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Include All Experience Information. There are two main issues with this applicant#8217;s experience section. First, each entry should have 5 to 8 bullet points. This ensures you give enough information without overcrowding the space. A revised entry would be similar to the following: Operations Officer January 2010 to January 2013 United States Army ? Fayetteville, North Carolina. Planned and development dissertation assembled training and logistics packets for deployments and redeployments. Supervised and managed the scrapbook paper pads administration of property records totaling more than $20 million dollars. Reviewed and implemented contingency plans and ict ocr procedures for finance and accounting services in war zones. Coordinated more than $40 million in contracts from initial request through the contract award.

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Encylopdie - Gardiens de la galaxie (les) (31me sicle) Anciens membres : l’Esprit de la vengeance, Firelord, le Loup irlandais, Mainframe, Phnix-IX (alias Giraud), Pourpoint jaune (alias Rita da Mara), Rplica, Starhawk, Talon. Membres honoraires : Krugarr, Mainframe, Tarin. Base d’oprations : Mobile, bord du vaisseau Icarus (au trente-et-unime sicle de la Terre-691) ; autrefois, la station spatiale Drydock, les vaisseaux Captain Amrica II, le Freedom’s Lady, Captain Amrica, ainsi que le Manoir des Vengeurs (au vingtime sicle de la Terre-616), une maison de la banlieue de Saugerties New-York (au vingtime sicle de la Terre-616), le satellite Europe (lune de Jupiter) l’univers de la Terre-691 au trente-et-unime sicle. Autres noms : The Guardians of the cheap scrapbook pads, Galaxy (VO)

Premire apparition : VO : Marvel Super-Heroes (vol.1) # 18 (janvier 1969, par Arnold Drake Gene Colan) – VF : Titans n°5 (novembre 1976) Histoire : Mme l’avenir a besoin de hros et, sur la Terre-691, le trente-et-unime sicle a vu la naissance des Gardiens de la Galaxie, un groupe de surhumains terriens et d’extra-terrestres qui se consacrent la protection de la Voie lacte contre tout danger qui pourrait menacer la scurit ou la libert de ses peuples. Le futur alternatif des Gardiens se dissocia de la Terre-616 relativement tt ; s’il est toujours difficile de trouver le moment exact o la divergence entre les deux Terres se produit, il est vident que la dcouverte par un Vance Astrovik adolescent de ses capacits de mutants est un lment caractristique de la Terre-616 par opposition la Terre-691 o Astrovik grandit jusqu’ l’ge adulte sans imaginer qu’il possdait des capacits surhumaines. Analysis Essay Cookies! Ainsi, sur cette Terre, Astrovik s’embarqua seul dans le premier vol habit vers un autre systme stellaire, revtu d’une combinaison tanche qui allait prserver son corps du vieillissement au cours des sicles ultrieurs. Scrapbook! Dans les annes 1990, les Guerres bioniques clatrent sur la Terre, rsultat de la croissance incontrle de la population cyberntique ; ce conflit culmina avec une attaque nuclaire sur le Canada occidental.

En 1995, la Confdration des Nations fut fonde, unifiant pour la premire fois la plante Terre au sein d’une mme socit. Rhetorical Essay On The Gettysburg! Cependant, les prjudices envers la communaut mutante restaient importants et les mutants finirent par s’exiler sur Europe, l’une des lunes de Jupiter. En 2001, la Terre fut envahie et conquise par une race extra-terrestre, baptise les « Martiens » car leur base d’opration avait t installe sur la plante rouge. Cheap Scrapbook! Les Martiens dcimrent et asservirent l’humanit. Analysis Essay! Pendant des annes, ils rgnrent sur la Terre, malgr l’opposition de rsistants dont le principal groupe fut celui des Hommes Libres conduits par Killraven, avant d’abandonner celle-ci en 2075, pour des raisons inconnues. Cheap Scrapbook! Libre, la Terre tomba sous le joug des « Techno-barons », chacun la tte d’une cit-tat en guerre avec ses voisines. Analysis Essay! En 2525, le dernier de ces souverains fut dtrn, permettant la Terre de fonder la Fdration Mondiale en 2553. Pads! Au cours du sicle suivant, la Terre se lana dans la colonisation des plantes du systme solaire, modifiant gntiquement les colons de chaque plante afin de les adapter aux environnements hostiles rencontrs – l’humanit se trouva ainsi divises entre Terriens, Mercuriens, Joviens ou encore Plutoniens. Essays 8! Bientt, chaque colonie se spcialisa : Pluton devint la colonie industrielle de l’humanit, Mercure une gigantesque mine alors que Jupiter abritait les expditions scientifiques.

La Terre entama un nouvel ge d’or de progrs sociaux et scientifiques. Malheureusement, cet ge d’or ne devait pas durer. Cheap Paper Pads! Les extra-terrestres Badoons envahirent le systme solaire en 3007, dtruisant la plupart des colonies humaines tuant presque tous les habitants de Pluton, Mercure et Jupiter. Level Ict Ocr! Les Badoons s’attaqurent alors la Terre, dtruisant la flotte spatiale technologiquement infrieure des Pays Unis de la Terre. Paper Pads! Des millions d’humains furent extermins et le reste se retrouva esclave des Badoons. Le pilote de la milice spatiale Charlie-27, un natif d’une colonie jovienne, revint d’une mission en solitaire sur sa plante natale pour y dcouvrir sa conqute par les Badoons. Thesis! Russissant leur chapper en sautant dans un tube de tlportation, Charlie-27 se retrouva sur Pluton et unit ses forces avec celle du Plutonien Martinex, l’un des derniers survivants des colonies de la plante et le seul encore sur place aprs que son peuple ait dcid d’vacuer Pluton afin de pouvoir dtruire les complexes industriels de celle-ci pour viter qu’ils ne tombent dans les mains de leurs ennemis.

Charlie-27 et Martinex se tlportrent sur Terre, esprant y dcouvrir l’tendue de l’invasion des Badoons. Vers la mme poque, Vance Astrovik, qui s’tait rebaptis Vance Astro, arrivait sur la plante Centauri-IV, peu prs un millier d’annes aprs son dpart, s’tant depuis peu rveill de son sommeil artificiel. Cheap Scrapbook Pads! L, il dcouvrit avec horreur que la Terre avait dcouvert les voyages supra-luminiques et que l’humanit avait atteint le systme d’Alpha-Centauri des sicles plus tt, y tablissant une colonie. Descriptive For Grade 8! Ralisant que son ancien sacrifice tait devenu totalement inutile, Astro abandonna la colonie terrienne pour terminer la mission d’exploration qui lui avait t assigne. Cheap Scrapbook! Il rencontra bientt Yondu, un membre de la race indigne de Centauri-IV, les Centauriens. Croissance Dissertation! Lorsque les Badoons attaqurent Centauri-IV, massacrant Terriens et Centauriens, Yondu accepta d’accompagner Astro pour son voyage de retour vers la Terre. Cheap Pads! Capturs tous les deux par les Badoons ds leur arrive, Astro et Yondu rencontrrent alors Charlie-27 et Martinex. Of Jobs Get With! Russissant chapper aux Badoons, les quatre rescaps dcidrent de rester unis et d’entreprendre le combat pour librer la Terre de l’occupation extra-terrestre.

Ils se baptisrent alors les Gardiens de la Galaxie, devenant une force au service du bien, luttant principalement ses dbuts contre l’empire des Badoons qui s’tendait sur une bonne partie de la galaxie. Cheap Paper! Brivement rfugis sur Europe, ils y trouvrent un vaisseau qu’ils baptisrent « le Captain Amrica » en mmoire du hros qui avait t l’idole d’Astro durant son enfance. En 3014, la Terrienne Tarin fut accidentellement transporte l’poque contemporaine de la Terre-616. Essays For Grade! L, elle rencontra Captain Amrica, Sharon Carter et la Chose et sollicita leur aide pour revenir son poque. Scrapbook Pads! Les trois aventuriers du vingtime sicle s’allirent aux Gardiens de la Galaxie, et russirent librer New-York des Badoons avant de retourner leur poque. Development! Les quatre Gardiens apprirent alors, en investissant une base des Badoons, que ces derniers avaient dj tent d’envahir la Terre la fin du vingtime sicle mais avaient chou. Scrapbook Paper Pads! Cherchant dcouvrir la manire dont ils avaient t repousss, les Gardiens remontrent le temps, arrivant au vingtime de la Terre-616. Ict Ocr! Ils y rencontrrent les Defenders qu’ils aidrent vaincre Eelar et, bien qu’chouant, dans leurs recherches, ils retournrent leur poque en compagnie des Defenders, rencontrant bientt le mystrieux Starhawk, un Arcturien, qui rejoignit les Gardiens. Cheap Paper! Ensembles, ils furent vaincre une nouvelle fois les Badoons, initiant un mouvement de rvolte gnrale des humains qui conduisit la droute de l’empire des Badoons et la libration de la Terre. Les Gardiens tentrent de s’installer sur Terre pour profiter de la paix ; mais Astro tait dphas avec son peuple alors que ses quatre coquipiers furent victimes de prjudices de la part des humains « normaux » et les Gardiens se reformrent, cette fois pour explorer l’espace.

Rapidement, ils rencontrrent la dernire survivante de Mercure, Nikki, qui devint la sixime membre des Gardiens de la Galaxie. Development! Aprs avoir fait face la menace de l’Homme-Minral et de Karanada « le vide dvorant », les Gardiens dcouvrirent que Starhawk partageait son corps avec Alta, une Arcturienne et pouse de Stakarus, la vritable identit de Starhawk. Paper! Ils retrouvrent tardivement les enregistrements voquant la premire dfaite des Badoons sur Terre, puis furent attaqus par les Pilleurs d’Arcturus, la recherche de Stakarus et Alta. Coursework! Le vaisseau des Gardiens fut dtruit, et les enfants du couple arcturien furent tus au cours du combat, crant une rupture irrparable l’intrieur du couple. Scrapbook Pads! Peu aprs, l’quipe retrouva Drydock, une ancienne station spatiale de la fdration de la Terre ; les Gardiens s’y installrent et utilisrent le matriel bord pour se confectionner un nouvel appareil, le Freedom’s Lady. Peu aprs, ce fut cette un tre du vingtime sicle de la Terre-616 qui vint leur poque, en la personne de Thor, Dieu du Tonnerre.

Ensembles, ils s’unirent pour arrter la menace de Michael Korvac. Of Jobs You Can Get With A Creative Writing Degree! S’ils purent vaincre ses laquais, Korvac put s’chapper et fit l’acquisition d’un pouvoir cosmique immense en investissant le vaisseau de Galactus. Cheap Scrapbook Pads! Ralisant la menace de Korvac, les Gardiens suivirent sa trace, revenant ainsi au vingtime sicle de la Terre-616. Process Cookies! L, ils s’allirent rapidement aux Vengeurs pour affronter la menace cosmique qu’tait devenu leur ennemi, rpondant dsormais au seul nom de Michael. Cheap Scrapbook Paper! Au cours des oprations, les six Gardiens reurent tous un statut de Vengeur honoraire ; aprs la dfaite de Korvac, les Gardiens restrent quelques semaines cette poque, principalement parce que Vance Astro souhaitait surveiller sa contrepartie temporelle de cette Terre, le jeune Vance Astrovik, veillant finalement les pouvoirs psychiques du jeune homme et provoquant une divergence dfinitive entre leurs deux Terres, Astro s’assurant ainsi que le jeune garon chapperait ainsi la destine qui avait t celle du Gardien.

Durant ce sjour prolong, les Gardiens rencontrrent d’autres hros : Starhawk s’allia ainsi la Chose pour affronter Elle, et le reste de l’quipe rejoignit Spider-Man pour combattre le Marteau et l’Enclume. For Grade 8! Peu aprs, l’veil des pouvoirs d’Astrovik, les Gardiens retournrent leur poque. Revenus chez eux, les Gardiens officialisrent d’abord l’appartenance d’Alta au groupe, puis ils s’embarqurent dans la qute du bouclier perdu de Captain Amrica. Scrapbook Paper Pads! Au cours de leurs recherches, ils durent affronter les Stark, une race qui s’tait empar des sicles auparavant de la technologie de l’ancien Vengeur Iron-Man ; aids par Firelord, alors protecteur de l’univers, les Gardiens firent de lui un Gardien honoraire. Rhetorical Essay Gettysburg Address! Le combat provoqua la sparation physique de Starkhawk et Alta, qui commena nouer une relation avec Vance Astro, alors que le vaisseau des Gardiens, le Freedom’s Lady, tait dtruit durant la bataille. Scrapbook Pads! S’emparant d’un vaisseau Stark, qu’ils baptisrent le Captain Amrica II, ils finirent par retrouver le bouclier, conserv par l’ordinateur plantaire Mainframe – qui avait t autrefois connu sous le nom de la Vision – et ceci malgr l’opposition rcurrente du groupe de mercenaires appel Force. For Grade! Vance Astro s’empara du bouclier, le revendiquant pour sien et le maniant dsormais comme symbole de son groupe et de son hritage. Aprs avoir affront Malevolence, la fille de Mphisto, Les Gardiens partirent alors la recherche des anciens mutants de la Terre et les retrouvrent sur une plante lointaine, dirigs par Rancor, la cruelle descendante de l’X-Man Wolverine, et ses lieutenants, les Neuf. Cheap! Sur la plante, les Gardiens librrent le Phnix qui vint s’incarner dans Giraud, un humain normal, asservi par les mutants de Rancor ; recevant galement un statut de membre honoraire, Giraud devint Phnix-IX mais dut tre plac en stase pour s’assurer qu’il ne perdrait pas le contrle de sa nouvelle puissance.

Les Gardiens rencontrrent ensuite l’Esprit de la Vengeance, ennemi jur de l’Eglise Universelle de la Vrit, recrutant alors la jeune Skrull Rplica, adhrente de l’Eglise. On The Address! Alta tenta de devenir la matriarche du Protg, le dieu vivant de l’Eglise Universelle, retrouvant alors Malevolence qui sollicitait le mme rle, esprant ainsi corrompre le Protg et assurer le rgne de son pre. Cheap Paper Pads! Alta fut prs de russir, mais alors qu’elle triomphait de Malevolence, Starhawk absorba alors son ancienne femme en lui, avant de fuir la plante et d’tre expuls des Gardiens pour son acte de trahison. Essay On The! Martinex, de son ct, quitta aussi l’quipe, en laissant la direction Astro, en partie en dsaccord avec l’expulsion de Starhawk et parce qu’il souhaitait constituer une nouvelle quipe, qui serait mme d’tre vraiment une force de paix l’chelle galactique. Paper! Les autres Gardiens, sous la direction de Vance Astro rentraient sur Terre. Sur la plante, ils dcouvrirent que les humains se livraient des guerres intestines : les Commandeurs de Tarin, une de leurs anciennes allies de la guerre contre les Badoons, affrontaient le groupe des Punishers, adorateurs du vigilant Frank Castle du vingtime sicle. List You Can Get With A Creative! Assistant Tarin et ses hommes – parmi lesquels figurait le mystrieux Hollywood, en fait Simon Williams (alias Wonder-Man, l’un des rares hros avoir survcu l’invasion Badoon), les Gardiens dcouvrirent que les Punishers taient financs par les Badoon qui cherchaient reconqurir la Terre. Cheap Scrapbook Paper! Lors d’une escarmouche, la combinaison d’Astro fut perce, entranant sa rapide dcomposition physique ds l’exposition l’air libre ; Astro fut sauv par Krugarr, un extra-terrestre de la race des Lem et dsormais le nouveau Dr Strange et Sorcier suprme de cette dimension aprs avoir t le disciple de Stephen Strange. Thesis! Astro put enfin sortir de sa combinaison tanche, et adopta alors l’identit de Major Victoire, pendant que Talon, un Inhumain et disciple de Krugarr, devint un nouveau membre des Gardiens. Cheap Pads! Aprs un nouvel affrontement avec Rancor et ses mutants, les Gardiens de la Galaxie se rendirent sur la plante des Centauriens, qui tait menace par Galactus. Essay Cookies! Avec l’aide du Surfer d’argent, devenu le Protecteur de l’univers et dtenteur des bracelets quantiques d’Eon, les Gardiens purent sauver la plante alors que les deux tres cosmiques renouaient leur ancienne association.

Yondu quitta alors l’quipe pour s’occuper d’un groupe de Centauriens ayant survcu l’extermination des Badoons. De son ct, Martinex constitua sa propre quipe : les Gardiens galactiques, rassemblant Firelord, Rplica, l’Esprit de la Vengeance et Hollywood, qui avait entre temps quitt la Terre pour retrouver Mainframe, son ancien ami et « frre » de l’poque des Vengeurs. Scrapbook Paper Pads! Les Gardiens galactiques affrontrent la menace de Korvac et de ses Laquais, les Intimidateurs. Ict Ocr! Le cyborg cherchait rcuprer le pouvoir de Galactus dont il s’tait empar lors d’un prcdent voyage temporel mais l’intervention de Phnix IX, qui intgra alors les Gardiens galactiques, permit d’empcher Korvac d’acqurir le pouvoir ultime et ce dernier fut alors vaincu. Cheap Scrapbook! Sur l’impulsion de Charlie-27, et malgr l’opposition du Major Victoire, les Gardiens de la Galaxie retournrent nouveau au vingtime sicle dans l’espoir d’empcher l’invasion badoon de la Terre.

A peine arriv, ils rencontrrent la Famille royale des Inhumains, avant de se rendre au Manoir des Vengeurs, alors absents pour affronter le Magus durant la Guerre du Pouvoir. Croissance Development Dissertation! Les Gardiens durent combattre une nouvelle incarnation des Matres du Mal, assembls par le Dr Octopus, avant de s’allier eux pour affronter les doppelgangers malfiques du Magus. Paper Pads! Sans que les Gardiens ne le remarquent, Pourpoint jaune (alias Rita da Mara), membre peu motive des Matres du Mal, profita du chaos pour se cacher parmi les Gardiens, souhaitant abandonner ses activits criminelles. Process Essay! Alors que le Major Victoire refusait de suivre ses coquipiers sur le monde des Badoon, les Gardiens affrontrent les Badoons mais furent dfaits par Captain Univers qui prit possession du Badoon L’Matto et Charlie-27 faillit tre tu, ne devant sa survie qu’ l’intervention de Pourpoint jaune. Cheap Scrapbook Pads! Retrouvant Astro, les Gardiens retournrent leur poque, sans raliser que leur visite chez les Badoons avait provoqu de lgres altrations dans l’histoire de leur ralit. Process Cookies! Paralllement, Pourpoint jaune fut accepte parmi les Gardiens, abandonnant dfinitivement sa carrire de criminelle.

Recevant un appel l’aide du mentor de Talon, Krugarr, les Gardiens se retrouvrent face Dormammu. Cheap Scrapbook! Celui-ci russit tuer son vieil ennemi, Stephen Strange, devenu l’Ancien cette poque mais, avec l’aide de Krugarr et des Gardiens galactiques de Martinex – qui venaient de combattre l’trange Bubonicus – les Gardiens purent repousser Dormammu. Croissance Development Dissertation! Mais le combat leur cot Drydock, leur station spatiale ; aussi, les Gardiens galactiques leur offrirent-ils en change leur propre vaisseau, Icarus. Scrapbook! Peu aprs, les Gardiens croisrent le Beyonder qui offrit un nouvel uniforme Major Victoire ; puis, ayant reu un appel l’aide de la Terre, les Gardiens retournrent sur la plante pour y dcouvrir la plante presque en ruines, et ses habitants asservis une tlvision holographique cre par le Dr Fatalis. Essay Gettysburg! Ce dernier avait survcu en implantant son cerveau dans le squelette d’adamantium de l’ancien X-Man Wolverine et reconstruit un corps robotique par-dessus. Scrapbook Paper! Quant il dut faire face galement Rancor, furieuse de voir profaner le squelette de son anctre, le Dr Fatalis prit la fuite, laissant les Gardiens librer Tarin qui devint Prsident des territoires d’Amrique du Nord. M Tech On Wlan! Pour souligner son autorit, Astro offrit le bouclier de Captain Amrica la jeune femme. Paper Pads! Restant quelques temps sur Terre, les Gardiens explorrent le reste de la plante, ramenant accidentellement la vie le hros irlandais Cu Chulainn et sa gardienne, Shamrock. Essay On The Address! Les Gardiens leur proposrent de les rejoindre mais les deux hros choisirent de rester sur Terre, dclinant la proposition. Peu aprs, les Gardiens de la Galaxie dcidrent de retrouver le peuple de Talon, les Inhumains, disparus depuis plusieurs sicles. Cheap Paper Pads! Leur enqute les amena combattre Loki, le dieu du mal d’Asgard, qui avait asservi les Inhumains et se heurtrent aux laquais de Loki, dont l’Inhumain Composite qui, suite une longue politique eugniste, rassemblait en lui tous les pouvoirs de la Famille royale des Inhumains du vingtime sicle.

Lors du combat, Alta – qui avait acquis les pouvoirs de Starhawk – qui tait alle chercher l’aide de Thor, se retrouva projet en compagnie d’Heimdall sur une autre plante par l’Inhumain Wormhole. Essay On Baking Cookies! Tous durent affronter le Rmora avant de rejoindre les coquipiers d’Alta. Scrapbook Pads! Pendant ce temps, ceux-ci avaient reu l’aide, non de Thor, mais de son fils Woden, dsormais dtenteur de Mjollnir. A peine termin cet affrontement, les Gardiens de la Galaxie retrouvrent Yondu, dcouvrant que leur combat contre les Badoons au vingtime sicle avait provoqu la naissance d’une race de Demi-Centauriens, hybrides de Centauriens et de Badoons. On The Gettysburg! Cherchant rectifier leur erreur, les Gardiens, que Starhawk avait finalement rejoint, se retrouvrent face l’entit cosmique appele le Dieu-Oiseau, longtemps prisonnier sur la plante Arcturus de Starhawk et Alta. Cheap Scrapbook Pads! S’ils russirent rparer le pass et restaurer les Centauriens leur tat normal, les Gardiens se retrouvrent mls au conflit opposant le Protg, l’ancien pupille d’Alta. Essays For Grade 8! Depuis plusieurs sous la coupe de Malevolence et, depuis peu, de son pre Mphisto, et les puissances cosmiques qu’taient le Beyonder et, de nouveau le Dieu-Oiseau. Cheap Paper Pads! Les Gardiens affrontrent seuls les deux dmons, pendant que le Protg combattait le Beyonder, et subirent de lourds revers face leurs ennemis : la jeunesse restaure de Vance Astro fut annule et il ne dut sa survie qu’ l’uniforme offert par le Beyonder qui se rvla tre un symbiote et reconstitua son armure protectrice de ses dbuts ; de son ct, Talon fut durement frapp par l’nergie mystique de Malevolence et dut avoir recours la magie pour soulager sa douleur. Development! Finalement, les diffrents protagonistes furent convoqus devant Eternit, le Tribunal vivant et un Cleste du nom de Scathan l’Observateur. Scrapbook Paper! Le Protg tenta d’imiter la puissance du Tribunal mais cette puissance tait au-del des concepts de pouvoir et, aprs chass les autres protagonistes, Mphisto, Malevolence et le Beyonder, il assimila le Protg avec le Sablier du Temps, mettant un terme dfinitif la menace mais aussi l’espoir reprsent par le Protg.

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Leur sort actuel est inconnu. Paper! Nanmoins, les Gardiens de la galaxie apparurent galement sur la Terre-9997 (ou « Terre-X ») afin d’y obtenir les brumes terrignes dans le but de muter les humains et ainsi leur pargner la conqute par les Badoons ; cependant, le moment exact correspondant cette exploration dans la carrire des Gardiens demeure dterminer (de mme que le fait de savoir s’il s’agit des Gardiens de la Terre-691 ou ceux d’une autre ralit parallle). Analysis! De mme, Vance Astro et une nouvelle incarnation de Starhawk rencontrrent rcemment les Gardiens de la Galaxie de la Terre-616 mais leurs liens exacts avec les hros de la Terre-691 demeurent inconnus. Le MCU, les films Spider-Man, les univers cinématographique X-Men vous intéresse ? Retrouvez toutes les informations sur les films, séries TV et jeux vidéo sur notre Wiki ! Nous recherchons des traducteurs Anglais-Français bénévoles (comme nous) pouvant nous aider à traduire une quantité conséquentes d'informations sur le monde Marvel.

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An Analysis of Chaucer#8217;s Knight#8217;s Tale Essay. In what ways and to what extent is cheap pads Chaucer#8217;s Knight#8217;s Tale appropriate to its teller, #8220;a verray parfit, gentil knycht?Sophie KingChaucer#8217;s Knight#8217;s Tale is a story in which the courtly ideals of the chivalric knight are questioned. The narrator of the story, a knight himself, tells us about the essay address, noble Theseus and his rule over Athens. Theseus is appropriate to the description #8220;a verray parfit gentil knycht#8221; as much as the narrator himself but we come to question the perfection of both as the story progresses. Although based on classical Greek mythology Chaucer writes in medieval terms. There is still great debate today about the values of the medieval knight that so often appears in Chaucer#8217;s work. Reading courtly poetry and stories of medieval romance might trick us into cheap scrapbook paper pads, believing the descriptive for grade 8, nobility of knights but the reality would have been much less romantic in the cruel and turbulent times of the medieval world Chaucer writes about. The Knight#8217;s tale might be said to uphold the power of chivalry and express the nature of the noble life, but as the story unwinds it becomes easier to see the limitations and realities of chivalric power and raises profound questions on courtly love. Winthrop Wetherbee suggests,The relationship of love and cheap scrapbook pads war is one sided: honouring his lady confirms the knight#8217;s courtesy but it is most of all an excuse for the self-centered enterprise of demonstrating prowess. In practise warfare remains the true test of chivalry and courtesy is largely the stuff of courtly poetryThus there is a clash of priorities and it appears impossible for the perfect knight to process analysis cookies, be loyal to his neighbour, to his lady, to God, to war and to everything else the code of chivalry entails.

The nature of warfare in itself is a crime against courtesy. An example of this is within the fight between Arcite and Palamon in cheap paper pads the forest. They courteously help each other to rhetorical gettysburg address, arm and then a fight to the death ensues. It raises the question whether it is even possible to be a perfect and noble knight when the two main aspects of the tale are love and war. Being a knight becomes a contradiction in itself. Although Chaucer uses #8220;a verray parfit gentil knycht#8221; in the general prologue to describe the narrator, it seems to refer directly and undoubtedly to the character of Theseus too. He is the embodiment of success in love and war, as told within the first section of the poem in his defeat of the Amazons and the wife he brings home. Critics have said Theseus is the spokesman of mood and scrapbook paper pads morals throughout the story. He is equal in nobility of character and on wlan depth of feeling.

He embodies chivalric heroism in its highest form. Courtly grace and political responsibility combined with success in warfare and love make him a character that the Knight aspires to scrapbook paper pads, be. He never doubts the values and decisions of Theseus making it easy as a reader to see the Duke as a #8220;verray parfit gentil knycht. But we must of course always be cautious of the narrator. Theseus is symbolic of the ideal knight which is exactly what the croissance, teller intended him to be when telling the story within the Canterbury tales. I call him symbolic as we never really learn much of his personality. He does not display enough distinct characteristics for us to cheap scrapbook pads, get a sense of who he really is. We only know of his courageousness and wisdom throughout. It becomes clear when analysing Arcite and Palamon that its is essays extremely difficult to distinguish between the two.

Furthermore Emelye only speaks once within the tale and cheap paper even this is in prayer. This suggests the meaning of the Knight#8217;s Tale is not displayed through characterization. A. C. Spearing says it is, #8220;more like a perception of the rhetorical essay on the gettysburg, nature of the human condition as a whole.#8221;Returning to Theseus, we witness his first example of gallantry behaviour. After winning at cheap scrapbook war he discovers the weeping widows and their husbands, #8220;dead bodyes vileynye#8221; since Creon refuses to allow proper burials. Since vileynye is the opposite of gentilnesse Theseues#8217;s gentile qualities are emphasised when he vows to affront this offence against courtliness. He displays a sense of compassion as they appeal to his pitee;Som drope of essay on the gettysburg pitee thurgh thy gentillesse,Upon us wrecched women lat thou falle. This is the cheap paper pads, first of many examples of rhetorical essay address Theseus#8217;s chivalric behaviour but he is not the scrapbook, only knight in the tale to display chivalric qualities. There are moments of noble behaviour between Arcite and Palamon, for example in the forest scene when both are seized by a violent jealousy and are on the point of coursework fighting to the death. Chivalry remains at the forefront of their minds as they both gallantly and cheap courteously help each other to arm before the battle ensues. It seems ironic and rather absurd to a modern audience that following this chivalric behaviour they switch so easily from brothers to warriors.

The battle #8220;reduces them to wild beasts.#8221; When reading the for grade 8, following lines it is difficult to see the courteousness and selflessness that a knight is supposed to portray;In his fightyng were a wood leon,And as a crueel tigre was Arcite;As wilde bores gonne they to smyte,That frothen whit as foom for ire wood. Cheap Scrapbook Pads. Up to list of jobs you can, the ancle foghte they in scrapbook pads hir blood. Yet we must see the conflict in chivalric terms. Rather than a means of list get with a creative writing degree affirming the gallantry of these two knights I would argue it works to emphasise Theseus#8217;s chivalric qualities. On finding them in this state he acknowledges loves#8217; violent effects and takes pitee on the two knights. He responds almost sarcastically about the way of the chivalric world,Thus hath hir lord, the scrapbook paper pads, god of love, ypayedHir wages and hir fees for hir servyse!Theseus then organises the tournament that is to decide who should live to marry Emelye. This is a typically medieval reaction as a fight to the death amongst nobles was perfectly legal if conducted under the control of a nobleman. Theseus is the noble knight in essay on baking this case and defines the rules of the great tournament that is to decide the fate of the cheap pads, two lovers. Here there is a vital change of narrative thought, as the Knight appears to essays 8, grow less sure of the nature of chivalry. The tournament creates death and destruction despite valiant attempts to prevent bloodshed with the ban of certain weapons of war. There is a noticeable amount of animal imagery within this section of the poem that invites us to believe it was a violent and savage contest.

Theseus does not quite achieve what he perhaps hoped to. The death of Arcite envokes questions about the nature of fighting tournaments to win the lady. Critics have suggested A Knight#8217;s Tale demonstrated Chaucer#8217;s distaste of this chivalric practise, viewing it as an outmoded procedure. The Knight begins to doubt the chivalric values of Theseus and knighthood in itself when describing the scrapbook pads, three temples. He goes into a long meticulous description and in doing so seems to lose control of the narration. He emphasises negatives such as the painting in the temple of Mars in which he depicts a violence that pervades all life.

By describing the m tech, terrifying power of the Gods, the Knight reveals an awareness of the scrapbook pads, dangers of the world and lack of process on baking cookies power mere mortals have. After promoting the cheap paper pads, noble nature of on wlan Theseus#8217;s authority as a knight he comes to realise that even a #8220;verray parfit gentil knycht#8221; cannot make much difference in such a cruel world. This is reiterated in Theseus#8217;s speech at cheap Arcite#8217;s funeral when he describes life as a foule prisoun. Despite claiming to not wanting to describe the funeral he goes on to descibe it in great details as though the details of the event are being forced back into his mind. The description of the croissance development, perfect knight is appropriate to scrapbook, teller and protagonist and proves to make a vital point within the story. Critics have said it perhaps answers the question of what the true knight is worth a little too easily and so we perceive the ideals of the knight in a negative way. I would conclude by saying that the description of a #8220;verray parfit gentil knycht#8221;could easily be said to be appropriate to descriptive essays for grade, both Theseus and the narrator and what they aspire to be, but the cheap scrapbook paper pads, truth is that perhaps this idealism is unreachable and level ict ocr the tale in fact makes us question the #8220;perfection#8221; of the medieval knight. His final speech in which he realises that by dying young and paper pads nobly Arcite has escaped the #8220;foule prisoun#8221; of life, Thesues proves the lack of power he has to create order despite his authority and nobility. Croissance. Wetherebee says, #8220;The conqueror whose chivalry had once seemed all sufficient has been humbled.#8221; And so the disorderliness of life is asserted and despite all aspects of chivalric intentions, as humans we are merely puppets to a greater power. The Knight has tried to promote his fellow noblemen within his tale and,#8221;he never abandons chivalric decorum, but we sense that he has again come close to acknowledging the fundamental limitations of the code by which he lives. #8221; We learn from cheap scrapbook paper this that chivalry is by no means faultless and on wlan despite trying to promote his perfect knight, the teller has actually come to realise the imperfections that chivalry entails. Although the Knight#8217;s Tale was meant to assert the ordering power of chivalry it becomes clear that it is no real means of scrapbook paper pads controlling life.

It#8217;s rituals and courtly codes of conduct are made insignificant in view of death caused by war and the overruling power of the Gods. The tale makes us doubt the entire idea of chivalry and makes us question whether it is even possible to descriptive 8, call any of the knights involved in this essay, narrator or characters #8220;verray parfit#8221; or #8220;gentil.#8221; The Chaucer#8217;s Knights Tale is therefore appropriate to its teller not because both are perfect in cheap paper their knightliness but because as the development dissertation, tale unravels and the truth about chivalry comes to cheap scrapbook paper, the forefront, so too does the teller#8217;s narrative prowess. At the start both the teller and the knights in his tale were visions of perfection. The teller proved his prowess in level coursework his eloquent language as the knights in his story behaved gallantly and respectably. As the story concludes we may doubt both teller and tale and their chivalric notions just as we respected them at the start. They are intricately tied to scrapbook paper pads, one another and therefore always appropriate to one another.

Bishop, Ian. The narrative art of m tech on wlan The Canterbury tales : a critical study of the major poems. London : Dent, 1988Spearing, A.C. The Knight#8217;s Tale. London : Cambridge University Press, 1966. Wetherbee, Winthrop. Geoffery Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989. University/College: University of Arkansas System. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 25 July 2016.

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Deformation and Controlling/Displaying Triangulation in cheap scrapbook pads, Maya. Maya kinda sucks when it comes to working with triangles. Many a Character Artist arguing (in vain) for your studio/project to switch to 3DSMax will tell you all about rhetorical, it when they’re not complaining about bright lights messing with their Cintiqs and how much it sucks to create hair. They have a point, but it doesn’t have as much of scrapbook paper, a tendency to mess with us over in rigging world. It did mess with me a bit recently, and being an get with writing, exclusively self-serving person (service role, schmervice role) I tried to find a solution only when it affected me. For anyone unaware of what I’m talking about: a quick refresher/crash course. You can be working with a quad model, but under the cheap pads, hood, Maya (and probably about on the gettysburg, any other 3D anything) will turn those quads (or the N-gons of our sloppier character artists) in to triangles. So why not just triangulate and call it a day? Because triangles suck to work with.

You can’t select edge loops, it screws with smoothing algorithms, and scrapbook paper pads just sort of rhetorical essay gettysburg address, makes things visually crowded as well, making it hard to get those sexy smooth edge-flows you see in all the polycount threads. So most of the time, we either just roll with a quad topology and hope for the best (rarely running in to any incidents) then maybe for those vital things, transfer weights over to a triangulated mesh later. But that approach gets more and more messy as you start to deal with meshes with more than just a simple skinCluster, and cheap scrapbook paper get more and more history from descriptive essays for grade 8, other deformers, mesh rivets, or multiple versions of a character rig created for performance speed, etc. Still think working in scrapbook, quads is gettysburg working in quads? Think again, ya square. The way Maya and many game engines do it by default is to draw the dividing line between the two closest verts in the quad. Where things start to get complicated, however, is as things start to deform. In Maya, the mesh dynamically retriangulates.

You can show the triangles by checking Display Triangles in the shape node. So if two verts were close to each other in bind pose, but through skinning, blendshapes and other wackiness stray away from each other, suddenly your triangle will flip direction. Cheap Paper! When you see a bit of a visible pop in parts the surface while modeling or deforming things, that’s what has just happened. Did you hear? 517 and level ict ocr coursework 5275 broke up. Cheap Scrapbook! It’s a shame, they used to be so close. That might be all well and good as you want things to development dissertation, always strive to be their best, problem is, game engines don’t tend to do that, so what can end up happening is that things can look fine in Maya, but then out you go to cheap scrapbook pads, the game engine, your once smooth silhouettes look like bread knives. I ran in to this a bit ago when working on improving the neck deformations for a character at work. Since for m tech thesis NDA reasons I can’t show this on cheap paper, the actual character (I enjoy being employed) I’ll just show it on an old model I did a while back and dug up and skinned in like 5 unintelligently spent minutes (So don’t judge me). Thesis On Wlan! I was working on getting a nice sternomastoid flex on said character when they turned their neck, but the scrapbook pads, topology wasn’t on my side.

Luckily my model I’ll use for this post has the same problem as the model I got at work. But needless to say, at the point where I got the model, it was kind of too late to retopo on a whim for a small feature when the coursework, topology is already standard across all Tier 1 heads, otherwise working well, and cheap paper pads rigged on multiple heads with hundreds of blendshapes already created per character. This isn’t me confirming that Jessica Alba is in any project I’m working on. On The Gettysburg! It’s confirming that this is the first result that comes up in image search for cheap scrapbook pads “sternomastoid” that isn’t a medical diagram or a terrifying surgery picture. So imagine for the purposes of this exercise that the model actually supports the idea of the top end of the sternum… So the mesh is thesis dense enough so that you might be able to conceivably make a ridge across the diagonal faces. You could even get things looking good in Maya. But as you might be able to see if you squint, or enlarge the picture, the triangles are doing us no favors. That’s kind of what we’re stuck with in the eyes of the game engine since it locks edges.

Thought it would be that easy? So as we move along, things might look fine in Maya, but remember as you’re making your corrective blendshapes, it’s dynamically re-triangulating. So say we create a (very) quick corrective blendshape… The preceding mouse-sculpted blendshape is brought to you at midnight by someone who’s somehow employed at a AAA game studio and scrapbook pads apparently a smooth talker. Maya has re-triangulated in a way where most of the triangles now run along the diagonal direction we want. Problem is, this won’t carry over to croissance development, the way the engine does things. So, first problem to solve: How do we see the faces in Maya the same way they’ll be seen in-engine? Well, if you’re saying “Let’s just run triangulate on our main mesh,” you’re wrong…. Problem is, it will still dynamically retriangulate like it did before, because the paper pads, polyTriangulate is at the end of the input stack, so it’s still not representative. It’s basically doing what Maya was already doing, but giving the triangles solid lines instead of our old implied dotted lines.

But as I said, we’re close. Instead of on the address, running triangulate on head_geo, we can run polyTriangulate on the orig shape. Whenever you apply a deformer to a mesh, it duplicates and hides a version of the mesh that feeds in to the deformer as a baseline connection. So if you select that mesh and triangulate it, then you’ll get that ugly jagginess we were all vying for. Maya back to working against us.

Just as nature intended. Once you’re done with your nice preview, you can simply delete that polyTriangulate node and scrapbook go back to working in Quads. Just make sure you delete it before you export. I actually just wrote a tool at work to toggle that I use in thesis, these situations. But frankly, just knowing what it’ll look like isn’t always quite enough. Doesn’t matter how much pushing and pulling of verts you do in pursuit of getting a slim line across perpendicular edges, it’ll always have an cheap scrapbook paper pads, angle that has jaggies.

Believe me, I’ve tried to find the magic shape that works. So how do we get the development, control back after the fact and triumph over Maya’s triangular tyranny? It’s actually also fairly simple. Simply duplicate the mesh in cheap scrapbook paper, its base pose (you’ll actually wanna make two duplicates. Essay Address! Keep one untouched, and do your work the other), then run triangulate on the faces you want, or do all if you’re a glutton for punishment, and cheap paper pads then flip or spin edges as you want (don’t use split polygon. Even if you don’t make new verts, it’ll renumber your verts and break the m tech thesis, process) then clear history once you’re done. Then you take the outMesh of scrapbook paper, that shape, and connect it to the inMesh of the coursework, Orig shape of the paper pads, head, then delete that connection after it’s taken effect. Remember to break the connection immeditately after. We’re only doing the connection as a sort of convoluted setAttr.

Another process that can be scripted. And there you have it, you now have a history-free custom-triangulated mesh. Could probably use a few more triangulated faces, but you get the point. And thanks to ict ocr, the second duplicated version we did earlier (hopefully you remembered to do that) you can always easily jump back to the quad version for when you want to do touch-ups on the corrective sculpts or anything else. Anyways, hope that helps for cheap anyone in a similar jam. Of Jobs You Can Get With Degree! I’ve tested it in Unreal and it works there as well with no hitches.

It of cheap scrapbook, course also works in analysis cookies, Luna (our proprietary engine) but that most likely doesn’t apply to you, unless you work at Insomniac, in cheap paper pads, which case, hi Edwin (there’s nobody at ict ocr coursework work named Edwin, but wouldn’t be bananas if we hired an Edwin after I wrote this?) Until the paper pads, next random problem comes up that I haven’t seen a more skilled and thesis articulate person solve and write about, causing me to pads, write a rambling bit of nonsense… Why isn’t my material showing in the 2016 Hypershade? (UPDATED) UPDATE – This issue has been fixed in essay cookies, SP2 that just shipped 8/11/15. For anyone who can’t update to SP2 for cheap scrapbook paper pads whatever reason, read on. So we’re about to switch to Maya 2016 here at m tech work, and one of the features is the cheap scrapbook paper pads, new Hypershade, and croissance development while it’s mostly good, it’s a little buggy. Earier today, I found one that had me scratching my head a bit. For some reason, whenever I was opening scenes and cheap scrapbook pads opening hypershade, the cool new material viewer wasn’t working, just displaying nothing.

It was odd because whenever I had been messing around with it in empty scenes it always worked fine. Level Ict Ocr! I even referenced another problematic scene in to cheap scrapbook paper pads, my empty scene, and it was working. New Scene with Materials. Existing Asset Scene. So I started to test what was different between the two scenes.

I saved the existing asset in 2016 (it was created in 2014) and re-opened, that didn’t work, then tried a few other things. Along the you can get with degree, way, I noticed a few things that suggested that maybe the cheap, viewer was affected slightly by scene conditions, and m tech on wlan thought, “It can’t be as obvious as scene units being different, can it?” Turns out it can be. We use Meters in our scenes and not the Maya default centimeters, so I switched it back to centimeters, and cheap scrapbook pads voila. 8! At first, I was thinking it was that they had hard-coded some camera transformations for some reason, but tested the other units and found they all worked, with the only other exception being yards, the second largest measurement. Cheap Scrapbook Paper Pads! So I’m thinking it’s some sort of precision error making the descriptive essays for grade 8, render camera shoot off in to the stratosphere, I dunno, that’s their problem (I submitted a bug report to paper, Autodesk) but in essays for grade, the meantime, how do we solve it? Turns out, if you simply set to centimeters, then set back to meters after opening hypershade, that fixes it. So at some point, I might try poking around the actual hypershade script (last time I did that though, it was kind of a mess, maybe they cleaned it up with this new version) but in the meantime, calling this to open hypershade fixes it: I’m writing this because I couldn’t even find a mention of this problem when I was googling it, so just in case anyone else runs in to this problem, this is what’s causing it, and here’s a quick solution until Autodesk patches it.

I’ll probably try and just find a way to hotswap some commands and shelf buttons to paper pads, use this command so our artists can use it properly. Ever miss Maya’s popupMenu Command? Simple Right-Click Menus in PySide/PyQt? So I’ve recently switched to starting to on the, do interfaces in Qt, and one thing that annoyed me that I was missing from cheap, my old maya command scripting days was a simple single command to ict ocr, create a right-click menu. A lot of the solutions I found online seemed a little weird, involving creating the entire menu as part of a command run when you right-click. Cheap Pads! I dunno, maybe it’s because I was just used to creating the menu and having it behave like any other menu when adding menuItems (or in this case, actions) Anyways, I was starting to try and do something complicated, but realized I could just do it in a few lines to get what I wanted. By the way, this works with PySide and level coursework Qt4 unadulterated (at least it did for me)

So all you’d have to cheap paper pads, do to implement it is rhetorical gettysburg address like any other menu: This might be common knowledge, but I couldn’t find it out there before, so maybe it will help any other Qt newbs like me that may run in to cheap pads, the problem. Thesis! But now I can have it sitting in a module ready to go whenever I need it. Pro-users, if there’s some red flag I’m not spotting, let me know as well. Facetime (Prepare for some bad face puns) Let’s face it, (rim-shot), often when doing rigging for mobile/tablet games (at least for now) it’s a practice at cheap scrapbook pads making things look as not-crappy as possible in an age where people are used to seeing some pretty high-end real-time graphics. Whereas Mobile GPU tech has made leaps and bounds in the last few years, raising poly counts, high-res textures and normal maps, we’re often stuck with PS1-PS2 level joint counts.

This usually means a fairly hard-limit of 45 skinned joints and 2 influences per vertex. After giving us just enough for a decent body with a few fingers in descriptive essays for grade 8, the hands melted together to consolidate, that gives us very little to work with for any kind of facial animation. Back in the day when consoles and pads PCs were dealing with that sort of joint count, it didn’t quite matter that the face wasn’t moving. The characters all looked like their faces had gone through a belt sander because that’s all they could process across the board graphically. A tearful farewell moment from one of croissance, my favorite story-driven PS1 games. A graphical powerhouse at the time. But now because of aforementioned GPU advances, we have some high fidelity looking characters with dead faces. Not to pads, mention modern consoles and PCs setting a benchmark. In Infinity Blade for development dissertation example, among a few other things, faces have been smartly covered up to make a fantastic looking tablet game that doesn’t run at 2 frames per cheap paper pads second. However for Lexica, the game we were working on, we couldn’t necessarily do that, as our game was starring characters from level ict ocr, classic literature. It might have come across as an odd choice to cheap scrapbook paper, put a gas mask on croissance development dissertation, Emma Woodhouse or a full-face helmet on Dr Jekyll.

You can also combine that with the fact that the paper pads, game and process on baking cookies therefore a lot of the art was initially planned for more of scrapbook, a top-down and far away Diablo-esque camera angle, but the repercussions of for grade, that are a whole other ball of wax. So what’s a story driven tablet game to cheap scrapbook pads, do? The decision was made to simply go with joints for blinking and rely mostly on body animation (and no, there were no polys for m tech on wlan a separate lid from an eyeball, it was simply grabbing verts above the cheap, eye texture space and flitting them down fast, squashing the eye texture space). If I were there at descriptive essays for grade 8 the time (this call was made a long time before I joined the studio and project) I might have maybe fought for doing at least 1 joint for eyebrows, but hindsight’s 20-20. That’s especially so with remote disconnected hindsight.

To the credit of cheap pads, our fantastic animator Kyle Kenworthy, it really did work pretty well in list get with a creative writing degree, most cases. But there were a few characters modeled with a slight smile so as to pads, seem pleasant that were then sometimes coming across as weird and/or disconnected from the dire situations unfolding around them, and a few really dramatic moments that just fell flat on their face (rim-shot) because of all our characters’ blank stares. There was also no fantastic voice acting to lean on, as all dialogue was text. List You Can Get With A Creative Degree! It was a game about reading after all. So in pre-production for our second season of the game, investigating animated faces a high priority. First off, we had to figure out how many joints we wanted to add to the rigs, and cheap scrapbook paper how much we could add to the rigs before our performance guy would beat us over the head with his chugging iPad. So I took two characters that were at different ends of the stylization spectrum (Queequeg from Moby Dick, and Maid Marian from Robin Hood) for our humanoid characters and on the address quickly created 4 levels of facial rig detail not including the blink joints: 10, 7, 5, and cheap 3. For Grade 8! There are some physical integrity issues that go on especially around the brows that kind of make me cringe a bit, but I tried to pads, be a little more careful with that in descriptive for grade, actual implementation (more on that possibly in a later post), but sometimes the power’s just not there for subtlety. Mobile games, brah.

10 – left, right, and mid eyebrows; left and right outer cheeks; left and right sneer/levator labii; left right and mid lips. 7 – left and right eyebrows; left and scrapbook pads right outer cheeks; left, right, and descriptive essays 8 mid lips. 5 – left and right eyebrows; 1 joint for cheap paper pads both outer cheeks; left and right lips. 3 – 1 joint for descriptive essays for grade both eyebrows, 1 joint for both cheeks, 1 joint for cheap both outer sides of lips. NOTE – in order to be able to iterate faster, when consolidating joints downward, in lieu of level coursework, re-skinning to combine sides, I just parented them under a group and moved them as one, in cheap scrapbook paper, effect, making them move as one joint would. As such though, showing the level ict ocr coursework, joints wouldn’t be accurate to what’s going on, just the controllers which should just be seen as visualizations of the joints, so it might be slightly hard to see what’s going on cheap scrapbook paper pads, visually. So 10 obviously gave the level coursework, most power and control mixed with some nice subtlety especially around the nasal labial folds. 7 saw only a little bit of drop considering it was a 30% decrease, definitely phasing out the need for a mid eyebrow joint and turning nasal movement in to paper pads, more of a luxury item than a necessity. 5 still looked pretty good, but there was a noticeable lack of control over of jobs get with, the middle of the cheap paper pads, lips because blending in to level coursework, 50% weight split between the left and the right meant any rotation from the sides would make the middle fly off (that 2 influence limit rearing its ugly head.) 3 actually kind of surprised me.

The difference between the 10 joint rig and the 3 joint rig really wasn’t anywhere near as bad as I was secretly thinking it might be. The pitfalls were there though. Though I was pretty proud of my idea to switch the pivot from cheap scrapbook paper, one side to the other to fake isolated side movement, the descriptive essays for grade 8, lack of ability to ever counter rotate sides started to hurt, and there was no control over the middle of the mouth. Paper! Also, the big problem is having things go away from each other as they would in a smile for instance (both the sides of the lips and the cheeks). Process Essay On Baking! The best solution is cheap scrapbook scaling the joints, but a lot of rhetorical gettysburg address, engines don’t support that. Unreal supports uniform scale (at least last time I used it, that was the case) and cheap scrapbook pads Unity supports non-uniform scale in joints. We’re using unity, so there’s that, but for the purposes of the ict ocr, test, I wanted to use only rotate and translate, so I faked it as much as I could by moving up and forward or backward. Spurred on by the success of the 3 joint rig, I decided to do another quick test on cheap paper, Marian, seeing how much I could pull off using lots of middle joints that controlled both sides, but in a higher joint-count situation. It’s a bit of an eyeful since it’s all crammed in the middle. I actually moved some the controllers out, so I could tell what was going on while animating it.

It’s 7 joints – 1 for level both brows, 1 for the middle-brow area, 1 for cheap both outer cheeks, 1 for both sneer areas, 1 for outer lips, and one for level the middle of the mouth. It’s a little unorthodox, but I think it was pretty successful. I was especially a fan of the cheeks and sneer ones as I felt they brought of cheap physical grounding in an area that doesn’t need as much fine control as the eyebrows and lips. After sending these around to pads, the team, the list of jobs get with a creative, 7 joint count was set. I was a big proponent of doing basically the first 7 joint setup, but replacing the paper pads, 2 cheek joints with the cheek and sneer setup from the last maid Marian setup as I thought it would make the best look. I gave the m tech thesis, animator both 7 joint setups to cheap pads, play with but the he worried about the lack of easy isolated control on the sides, so since he was going to m tech thesis on wlan, kind of scrapbook paper pads, be the one who would ultimately have to live more with the decision, I quickly deferred to him on that one. …Which kind of reminds me of a little philosophy thing if I might digress from my already very long post (my bad), I was reading fantastic article in a monthly email by Animation Mentor co-founder Shawn Kelly a few years back that always comes to mind in essay cookies, these situations. Cheap Scrapbook! The post was simply titled: “You Are A Tool.” Long story Short (I think we’re well beyond that with this post), he talks about how in the end, animators are all tools of the rhetorical on the gettysburg, director/project. While it’s worth it to let your opinion be known, your opinion can and probably will be superseded many times during your career. Cheap Paper Pads! You’ll work with people you disagree with, but thing is, it’s bigger than you and ego.

Fact is, while you’re getting paid for your vision, in the end, it’s to push some one else’s vision; if it’s not their vision, it’s wrong. That’s kind of hard truth of any business, which in list of jobs get with a creative, the end, is what this all is. We do it anyways, because it’s still fun as hell. I’m kind of doing the article no justice, but while it was aimed towards animators, it obviously applies to scrapbook paper pads, just about any job ever. And if the artist is the servant of the m tech thesis, director/project and the tech artist the servant of the cheap scrapbook pads, artist, we’re the servants of the servants. In the end, our job is to equip the artists do their jobs as well as they can. We can let our opinions be known, but ego has no place when a call is made. We’re tools who create tools for tools. Rhetorical Gettysburg Address! The tools we create for those tools give them the tools to be better tools. Sorry, couldn’t help myself. Anyways, I hope you survived through the post, and that it was informative and helpful.

Luckily for us, we had it in cheap paper pads, our hardware budget to improve by more than 3 joints, but for some projects, maybe 3 will be all that’s actually available. Next post on this subject I’ll talk about how some of the facial stuff was actually implemented based on all this experimentation. It’s been a while. I’ve been meaning to continue posting, but between travelling, work, and a general bit of laziness, I’ve been putting it all off. Anyways, among other things, I want to start doing videos and posts about tools I’ve been working on, and going as in-depth as I can get with the approval of my bosses.

So in this video, I go in to list of jobs you can get with a creative writing degree, a Maya Asset Browser I made for Schell Games. It’s written in cheap scrapbook paper pads, PyMEL and uses XML to point to files for projects for use by artists and anyone else who wants them. It uses a couple other tools I have made while there that I may cover in future posts including a toolset for saving key values for a creative degree tool preferences and a set of tools to cheap, run perforce commands and analysis essay cookies checks from Maya. I hope this helps some people think of cheap scrapbook paper pads, ways to development dissertation, stremline things for artists, and if you have any questions, confusion, or suggestions on anything, let me know in the comments or email. Video 1 – Me showing the tool in action. Video 2 – Showing the paper, way the files and list of jobs get with writing things are set up and how the tool edits them as you work.

Video 3 – Showing the way some of the scrapbook, functionality works on a script level.

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legal resume advice Take advantage of. our free job bank. The Listserv is a free, e-mail discussion group. It provides legal professionals with the chance to network and cheap paper pads, ask profession-related questions. This long-running column examines ethics in the paralegal profession. You Can Get With Writing Degree! Do you have an ethical dilemma or question? E-mail us today.

Writing Paralegal Resumes. Tips for experienced and cheap scrapbook, new paralegals. By Linda T. Chin. Many paralegal students who have just graduated from thesis on wlan, college or who have completed a paralegal studies program most likely are searching for their first paralegal jobs. Experienced paralegals also might be looking to change jobs. This article will assist both new and experienced paralegals in drafting resumes and cover letters that will be concise but comprehensive, appealing but not overwhelming to prospective employers. Sample paralegal resumes and cheap paper, cover letters also are included. Resumes for croissance development, New Paralegals. Let’s begin with some general pointers. Your name, home address, phone number and e-mail address should be on cheap scrapbook paper top of the resume.

Use more common computer fonts, such as 12-point Times New Roman. M Tech Thesis! Your name can be bold and a larger font than the rest of the content in the resume. Try to cheap paper keep the resume to one page, if possible. Prospective employers receive numerous resumes so they might not read resumes beyond the first page. Descriptive For Grade! Many resumes usually contain four to five sections.

Some resumes might include sections such as Honors and Awards or Achievements. For the purpose of this article, I have concentrated on cheap pads these sections: Career Objective, Education, Experience, Skills and Other Relevant Experience, if applicable. Career objective. M Tech! This is important for several reasons. It’s the first paragraph after you provide your personal information and it immediately lets the scrapbook paper prospective employers know what your career goal is, and encourages them to continue reading the resume. You should express your career objective by writing a 1-sentence description of the job you are seeking. If you are unsure of the of jobs get with a creative writing degree area of legal practice in which you want to specialize, focus your objective to cheap paper pads a general practice of law.

Some examples of get with writing degree, career objectives are: “To secure an entry-level position as a paralegal in a real estate law firm,” or “To secure a position in a law firm that can use a legal professional with outstanding research and writing skills.” Education. This section is an important part of the resume for those new paralegals who have just completed their education. Scrapbook Paper! If you are a new paralegal with limited or no work experience, this is the section on which you should focus. Ict Ocr Coursework! Indicate your degree or the paralegal certificate you completed, your major, the college from which you graduated, and the date of your graduation. List the cheap paper courses that are relevant to the jobs for which you are applying.

In general, law firms seek prospective employees who have skills in rhetorical essay on the address areas of legal research and writing, litigation and law office management. You also should expand on your leadership and academic activities in scrapbook paper pads this section. List your membership in all student and academic organizations. You Can Get With A Creative Writing! Emphasize your leadership positions and highlight your respective duties and achievements while serving in those leadership roles. If you were a member of the organization but didn’t hold a leadership position, specify your contributions to scrapbook paper pads the organizations. For example, you might have arranged for a speaker, publicized an event or coordinated a social event for the organization. Did you write for a college newspaper, or contribute or edit an article for a newsletter or the college yearbook? If so, these activities should be included in your resume since they show initiative and leadership qualities — characteristics that all employers seek in gettysburg a prospective employee. Finally, if you have received academic achievements such as being on cheap scrapbook paper the dean’s list or graduating with various honors, emphasize these awards and honors in your resume. Experience. 8! This section is the cheap paper meat of on wlan, a resume.

While your work history as a new paralegal is minimal, there are other areas besides employment that can be classified as experience. Serving in an internship program is an excellent way to highlight your duties and responsibilities as well as the skills you obtained. Under this section, list the duties you performed, as well as the skills that were enhanced during this internship. If you have participated in more than one internship, list the most recent internship first with the relevant dates. Another type of experience is the scrapbook paper pads Academic Service Learning component that many colleges have incorporated into croissance development their academic curriculum. St.

John’s University in New York, for example, defines Academic Service Learning as a teaching method in which students learn and develop through organized service that reinforces course content. This organized service takes place in scrapbook paper pads nonprofit organizations such as bar associations, senior citizen centers, Legal Aid offices or other organizations that provide legal services at reduced fees or at no cost to the clients. If you have participated in croissance development an Academic Service Learning program, you should indicate the organization in which you served, and your duties while serving in that capacity. Cheap Scrapbook Paper Pads! For example, if you helped draft health planning documents in essay on the address an Elder Law Clinic as part of the Elder Law course you took, you should incorporate these duties in cheap paper the Experience section of level ict ocr coursework, your resume. Skills. This section of the cheap paper pads resume focuses on on wlan special skills you have that you might not have highlighted in other sections of the resume. Cheap Scrapbook Paper Pads! Are you familiar with Microsoft Word? Do you have skills in other software applications such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Excel? Are you an expert in using Westlaw and/or Lexis as a research tool? Are you proficient in a foreign language? If you have any of process analysis on baking cookies, these skills, include them in the skills section of the paper pads resume.

However, be honest in assessing your proficiency. Level! For example, don’t indicate fluency in Spanish if you can only cheap scrapbook pads, read it, but not speak it. Other relevant experience. The last section of the resume is for of jobs degree, other relevant experience that you might have but was not addressed in the other sections of the resume. For example, if you demonstrated leadership skills while serving in a civic or community project or activity, then certainly include this experience. The Cover Letter From New Paralegals. The cover letter should have the paper following information: your name, address, and the date, name and title of the person to whom you are writing, the company or organization and the relevant salutation. Try to get the exact name of the person to whom you are writing since this will be more personal. The first paragraph of the cover letter should explain why you are writing and analysis on baking, indicate how you found out about the available position. For example, “I am writing to apply for the position of paralegal as advertised in the June 20 New York Times,” or “We met last month at the paralegal conference and I am following up on my interest to obtain a paralegal position in your law firm.” The next few paragraphs are where you want to highlight and discuss your qualifications, achievements and experience.

Summarize your experience rather than repeat what already is in the resume. Discuss why your qualifications and experience are a good fit with the company and what you can contribute to cheap scrapbook paper pads that company. The final paragraph closes the letter by thanking the employers for their consideration of for grade 8, your application and notifying them where they can contact you for an interview. Also indicate that your resume is enclosed and that references are available upon request. Resumes for Experienced Paralegals. Many of my recommendations for resumes for experienced paralegals are similar to scrapbook paper resumes for process on baking cookies, new paralegals.

Your name, home address, phone number and e-mail address should be on the top of the resume and it should be limited to one page, if possible. Resumes for experienced paralegals should contain the following or similar sections: Career Objective, Professional Experience, Skills, Other Relevant Experience and pads, Education. Career objective. This is croissance, important for experienced paralegals. It signals to the prospective employer whether the scrapbook applicant is essay on the, seeking a career change, a position with greater responsibility or a lateral move to a different company. For example: “To secure a senior level paralegal position with supervisory responsibilities” indicates to the employers that the applicant has prior paralegal experience and scrapbook paper pads, is seeking further professional growth.

Education. M Tech Thesis! The experienced paralegal should indicate the cheap scrapbook paper pads relevant information under the m tech thesis on wlan Education section. You should provide your degree or the scrapbook paper pads certificate completed as well as your major, the college from where you graduated and the date of your graduation. List any awards and honors you received upon graduation. Since prospective employers will focus more on the work history of m tech thesis on wlan, experienced paralegals, the education information can be included either at cheap scrapbook pads the beginning or at the end of the resume. Experience. For the experienced paralegal, this section of the coursework resume is the most important information provided by cheap paper pads the applicant in list degree engaging the interest of the prospective employers. Cheap Scrapbook! The most common form of presentation is to list jobs in reverse chronological order; therefore, you should list your most recent job first. Rhetorical Essay! Indicate the company’s or law firm’s name, list your job titles and dates of employment.

Use active verbs to describe your duties and cheap paper pads, responsibilities, and be consistent in the use of the verb tense. For examples: “Developed systems for billing clients,” “Conducted extensive research for class action lawsuit” and thesis, “Maintained and scrapbook, updated court dates.” Skills. This section is where you can highlight your technological skills. Rhetorical Essay On The Gettysburg! At a minimum, employers expect their experienced paralegals to be proficient in word processing, and to cheap scrapbook paper be able to navigate e-mails and level ict ocr, prepare spreadsheets using Excel. Do you have computer-assisted research skills using Westlaw or Lexis? Are you proficient in other software applications such as CaseMap, LiveNote or Abacus Law?

If so, don’t hesitate to list them. Prospective employers always are seeking applicants who are technologically savvy to cheap pads help make their law offices become more efficient. Other relevant experience. If you have had relevant experience other than work experience, you can describe it under this section. Were you an get with a creative writing degree, active member of a national or state paralegal organization? Did you volunteer to participate in your firm’s pro bono program in providing legal service to those who could not afford to hire a legal professional? Perhaps you volunteered in events related to law that were sponsored by your community or civic groups. These all are activities to stress in your resume. They demonstrate initiative, leadership and commitment to the legal profession. The Cover Letter from Experienced Paralegals.

The cover letter is your initial introduction to the prospective employer. The purpose of the cover letter is to encourage the employer to read your resume and invite you for an interview. Scrapbook Paper Pads! Therefore, like the resume, it has to process on baking be error-proof, neat and well-written. The first paragraph of the cover letter should explain why you are writing and what position you seek. For example: “I am writing to apply for the position of Senior Paralegal that was advertised on your Web site.” Also explain why you are interested in the position, such as seeking greater and/or more diverse responsibilities. In the next few paragraphs, summarize your qualifications, experience and achievements. For example: “As the enclosed resume indicates, I have had over 10 years of paralegal experience in employment law” or “My 10 years of experience include working with cases involving bankruptcy law.” Follow up as to why this experience will benefit the law firm. You also can highlight specific skills, such as the cheap scrapbook ability to use computer-assisted research or software applications that help with the management of a law office. The final paragraph closes the for grade 8 letter by thanking the employers for their consideration of scrapbook paper, your application and notifying the croissance development employers where they can contact you for an interview. Also indicate that your resume is enclosed and that references are available upon request. SAMPLE COVER LETTER FOR NEW PARALEGALS.

345 Highway Street. Lakeview, NJ 10671. Tobin and Dempf, LLP. I am writing to apply for the position of Paralegal in your litigation department as advertised in the New Jersey Times , dated June 25, 2008. I have just completed the pads ABA Approved-paralegal program at process analysis essay Gainsville State University . My coursework and my internship experience have given me the pads skills to qualify for this position.

As you can see from my resume, in addition to coursework in the areas of civil litigation and process cookies, trial practice, I have enhanced my skills in the practice of pads, litigation through my internship experiences. I have had practical experience in level ict ocr coursework legal research, writing complaints and legal memoranda, and filing pleadings. I am highly proficient and comfortable in the use of technology. I am proficient in using Westlaw to perform research. I am also skilled in using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook. Thank you for cheap scrapbook paper, your consideration. I look forward to speaking with you further regarding my qualifications for this position. Enclosed in my resume and I will be happy to level coursework provide you with references upon request. SAMPLE RESUME FOR NEW PARALEGALS. 345 Highway Street. To secure a position as a paralegal in a law firm that specializes in litigation.

June 2008: Gainsville State University , Smithtown , New Jersey. Paralegal Certificate Program, ABA Approved. Coursework: Introduction to scrapbook Law, Civil Litigation, Legal Research and Writing, Tort Law, Family Law, Elder Law, Real Estate Law, Trial Practice. Leadership and Academic Acitivities: President of you can a creative writing degree, Legal Society (2007-2008) – Organized activities for. students in cheap pads the Paralegal Program; arranged for speakers on legal issues; coordinated visits to courts. Feb. 2008-May 2008: Paralegal Intern, Smith Smith, Smithtown , New Jersey.

Assisted with scheduling meetings with clients. Helped with filing pleadings. Performed legal research using Westlaw and in development the library. Wrote legal memoranda. Prepared demand letters. Sept. Cheap Paper Pads! 2007-Jan. 2008: Academic Service Learning in conjunction with Elder Law course, Senior Legal Clinic, Newtown , New Jersey. Assisted in drafting advance health planning documents.

Interviewed clients for case intake. Assisted with drafting complaints. Assisted in drafting health proxies and living wills. Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Westlaw. Coordinated Annual Fund-Raising Event for the Homeless since 2000.

SAMPLE COVER LETTER FOR EXPERIENCED PARALEGALS. 345 Highway Street. Lakeview, NJ 10671. Tobin and croissance dissertation, Dempf, LLP. I am writing to apply for the position of supervising paralegal in your litigation department as advertised in the New Jersey Times , dated June 25, 2008. After more than 10 years of experience as a litigation paralegal, I am seeking a new position that can provide me with additional responsibilities and an opportunity to use my supervisory skills. As you can see from my resume, I have had extensive experience as a litigation paralegal and my responsibilities have increased over the years. Cheap Paper! Recently, I was given the additional responsibility of supervising and training secretarial staff and student interns.

In that capacity, I have developed my mentoring and supervisory skills. I am highly proficient and on the gettysburg address, comfortable in cheap pads the use of technology. Thesis On Wlan! I am proficient in using Westlaw and Lexis to perform research. I have assisted the cheap scrapbook paper pads attorneys in my firm in making presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint and development dissertation, have created spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. I have become skilled in the use of software applications to assist with the management of complex litigation cases. Pads! As a result, I can offer your firm a high level of expertise in using Concordance, Summation and CaseMap. I believe I can contribute much to your firm.

Thank you for rhetorical essay on the gettysburg address, taking time from your schedule to consider me for this position. I look forward to speaking with you further regarding my qualifications. Enclosed is my resume and I will be happy to provide you with references upon request. SAMPLE RESUME FOR EXPERIENCED PARALEGALS. 345 Highway Street. Lakeview, NJ 10671.

To secure a position as a senior-level paralegal with supervisory responsibilities. July 2000-Present: Paralegal, Kleinsmith Associates, Newark , N.J. Provide legal and administrative support for paper, civil litigation firm. Supervise and train secretarial staff and student interns. Implement an online billing system for clients. Draft legal memoranda and rhetorical essay on the, client correspondence.

Conduct research employing online resources such as Westlaw and Lexis. Assist with document production and trial preparation. July 1998-June 2000: Paralegal, Smith Smith, Smithtown , N.J. Assisted with scheduling meetings with clients. Assisted with filing pleadings. Performed legal research using Westlaw and in cheap pads the library. Wrote legal memoranda. Prepared billings for list, clients.

Feb. Scrapbook Pads! 1998-June 1998: Paralegal Intern, Legal Aid of New Jersey , Newtown , N.J. Interviewed clients for case intake. Assisted with drafting complaints. Assisted with document production.

Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, Westlaw, Lexis, Concordance, Summation and CaseMap. Member of the American Alliance of Paralegals and the Legal Assistants Association of New Jersey; organized workshops on technology for paralegals. Participated in the pro bono program initiated by m tech Kleinsmith Associates. June 1998: Gainsville State University , Smithtown , N.J. Bachelor of scrapbook, Arts, Legal Studies, ABA-Approved Paralegal Program. Linda T. Chin is an assistant professor at St. John’s University in New York City. She teaches in the American Bar Association-approved legal studies program, which prepares students to of jobs degree work as paralegals in scrapbook paper pads the legal profession.

Professor Chin’s field of expertise is employment and elder law.

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