (N.U.I.), LL.M (Bruges). Examiner – Legal . Framework Formation 1. Introduction The duty of care arises in the tort of negligence , a relatively recently emerged tort. Traditionally, actions in tort were divided into trespass and trespass on the case, or simply ‘case’. Trespass dealt with the start an analysis essay, situation where the injury was immediate, in other words direct and foreseeable. Actions based in essays case however, covered consequential. Common law , Donoghue v Stevenson , Duty of start essay, care 2500 Words | 7 Pages. INTRODUCTION On the, 26th of June 2007, the Department Of Education made effective Western Australia’s current ‘ Duty of care for . students’ policy.

This policy was deemed necessary, as it strives to protect the immediate and on-going safety of with, students and teachers. The aim of the policy is to create the safest possible learning environment for essay all students, and for to serve as a guideline for education professionals. All teachers, school authorities, some non-teaching staff and external providers. Education , School , Standard of care 1831 Words | 6 Pages. ? Negligence and Duty of Care Robin McClish Kaplan University Negligence and global, . An Analysis Essay? Duty of Care Scenario: As pedestrians exited at the close of an arts and crafts show, Jason Davis, an employee of the show’s producer, stood near the exit. Interview A Teacher Essay? Suddenly and without warning, Davis turned around and collided with Yvonne Esposito, an 80-year-old woman. Start An Analysis Essay? Esposito was knocked to the ground, fracturing her hip. After hip replacement surgery, she was left with a permanent physical impairment. Esposito. Appeal , Law , Negligence 492 Words | 2 Pages. EXISTENCE OF A DUTY Before 1932 there was no generalised duty of care in negligence . The tort . did exist and was applied in particular situations where the courts had decided that a duty should be owed, eg, road accidents, bailments or dangerous goods.

In Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562, Lord Atkin attempted to lay down a general principle which would cover all the circumstances where the courts had already held that there could be liability for negligence . He said: The rule that you. Caparo Industries plc v Dickman , Common law , Duty of care 3572 Words | 13 Pages. EDUCATION amp; TRAINING, DUTY OF CARE POLICY FOR STUDENTS. Please find enclosed a detailed guide to helping your parents / . Coarsework? caregivers understand the “ Duty of Care Policy for start an analysis Students”. Global Warming? This guide is an analysis of the policy document noting the key points that are easily understood by parents. The report will also detail two scenarios providing examples of situations that can occur at an analysis, any school and an action plan response to each scenario by research paper, following the duty of care policy guidelines. TABLE. Australia , Education , Law 1979 Words | 6 Pages.

Duty Of Care Health And Social Care. Principles for implementing duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings . 1 Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice (a) What it means to have a duty of care in one’s own work role A duty of care is a legal obligation to all Health and Social carers and professionals who have to act in the best interests of individuals and others, also not to act or fail to act in a way that results in harm. This duty of care can be a general implied. Complaint , Individual , Law 1245 Words | 6 Pages. Employer’s Duty of Care To what extent are employees required to start essay perform their job with a duty of . care ? We all know that corporate officers have a duty of care to the corporation that they are employed by. They have an obligation to machiavelli the qualities prince essays perform their duties with the an analysis, care that a person in a like position would reasonably exercise under similar circumstances (Halbert amp; Ingulli, 2010, p 52). Essay Process? As a fellow employee down on the totem pole, we are held to the same standard to act in good faith in. At-will employment , Duty , Employment 1048 Words | 3 Pages. Major Assignment: Directors’ Duties Case Part A: Whether the an analysis essay, directors are in breach of their duties of care , . skill and diligence Issue1: who owes the duty ? According to S 9, the coarsework, person who is appointed to start an analysis be a director or the person who is appointed to be an warming, alternate director and is acting in that capacity, is start a director of the thesis warming, company. (S9) As we can see from the case, Peter Pansy, Fred Fuchsia and Marie Gold are directors of the company, and Alison Astor who is appointed to fill a casual. Debt , Default , Executive director 2127 Words | 6 Pages.

this case relates to the law of negligence . Specifically, whether Defendant, Vogue Beauty Salon was negligent by applying fragranced cream to an analysis . the skin of Plaintiff, Priscilla. [Note: The Employee of Vogue Beauty Salon, Veronica was vicariously liable for the damages of her actions.] Relevant Law and Application 1 Did the Defendant owe the research paper, Plaintiff a duty of care ? As per Donogue V Stevenson, the law states that the defendant owe the plaintiff a duty of care if the negligent act causes physical. Common law , Duty of care , Law 933 Words | 4 Pages. Rebecca ‘Zorba’s’ Restaurant case, the start an analysis, main issue is whether negligence exists of the defendant? There are three prerequisites must be . present before the tort of paper, negligence can arise: a duty of care must be owed by one person to another; there must be a breach of start an analysis, that duty of care ; and damage must have been suffered as a result of the breach of duty . (FoBL, 2005, p70) In addition, another element must be satisfied to prove negligence is the causation. This essay will analysis Rebecca v. ‘Zorba’s’.

Donoghue v Stevenson , Duty of care , Law 1494 Words | 5 Pages. The Western Australia Department of Education's Duty of machiavelli the qualities, Care Policy. Australian Duty of care for students policy Document analysis The frequently used term for the responsibility for the safety . of children at school is duty of care . (Balfour, 2001) The Western Australia Department of Education (WADE) states that department policy requires all teachers to be responsible for start essay the supervision of students in their care , and impact, that teachers must take reasonable care for the safety of their students. To ensure these requirements are met, WADE introduced the Duty of an analysis, Care policy. Certified teacher , Education , Law 2306 Words | 6 Pages. ? DR. RAM MANOHAR LOHIA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW (2014-2015) FINAL DRAFT ON “TORT OF NEGLIGENCE ” . Submitted to how to Submitted BY Mr. An Analysis Essay? R.K Yadav RAHAT ALI Astt. Global? Prof. (Law) ROLL NO - 100 B.A. Common law , Duty of care , Law 1981 Words | 10 Pages. implementing duty of an analysis essay, care Workplace: Sutton Lodge Student name: Emma Hardwick Date: Feb 2015 Unit 4- Principles for . implementing duty of care Outcome 1: Understanding how duty of warming, care contributes to safe practice Outcome 2: Know how to address conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between an individual’s rights and the duty of care . Outcome 3: Know how to respond to complaints Outcome 1: (Knowledge) 1.? Explain what it means to have a duty of care in your.

Complaint , Individual , Individual rights 590 Words | 7 Pages. ? Duty of start an analysis, Care A training document for practioners to help inform an understanding, of the coarsework, Duty of . Care through the early years January 2015 Table of Contents Introduction 4 Duty of care Definition 4 What is Duty of care ? 5 Your Duty Of care 6 Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements 7 Introduction What the Manual is about? This is a training manual for practitioners in the early years settings. Produced by Toni Hutton in January 2015. This manual aims to start an analysis provide understanding of the principles. Law , Standard of care 1244 Words | 9 Pages. Duty of care is a requirement that all health and social care professionals, and organisations providing health . and care services, must put the interests of the interview essay, people who use their service first. They also have to do everything in their power to keep people safe of any harm, neglect or risk. As an individual healthcare worker you owe a duty of care to your service users, your colleagues, your employer, yourself and the public interest. Start? All duty of with, care is described I Code of Practice.

Duty of. Complaint , Individual , Law 916 Words | 3 Pages. ? Negligence Marsha Ruckle University of Phoenix Health Law and Ethics 478 Francis E. Mieckzowski, Jr. March 11, 2013 . Negligence Health care providers, including nurses, have a responsibility to provide competent and safe care to their patients. When an unsuccessful or unfortunate medical outcome occurs, whether it is from negligence , gross negligence , or malpractice, the legal system often is called in to action.

The health care setting is a complex arena with much potential for error and. Clinical officer , Health care , Health care provider 1351 Words | 6 Pages. ? Liability of Negligence When a person is said to be liable for an action under the law, it means that they are responsible in some way for . the outcome that results either in the law of a nation to be violated which comes under criminal liability, or in an injury to other individuals that is considered to be a civil liability. The main requirement for a liability happens to essay be intent1, which says that, an individual is not responsible for something that they did not mean to do. Coarsework? However, the. Common law , Duty of care , Law 1614 Words | 7 Pages. ?Assignment 204 Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s . settings Assignment composition Assignment overview In this assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of what is meant by the term ‘ duty of start, care ’. You will consider the types of dilemma that you may arise in thesis statement warming adult social care work, and find out an analysis essay, where to get advice and support to handle these. Statement Global? You will look at essay, how to respond to complaints, making sure you know and statement global warming, follow. Case study , Question 732 Words | 5 Pages. Negligence In Nursing Defined, Described, Destroyed Brian Dixon Devry University Abstract In the start an analysis, past the word . negligence normally only encompassed the wrongs of a physician and at be alone, that time there was a distinct division between a nurse and a physician. The roles of nurses today however have changed quite drastically.

Today’s nurses have assumed many functions and responsibilities that were previously performed solely by the physician. As the roles of nurses have advanced and the profession. Health care , Hospital , Intravenous therapy 1371 Words | 4 Pages. | |SHC24 . | |Introduction to duty of care in a health and social care or children’s and young people’s settings | | | | . Service of process 559 Words | 5 Pages. succeed in start an analysis essay his negligence claim? Explain your reasoning. Conclusion: Judge’s decision ? ie plaintiff succeed in the case? ratio decidendi? . Ratio decidendi means `reason for deciding’ and interview with a teacher essay, is capable of creating binding precedent. Damages previous case support your analysis What is start an analysis negligence Under the tort of negligence , a person is be alone only liable for harm that is a foreseeable consequence of an analysis essay, their actions, that is, their failure to exercise reasonable care and skill. Negligence is the omission.

Donoghue v Stevenson , Duty of care , Negligence 2308 Words | 7 Pages. SHC 34 Principles of warming, implementing duty of care in essay health, social care or in young peoples settings Task 2 . Thesis Global Warming? (i) Potential conflicts or dilemmas that may arise between the duty of essay, care and an individuals rights In situations where there is a conflict of interest or a dilemma between an individual’s rights and your duty of care , it is best practice to make sure the global warming, individual is aware of the consequences of their choice that they have the mental capacity to understand the risks involved. Best practice , Individual , Individual rights 614 Words | 3 Pages. raise and what are the possible legal consequences? Issue 1-- duty of care The tort of an analysis essay, negligence to be . constituted depend on whether the a teacher essay, defendant violate the principle of ‘ Duty 0f Care ’. Start An Analysis? Because of the case of Donoghue v Stevenson [1], ‘ Duty 0f Care ’ has been established in common law: 1. Thesis Warming? Defendant whether or not fulfill the duty of start essay, care . 2. That defendant whether or not breached that duty . 3. whether Breach the duty of care is the essays be alone, main reason to resulting in infringement.

4. Whether the. Common law , Donoghue v Stevenson , Duty of care 1514 Words | 6 Pages. A duty of care is a legal obligation imposed on essay an individual requiring that they adhere to a standard of reasonable . care while performing any acts that could foreseeable harm others. A definition from Wikipedia. A duty of care is required in every work place and a greater duty or care is needed especially with younger children being as they are more vulnerable. A duty of care ensures support and the qualities, care for start essay individuals are provided at the required level within the law and also within the policies and. Airline complaints , Complaint , Defendant 2046 Words | 6 Pages. Negligence Paper Nichole Ziegler University of Phoenix Health Law and Ethics HCS/478 Mary Burke August 12, 2012 . Negligence Paper Nursing’s role in providing patient care has expanded in response to coarsework increasing patient acuity, technology, evidence-based practice, managed care , and start, the advancement of the profession.

Because of this professional evolution, nurses are in a position of higher accountability (McConnell amp; Vaughn, 2010, p. 1). The Qualities Prince? Negligence can be considered as carelessness. Duty of care , Health care , Health care provider 1502 Words | 4 Pages. SHC34 - Duty of Care TASK 1 What it means to have a duty of care in own work role: A . Start An Analysis Essay? duty of care within my childcare setting - or indeed any other setting involves an obligation that I as childminder and leader of the setting ensure that all children in my care are taken care of and not harmed during any part of the day or during any particular activity. Within my work role I have risk assessments to undertake for day to day running of the setting plus assessments for any further activities. Child , Childcare Act 2006 , Childhood 1416 Words | 6 Pages. 204Introduction to paper impact duty of care in an analysis essay health, social care or children’s and essays how to, young people’s settings. to this unit. The learner will: 1. Start An Analysis Essay? Understand how duty of research, care contributes to safe practice 2. Know how to address conflicts or . dilemmas that may arise between an individual’s rights and the duty of care 3. Know how to respond to complaints Duty of start essay, care is the obligation to how to be alone exercise a level of care towards an individual, as is reasonable in start an analysis essay all the circumstances, to avoid injury to that individual or his property. The duty of care is therefore based on: the relationship of the different.

Duty of care , Law , Negligence 907 Words | 4 Pages. |Principles For Implementing Duty Of Care In Health, Social Care Or Children’s and Young People’s Setting . | |CT236 | |1.1 |Explain what it means to have a duty of care in machiavelli the qualities prince own work role. | | |The overall purpose of my job role is to start essay provide high quality care and coarsework, learning through safe play. Child , Children Act 1989 , Complaint 2002 Words | 7 Pages. 1.1 Define the term ‘ duty of care ’: 1.1 “ Duty of Care ” means providing care and . support for individuals within the law and an analysis, also within the a teacher essay, policies, procedures and agreed ways of working of an analysis, your employer. It is about avoiding abuse and injury to nursing individuals, their friends and family and their property.

1.2 Describe how the duty of care affects own work role: 1.2 In your role you have a duty of care to raise any concerns you may have about any aspect of your work. These can range from inadequate. Complaint , Individual , Person 1087 Words | 4 Pages. Moral Duty of Care . 1 MORAL DUTY OF CARE 2 There are so many challenges when dealing with a sick loved one. But it can even more difficult when they are unable to speak for themselves, uninsured.

Advance health care directive , Health care proxy , Hospital 2134 Words | 6 Pages.

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rpi resume critique Critique of “ Dollarization in the Americas by Eric Schubert April 23, 2000 ” Case Discussion by Rajan Nischal. The author included a good definition of the concept of dollarization in the Introduction section. This included a summary and data on how official dollarization would benefit both the essay, participating foreign country by lowering inflation and essay nursing, interest rates, and the United States by increasing demand for American goods. To arrive at this result, background information was provided on the three functions of money, vis--vis, as a unit of account, a store of value, and a means of exchange. A historical timeline was also provided on the various Latin American countries that have considered both official and unofficial dollarization and start, the resulting consequences they have had to bear politically domestically.

Data was provided on research how the start an analysis, U.S. dollar circulates equally with the domestic currency in seven countries, accounts for 30-50 percent in twelve others, and accounts for between 15-20 percent in paper many more. Twelve economies that are already officially dollarized were discussed. Emphasis on Panama as a model economy was provided and its historical experience was also discussed. Mexico , Argentina , Ecuador , El Salvador , Canada were also discussed as candidates for dollarization and a history of their domestic experiences was provided. The author stated that the purpose of the paper was to start an analysis, show that official dollarization with the U.S. Coarsework! dollar, particularly with countries in the Western Hemisphere , would be beneficial for both the United States and start an analysis, the Dollarizing Countries.

This purpose was supported by the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas, as introduced in 1961 by Robert Mundell , Professor of the qualities prince essays, Economics at Columbia University and essay, the 1999 winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics. The author discussed both benefits and criticism to dollarization for both the Dollarizing Countries and the United States of America . Included in the benefits for Dollarizing Countries were: Reduction in interview essay risk of currency devaluation, Improved domestic economic growth, Improved government finances, Lower transaction costs. Essay! While benefits for the United States of America included: Gaining more in new Seigniorage (I learned that Seigniorage is the profit a country earns from coarsework issuing its currency. It is the difference between the cost of printing a currency and the products the currency can buy. For example, it costs the U.S. about 3 cents to print a $1 bill, but the government can use it to buy $1 worth of goods. Thus the Seigniorage would then be 97 cents.

A $100 bill would therefore have a much higher Seigniorage value. The United States currently earns about $25 billion per an analysis year this way.), Increase in how to US exports, Eliminates currency conversion fees, Reduce American producer complaints and, Maintain premier currency status. Criticisms to Dollarization for Dollarizing Countries were discussed that included: Loss of Seigniorage , No lender of last resort due to the absence of a domestic central bank, Loss of monetary policy as the monetary policy of the an analysis essay, United States of America would now also become the policy for the country, Loss of statement global warming, national identity in essay some cases with the general public rejecting the essay, idea of having pictures of foreign presidents in their country, Miscellaneous one-time costs incurred when a country converts to the dollar. While criticism for the United States of start, America included: Monetary policy interference with the dollarized foreign country may try to pressure the U.S. Research Paper! Federal Reserve into policies that favor their country, Possibility of start an analysis, returning to original currency by the dollarized country. The author concluded by stating that Dollarization isn’t a cure that will magically heal all of interview with, a country’s economic problems, but it can help put the country in a position for economic growth with low inflation and interest rates. The governments must also pair it with disciplined policies to meet its full economic potential. Start Essay! The United States greatest benefit would be economic growth due to an increase in essays exports.

Until official dollarization does occur for these countries, the United States is fortunate to be able to learn from any unforeseen problems the euro may encounter with multiple large economies sharing a common currency. Overall the paper was very informative, some appropriate data and start an analysis, references were provided to support the author’s discussion. Following are comments that may be added to further solidify the thesis statement warming, original discussion. Further to the author’s discussion I found that varieties of an analysis, dollarization include three main varieties: unofficial dollarization ; semiofficial dollarization ; and official dollarization . Particularly semiofficial dollarization did not seem to be discussed, which may be discussed as, “More than a dozen countries have what might be called semiofficial dollarization or officially bimonetary systems. Under semiofficial dollarization , foreign currency is legal tender and may even dominate bank deposits, but plays a secondary role to essays how to, domestic currency in paying wages, taxes, and everyday expenses such as grocery and electric bills.

Unlike officially dollarized countries, semiofficially dollarized ones retain a domestic central bank or other monetary authority and have corresponding latitude to conduct their own monetary policy. Table 1 lists semiofficially dollarized countries.” Also, the issue of Financial Integration to make dollarization work was not discussed in detail. Financial integration may be discussed as follows: “If official dollarization goes no further than using a foreign currency, it does not achieve its full potential benefits. An officially dollarized country has a unified currency with the issuing country, but not necessarily an integrated financial system. To achieve financial integration, a country must allow foreign financial institutions to compete with domestic financial institutions.

Full financial integration occurs when the law allows financial institutions extensive freedom of action to compete and does not discriminate against foreign institutions. In particular, it means that foreign financial institutions can establish branches, accept deposits and make loans, buy up to 100 percent of domestic institutions, and move funds freely into and out of the country.” Further, I found that the author could’ve have included “Issues in implementing official dollarization ”. Essay! From my readings on the subject, it is clear that country considering official dollarization needs to take a number of issues into account. These included: Which currency will be used? Dollarize unilaterally? Issue coins? Issues related to foreign reserves.

What constitutes reserves? What liabilities should be redeemed with reserves? Are existing reserves really usable? Prevailing exchange rates, Speed of dollarization ( Hausmann and Powell 1999), Attitude of the issuing country. Also, prior to adopting official dollarization , certain steps have to coarsework, be taken. The author failed to start essay, discuss these in details to essay nursing, make a case on how countries should proceed with dollarization . In my reading I found these steps to include the following: 1. Determine the portion of the central bank's liabilities that should be dollarized . 2. Assess the financial position of the central bank and the government. The amount of dollars necessary depends on the exchange rate, which will not be known with certainty until step 4 but can be calculated as a range of values.

If the central bank already has sufficient net foreign reserves, it can simply sell its foreign reserves for dollars and an analysis essay, give people dollars at the fixed exchange rate for the portion of its liabilities that is to be dollarized . If the essay nursing process, central bank needs more dollar reserves than it already has, it may still be possible to dollarize immediately by the government borrowing enough dollars to cover the deficit of reserves. The central bank will then cease to exist in its current form and its assets and an analysis essay, liabilities will become assets and liabilities of the government. 3. If there are doubts about the appropriate exchange rate for dollarization . Coarsework! There are three basic types of start an analysis essay, exchange rates: at one extreme, fixed rates; at the other extreme, floating rates; and in the middle, mixed arrangements that are neither fixed nor floating, including pegged rates, crawling bands, and target zones. A fixed rate is one in which the exchange rate in terms of a foreign anchor currency remains constant because appropriate monetary institutions exist to make the rate last. Officially dollarized systems and coarsework, currency boards have fixed rates. A floating rate is one in which the exchange rate is not maintained constant in terms of any foreign currency. The mixed types are those in which the central bank limits the range of fluctuation in a more or less well defined way for the time being, but cannot guarantee that fluctuations will remain in that range.

Historical experience shows that central banks generally cannot maintain truly fixed exchange rates, and start essay, that those maintaining mixed types often allow the exchange rate to become overvalued, which creates the conditions for speculative currency attacks and devaluations. If the existing exchange rate is a mixed type that appears overvalued, it may be necessary to let the exchange rate float for a brief period so that it can find an appropriate, market-determined level. The government should not try to essays, manipulate the exchange rate to achieve any particular level; it should let market participants determine the level. Manipulating the exchange rate is costly. A highly overvalued exchange rate will price exports out of world markets and may create a recession, while a highly undervalued exchange rate will make imports expensive and prolong inflation. Start An Analysis! The exchange rate should float for a pre-established period not to exceed, say, 30 days. The float should be clean, that is, the statement warming, central bank should not try to influence the exchange rate .( 8) During the float, the central bank should be forbidden to increase its liabilities unless it obtains foreign reserves equal to start an analysis essay, 100 percent of the increase. That will prevent the coarsework, central bank from start creating a final burst of inflation. The central bank should publish daily the key items of its balance sheet of the previous business day, so that its actions are transparent and cause no destabilizing surprises.

If exchange controls exist, they should be abolished by interview with essay the time step 3 begins. 4. At the end of the period of floating (if one is start necessary), declare a fixed exchange rate with the U.S. A Teacher! dollar and announce that effective immediately, the start, dollar is legal tender. Essays Be Alone! The fixed rate should be somewhere within the start, range of market rates during the prince essays, period of start essay, floating, particularly toward the end of the period of floating. Essays Be Alone! Setting exchange rates is an start essay art rather than a science, and there is no mechanical formula for making the transition from a floating rate to an appropriate fixed rate. If there is doubt about the a teacher, appropriate rate, it is better to an analysis, err on the side of an apparent slight undervaluation rather than an overvaluation compared to recent market rates, so as not to paper impact, cause a slowdown in economic growth. Experience indicates that an economy will quickly adjust to an exchange rate that is approximately right.

Again, a large deliberate overvaluation or undervaluation is undesirable because it will require unnecessarily large economic adjustments. 5. Announce that effective immediately, all peso assets and liabilities (such as bank deposits and bank loans) are dollar assets and liabilities at the fixed exchange rate. Start Essay! Announce a transition period of no more than 90 days for global, replacing quotations of start essay, wages and prices in local currency with quotations in dollars. Essay Process! After the period of floating has ended and the exchange rate has been fixed, bank deposits in pesos will become deposits in dollars, while bank loans in pesos will become loans in start essay dollars. Banks will charge no commission fees for essay nursing process, the conversion. 6. Freeze the central bank's total liabilities and dollarize the liabilities determined in step 1. Once the an analysis, central bank starts redeeming the peso monetary base for dollars, commercial banks should not be allowed to charge commission fees for converting pesos into dollars. Commercial banks will probably want to convert their peso reserves into dollar assets immediately, and essays, that can be done, but exchanging the start an analysis, peso notes and coins in circulation for dollars will be slower. The central bank or the government should continue to accept peso notes and coins for a set period, say one year, though the essay process, bulk of start, exchanges will be made in the first 30 days. Paper! After 30 to start an analysis, 90 days, peso notes should cease to be legal tender for essay process, hand-to-hand payments. 7. Decide what to do about coins. Given sufficient time, arrangements can be made to have a supply of U.S. Essay! coins on a teacher hand to replace peso coins when dollarization occurs.

If dollarization is begun hastily, though, the start essay, supply of U.S. coins may be insufficient. Moreover, the fixed exchange rate may not be one for which coins have a convenient whole-number relationship to the dollar. Research! If so, coins, and start essay, only coins, can be devalued or revalued to a nearby whole-number equivalent that makes them decimal divisions of the process, dollar. Start Essay! As in Panama , local coins can circulate alongside dollar notes. Machiavelli Prince! Because in most countries coins are only a tiny portion of the start an analysis, monetary base, the overall effects will be small and the importance of this step will be correspondingly low. 8. Reorganize the components of the research impact, central bank as necessary. The central bank will cease to be an institution making monetary policy. Its assets and liabilities can be transferred to the government or to a commercial bank operating as a trustee for start an analysis essay, the government. Employees working on financial statistics, regulation of financial institutions, economic analysis, and accounting can be transferred to the ministry of finance or the bank supervisory agency. Alternatively, the central bank can be converted into a new independent authority in charge of financial statistics and financial regulation, with its organizational structure largely unchanged.

I also found in my readings that there are further Technical issues in official dollarization that the author did not discuss in details. These include: 1. Inflationary momentum? For example, The only difference between the coarsework, last day of the peso and the first day of official dollarization is that instead of being quoted in pesos, prices will be quoted in their equivalent values in dollars. If the dollarizing country was suffering high inflation under the peso, inflationary momentum may persist for a short time after dollarization , but will be self-reversing since the dollar monetary base is outside local control. In countries that are unofficially dollarized , people do not raise prices in start dollars just because high inflation makes prices rise in a teacher the domestic currency; rather, prices in dollars are stable and prices in domestic currency fluctuate according to changes in the exchange rate. 2. Business cycles. An Analysis! Official dollarization will link the coarsework, local business cycle more closely to the business cycle in the United States more closely than a floating exchange rate would. Essay! Growth in domestic imports and exports will have some synchronization with growth of the imports and exports of the interview with a teacher, issuing country because changes in the exchange rate of the dollar against, say, the Japanese yen will have similar effects in the United States and in the dollarized country.

However, the dollarized country can grow even when the United States is in recession, and may experience recession even when the United States grows. 3. Essay! Legal issues. Interest rates in dollars are lower and concentrated in a narrower range than domestic-currency rates in most developing countries. If borrowers were paying 50 percent interest a year in high-inflation pesos but are now paying 50 percent a year in low-inflation dollars, that is a huge jump in the real (inflation-adjusted) rate of interest. How To! Fortunately, under official dollarization lenders will be willing to offer lower interest rates because their risk of losing money through inflation will be lower, so opportunities will exist to refinance loans. 4. Soundness of the banking system. Many developing countries banking systems that have remained troubled despite rescues by their central banks. When banks have bad loans, somebody has to bear the cost, no matter what monetary system exists. Often people who hold domestic currency do most of the paying, through inflation that reduces the real value of their assets.

Inflation in effect transfers wealth from the general public to bank stockholders and depositors. Official dollarization eliminates inflation as a way of handling banking crises. Instead, some combination of bank stockholders, depositors, and the government (meaning ultimately the taxpaying public) must pay. Because central banking has no magical ability to essay, make losses disappear, a troubled banking system is no argument for delaying official dollarization . 5. Paper! Foreign debt. In extreme cases, official dollarization may occur where high inflation and other problems under central banking have led the government and corporations to start essay, default on their foreign-currency debt. Dollarization may improve their situation, because the domestic currency may appreciate before it is impact replaced by start essay the dollar, reducing the burden of foreign debt in coarsework terms of domestic currency. However, even if the improvement is not enough to allow the government and corporations to resume payment of the start, debt, official dollarization can proceed. Nursing Process! Officially dollarization prevents a government from printing domestic currency to obtain the resources for paying foreign-currency debt. Instead, the government must obtain resources in no inflationary ways or renegotiate the debt with the lenders. An Analysis Essay! Unlike the essay nursing process, typical case with central banking, with official dollarization , a country can have a good currency even without good government finances.”

I researched and used the following References/Sources as a basis for my arguments above:

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alan willner resume National University of Singapore, 4 Engineering Drive 3, Singapore 117583. Tel: 65-6515-3590 Fax: 65-6779-1103. Start? ? 14 years of research on photonics, including: diffractive optical devices, integrated micro/nano optical devices, optical interconnects, fiber-optical devices and subsystems, optical sensors, and high-speed WDM optical communication systems and paper impact networks. Start Essay? ? Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Southern California, USA, 2005. Dissertation: #8220;Dispersive and Nonlinear Effects in High-Speed Reconfigurable WDM Optical Fiber Communication Systems#8221; (Advisor: Dr. Alan E. Willner) ? Master of Science in machiavelli essays Electrical Computer Engineering, Univ. of Miami, USA, 1999. Thesis: #8220;Flat-Top and Non-Diffracting Beam Shaping Using Phase-Only Diffractive Optical Elements#8221; ? Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics and Bachelor of Economics in Enterprise Management, Tsinghua Univ., China, 1997. Thesis: #8220;Excitons in Quantum Dot of II-VI Semiconductor#8221; ? Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of an analysis essay Singapore ( Assistant professor , 12/2005-present) ? A*STAR Institute for Infocomm Research ( 25% Joint Staff , 12/2005-present) ? NEC Labs America ( Visiting researcher , 9/2005-12/2005) ? Optical Communications Lab, Dept. of Electrical Engineering, University of Southern California ( Research and essay teaching assistant , 8/2000-8/2005) ? Electro-Optics Micro-Devices Lab, Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering, University of Miami ( Research and teaching assistant , 8/1997-5/2000) RECENT RESEARCH PROJECTS (2006-present, with supporting fund over 2 million Singapore dollars; 1 Singapore dollar=0.8 US dollar)

? Application of photonic integrated circuits in an analysis optical communication networks (PI, NUS Research Institute at Suzhou, 2011. ? OPM for Smart Optical Networks based on RF Analysis with Optical Filtering (PI, MOE AcRF, 2011. ? The applications of digital signal processing in 100-Gbit/s coherent optical communication systems (PI, A*STAR SERC PSF, 2009. ? General research on fiber optics and optical communications (PI, Gift Donation from NEC Labs America, 2009) ? Autocorrelator for optical pulses based on measurement of polarization effects (PI, MOE AcRF, 2007. ? Multi-channel wavelength-tunable short pulses generation in research paper impact ultra high-speed optical systems (PI, MOE AcRF, 2006. ? Visible light communications (Co-PI, A*STAR HOME2015, 2010. ? Small-footprint semiconductor optical transmitter for start an analysis RZ transmission systems (Co-PI, MOE AcRF, 2008. ? Fabrication and testing of fiber optic hydrophones and arrays (Collaborator, A*STAR, 2007. ? Distributed temperature and strain sensor (Collaborator, A*STAR, 2006. PREVIOUS RESEARCH PROJECTS (1997-2005): ? High-special-efficiency DWDM optical fiber transmission systems (2005) ? Tunable delay line based on slow light in essay fiber (2004. ? Realization and application of an analysis essay high speed all-optical logic gates, all-optical wavelength conversion and optical parametric amplification by fiber nonlinear effects (2002. ? High speed short pulse train generation using phase modulator and PM fiber (2004. ? Supercontinuum generation and multicasting in optical WDM networks (2004) ? Extending the transmission distance of directly modulated DFB laser system (2004) ? Monitoring and compensation of chromatic dispersion and polarization-mode dispersion (PMD) in high speed WDM optical fiber transmission systems (2000. ? Development of Labview-based beam profiler (1999. ? Fabrication of holographic devices on ion-exchanged photo-chromic glass for interview with optical interconnects and optical storage (1999. ? High density nondiffracting beam array for optical interconnection (1997. ? Fabrication of waveguide on start an analysis essay HEBS glass by laser-writing assisted etching technique for chip-to-chip optical interconnects (1997. ? Flat-top beam shaper fabricated by essay nursing process a non-lithographic technique (1997. ? EE4114 #8220;Optical Communications#8221; (2010. ? EE3407 #8220;Analog Electronics#8221; (2007. ? ESP1104 #8220;Introduction to essay, Electronic Systems#8221; (2007. ? EE3208 #8220;Embedded Computer Systems Design#8221; (2006) ? Research students supervised: ? Currently supervising 5 Ph.D. students (HU Junhao, ZHANG Hongyu, CAO Shengjiao, XU Zhuoran, YU Yi), and 1 M.Sc. student (Prasanna Caliaperoumal) ? Graduated Ph.D. students: ZHANG Shaoliang, #8220;Coherent phase-modulated optical fiber communications with linear and nonlinear phase noise,#8221; 01/2011. YANG Jing, #8220;Fiber physical efforts in statement warming high-speed optical communication networks and fiber sensor systems,#8221; 08/2010. ? Graduated M.Sc. students: Raju Gottumukkala, #8220;Dispersion monitoring based on RF spectrum analysis with optical filtering in high-speed optical communication systems,#8221; 12/2010. Start? YU Yi, #8220;Filtering effects in the qualities prince high-speed differential phase-shift keying optical communication systems,#8221; 12/2009. HAN Xue, #8220;Comparison of an analysis essay modulation formats in research paper 42.8-Gbit/s WDM fiber-optic communication systems,#8221; 05/2009. LI Xiaojing, #8220;Pilot-aided maximum likehood phase estimation in start an analysis essay optical M -ary phase-shift keying system,#8221; 12/2008.

? Graduated FYP students: REN Shirui, #8220;Receiver design of white LED wireless communication system,#8221; 05/2011. TAN Hou Hock, #8220;White LED lighting and visible light communication transmitter,#8221; 05/2011. LIM Yu Ting, #8220;A visible light communication system enabled by power line modem,#8221; 05/2011. LI Yuanfeng, #8220;Visible light communication transmitter based on white LED,#8221; 05/2011. LU Huan Xun, #8220;A visible light communication system using LED with power line modem,#8221; 05/2011. XU Fang, #8220;Optical performance monitoring in high-speed fiber communication systems,#8221; 05/2011. YANG Kai, #8220;Investigation of transmission distance improvement over standard single-mode fiber for how to be alone 10-Gb/s chirped directly-modulated system,#8221; 05/2010. CHEE Kang Wei, #8220;PMD monitoring for high-speed optical communication systems based on power measurement of RF tone,#8221; 05/2009.

V. M. Ramkumar, #8220;Investigation of polymer optical fiber for high data rate and short range communication,#8221; 05/2008. XING Rui, #8220;Quantum-dots based biosensor project development of a graphic interface as part of the software package for essay the urine analysis device,#8221; 05/2008. ? Member, Optical Society of America (OSA) ? Member, IEEE Photonics Society (IEEE/PS) ? Founding secretary and committee member, OSA Singapore Chapter (2010. ? Student activity chair and the qualities prince essays committee member, IEEE Singapore Section (2011. ? Committee member, IEEE/PS Singapore Chapter (2007. ? Supervisor, the start an analysis essay Student Branch of IEEE/PS Singapore Chapter (2009. ? Chair, IEEE/PS Singapore Chapter (2010, won Best Chapter Award from thesis statement global, IEEE Singapore Session, and Largest Membership Increase Chapter Award from IEEE/PS) ? Co-chair, Working Group 1 (WG1) of Telecommunications Standards Technical Committee (TSTC) for Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) of Singapore: to define the standards of the physical layer for the next generation broadband network in Singapore (2009. ? Technical program committee member, 10th International Conference on start an analysis essay Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2011. ? Technical program committee member, 8th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2011. ? Technical program committee member, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP) 2011. ? Technical program committee member, IEEE SENSORS Conference 2011. ? Technical program committee member, International Conference on Optical Instrument and Technology (OIT) 2011. ? Technical program co-chair, International Conference on essay nursing Information Photonics Optical Communications (IPOC) 2011. ? Publicity chair and technical program member, IEEE Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) 2011. ? Invited speaker on start an analysis #8220;High Speed Optical Fiber Communications#8221;, Discover Optics 2011, an educational event for students from junior colleges, jointly organized by be alone OSA Singapore Chapter and IEEE/PS Chapter. ? Local arrangement chair and symposium co-chair on optical communication and networks, IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2010. ? Honorary conference chair, 1st Postgraduate Student Conference (PGSC) 2010. ? Technical program co-chair, 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) 2010. ? Technical program committee member, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP) 2010. ? Conference co-chair on start an analysis optical transmission, 9th International Conference on thesis statement global Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2010. ? Judge, Junior Talent Development Program, Singapore, 2010. ? Technical program committee member, International Conference on Optical Communication Systems (OPTICS) 2010. ? Technical program committee member, 7th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium (APWCS) 2010. ? Honorary conference chair, 1st IEEE/PS Singapore chapter Best Student Paper Award Competition (BSPA) 2009. ? Technical program committee member, Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP) 2009. ? Technical program committee member, 8th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2009. ? Co-chair of start an analysis Symposium P (Fiber Optical Devices and thesis global Applications), 5th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2009. ? Technical program committee member and start an analysis section chair, Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2009. ? Technical program committee member, 11th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) 2008. ? Organizing committee member and technical program committee member, 7th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2008. ? Organizing committee member and technical program committee member, IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2008. ? Technical program committee member and section chair, Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2008. ? Section chair, 6th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2007. ? Technical program committee member and coarsework section chair, 10th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) 2006. ? Vice president, Friendship Club of China in University of essay Miami, 1997-1999.

? Reviewer for IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, IEEE Transaction on Communications, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optics Communications, Optics Engineering, IEE Electronics Letters, Journal of interview with Computer Communications, and a few international conferences. ? Shaoliang Zhang (Ph.D. student), IEEE Photonics Society Graduate Student Fellowship Award 2010 (10 winners from all over the world), which is a top honor for the graduate students in IEEE Photonics Society, reported in start the IEEE Photonics Society website and also the IEEE Photonics Society newsletters. ? Jing Yang (Ph.D. student), Best Student Paper Award (for the paper #8220;CD insensitive PMD monitoring for different modulation formats based on thesis RF tone power measurement using an FBG notch filter#8221; co-authored by J. Yang, K.W.L. Chee, and C. Yu), 7th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2009, Macau, December 8-10, 2009. ? Junhao Hu (Ph.D. student), Best Student Presentation Award Honorable Mention (for the paper #8220;Long distance fiber Bragg grating sensor system based on an analysis essay Erbium-doped fiber and Raman amplification#8221; co-authored by J. Hu, Z. A Teacher? Chen, X. Yang, J. Ng, and start C. Yu), Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP) 2009, Shanghai, November 2-6, 2009. ? Jing Yang (Ph.D. Thesis Warming? student), Certificate of Merits (for the paper #8220;Multi-channel 80-GHz pulse train generation based on four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear fiber#8221; co-authored by J. Yang, J. Hu, C. Yu, Y.K. Yeo, and Y. Wang), OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2009, Hong Kong, July 13-17, 2009. ? Best Paper Award (for the paper #8220;Polarization Insensitivity Optic Distributed Strain Sensing System Based on Stimulated Brillouin Scattering#8221; co-authored by J. Yang, C. Yu, Z. Chen, J. Start? Ng, and interview a teacher X. Yang), Symposium P (Fiber Optical Devices and an analysis Applications), the 5th International Conference on coarsework Materials for start essay Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2009, Singapore, June 28-July 3, 2009. ? Marquis #8220;Who#8217;s Who in the world#8221;, 2009. ? Academic Achievement Award, Univ. of Southern California, 2005. ? IEEE/LEOS (now IEEE Photonics Society) Graduate Student Fellowship Award, 2004 (12 winners from paper, all over the world) ? Teaching and Research Assistant Scholarship, Univ. of Southern California, 2000- 2005. Start? ? Award of Academic Merit, Graduate School of Univ. of global warming Miami, 1999. ? #8220;Who#8217;s Who Among Students in American Universities and start essay Colleges#8221;, 1999. ? Teaching and Research Assistant Scholarship, Univ. of Miami, 1997- 2000. ? Outstanding Student Scholarship, Tsinghua Univ., 1992-1996. ? U.S. Pat. # 6,646,774 (Co-inventors: Z. Essays Be Alone? Pan, Y. Wang, T. Luo, A.B. Sahin, Q. Yu, and A.E. Willner), #8220;Intra-bit polarization diversity modulation for PMD mitigation,#8221; Issued on November 11, 2003. PUBLICATIONS (with over 400 citations, h-index=11): 1. C. Start Essay? Yu , #8220;Polarization mode dispersion monitoring,#8221; Optical Performance Monitoring: Advanced Techniques for Next-Generation Photonic Networks , Calvin C. K. Chan, editor, Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., 2010, ISBN: 978-0123749505.

2. A.E. Willner, C. Yu , Z. Pan, and Y. Thesis Global? Xie, #8220;WDM fiber optic communication networks,#8221; Handbook of Optics , 3 rd Edition, Vol. V, M. Bass, C.M. DeCusatis, J.M. Enoch, V. Lakshminarayanan, G. Li, C. MacDonald, V.N. Mahajan, E. Van Stryland, editors, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2009, ISBN: 978-0071633130.

3. A.E. Willner, Z. Start Essay? Pan, and C. Yu , #8220;Optical performance monitoring,#8221; Optical Fiber Telecommunications VB , Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, and Alan E. Willner, editors, Academic Press, Elsevier Inc., 2008, ISBN: 978-0123741721. 4. C. Essay? Yu , #8220;Comparison of advanced modulation formats for 40-Gbit/s DWDM optical fiber transmission systems with 50-GHz channel spacing,#8221; Advanced Technologies for High-Speed Optical Communications , Lei Xu, editor, Research Signpost, 2007, ISBN: 813080171X. 5. J. Yang, C. Yu , Y. Yang, L. Cheng, Z. Li, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y.

Tam, and P.K.A. Wai, #8220;PMD-insensitive CD monitoring based on RF clock power ratio measurement with optical notch filter,#8221; accepted by IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 6. Z. Wang, C. Yu , W. Zhong, and an analysis J. Chen, #8220;Performance Improvement by Tilting Receiver Plane in thesis warming M-QAM OFDM Visible Light Communications,#8221; Optics Express , vol. 19, no. 14, pp. 1341813427, July 2011. 7. S. Zhang, L. Xu, P.Y. Kam, C. Yu , J. Chen, and an analysis essay T. Wang, #8220;A performance investigation of adaptive phase estimations in coherent optical communications,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 23, no.

8, pp. 462 - 464, April 2011. 8. B. Dong, J. Hu, C. Interview A Teacher? Liaw, J. Hao, and start an analysis essay C. Yu , #8220;Wideband-tunable nanotube Q-switched low threshold erbium doped fiber laser,#8221; Applied Optics , vol. 50, no. 10, pp. 1442-1445, March 2011. 9. J. Yang, C. Yu , L. Cheng, Z. Li, C. Lu, A.P.T.

Lau, H.Y. Tam, and P.K.A. Wai, #8220;CD-insensitive PMD monitoring based on RF power measurement,#8221; Optics Express , vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 1354-1359, January 2011. 10. J. Hu, and global warming C. Yu , #8220;Low power autocorrelation technique based on the degree-of-polarization measurement,#8221; Optics Communications , vol. Start Essay? 283, no. 24, pp. 4928-4932, December 2010.

11. T.S.R. Shen, A.P.T. Lau, and C. Yu , #8220;Simultaneous and independent multi-parameter monitoring with fault localization for DSP-based coherent communication systems,#8221; Optics Express , vol. 18, no. 23, pp. 23608-23619, November 2010.

12. Interview A Teacher Essay? J. Hu, Z. Chen, X. Yang, J. Ng, and C. Yu , #8220;100-km Long Distance Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor System Based on Erbium Doped Fiber and Raman Amplification,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 19, pp. 1422 - 1424, October 2010. 13. Essay? S. Zhang, P. How To Be Alone? Y. Kam, C. Yu , and J. Chen, #8220;Decision-aided carrier phase estimation for essay coherent optical communications,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of coarsework Lightwave Technology , vol.

28, no. 11, pp. 1597 1607, June 2010. 14. Z. Li, C. Yu , Y. Dong, L. Start Essay? Cheng, L.F.K. Lui, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam, and a teacher essay P.K.A. Wai, #8220;Linear photonic radio frequency phase shifter using a differential-group-delay element and start an analysis an optical phase modulator,#8221; Optics Letters , vol. Machiavelli Essays? 35, pp.

1881-1883, May 2010. 15. S. Zhang, P. Y. Start An Analysis Essay? Kam, C. Yu , and J. Chen, #8220;Bit-error rate performance of coherent optical M -ary PSK and 16-QAM using decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation,#8221; Optics Express , vol. 18, no. 12, pp. 12088 12103, May 2010.

16. S. Zhang, L. Xu, J. Yu, M.-F. Huang, P. Y. Kam, C. Yu , and process T. Wang, #8220;Dual-stage cascaded frequency offset estimation for digital coherent receivers,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 401-403, March 2010. 17. S. Zhang, X. Li, P. Y. Kam, C. Essay? Yu , and J. Chen, #8220;Pilot-assisted, decision-aided, maximum likelihood phase estimation in coherent optical phase-modulated systems with nonlinear phase noise,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 22, no.

6, pp. Essays? 380-382, March 2010. 19. Z. Start An Analysis Essay? Li, Z. Coarsework? Jian, L. An Analysis? Cheng, Y. Yang, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, C. Yu , H.-Y. Tam, and P.K.A. Wai, #8220;Signed chromatic dispersion monitoring of 100Gbit/s CS-RZ DQPSK signal by evaluating the asymmetry ratio of delay tap sampling,#8221; Optics Express , vol. 18, pp. 3149-3157, February 2010.

20. Z. Pan, C. Yu , and A.E. Willner, #8220;Optical performance monitoring for essay nursing process the next generation optical communication networks,#8221; Optical Fiber Technology , vol. 16, pp. 20-45, January 2010.

21. S. Zhang, C. Start? Yu , P.Y. Kam, and J. Chen, #8220;Parallel implementation of decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in coherent M-ary phase-shift keying systems,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 21, pp. Essays How To Be Alone? 1471-1473, October 2009. 22. Essay? S. Zhang, P.Y. Kam, C. A Teacher Essay? Yu , and essay J. Chen, #8220;Laser linewidth tolerance of decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in coherent optical M-ary PSK and QAM systems,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 21, pp. 1075-1077, August 2009. 23.

C. Yu , Y. Wang, Z. Pan, T. Luo, S. Kumar, B. Zhang, and thesis A.E. Start An Analysis Essay? Willner, #8220;Carrier-suppressed 160-GHz pulse-train generation using a 40-GHz phase modulator with polarization-maintaining fiber,#8221; Optics Letters , vol. 34, pp. 1657-1659, June 2009. 24. J. Yang, C. Yu , Z. Chen, J. Ng and X. Yang, #8220;Suppression of polarisation-induced signal fluctuation in optic distributed sensing system based on stimulated Brillouin scattering,#8221; Electronics Letters , vol. 45, pp. 154-156, January 2009.

25. S. Zhang, P.Y. Kam, J. Chen, and C. Essay? Yu , #8220;Decision-aided maximum likelihood detection in coherent optical phase-shift-keying system,#8221; Optics Express , vol. Start An Analysis? 17, pp. 703-715, January 2009. 26.

G.J. Pendock, X. Yi, C. Yu , and W. The Qualities Essays? Shieh, #8220;Dispersion-monitoring in WDM systems by injecting modulated ASE,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 20, pp. 821 - 823, May 2008. 27. L. Zhang, T. Luo Y. Start Essay? Yue, C. Yu , and A.E. Willner, #8220;Photosensitivity-enabled dispersion controllability for quasi-phase-matching in photonic crystal fibers,#8221; Optics Letters , vol.

32, pp. 3498-3500, December 2007. 28. L. Zhang, T. Global Warming? Luo, C. Yu , W. Zhang, and A.E. An Analysis? Willner, #8220;Pattern dependence of statement warming data distortion in start slow-light elements,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 25, pp. 1754-1760, July 2007. 29.

Z. Warming? Pan, S. Start? Chandel, and C. Yu , #8220;Ultrahigh-speed optical pulse generation using a phase modulator and coarsework two stages of start an analysis essay delayed Mach-Zehnder interferometers,#8221; Optical Engineering , vol. 46, Paper 075001, pp. 1-3, July 2007. Coarsework? 30. Y. Wang, C. Yu , L.-S. Yan, A.E. Willner, R. Roussev, C. Langrock, M.M. Fejer, Y. Start? Okawachi, J.E. Sharping, and A.L. Gaeta, #8220;44-ns continuously-tunable dispersionless optical delay element using a PPLN waveguide with a two pump configuration, DCF, and a dispersion compensator,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol.

19, pp. 861-863, June 2007. 31. C. Yu , Z. Nursing Process? Pan, T. Luo, Y. Wang, L. Christen, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Beyond 40-GHz return-to-zero optical pulse train generation using a phase modulator and polarization-maintaining fiber,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 19, pp.

42-44, January 2007. 32. Start An Analysis? C. Yu , T. Luo, L. Zhang, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Data pulse distortion induced by a slow light tunable delay line in optical fiber,#8221; Optics Letters , vol. 32, pp.

20-22, January 2007. Essays? 33. C. Yu , T. Start? Luo, B. Zhang, Z. With Essay? Pan, M. Adler, Y. Wang, J.E. Start? McGeehan, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Wavelength-shift-free 3R regenerator for 40-Gbit/s RZ system by optical parametric amplification in fiber,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol.

18, pp. 2569-2571, December 2006. 34. T. Luo, C. Essays How To? Yu , L.-S. Yan, S. Kumar, Z. Pan, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Simple autocorrelation technique based on essay degree-of-polarization measurement,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 18, pp. 1606 - 1608, August 2006. 35. L.-S.

Yan, X.S. Yao, C. Essays How To Be Alone? Yu , Y. Start? Wang, L. Lin, Z. Chen, and A.E. Willner, #8220;High-speed and interview essay highly repeatable polarization-state analyzer for essay 40-Gb/s system performance monitoring,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 18, pp. Coarsework? 643 - 645, February 2006. Essay? 36. Prince Essays? T. Luo, C. Start An Analysis? Yu , Z. Essays How To Be Alone? Pan, Y. An Analysis Essay? Wang, J.E. McGeehan, M. Adler, and A.E. Willner , #8220;All-optical chromatic dispersion monitoring of warming a 40-Gb/s RZ signal by measuring the an analysis essay XPM-generated optical tone power in a highly nonlinear fiber,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol.

18, pp. 430 - 432, January 2006. 37. L. Zhang, C. Yang, C. Yu , T. Luo, and A.E. Willner, #8220;PCF-based polarization splitters with simplified structures,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 23, pp. 3558 - 3565, November 2005. 38. T. Luo, C. Yu , Z. Pan, Y. Wang, Y. Arieli, and essays how to A.E. Willner, #8220;Dispersive effects monitoring for an analysis essay RZ data by adding a frequency-shifted carrier along the orthogonal polarization state,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of how to Lightwave Technology , vol. 23, pp.

3295 - 3301, October 2005. 39. An Analysis? Y. Wang, C. Thesis Statement Global? Yu , T. Start An Analysis Essay? Luo, Z. Pan, L.-S. Yan, and essay nursing A.E. Willner, #8220;Tunable all-optical wavelength conversion and wavelength multicasting using orthogonally polarized fiber FWM,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol.

23, pp. Essay? 3331 - 3338, October 2005. 40. L.-S. Yan, Y. Wang, B. Statement Global Warming? Zhang, C. Yu , J. McGeehan, L. An Analysis? Paraschis, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Reach extension in 10-Gb/s directly modulated transmission systems using asymmetric and narrowband optical filtering,#8221; Optics Express , vol. Thesis? 13, pp. 5106-5115, June 2005. 41. L.-S.

Yan, C. Yu , Y. Wang, T. Luo, L. Paraschis, and A.E. Start Essay? Willner, #8220;40-Gbit/s transmission over 25-km of negative-dispersion fiber using narrowband filtering of a commercial directly modulated DFB laser,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 17, pp. 1322-1324, June 2005. 42. C. Yu , L. Christen, T. Luo, Y. Wang, Z. Pan, L.-S. Yan, and A.E. Willner, #8220;All-optical XOR gate using polarization rotation in single highlynonlinear fiber,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 17, pp. 1232-1234, June 2005. 43.

C. Yu , L.-S. Yan, T. Luo, Y. Wang, Z. Pan, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Width-tunable optical RZ pulse train generation based on be alone four-wave mixing in highly-nonlinear fiber,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 17, pp. 636-638, March 2005. 44. Z. Pan, Y.W. Song, C. Yu , Y. Wang, and A.E.

Willner, #8220;Using sampled nonlinearly-chirped fiber Bragg gratings to achieve 40-Gbit/s tunable multi-channel dispersion compensation,#8221; Optics Communications , vol. 241, pp. 371-375, November 2004. Essay? 45. C. Yu , Z. Pan, Y. Wang, Y.W.

Song, D. Essays How To Be Alone? Gurkan, M.C. Hauer, D. Starodubov and A.E. Willner, #8220;Polarization-insensitive all-optical wavelength conversion using dispersion-shifted fiber with a fiber Bragg grating and a Faraday rotator mirror,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 16, pp. 1906 - 1908, August 2004. 46. Start An Analysis? S.M.R. Motaghian Nezam, Y.W. Song, C. Yu , J. McGeehan, A.B.

Sahin, and A.E. Willner, #8220;First order PMD monitoring for NRZ data using optical clock regeneration techniques,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 22, pp. 1086 - 1093, April 2004. 47. C. Yu , Q. Yu, Z. Pan, A.B. Sahin, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Optically compensating the PMD-induced RF power fading for single-sideband subcarrier-multiplexed systems,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 16, pp. The Qualities Essays? 341 343, January 2004.

48. Z. Pan, Y.W. Song, C. Yu , Y. Wang, Q. Yu, J. Popelek, H. Li, Y. Li, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Tunable chromatic dispersion compensation in 40-Gb/s systems using nonlinearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol. 20, pp. 2239 2246, December 2002. 49.

Y.W. Song, Z. Start An Analysis? Pan, S.M.R. Motaghian Nezam, C. Yu , Y. Essays? Wang, D. Start? Starodubov, V. Grubsky, J.E. Rothenberg, J. Popelek, H. Li, Y. Li, R. Caldwell, R. Prince Essays? Wilcox, and start A.E. Willner, #8220;Tunable dispersion slope compensation for 40-Gb/s WDM systems using broadband nonchannelized third-order chirped fiber Bragg gratings,#8221; IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology , vol.

20, pp. 2259 2266, December 2002. 50. Z. Pan, Y. Wang, C. Yu , T. Luo, A.B. Sahin, Q. Essay Nursing? Yu, and A.E. Willner, #8220;Intrabit polarization diversity modulation for the mitigation of PMD effects,#8221; IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , vol. 14, pp. 1466 1468, October 2002. Start? 51.

M.R. Wang, C. Yu , and A.J. Varela, #8220;Efficient pseudo-non-diffracting beam shaping using a quasi-continuous phase diffractive element,#8221; Optical Engineering , vol. 40, pp. 517-524, April 2001. 52. C. Yu , M.R. Wang, A.J. Varela, and B. Chen, #8220;High-density non-diffracting beam array for paper impact optical interconnection,#8221; Optics Communications , vol. 177, pp.

369-376, April 2000. Start Essay? 53. X.H. Guang, M.R. Wang, and C. Yu , #8220;High-efficiency flat-top beam shaper fabricated by a nonlithographic technique,#8221; Optical Engineering , vol. 38, pp. 208-213, February 1999. 54. C. Yu , P.Y. Kam, S. Zhang and J. Coarsework? Chen, #8220;Phase and frequency offset estimation in essay coherent optical fiber communication systems,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2011 , Paper 7B2_1, pp.

1-2, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 4-8, 2011 (Invited) 55. S. Cao, C. Yu , and P.Y. Kam, #8220;Decision-aided carrier phase estimation for coherent optical OFDM,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2011 , Paper 7B2_3, pp. Machiavelli The Qualities Prince Essays? 1-2, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 4-8, 2011. 56. Z. Start Essay? Xu, S. Zhang, P.Y. Kam, and C. How To? Yu , #8220;On the performance of decision-aided maximum likelihood and start an analysis its adaptive phase estimation with nonlinear phase noise,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2011 , Paper 6B3_3, pp. 1-2, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 4-8, 2011.

57. H. Zhang, C. Yu , and P.Y. Prince? Kam, #8220;Optimal ring ratio of 16-Star quadrature amplitude modulation in coherent optical communication systems,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2011 , Paper 7P3_030, pp. 1-2, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, July 4-8, 2011. 58. Start Essay? C. Yu , P.Y. Kam, S. Zhang and J. Chen, #8220;Carrier recovery based on digital signal processing in coherent optical fiber communication systems,#8221; International Symposium on Photonics Optical Communications (SPOC) 2011 , Paper 6.3, pp. 1, Chengdu, China, July 1-3, 2011 (Invited) 59. J. Hu, J. Yang, F. Xu, and C. Yu , #8220;Chromatic dispersion monitoring of RZ-DQPSK signal with low bandwidth detector by with essay evaluating the amplitude ratio of start an analysis essay delay tap sampling,#8221; 3 rd International High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum (HSIC) 2011 , Paper 14, pp. Machiavelli Prince Essays? 1, Hong Kong, May 30-31, 2011.

60. J. Hu, Z. Chen, J.T. Teo, and an analysis essay C. Machiavelli The Qualities Essays? Yu , #8220;100-km long distance FBG vibration sensor based on matching filter demodulation,#8221; 21 st International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS) 2011 , Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7753, 77538N, pp. 1-4, Ottawa, Canada, May 15-19, 2011. Essay? 61. S. Zhang, L. Xu, P. Y. Kam, C. Yu , and T. Wang, #8220;Study on the performance of process decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation with a forgetting factor,#8221; Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2011 , Paper JWA022, pp. 1-3, Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 6-10, 2011. An Analysis Essay? 62. J. Yang, C. Yu , and Z. The Qualities Essays? Li, #8220;PMD insensitive CD monitoring based on RF power ratio measurement utilizing FBG filter,#8221; IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2010 , Paper 2-2F-5, pp.

1-5, Singapore, December 14-16, 2010. Start An Analysis Essay? 63. Z. Thesis Global Warming? Wang, W. Essay? Zhong, S. Zhang, C. Yu , and Y. Ding, #8220;Performance evaluation of OOK free-space optical transmission system with dynamic decision threshold and coherent detection,#8221; IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2010 , Paper 3-1F-4, pp. 1-5, Singapore, December 14-16, 2010. 64. C. Yu and J. Machiavelli The Qualities Prince Essays? Yang, #8220;CD and PMD monitoring based on RF spectrum analysis with optical filtering,#8221; Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and Exhibition (ACP) 2010 , Paper FN1, pp. 1-8, Shanghai, China, December 8-12, 2010 (Invited) 65. J. Yang, M. He, H. Essay? Lu, Z. Li, and C. Yu , #8220;Chromatic dispersion monitoring of DQPSK and D8PSK signals based on delay-tap sampling technique,#8221; International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS) 2010 , paper PM1-2-1-4, pp.

1-5, Singapore, November 17-19, 2010. 66. Z. Li, L. Cheng, C. Lu, and C. Yu , #8220;A novel dispersion monitoring scheme by research evaluating eye diagram for 100Gbit/s CS-RZ DQPSK systems,#8221; International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS) 2010 , paper PM1-2-1-2, pp. 1-5, Singapore, November 17-19, 2010. 67. Start An Analysis Essay? C. Yu , P.Y. Kam, S. Zhang and J. Chen, #8220;Phase estimation in coherent communication systems with semiconductor laser noises,#8221; Photonics Asia 2010 , Paper 7844-19, pp.

1-10, Beijing, China, October 18-20, 2010 (Invited) 68. H. Lu, S. Zhang, C. Yu , and P.Y. Coarsework? Kam, #8220;Impact of amplifier beat and start essay nonlinear phase noises on coherent optical communication system,#8221; 9 th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2010 , pp. 294-298, Nanjing, China, October 24-27, 2010. 69. S. Zhang, C. Yu , P.Y. Kam, and essays J. Chen, #8220;Performance comparison between decision-aided maximum likelihood and adaptive decision-aided phase estimation,#8221; 9 th International Conference on Optical Communications and Networks (ICOCN) 2010 , pp. 253-257, Nanjing, China, October 24-27, 2010. 70. An Analysis? S. Zhang, L. Xu, P. Y. Kam, C. Yu , and T. Wang, #8220;Performance investigation of the joint SPM compensation in a long-haul coherent dual-polarization QPSK system,#8221; Europe Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC) 2010 , Paper P3.15, pp.

1-3 , Torino, Italy, September 19-23, 2010. 71. C. Essay Nursing? Yu , J. Yang and J. Hu, #8220; Nonlinear fiber based processing for high speed optical communication and sensor systems ,#8221; IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topical Meetings (SUM) 2010 , Paper TuC2-3, pp. 1-2, Playa del Carmen, Riviera Maya, Mexico, July 19-21, 2010 (Invited) 72. J. Essay? Yang, C. Yu , L. Cheng, Z. Li, and C. Process? Lu , #8220;PMD insensitive CD monitoring based on RF power ratio in D8PSK and DQPSK systems,#8221; 9 th International Conference on essay Optical Internet (COIN) 2010 , Paper TuC3-3, pp. 1-4, Jeju, Korea, July 11-14, 2010. 73. C. Yu , P.Y. Kam, S. Zhang and J. Chen, #8220;Decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in coherent communication systems,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2010 , Paper 9B3-1, pp. 1-2, Sapporo, Japan, July 5-9, 2010 (Invited) 74. Z. Li, C. Yu , L. Cheng, L.F.K.

Lui, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam, and P.K.A. Wai, #8220;Stable photonic RF phase shifter based on a polarization sensitive optical phase modulator,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2010 , Paper 6D2-6, pp. 1-2, Sapporo, Japan, July 5-9, 2010. Coarsework? 75. S. An Analysis? Zhang, C. Yu , P.Y.

Kam, and J. Chen, #8220;Optimizing the performance of normalized least-mean square phase estimation for digital coherent receivers,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2010 , Paper 7P-16, pp. 1-2, Sapporo, Japan, July 5-9, 2010. 76. H. Zhang, S. Zhang, P.Y. Thesis Statement Global Warming? Kam, C. Yu , and J. Chen, #8220;Optimized phase error tolerance of 16-star quadrature amplitude modulation in coherent optical communication systems,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2010 , Paper 8P-15, pp. 1-2, Sapporo, Japan, July 5-9, 2010. 77. Essay? Y. Yu, H. Zhang, and C. Yu , #8220;107-Gb/s WDM DQPSK Systems with 50 GHz Channel Spacing by Low-Crosstalk Demodulators,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2010 , Paper 7P-23, pp. 1-2, Sapporo, Japan, July 5-9, 2010. 78.

S. Shen, A.P.T. Lau, and C. Yu , #8220;Joint nonlinear parameters and OSNR monitoring for DSP-based coherent systems,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2010 , Paper 7P-20, pp. 1-2, Sapporo, Japan, July 5-9, 2010. 79. J. Thesis Statement Warming? Hu, Z. Chen, X. Yang, J. Ng, and C. Yu , #8220;100-km long distance FBG vibration sensor,#8221; 2 nd Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS) 2010 , Paper P0093, pp.

1-2, Guangzhou, China, June 28-30, 2010. 80. Essay? C. Yu , #8220;High speed optical pulse train generation and measurement in optical fiber communication systems,#8221; International High Speed Intelligent Communication Forum (HSIC) 2010 , Paper TR74.6, pp. 1-2, Singapore, May 13-14, 2010 (Invited) 81. J. Yang, and coarsework C. Yu , #8220;Broadband multi-wavelength light source generation using a single phase modulator in a loop,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2010 , Paper JThE56, pp.

1-2, San Jose, CA, USA. May 16-21, 2010. 82. J. Yang, C. An Analysis Essay? Yu , L. Cheng, Z. Research Paper Impact? Li, C. Lu, A.P.T. Lau, H.Y. Tam, and P.K.A. Wai, #8220;CD insensitive PMD monitoring by an analysis using FBG notch filter in 57-Gbit/s D8PSK and 38-Gbit/s DQPSK systems,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2010 , Paper CThDD4, pp. Machiavelli The Qualities Essays? 1-2, San Jose, CA, USA.

May 16-21, 2010. 83. S. Zhang, P. Y. Kam, C. Yu , and J. Chen, #8220;Frequency offset estimation using a Kalman filter in coherent optical phase-shift keying systems,#8221; Conference on start Lasers and the qualities Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2010 , Paper CFC1, pp. 1-2, San Jose, CA, USA. May 16-21, 2010. 84. S. Zhang, L. Xu, J. Yu, M.-F. Huang, P. Y. Start An Analysis Essay? Kam, C. Yu , and T. Wang, #8220;Novel ultra wide-range frequency offset estimation for digital coherent optical receiver,#8221; Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2010 , Paper OMK1, pp. 1-3, San Diego, CA, USA, March 21-25, 2010. With A Teacher Essay? 85.

S. Zhang, L. Xu, J. Yu, P. Y. Essay? Kam, C. Yu , and T. How To Be Alone? Wang, #8220;Experimental demonstration of decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in 8-channel 42.8-Gbit/s DWDM coherent PolMux-QPSK system,#8221; Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2010 , Paper OWV3, pp. 1-3, San Diego, CA, USA, March 21-25, 2010. 86. J. Yang, K.W.L. Chee, and start an analysis C. Yu , #8220;CD insensitive PMD monitoring for different modulation formats based on RF tone power measurement using an FBG notch filter,#8221; 7 th International Conference on Information, Communications and a teacher Signal Processing (ICICS) 2009, Paper P0727, pp.

1-5, Macau, December 8-10, 2009. 87. S. Zhang, J. Chen, C. Yu , W. Rong, and P. Y. Start An Analysis Essay? Kam, #8220;ADC bandwidth optimization for coherent optical detection in phase-modulated systems,#8221; Asia Communications and Photonics Conference and the qualities essays Exhibition (ACP) 2009 , Paper FC3, pp. 1-6, Shanghai, China, November 2-6, 2009. 88. J. Hu, Z. Chen, X. Yang, J. Ng, C. Yu , #8220;Long distance fiber Bragg grating sensor system based on Erbium-doped fiber and Raman amplification,#8221; Asia Communications and start an analysis essay Photonics Conference and essay process Exhibition (ACP) 2009 , Paper TuC5, pp. 1-6, Shanghai, China, November 2-6, 2009. 89. J. Yang, J. Hu, C. Yu , Y.K. Yeo, and Y. Wang, #8220;Multi-channel 80-GHz pulse train generation based on four-wave mixing in highly nonlinear fiber,#8221; OptoElectronics and an analysis essay Communications Conference (OECC) 2009 , Paper TuA5, pp. 1-2, Hong Kong, July 13-17, 2009.

90. J. Hu, C. Yu , #8220;An improved autocorrelation technique based on the degree-of-polarization measurement,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2009 , Paper ThM4, pp. 1-2, Hong Kong, July 13-17, 2009. Statement Global Warming? 91. J. Yang, J. Hu, C. An Analysis? Yu , Y.K. Yeo, and Y. Wang, #8220;80-GHz multi-channel RZ pulse train generation based on XPM and research paper impact FWM in a nonlinear optical loop mirror,#8221; 5 th International Conference on start Materials for interview with Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2009 , Paper P-S5.03, pp. 1-3, Singapore, June 28-July 3, 2009. 92. J. Yang, C. Yu , Z. Chen, J. Ng, and X. Yang, #8220;Polarization insensitivity optic distributed strain sensing system based on stimulated Brillouin scattering,#8221; 5 th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2009 , P-S10.12, pp. 1-3, Singapore, June 28-July 3, 2009.

93. X. Li, S. Zhang, C. Yu , and an analysis P. Y. With? Kam, #8220;Pilot decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in an analysis essay coherent optical QPSK and 8PSK systems with nonlinear phase noise,#8221; Conference on Lasers and be alone Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2009 , Paper CMZ4, pp. 1-2, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 31-June 5, 2009. 94. S. Zhang, P. Y. Kam, and C. Yu , #8220;Block length effect of decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in an analysis essay coherent optical communication systems,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2009 , Paper CMZ3, pp. 1-2, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 31-June 5, 2009. 95. S. Zhang, P.Y. Kam, J. Chen, and C. Yu , #8220;A comparison of phase estimation in coherent optical PSK system,#8221; IEEE Photonics Global Conference (PGC) 2008 , Paper C3-4A-03, Singapore, December 8-11, 2008. 96. G.J.

Pendock, W. Interview With A Teacher? Shieh, X. Yi, and C. Yu , #8220;Measuring dispersion in essay WDM links with modulated background ASE,#8221; OptoElectronics and how to be alone Communications Conference (OECC) 2008 , Paper WeK-2, pp. 1-2, Sydney, Australia, July 7-10, 2008. 97. S. Zhang, P.Y. Kam, J. Chen, and C. Yu , #8220;Adaptive decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in coherent optical DQPSK system,#8221; OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC) 2008 , Paper TuA-4, pp.

1-2, Sydney, Australia, July 7-10, 2008. 98. S. Zhang, P.Y. Kam, J. Chen, and C. Yu , #8220;Receiver sensitivity improvement using decision-aided maximum likelihood phase estimation in start an analysis essay coherent optical DQPSK system with nonlinear phase noise,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2008 , Paper CthJJ2, pp. 1-2, San Jose, CA, USA, May 4-9, 2008. 99. C. Yu , #8220;Optical short pulse generation and measurement based on fiber polarization effects,#8221; 16 th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC) 2008 , Paper Optical-11, pp. Essay Nursing Process? 66, Taichung, Taiwan, April 23-24, 2008 (Invited) 100. J. Yang, C. Essay? Yu , Z. Chen, J. Ng, and X. Yang, #8220;Suppression of polarization sensitivity in BOTDA fiber distributed sensing system,#8221; 19 th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors (OFS) 2008 , Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 7004, Paper 700421, pp.

1-4, Perth, Australia, April 14-18, 2008. 101. C. Yu , G.J. Pendock, X. Yi, and W. Shieh, #8220;Dispersion measurement through WDM systems with modulated background ASE,#8221; Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2008 , Paper JWA29, pp. 1-3, San Diego, CA, USA, February 24-28, 2008. 102.

C. Yu , J. Yang, Z. Li, and Y. Wang, #8220;Multi-channel 160-GHz pulse generator using a 40-GHz phase modulator and two stages of PM fiber,#8221; 6 th International Conference on essays how to Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS) 2007, Paper P0848, pp. 1-4, Singapore, December 10-13, 2007. 103. C. Yu , Z. Li, J. Yang and Y. Start An Analysis Essay? Wang, #8220;Multi-channel high-speed optical pulse train generation based on phase modulation at half frequency,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2007 , Paper CMJJ7, pp. 1-2, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 6-11, 2007. 104. Z. Li, Y.J.

Wen, C. Paper? Yu , W. Rong, Y. Wang, and T.H. Cheng, #8220;Optimizing Raman/EDFA hybrid amplifier based on dual-order stimulated Raman scattering of a single pump,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2007 , Paper JTuA63, pp. 1-2, Baltimore, MD, USA, May 6-11, 2007. 105. An Analysis Essay? Y. Dong, Z. Li, C. Yu , Y.J. Wen, Y. Paper Impact? Wang, C. Lu, W. Hu and T.H. Cheng, #8220;Generation of multi-channel short-pulse sources using nonlinear optical loop mirror based on start an analysis photonic crystal fiber,#8221; Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC) 2007 , Paper JWA9, pp. 1-3, Anaheim, CA, USA, March 25-29, 2007. 106. With Essay? C. An Analysis Essay? Yu , #8220;Applications of coarsework fiber nonlinearities in high-speed WDM optical communication systems,#8221; 15 th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC) 2006 , Paper PS-4-2, pp.

1, Hangzhou, China, October 12-13, 2006 (Invited) 107. Z. Zhu, A.M.C. Dawes, D. Gauthier, M.D. Stenner, M.A. Essay? Neifeld, T. Luo, C. Yu , L. Zhang, and A.E. Essay Nursing? Willner, #8220;Recent advances in start essay stimulated Brillouin scattering slow light,#8221; OSA Topical Meeting on Slow and Fast Light , Paper TuB1, pp. 1, Washington D.C., USA, July 23-26, 2006 (Invited) 108. Z. Essay Process? Pan, S. Essay? Chandel, and C. Yu , #8220;160 GHz optical pulse generation using a 40 GHz phase modulator and two stages of delayed MZ interferometers,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2006 , Paper CFP2, pp. 1-2, Long Beach, CA, USA, May 21-26, 2006. 109.

C. With A Teacher Essay? Yu , L. Xu, and T. Start An Analysis Essay? Wang, #8220;Six-times the transmission distance over standard single-mode fiber for 10-Gb/s directly-modulated system by off-center filtering and electronic equalization,#8221; Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2006 , Paper CMNN4, pp. 1-2, Long Beach, CA, USA, May 21-26, 2006.

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Leviathan Summary and Analysis of Book I: Introduction, Chapters 1-5. Hobbes saw the an analysis essay, purpose of the Leviathan as explaining the concepts of man and coarsework citizenship; he conceved of the work as contributing to a larger, three-pronged philosophical project that would explain nature in addition to these two phenomena. To begin his project, Hobbes argues that to understand the state we first need to start essay understand mankind, since the state is nothing but an artificial man. To extend the research, metaphor, the sovereign of the state is an analysis essay like the soul of a man; the magistrates of the state like a man's joints; and the rewards and punishments doled out by the state like the interview, nerves of man. According to Hobbes, the proper way to understand all men is to turn our thoughts inward and study one man (namely oneself), for to understand the thoughts, desires, and reasons of ourselves is to start understand them in coarsework all mankind. The natural starting point for understanding the thoughts of man is an analysis sense , since there is no conception in mans mind, which hath not at machiavelli essays, first, totally, or by an analysis essay parts, been begotten upon the organs of sense. In other words, all thought and knowledge is in some way derived from essay our sensing the objects and an analysis matter of the essay nursing process, external world. Central to the idea of sense is motion , for as Hobbes has laid out previously in his work on an analysis, nature, the external world is nothing but a series of motions where objects chaotically interact with each other.

Human beings, ourselves parts of the external world, are no different than these objects and interact with the external world through such motion. Specifically, when we sense objects, we do so because the motions of an object press upon or interact with our sensory organs, which in turns sets off another set of motions within our body that eventually end at our brain, and leave us with a feeling of the object sensed being hot or cold, loud or quiet, light or dark, etc. The concept of motion explains how Hobbes goes from machiavelli the qualities essays sense to what he calls imagination or decaying sense . According to the prevailing Aristotelian physics during Hobbes' time, an object's natural state was rest. Yet Hobbes argued exactly the start an analysis, opposite: objects are constantly in motion, or to put it in Newtonian terms (which was to be later formulated 1687), an object in motion will remain in machiavelli the qualities prince essays motion unless acted upon by an outside force. Start An Analysis Essay. Now, after an object induces motion (and hence, sense) within us is removed, the feelings or impression it left us with do not automatically disappear. The motion set off by originally sensing this object gradually goes away, or decays, over coarsework, time when some other sense or offsetting motion occurs. For example, you can still picture the an analysis, image of something you experienced when your eyes are closed, and can still imagine a stove being hot even when you are not touching it. In other words, just because we are not directly sensing something does not mean that we have lost the feeling or impression it originally left us with. The Qualities. We can imagine things we no longer directly sense, and have memories of an analysis feelings past, which make up our experience . While animals have, in some respect, memories and imaginations of their own, what distinguishes humans from essay other animals, according to Hobbes, is understanding or thought . Start An Analysis. Thought, or the essays how to be alone, transition from one imagination or memory to another, is not as random as it sometimes seems, and start essay can be divided into two types: guided and unguided. Unguided thoughts, like those in a dream, may appear to be disconnected, but in with a teacher reality are quick successions of thoughts connected by start an analysis experience. For example, you might pass a hair salon and start to crave meatloaf.

This might seem random at first, but if you think hard about coarsework, a hair salon you might remember having to sit quietly at the salon in your hometown while your mom got her hair done; and having spoken to your mother earlier in the day, you might remember the meatloaf she made for you back as a child. Regardless of how outlandish and random a thought may seem, Hobbes argues it can be traced back to a perfectly logical train of start an analysis thought (which goes along with Hobbes' thesis about constantly interacting motions in our mind). Guided thought concerns ends and thesis global means, and can itself be divided into two subsets: 1) when we begin with a desire - or end - and start an analysis essay think of what means will bring about this desired end, and thesis global warming 2) when we are in possession of some general means, and then think about what sorts of ends we can achieve with it. Thoughts are internal, and the way we express thoughts is through speech, which helps us to an analysis remember our past thoughts and express them to others. Hobbes identifies four main uses of speech : 1) to remember cause and effect relations, 2) to show others our knowledge, 3) to express our will and desire to essays others, and 4) for start an analysis essay, sheer pleasure. Coarsework. Note that in all four cases, speech is conceived pragmatically. It is a practical instrument for expressing our thoughts to others.

Speech is also the basis of truth , as truth consisteth in the right ordering of names in our affirmations. For example, A man is a living creature is a true statement, but only insofar as people share the same definitions of what the an analysis, meanings of the words, man, is, and living creature. We can see from this definition of impact truth the start an analysis essay, necessity of settling upon agreed definitions. Hobbes believes that geometry, the only Science that it hath pleased God hitherto to bestow upon mankind, provides a model that philosophy should emulate. Specifically, geometry begins first by establishing agreed upon definitions, and from these proceeds logically through reason to research paper impact build further principles and conclusions. Additionally, Hobbes argues that truth, or the start essay, validity of reason , which he defines as the essays, Reckoning (that is, Adding and Subtracting) of the Consequences of generall names agreed upon, is not established because a great number of people agree upon something, or (contrary to an analysis essay Plato and his Philosopher King in The Republic ) because a particularly enlightened person says so.

No man's reason is infallible, and essay nursing so man's reason should be trusted without proof. An Analysis Essay. Therefore, reason - proceeding from one statement to the next in a logical order - can only be verified by oneself individually. Thus, since definitions, truth, first-principles and reason cannot be founded upon natural science, general consensus or a particularly enlightened person, Hobbes argues that there must be some agreed-upon judge or body that establishes such things. One should note that establishing an agreed-upon body does not contradict Hobbes' earlier argument against truth by consensus. Research Paper. Hobbes objects to inherited or traditional forms of truth. In other words, something is not true for an analysis, Hobbes simply because many people believe it to be true, or because it has been traditionally considered true. Truth for Hobbes, rather, must follow from consent. When people consent to join a larger body of coarsework truth, that larger body is legitimated. Foreshadowing his argument for an agreed-upon sovereign, Hobbes claims that establishing sovereignty by consent is the only way to avoid conflict among people. Throughout Leviathan , Hobbes argues against the Scholastic philosophy of Aristotle.

This is particularly the case in an analysis the early parts of Leviathan , where Hobbes argues directly against global Aristotle's' philosophy of essentialism. According to this school of thought, objects in the external world have a certain essence that gives them the qualities that humans experience through their senses. For example, when we see a red apple there is an inherent redness to the apple that is transmitted to us through sense. Thus, there is some objective essence or meaning to objects that we experience. Contrary to this, Hobbes argues that our sensory experience is entirely subjective. He argues that to speak of any sort of essence like redness in the absence of an object is absurd, since we can only experience that which we can sense.

When we see an apple we are not privy to some ethereal redness, but instead just see a color that we have come to call red. Following from this, what gives an object meaning is not some essence inhering in an object, but our own subjective experience of external bodies. Hobbes' discussion of speech and truth is in stark contrast to philosophers like Plato who espouse universalism with regard to truth. According to start an analysis essay these schools of thought, there is an objective truth that humans can know, which should serve as the basis for any philosophical system. Hobbes' argument that truth is essays how to be alone a social construct and founded upon language has a anti-elitist strain to it, particularly his claim that no man's reason is infallible, regardless of how esteemed the man is, or how entrenched in tradition their thoughts may be. Hobbes argues that a human being can only know the world through his or her own sensing organs. Start Essay. Thus he or she is the essays how to, only standard through which rational social organization can be measured. One might think that because Hobbes' argument starts with sense, his philosophy should begin with natural science - that is, with definitions and first principles derived from our knowledge of the external world. Start. Yet in defining sense as he has, Hobbes implicitly denies humans access to objective truth. We experience the external world subjectively, and contrary to Aristotle, do not experience some objective essence of essay nursing external bodies.

Since our knowledge of the external world is entirely subjective, it may differ from one individual to start an analysis another, and thus the external world, for Hobbes, serves as a poor foundation for philosophy. Hobbes' argument that all experience, and be alone hence, all knowledge comes from sense can also be seen as an argument against innate knowledge, and for the tabula rosa (blank slate) model of the human mind. This model proposes that we enter the world without knowledge, and accumulate knowledge only through contact with external stimuli. Yet if the mind is start nothing but a blank slate, how can we imagine things that we have never sensed? To use a famous counter-example, surely we can all imagine a unicorn - just take a horse and put a horn on it - even though they do not exist. How can this be? Hobbes argues that such imaginative entities are the essays, result of essay compounded imagination: i.e., you take two objects or qualities you have direct experience with (which is a form of coarsework your simple imagination) and combine them in your mind to create this new image. Horn plus horse equals unicorn. Finally, it's important to start note that Hobbes' argument in the early parts of Leviathan unfolds like a geometric proof. Hobbes carefully defines terms like sense, memory, and reason, and thesis global warming proceeds step-by-step, each definition building upon the last.

He sees geometry as the model by start an analysis essay which all logic can be judged, and prince so follows suit. Some readers might sense a contradiction in this approach: Hobbes argues that truth can only an analysis be established by a common authority, so how can he ask us to accept his argument, which proceeds without such an authority but only from one man's (Hobbes' own) mind? In this regard, Hobbes invites the reader to 'bear with him' for the duration of the argument, and then to paper see if the start essay, conclusions and principles he derives make sense. In other words, Hobbes hopes that he can attain common authority in retrospect, once his arguments have been weighed and argued by society. The Qualities. However philosophically imperfect this may seem, in the absence of objective truths, this is the start essay, only way for any theory to interview with a teacher essay proceed: people must temporarily grant the argument clout and judge it 'after the fact'. Thus, it is all the more important that Hobbes not merely advance conclusions that readers agree with, but rather show the validity of start his reasoning through careful logic. How To Cite in MLA Format. Study Guide Navigation About Leviathan Leviathan Summary Glossary Themes Summary And Analysis Book I: Introduction, Chapters 1-5 Book I: Chapters 6-12 Book I: Chapters 13-16 Book II: Chapters 17-21 Book II: Chapters 22-31 Book III Book IV, Conclusion The Frontispiece Related Links Essay Questions Quizzes - Test Yourself!

Quiz 1 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Citations Related Content Study Guide Essays Q A E-Text Mini-Store Thomas Hobbes Biography. The Question and Answer section for Leviathan is a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss the novel. I'm sorry, I do not understand your question as written. Please check your question and essays how to be alone correct as necessary. This state of affairs can be dangerous because some people are naturally evil and violent, and thus, would take advantage of those who are weaker. Start An Analysis. Hobbes believed that competition needed to be organized and with managed in order to start essay have a safer. According to Hobbes theory, men must be governed by force to insure safety of their being and possessions because people are naturally covetous, greedy, and envious when left to their own devices. Leviathan study guide contains a biography of a teacher Thomas Hobbes, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and essay analysis. Leviathan literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Leviathan.

Leviathan E-Text contains the full text of Leviathan.

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